THE TII.L?.,ûOGI< HEADLIGHT I Best Canning Peaches will be here first week in September * « ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ GARIBLDI ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Dolile Durlire has returned home. Bill Robbins was here transacting business. Monday Gravell's garage is almost pleted. TILLAMOOK FRUIT AND PRODDUCE CO WILL HAVE A CARLOAD AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES IT’S TRAVEL TIME Round trip fares now in effect afford great savings in travel costs Fares from Tillamook to SAN FRANCISCO, $51.50 SANTA BARBARA, $72.75 LINES LOS ANGELES, $73-75 SAN DIEGO, $82.00 Sale «lates daily to Sept. 30th, good until Oct. 31st Stopovers allowed ANYWHERE EAST THROUGH CALIFORNIA The way to see more of the U. S. A. Scene. / that charms plus every modern travel comfort and convenience will appeal to you fltop on at San Francisco-Loa Angeles-San Diego-—three world famous cities SI ECIAL TRAIN TO PORTLAND Sunda* August 6, 13, 20, 27, and Mon., Sept. 4 L\ I « lamook 4 p. in., ar Portland 10:30 p. in. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES com­ The Cloverdale Lumber Co. is get­ a charge of dynamite set off in the ting ready for business. They have hill near it while making way for a number for workmen ready to go the highway. ahead, and will put out a good pro­ duction when they start up. Special repairs are being made upon our school building this week Mrs. W. A. High and daughter, I preparatory to the opening of Evelyn, are visiting for a few days school soon. in Portland and valley points with friends. It is reported that probably soon the mail schedule between Clover­ Mr. and Mrs. A. Keusser were at dale and Grande Ronde, and be- Rockaway a few days last week en­ tween Cloverdale and Tillamook will joying a weel earned vacation from be changed to a night service. If the rnch. • it will be the worse for Clover­ dale and all the patrons along the Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith and way. But It Is what Tillamook Frank Nelson returned Monday wants, and if Tillamook swims the from a trip to Portland and Hood rest of us can float or do worse. River. Rev. C. R. Chase ot Grangeville, Idaho, was visiting with Rev. J. T. Mr. Rounds new home is almost Moore and family last week. Mr. ready for occupancy. Chase and Mr. Moore spent several years together In old Mexico. Dr. Larger's new houses are al- most finished. Some of our Cloverdaleites heard Senator Wooten’s address at Pacific cow Mr. Durlire lost a valuable City last Sunday and they say he la st Sunday. warmed up the Ku Kluxs. H. I. Sheldon’s brother from Cal- There is lot of road improvement lfornia is visiting him. It has been about six years since they last seen going on between Cloverdale and Neskowin, but the road bed in sev­ each other. eral places, being new and torn up, - Mrs. Marion Krumbloft returned is almost impassible since the re­ from Aberdeen, Washington, last cent rains. Friday. Arthur K. Wilson and Myrtle J. L. Kidder lias completed a new E. Bloom of McMinnville, who have been at the beach on a vacation, i addition to his place of business. concluded to be wise an dhappy and O. R. Stewart Is constructing a hence last Saturday evening they store room for a confectionery store. called at the Baptist parsonage, and Rev. J. T. Moore united them in marriage. May joy ever be w'ith 111 The Repass brothers were them. Portland on business last week. Charlie Triplett is visiting his John Kuntz of the Cloverdale sister, Mrs. James Vanderpool. Mercantile Co., returned from- a trip The Coast Power Co. have ^X- to San Francisco last week. tended their lines to the Whitnoy Cloverdale people are glad that addition to accommodate the new the Headlight has been taken over > evidences. by Eugene Crosby, for he won the esteem of the people of this com­ Til- to Morse motored Mrs. Hen munity the short time that he lived lamook last Saturday. here and published the Nestucca Valley Enterprise. * ♦ ♦ + + + + + + + 4 ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Bays visited ♦ fiiends at Hemlock last Sunday. ♦ CLOVERDALE ♦ Mrs. D. A. Bailey has been sick + + ♦ + + + + + + + + ♦ ♦ for sometime with Inflammatory house in rheumatism. The Catholic church Cloverdale was dedicated last Sun- day morning by Archbishop Chrls- There are a large number of peo­ '« of Foil land. There was a large ple at the Brooten baths for the congregation present, many of them help of the healing waters there. were Piotestants. The band from Mt. Angel was present and rendered The W. C. T. U. of Clover lr le ___ _______ vicinity will ___ give an Interesting good music. A good delegation of and others from Mt. Angel was also pres­ entertainment in the high school ent, besides those from other points auditorium on the evening of Au­ in the valley. The church house 1 h gust 25th. an excellent building, costing about The rock cru her between Ore- $6,000.00. Much credit for this, «Milling is due to the active work « town and Neskowin was jarred off of tic local priest. Rev. Hildebrand.! its foundation a few- days ago by We hear that an effort is being NOTICE FOR BIDS made to put on a rural free delivery between Cloverdale. Woods and Pa­ Specifications for water pip® | cific City, going down on one side of the river and returning by the school house for District No. 54; 400 feet of Z inch pipe. other. The patrons aong the way 400 feet of H4 inch pipe. are anxious to have it. 1800 feet of 1 inch pipe. All galvanized pipe One porcelain sink and one faj Pollyanna Shop. Pricilla dresses for women, needle craft, gifts and « .11 WHEN BLUER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM One of the most important requirements of a good motor oil is that it possess stability—that is. that it maintain its chemical composition and its lubricating body under all conditions of engine operation. If an oil changes its chemical composition— “breaksdown” athighoperatingtemperatures, it can no longer maintain a lubricating film be­ tween the bearing surfaces, and its value as a lubricant is destroyed. Certain crude oils possess a higher degree of stability than others. Because of its large pro­ duction of practically every type of crude, this company is free to choose for the making of Zerolene only those crudes which are partic­ ularly adapted for the purpose. w GEM THEATRE MH f "V . 'The Patented Vacuum Process IRE STEAIS the wealth of the nation at the rate of a million dollars a day. Only by sound insurance can you be indemnified for the loss fine may cause you. Only by applying the knowl­ edge of hazards can fin's be reduct'd to a minimum. The Hartford Fire Insurance Company has sold sound insurance since 1810. Besides, and at no extra cost, it offers expert Fine Prevention Service for searching out defects which might cause fires. Thus it forestalls many losses which cannot be covered by insurance. When you insure, insure in tlie 1 lurtford through F this agency. ROLLIE W. WATSON The Tillamook Insurance Man In the process of distilling and refining these selected crudes, it is of the greatest import­ ance not to destroy their natural "oiliness” and stability. For this reason we employ our own patented htgh-vacuum process exclusively. By this process the oil produced - Zerolene—re­ tains all the natural oiliness” and stability of theoriginal,select edcrudefrom which it is made. No other refiner on the Pacific Coast uses any form of vacuum distillation. No other refiner in the United States uses as high a vacuum as this company. Zerolene of the correct grade for your car gives perfect lubrication and permits the develop­ ment of maximum power, speed and gasoline mileage. t LAW AND GOD S” Featuring $ THURSDAY. AUGUST 24th— THE WOMAN S SIDE" FEATURING ¿¿CK LTVINGSTCN and ETHEL SHANNON KATHERINE MacDONALD of the Canadian Northwest. A • rtmendcusly cheery, smileful story ot a matrimon­ ial advertisement which was inserted as a past­ time and answered for amusement, and led to al­ most an epidemic of marriages. Scenes of the Northwest PON T MISS IT! "The Woman’s f .............. ___ Side" tells the _ things which women must make men understand, a woman’s _ „ a fight to clear the mystery that threatens her honor. L $ SNUB POLLARD COMEDY” FOX NEWS. FRIDAY. AUGUST 25th— MONDAY. AUGUST 21»t— WILLIAM RUSSELL IN “ THE MEN OF ZANZI­ BAR” BY RICHARD HARDING DAVIS $ A story of adventure and a crook, covering a w ide scope of territory—from Boston to Zanzibar Africa, with a J 10.000 reward at stake. HEY. RUBE” TWO REEL COMEDY. $ more p