TILLAMOOK ¿EiHamooh A Weekly Paper Published every Friday by the Meadlight Publishing Company, Inc. Tillamook. Oregon Both Téléphoné. Entered aa eecond-claae matter In Che poMottlce at Tillamook, Oregon. Subeeription Rate* One year ----------------------------|J.OO 51x months__________________ 1.00 Three months_________________ .76 Payable in advance One good thing about those small mustaches any way is that they don’t droop “ J I “Woman Always Pays, says a headline. Not ]” when i she can have it charged. It is not for us to criticize i those birds who insist that their ancestors were mon­ keys. hard surfacing the main highways, it is a debatable question whether it is not more economical to macada­ mize and expend a certain amount every year on main­ tenance. It costs $30,000 to construct a mile of hard sur­ face road. Of course, the amount of travel and clima­ tic conditions must be taken into consideration, but there are those who are inclined to think more roads could be1 built by not expending so much money on hard sur­ facing and more for maca­ dam, with proper yearly maintenance. GEORGE Our Boy Reporter It’s warm agen but the cheef says if you have got in the fucher look If a bee can sting like the enny faith sum cold wether in devil on a diet of honey out for bout 4 munths maybe what would he do on a diet a sooner. of lemon juice? jim dash Its a holliday in the bank The truly good man will in Persia to morrer but it go to sleep in church rather ain’t nothin here but work in than let his mind wonder on our banks. the price of hogs. jim dash Mister Reedy’s back from The local preacher who California seein the sites an surrendered his permit to his family also which went drive an auto after a smash with him to keep him from up, must have had a guilty gettin home sick I gess. jim dash conscience and did the right Mrs. Bruce wich is from thing by repenting. Missouri an Nellie an Marie an Sylvester went to the o- The rain last week may slitin an went in bathin but have inconvenienced some of didn’t like it wich is blood our visitors and campers, relashuns to Mrs. Bryan and but it brought a smile of Mrs. Alva Williams visitin satisfaction on the counten* here. ances of every dairyman in jim dash the county. Mister Shearer an Mister White an Mister Ben Joy an It will be noticed that a Mister Henry Heisel went letter, which appears in an­ to the Dalles that time to other column, makes the the Legion to talk a bout the suggestion that instead of war an had a dandy time an placing the word “Tilla­ seen lots of sites an had sum mook” on the cheese manu­ good eats. jim dash factured in this county that it be changed to “Tillamook Irene Pangborn’s back Oregon”. The point is well from Lafayette seein sum taken, for this is not the first frends on vacashun an get- time that we have been in­ tin sum good eats. You al­ formed that Tillamook is in ways eat more when you some other state. ain’t home less its in a res- trunt which European. jim dash Business men of the coun­ Clint King ’s quit farmin ty should all cooperate with the fair board in making the an’s gone to work for a liv- county fair a success. Quite in. He’s up to the Tilla­ a number of the business mook grodge. jim dash men have decided to have Mrs. Rose Wilkes an Mrs. booths at the fair, but there are still some vacant booths Wallan an Mrs. Bert Stev'l to be had. The fair board ens all had sum relashuns asked the Chamber of Com­ visitin them b marridge an merce to help in this matter, wun of them wus tharc sis- jim dash with the result that the busi­ ter. ness men will cooperate. But Pauline Beals is home vis­ those who have not ar­ itili but she’s marrid now an ranged for booths should do 1 don't no whats her name so at once. Displays by the marrid. business men have always jim dash helped to make the county fair a success. Mister John Hofinan’s got pigs an hogs for sale. We a pitcher in a bout two Those who have had occa­ had weeks of wun of the sion to check Over ballot pigs I ago meen whats part boxes, talley sheets and elec­ wite an part black. tion returns turned in to the jim dash county clerk after an elec­ Mister Serrel had Mister tion, know that election Stork up visitin last boards, in a large number of munth. He’s here them now vis­ precincts, need a little edu­ itili a round with old frends cation as to their duties. It for a couple of munths an’s often occurs, through the goin to be cross the street negligence of some election from us next week mv moth- * boards, that the official er says. count is delayed on account jim dash of talley sheets being mis­ If yo mvant to go fishin sing. This was a matter that you can't get no baits up to the republican county cen­ Mister .Anderson's groshry tral committee discussed re­ store cause he sed he dont cently, and in all probability have no baits an rebaits a plan will be adopted where j neether. Rebaits is when, by election boards can be in- the fish gets the bait an you1 telligently informed as toi haff to put on sum more I their duties. t u e s s. HEADLIGHT » 'Friday, August 18, 192 farMA MATTHEWS CHURCHLESS CHILDREN « There are twenty-five million boy» and girls outside of the Sunday School in this country. Every child in America should be in some Sunday School every’ Sunday morning. Everv child should be accompanied to Sunday School by his parents. The mother who doesn't bring her child into the world dedicated to God has committed a crime against the child. The father who doesn't lead his child to the altar of worship, rev­ erence, and devotion has committed a crime against his child and against •ociety; for he has teft out of the child’s training the greatest factor. Parents who refuse to bring their children to church, and who refuse to allow their children to unite with the church and become devout Christian workers are stumbling blocks; they are curses to their children. There is but oae remedy for the Condition m this country, and that is salvation by Jesus Christ There is but one place in which that salvation can be found, and that is in God’s in­ fallible Word. There is but one in­ stitution authorized to teach that Word, namely the orthodox Christian church. Every child should be in Sunday School »nd in the church pew on Sun­ day morning sitting beside hts parents. Children are never too young to be eaved. ’-ut if they are neglected and grow to be .kl men and women hard­ ened ia am they ma> become loo old to be saved. It is extremely expensive to the government for a child to grow to be old in sin and crime. It costs millions to save an old man from the error of his way. A child can be saved at the threshold of child­ hood and thus save his soul and so­ ciety untold expense. The father who uses his automobile on Sunday to take his child away from the church not only breaks the Ten Commandments, but he is a curse to the child and a menace to this gov­ ernment. The father who spends his Sunday on the golf links is a fraud so far as a religious influence is concerned, and he is a menace to the spiritual devel­ opment of his child. It is the business of the father to be in the Sunday School with his child, and it is the business of the child to be in the church pew by the side of his father. a Why do people neglect to bring their children to Christ arid into the church? Such parents and such ne­ glect are bringing untold sorrow and expense and reflection upon this coun­ try. The juvenile courts and the penal institutions are full of the children who come from such homes. Parents, you are either a curse or a blessing to your childrm. If you neglect your Sunday duty you are a curse to them. Children ought to be in the Sunday School and church if the nation is to be saved. I The Genie of the Wires Aladdin summoned the genie of the lamp and any wish was immediately gratified. At your command there is the genie of the wires. He will take your voice instantly—without regard to distance—wherever you may desire to send it. You are familiar with the conveniences of local telephone service, but have you ever thought of the pleasure or profit available in the use of the long distance lines? The genie of the lamp was the servant of a single individual. The genie of the wires will respond to the call of every telephone user. Every Bell telephone is a Long Distance station. “THE UNEMPLOYED Each day abounds in mystery to tax the thoughtful mind, and add its bit of history in lore of human kind. . . . Each problem up for solving demands a potent skill, and keeps tha wheels revolving In Ufa’s perpetual mill. . . .„ To me, the unsolved auestion is ever as before; dumbfounds with its ingestion—bewilders more and more. . „ I grope amid its fastnesa, and tremble at its frown. . „ a I marvel at its vastness no soul can put it down! The question I refer to, is of the ''unemployed.’* . . „ The ones s Job is dear to but seldom is enjoyed. « They cry aloud to Vulcan, and Agricola’s King—they crave to strike a welkin which never seems to ring I * My soul is wrapped in wonder.—It is, to help me Mikel I have to work like thunder,—I ain’t got time to strike I The ardent prayer for leisure Is ever bn my mind. . v . I’d pour iut all my treasure, for a job I couldn't hod I HOMEY PHILOSOPHY^ [ÄF0R1922 uxi ,l tV J Ö3 HOMEY PHILOSOPHY FOR 1922 I J Fame is a wonderful thing. Think of the bird that first con­ ceived the notion of starting a fire to keep warm before there was any fire. You know his name, of course. Then there was the boy who really owns all the gold in the world, the fellow who looked at a mountain, saw there was some stone in it, dug up the stone, saw there was metal in the stone and figured out how to get the metal out of the stone. You remember who he was, too. And the other boy, what’/his name—the chap tha. fixed out words that carried meaning, and spoke them at the rest of the gang so they could all converse? Every body knows who he was. -There’s no use talkin' It's very important to get your namq ¡o the paper an’ get a reputation. SAVE TIME AND WORRY The buaineaa or home woman will find a Commercial Account at the First National most eonvlent. It will save her much time, as she can alt at home and mall out checks, and It will save her the worry of perhaps having to pa) a bill the second time, because she can't find her receipt It Is modern, up to-date method.* simplifier of the many details Involved In paying by cash Talk to Ug about it. 1 DIRECTORS John Morgan W J. Riechers. A W. Bunn B C. Lamb. Henry Rogers •C. J Edward*. C A. McGhee T The First National Bank j A r/q/woQ/c. ORCGÖN. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company