Friday, August i I neral Fund warrants— Edington Typewriter Cc I suppl‘es .......... * 81.13 1.35 over & Conover, poor----- «yaniook Mer Co, poor------- 40.15 7.20 fioghn and Larson, poor— . E Koch, tests ---------------- 45.85 85.00 gyrtie 0 Miils, salary-------- / H Goyne. dist aty------------ 128.25 3.00 I E Simmons, supplies-------- 3.90 IT jl Olney, supplies---------- I John A- Benson, poor--------- 34.33 Headlight Pub Co, printing.. 60-40 John Aschim, shrf and exp— 203.94 L s Hushbeck, poor---------- 171.95 5.50 p w Barrett, printing.-------- 90.00 ’ E Epplett, janitor---------- Kathleen Mills, treas and ex 130-38 Hiry Reynolds, poor---------- 123.35 Smithy’s Variety Store, sup... 20.08 Crystal Laundry Co. poor— 15.75 .50 Conover and Conover, sup.— geeher Furniture Co, .25 court house — ------- —— .68 frank Heyd and Co, repairs 4.95 A K Case, repairs -- ----------- Mrs. Henrietta Burdick .25 laundry -.............................. 6.75 E W Stanley, Justice court- 9.82 jV E Finzer Co, supplies----- G B Lamb, school supt.—... 150-00 Marion Hare salary ............ . 95.00 8.71 G B Lamb, expenses.............. 8.38 Irwin-Hodson Co. supplies— 5.85 Bushong and Co,' supplies— l'HE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 7 ------------- C A Johnson, assesor & exp 155 40 Grover Hart, jus co Ore Arti Limb Co. poor 150.00 Myrtle Wallin, alary _ __ „_ 100.00 Chester Thomas, jus co. V Alley, co com _____ __ 199.25 F S Armentrout, salary____ 125.00 Mrs Jos Parrazo, jus co____ M Farmer, co com_____ 158.55 G B Lamb, expenses 14.00 Dr J P Sharp, jus co_____ R Tinnerstet. danry and Pollyanna Shop, poor ___ "L 20.70 E E Koch, jus co..._............... and food com ....„__ _____ 175.00 E W Stanley, Justice Court.. 38.85 Geo J Burckhard jus co___ John A Ben*on and Co poor 35.20 Clark Embum, justice court 20 00 Alex McNair jus 00 Joseph Mannix, cir co __ _ 26.00. E " Stanley, justice court... 12 70 Ed Stark, jus co __ H S Brimhall, co elk_ ____ 150 00» Royal Restaurant, jus coourt Chas Wells jus co . Bernice E Ripley, salary___ 100.00; ami jail ................ ............. st) 45 Ike Wells, jus co.... Edna L Mills, salary______ 95.00 City Transfer Co, fair F L Braden, jus co. Carolina T Portman, salary 90.00 *80 Peder Erickson jus co___ grounds and improvem’t Margaret R Shearer salary . 45.00 1 H F Goodspeed, jus co.___ 1.20 Percy Sheldon, jus co _ Glass and Prudhomme Co Leslie Harrison, jus co 1.20 C E Trombley, jus co supplies _____ __ _______ 9.26 S A Broadhead, jus co 1.20 R F Zachman jus co Bushong & Co, supplies____ 10.87 Harley Foland, jus co... 1.20 A Dauch jus co__ 25.50 J F Jones dist sealer___ ___ 7.42 Willard Church, jus co. 1.20 E E Gilmer, jus co 25.50 A L McCarty fire warden__ 236.50 A L Thomas jus co___ 1.20 King Crenshaw Co supplies 3.15 W S Coates surveyor______ 7.2o Ransom Thldner, jus co 7.50 J C Holden, salary ____ ,___ 150 00 A B Cole repairs............. ....... 3.75 Louis Widner, jus co._ 7.50 E W Holden salary and ex... 115.00 Geo J Burckhard repairs... . 17.7.6 Lloyd Hunt, jus co 7.50 L B Lucas, salary_________ 15000 Mrs Cora E DeFord poor____ 35.00 F R Beals, jus co. 7.50 Ellen Norberg salary ........... 95.00 John R Patterson pus co___ 13.55 F L Burkey, jus co 1.20 V E Simmons supplies____ 2.75 Kilham Sty and Ptg Co sup 16.75 G H Foland, jus co 1.20 Johanna York, mo pen____ ». 17.50 Irpin Hodson Co supplies.... 4.15 Elmer Hall, jus co­ 1.20 Ivel V Gillam mo pen_____ 17.50 Dr W C Hawk poor... 13.35 Arthur Tippen, jus co 2.00 Augusta E 'Williams mo pen 1000 Nelson & Co. poor 48.86 J A Dawson, jus co __ Marie Getchell mo pen... ..... 40.00 Frederick Post Co, supplies... . 8.10 Lou Trent, jus co_____ Myrtle F. Dougherty mo pen 10.00 Sunset Garage, rps and sup . 96.85 Ranson Widner, jus co Mary L Dye mo pen......... ...... 32.50 A F Coats Lumber Co lbi.... . 1.50 Tilman Trent, jus co Elwe Hellebuyck mo pen __ 32.50 Tillamook Co Mut Tel Co 10-30 James Hunt, jus co Gertrude Bigelow mo pen..._ 17.50 Chas F Pankow rps & su > 9S.20 Louis, Widner, jus Henrietta Burklck mo pen... 32.50 Tillamook Garage rps & sup 86.12 F R Beals, j us Dr J N Shaw dairy lid insp 180-00 W S Coats surveyor........ 83.86 E E Koch, jus co Anderson Bros supplies ___ 10.00 W E Anderson surveyor. 70.36 A E Worthington, ]s co... Lamars Drug Store supplies 83.70 A H Gulstrom surveyor. WW... .. 2.39 I H Moore, jus co. T C Percy repairs .................. 23.94 2.60 W 11 Stark surveyor........ Len Hiner, jus co ........... Coast Power Co, power 19.4 1 H M Shearer surveyor . Virgil Donaldson, jus co and lights .......... .............. 47.00 F L Sappington viewer 4.99 J C Pangborn, jus co— H S Brimhall, bounty and * sup 8.75 Carl Hunt, jus co.__.... .60 and express ..... ......... ....... 28.36 Pacific Tel & Tel Co... . 48.65 W J Stillwell, jus co. .40 Alex McNair and Co, sup.... Market Road Warrants .50 Alwin J Blum jus co .60 Rosevelt Highway Garage King Crenshaw Co ........ ...... 3 24.76 Willard J&ohnson, jus co. .80 repairs and supplis ____ 18.00 23.60 Geo Olson .......................... A L Thomas, jus co ... . 3.20 Homer Mason co jud expen 180-92 Continued on page 4) FUNDAMENTAL1 MUSIC TRAINING Taught by MRS. E. E. KOCH Ford Chevrolet Overland Dort Elgin MISS MARIE HOLDEN Assistant Teacher Every child should have a good foundation to promote the building of a good mus­ ical education. $17-27 Largest Stock of Bat teries in County Special attention is given to advance work. Arrangements are now being made for the term be­ ginning September 4th. * PHONE nW repair and service all makes of batteries Delco, Remy and Connecticut Service Furniture New and Used AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE YOUR INSPECTION INVITED Tillamook Fuin Company FIX AND FIT SHOP George J. Burckard, Manager Sheet Metal and Plumbing Work CHURCH of al! descriptions I Hot Water and Steam Heating Pipe and Pipeless Furnaces Insurance We Repair Radiators and Do Guarantee Them BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING “QUALITY AND SERVICE” OUR MOTTO Notice is hereby given that the I County Board of Equalization, will meet at the office of the County Assessor, at the Court House In Tin amook County, Oregon, on Monday, the eleventh day of September, 192?. and publicly examine the asseisinent rolls of Tillamook county, for the year 1922, and correct all errors In valuations, descriptions of land, lots or other property. Said board will continue in ses­ sion from day to day until the ex­ amination, correction and equaliza­ tion of the'aBsessment rolls shall be completed. All persons interested are re­ quested to appear at said time and place, as no changes can be made after the adjournment of the board. Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, this fourteenth day of August, 1922. C. A. JOHNSON, County Assessor. 45-4t ONLY $5.75 SAVE TIME AND WORRY Ths business or home woman will find a Commercial Account at the First National most convient. It will save her much time, as she can sit at home and mail out checks, and It will save her the worry of perhaps having to pay a bill the second time, because she can’t find her receipt. It is modern, up-to-date method,a simplifier of the many details Involved in paying by cash. Talk to us about It. c» • x DIRECTORS John Morgan W. J. Riechers. A. W. Bunn B. C. Lamb. Henry Roger« C. J. Edwards. C. A. McGhee TILLAMOOK to PORTLAND and return Sales dates: Friday and Saturday Return limit: 15 days from sale date Ask Agent About Season Fares Need A New Range Kitchen Hardware and Cooking Utensils Paint to Brighten up the Furniture Farming Implements Travel now and realize big tion costs See our new and complete line of these articles Southern Pacific Lines I ALEX MCNAIR & CO. profits in transporta­ John M. Scott General Passenger Agent Tillamook, Oregon