THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT AllffUSt V. ’022 SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES ANOTHER THOUGHT Don’t let the rainy days etop your moving The City Transfer.. canvas to cover all your your home with goods CALL US DAY OR NIGHT Our Motto: Quick service and re asonable rates. PORTLAND AUTO STAGE Ivan Donaldson, Mgr. Tillamook, Ore. Lv Tillamook, 7:30 a.m. 3 & 6:30 p.m. Leaves Portland—8: 30 a. tn., 12:30 p. in., 3:30 p m. ▼la - Grand Rounde, Willamina, Sheridan, McMinnville, Dayton, Newburg, Multnomah. COAT LIME 2BW Office: Nat’l Bank Bldg. Ground Floor Both Phones: Bell 43-J P. O. Box 197 PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO L. V. EBERHARDT, Prop. Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook County SALE—180 acre dairy farm for $16,000, situated about five miles southeast from Tillamook City, Oregon, forty acres in grass, considerable more land easily cleared. All under fence. Two good houses and large barn on the place. Includes 12 cows and all other livestock, farm machinery, implements and tools. Inquire of T. H. Goyne or J. Merrell Smith. Tillamook, Oregon. 36-tf FOR SALE—Two acre tract in edge of Tillamook City. Fine eight room house, garage, and other out buildings. Inquire of Roy Woods, Beaver, Oregon. 34tf VAUGHN DRAGSAWS — HEAVY and light weights, with and with­ out clutch. Prices reduced Feb­ ruary 1st. E. G. Krebs. 15-tf F0R sale 17 lots in Block 3, Mil­ ler’s addition to Tillamook City. Inquire of T. H. Goyne, Tillamook!. Oregon, for prices. 28-tf FOR SALE Six-room modern house Lot 50x150- For sale at sacrifice. Terms, apply K 110, Headlight. 33tf FOR SALE—XX’ht is known as the Henry Hayes rarm of loo acres <»<• Sand Lake road near Hemlock. 80 acres of which has quantity of good fir timber, balance farming and grazing land. Has house barn and other buildings, and a good bearing orchard. Place fenced. Lots of grass. In condition to be gin dairying at once. Good living water all the year around on every 40 acres. Must be sold by execu­ tor without delay. This is your chance to get a good farm at a reasonable price. Inquire of T. H. Goyne, ! Execu -1 tor, Tillamook, Oregon. 38-tf FOR SALE— 35 acres choice bottom land, new house and barn costing $4500. For sale on easy terms. In­ quire at this office, H108. 30-tf FOR SALE -Studebaker auto cheap, or trade for lighter car. This car ’s fully equipped ha* 1323 li­ cense. XV. A. Sournmay«. * o - it I FOR SALE—Good heavy team per­ fectly true. Merle Holman, Hebo, Oregon. p44t4 FOR SALE—Boat. One pair oaors. . oar locks, two anchor ropes, one pony lantern, three shovels. Also one Evenrude motor, batteries, two five-gallon oil cans. Will sell sep­ arate. Can be seen at O Harrah place at Netarts. XV. H. Dorr. 38tf FOR SALE—Loganberries by the crate or gallon. Wm. !B. Rife, 41-ti Mutual phone. FOR SALE—No. 2 Russle saw mill complete; 25 hp Advance steen traction engine; 10 lip upright boiler; small planer; two 8x10 stationary enginei dry kiln; log turn; horizontal shingle machine and saws; live rolls; Halleck ma­ chine; location Twin Rocks, Ore­ gon, G. A. DeBois. p441t FOR SALE or TRADE—Four choice lots on Main street in Baker, Ore., Jive minutes walk from postoffice in best residence district, will sac­ rifice for $800, or will take good auto for all or part. Box 416, Tillamook, or inquire R117 Head- 44tf light office. FOR SALE—80 acre farm near Beavre, Oregon. House and barn, Six acres cultivated, ten acres slashed. School near property. Good neighborhood. Address BN 103. care Headlght. 43-tO Agricultural Commerce Engineering. Mechanic Arts Forestry Military Science, Tactics WHEN YOU HAVE CATTLE FOR sale call Ed. Hadley, Mutual phone. 18 tf WANTtD— HOUSEWORK. QI 1 6. Headlight. 43-tf CATTLE TO PASTURE—Yearlings, $1; 2-year olds, $1.50; cows, $2; per month, Josi Brothers, on the p44-3t tideland. XVANTED Hop rockers for largest ranch in Oregon. We furnish wood, water, tent or room, for families, straw for bedding and pay 50c per box. Write for reg- istration card and circular. E Clemens Horst Co., Independence, 44t2 Oregon. What is malnutrition? It is a weak condition of the body caused by lack of nourishment. The food may not contain some element needed for blood repair, or it may lack some­ thing for bone repair. The whole structure is weakened thereby. Then some day an organ gives away, Life NOTICE TO is cut short. MILK Is a wonderful nutrient ms- terial that tones up the blood, cor- reels the secretions of glsnds ind la aus ume repairs ins damaged or­ A gan or tissue. Order Golden Rod Dairy Milk. Clarified Golden Rod Dairy Both Phones Erwin Harrison, Prop. I CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Tillamook county, Oregon, will until 10 o'clock, Sep­ tember 1, 1922, receive bids for the construction of a 234 foot steel d4w span and trestle approaches across Nehalem river between Ne­ halem and Wheeler, according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the County Clerk of Tillamook county. Oregon. No bld will be accepted unless ac­ companied by cash, certified check, or bidders bond for an amount equal to at least 5 percent of the total amount of the bid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids or to accept the bid deemed beet for Tillamook county. Signed: H. 8. BRIMHALL. Co. Clerk. First publication Aug. 10, 1*23. Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Portland. Ore. July 22, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that Sam­ uel H. White, of Tillamook, Oregon, who, on September 4th, 1917, made Homestead Entry No. 04920, for Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Section 1, Town­ ship 1 S., Range 9 W„ W. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the County court for Tillamook county, < Oregon, at Tilla- mook, Oregon, on the 1 1st day of September, 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: D. R. Tinnerstett, of Tillamook, Ore., William Foster, of Tillamook, Ore., F. A. Beltz, of Tillamook, Oregon; C. H. Schultz, of Tillamook. Oregon. ALEXANDER SWEEK. 42-5t e Register. * Fall Term Opens September 18 For circulars of information and Illustrated booklet write to The Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon Friendship and Finance « The Prosperity Of Our Depositors Is Of Great Importance To Us We want you t< deposit V. R. C. Corinth Relief Corps No. 54 Dept, of Oregon, meets on first and third Friday evenings of each month, at 8 p. m„ In the W. O. W. hall. Vlst tors welcome. Mrs. Clarence Stanley, President Elizabeth Conover, Sec’y. Corinth Post,No. 35,Dept- of Oregon Meets on second and on fourth Saturdays of each month at 1:30 p. .m is W. O. W. J. S. DIEHL, Comdr. H. W. SPEAR, Adjt. Johnson i as well as M 0 N E Y when you start an account with us. Your interests will be protected and you will be assured of OUR Friendship in return for your Confidence. MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM »Tillamook County Bank ■■. ! 1-1JJ WALLPAPER The largest stock of wallpaper ever in Tillamook a Faints, Oils, Turpentine, Etc. C. L. LEWIS COMPANY We Lead; Others Follow IN QUALITY AND IN PRICE I TILLAMOOK, CALL AND SEE US If you cannot call phone in your order TILLAMOOK TIRE CO SERVICE STATION OREGON Notice is hereby given, that the f'ounty Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, has appointed DAVID ROBINSON the undersigned administrator of th" estate of Otto Nicolay, deceased, and I any and all persons having claims Physician and Surgeon against said estate are required to present them to the undersigned at National Bld*. Tillamook, Ore. his residence in Tillamook City, Ore­ gon, or to T. II. Goyne, Attorney at Law, at Ms nttU“ 1» Tillamook Z----------------------------------- \ City, Oregon, properly verified, to­ Dell 121 M Mutual gether with the proper vouchers, TILLAMOOK IRON WORKS within six months from the date General machinists and black­ of this notice. smiths Datgd July 13th, 1922. H. Sander R. N. HENKLE. Administrator of the Estate of Otto Nicolay, Deceased. ■V z DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist A Few Leaders for Next Week r irst quality tires and tubes at special prices: ¿0x3, Fabric tire........................................... $ 7.83 Grey tube . I.50 30x3 Yi Fabric tire 8-55 I.92 Grey tube ............ 50x3% Cord tire . IO.55 ¿2x3% Cord tire 19 35 2.04 Grey tube 19-35 02x4 Cord tire 2.40 Grey tube 20.30 Cord tire 33x4 2.52 Grey tube 2.64 Grey tube 21.00 34*-r Cord tire M Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 o’clock o.m., the 26th day of August, 1922, by the under­ signed and immedlately thereatter publicly opened by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, at the office of said Court In the County Harvey Eblnger, See. Courthouse in Tillamook City Oregon for the purpose of bonds of said County issued for the building of permanent roads herein in the sum of $71,400, same being in denomi­ nations of $1,000 each, with the ex­ Tuesday eve., 7:30 p. m. ception of bond No 1, for $400, num­ Rebekah* Wednesday evening bered 1 to 72 inclusive, dated July Camp 2-4. Thursday 1922, and maturing serially in numerical order as follows: $11,400 on the 1st day of July, 1937; ■*» I i 30,000 ’’ ” ’........................ 1938; ( Light weight 30,000 ............ . " ” ’’ 1939; VAUGHAN DRAGSAW said bonds to bear Interest at five At and one-half per-cent (5 Mi) per annum, payable semi-annually on 3 E. G. KREBS January and July first, principal and Interest payable In United t. J States gold coin of the present stan­ dard value at tho office of the Coun­ ty Treasurer or at the Fiscal Agency II. T. Dotte Geo. P. Winslow of the State of Oregon in New York City, ,(t the option of the holder. BOTTS & WINSLOW Sahl blds must be accompanied by Lawyer* certified check for five per-cent of the amount of bid and must be un­ Tillamook Oregon con ditional. The tip; iprovlng legal oppinion of Messers. 1 Teal. Minor and Wlnfree. of Por tl„nd, Oregon, will be fur­ nlahed ine succesfui bidder. Phone 7 fi-J The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. DR. C. H POLLOCK, D.M.D. H. 8. BRIM HALL Dentist Clerk 43-t4 215 16 17 Tillamook Bldg. Administrator” Notice to Creditors Wholesale and Retail Chapter No. R. A. M. Stated convocations every first and third Fridays. Visitors welcome. I. E. Keldeon, Sec. ■ *" -■ ■■ "■ "■ Tillamook Lodge No. 57, A.F. & A.M* Stated Communication eeo- ond Wednesday in each month Visiting Brsthraa welcome. NOTICE OF BOND SALE FRIENDSHIP WANTED TO BUY MALNUTRITION!! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION It offers training also in: The school of music, physical edu- cation, Industrial journalis a. I Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 O. E. 3. Stated communications first and tmrd Thursdays 01 each month tv From now on the stage office will Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. CORA L. MILLER, Secretary be at the New Depot across from the Tillamook Hotel. The public is invited to make this their waiting jT Marathon Lodge No. room when in town. All Informa­ 93. Knights of Pyth tion relative to stages may be ob­ las. Regular meeting tained by calling 41-W or Mutual. xROHRBr Monday evening at Ivan Donaldson, Portland-Tilla­ 7:45 sharp. By order mook Stage Line. 41-tf of the Chancelier Commander. It offers training for collegiate degrees in: Home Economics Mines Pharmacy Vocational Education Chemical Engineering I can sell or trade anything —any- where C. W. Millership. 165 H 4th ’St.. Portland. Phone Main 5275 2#-tf r This institution offers a thorough, practical and standard education at a cost within reach of the high school graduate FOB SALE OREGON Is prepared to send experienced packers into WHY WORRY O. A. C. CONOVER & CONOVER ■■■ Lodge DirectoryJ Are the Best Recommendation of What would you think of this? To anyone making a $2.00 purchase of sugar or other goods in our store, will be entitled to one pair of $8.50 Florschiem shoes for 50c, 100 yards best gingham at lc per yard, or any quant­ ity of dress silks needed at 10c per yard. You know, it can’t be done, but prove to us that your’s is a desirable credit account, then when sickness stops your pay check, don’t worry! Your wife and children won’t go hungry. TILLAMOOK, ■ Don’t forget that Portland stages x- ----------------------------------------------------- v carry trunks free. Try our reduced 1 round trip rates. 43-tf Real Estate Rentals Permanently located In Tilla­ mook. Private office in Jenkin’s jewelry store. Latest up-to-date Instruments and equipment. Ev- enings and Sunday by apnolnt- ment. F. D. MITCHELL Associate member of Portland Realty Board Complete Len* Grinding Fac tory on the Premise*. Any len* duplicated. Hotel and Nat Open Tillamook. Oregon J Bayocean, Ore. I ( DR 0 L. HOHTFELD DS J. e. I Suite 110 1-O.O.F. Building Veterinarian Bell Phone 8F2. BREAKER Surgery Muths) Phone Tillamook Oregon ,___ / Oregon Tillamook 'S A BARRICK R T. BOALS. * HALL D. Sut geon and Phy tirina Attorney* at Law I. O. 0 F. Building National Building Tillamook M Oregon Tillamook S.