THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT CHRISTIAN ( HURCX TOPNOTCH VALUES Bible school at 10 a m We 1 graded system and will be J have you investigate and ad children by bringing them. 11 o clock—Conn union an mon. A sermon that win hei C. E. at 7:00 pm. Evening service at 8 p.m 1 and Sermon. < You are cordially invited J these services. HARRY’ E. TICKER, R ■V AÆ Bcd+onr-NotcK Prices idiad Appealto Men^bmenN Children! CARNIVAL AT PACIFIC CITY NEXT SI N THIS presentation to you of our regular year ’round values.Jt is our special dash e*.hat you carefully consider the real worth and character of the quality of our merchandise. In this way, we believe you can more accurately judge t a purchasing power of your money here compared with its ability to buy for you else­ where. Remember, buying in large quantities of goods for our 371 department stores we can and do give you savings that are unequalled. Service, Justice and Equality, in addition to our veritable values, makes of this stare a Shoppers’ Service Store Superior! Please consider the appended offerings. An all day carnival will be hi Pacific City next Sunday. J the events will be speaking bl ' gressman Wooten of Texas 1 I rangements can be made GoJ Olcott will be invited to attend! his address at Oceanside at thd builders picnic. There win music by the Mt. Angel band | solos by prominent people, and letic events. An old fashioned becue and clam bake will also! the program. I BUYING FOR OUR 371 STO Is^to Compare ASSURES TH LOWEST PRICES s TkemWHK PauLess „ Get Mcaro." L .The All-Round Coat! Born to Mr. and Mrs. I Franklin of Dolph, a son, Moi Mother and babe reported < nicely. Goods on.Sale rlsfewherti 371. DEPARTMENT STORES Smart Fall Sport Suits Boys’ Knicker Suits For Yong Men For School and Fall Wear Three Unusual Value- Giving Popular Prices I An Inspection of Our Suit« Will Be Convincing. Armor-Clad Two-Pants Saits hi all-wool cassimeres and tweeds—doo- Al J blc seats and knees. Serges \ I Z1 / S without the double feature, *r * *• • For School Wear Stripe percales, eham* brays, khaki and mer- serized black sateen. Full ent, medium high bollar, button raffs, faced sleeves, one pock* et. 8izee 12ft to 14^ 4$ • low prioe. 79c 79c Suspenders 36 Inches vi 17c StylishGingham Butterfly Brand Attractive Unexcelled y* designs service. Fall for 19c Women's Shoes Attractive Style at a Low Price Made for Comfort Boys’ and Youth»’ Dre«» Shoe (Illustrated), is an all mahogany Rai; seamless vamp. tip. strong welt soles. S3.98 PIGGEE PANTIE FROCKS m to 4 inches wide made of muslin with splendid edges per yard dress for little 10c come in plain Low Price! fabrics. Merc. plain colors or HEAVY GRIP BLANKETS $225 Elastic Side Girdle LADY LYKE CORSET 98c 39c For women who ap­ preciate solid foot com­ fort and service. Shoo pictured is of all black kid leather, plain toe, rubber top lift on heels, McKay soles. Sizes 2^a to 8. I I I checked Notice is hereby given that County Court of Tillamook coui Oregon, will until 10 o’clock, S tember 1, 1922, receive bids for I construction of a 234 foot il draw span and trestle approttl across Nehalem river between ! halem and Wheeler, according to I plans and specifications on file the office of the County Clerk Tillamook county, Oregon. No bid will be accepted unless I companied by cash, certified chd or bidders bond for an amod equal to at least 5 percent of t| total amount of the bid. The right is reserved to rej any and all bids or to accept ti bld deemed best for Tillame county. Signed: H. S. BRIMHALL. Co. Clerk. First publication Aug. 10, 1921. Last publication Aug. 31, 1922. Our prices are MODERN CRANKCASE CLEANING SERVICE Get one while the weather is warm. Either Russian blouse or Oliver Twist style. 45 x 60 Blue or pink, A real buy at 1547 and They 98c 29c Unusually strong and ser­ viceable web. Colored leath­ er end to match web. In Only tots. BOYS WASH SUITS 4 to 9)4 for Dress Wear It's the niftiest $179 to $2.98 plain white with fancy tops, sizes INFANTS’ HAND-MADE DRESSES AND GERTRUDES They are all hand-made and hand . embroidered. Even the most critical eye will appre­ ciate these values. enfin* require» recular do» Dealer» who dtoptay thi» *C* ■M Catol Fluahing OU toe eaJetr »4 tboronghsrw They re£3 with Zero- ■k oft£. correa t grade STANDARD OIL COMPAMT (Caldo ruto) $1.98 to $3 98 Made of 10-oz. duck Men’s Belts $1.98 COTTON BATHING SUITS 98c ALL LEATHER WORK GLOVES n black and eordova« —finished with stitched edges. Complete with slide buckle. A real ratos at It’s cheaper to own your suit, than to rent one. WOOL FELT HAT at $1.79 29c TILLAMOOK to PORTLAND and return Just the thing handling lum- ber, per pair ONLY $5.75 for men an J women They are union made I w Ages 2 to 6. CHILDREN’S SOX Solid Comfort! $1.49 to $1.98 They appeal to boys and pa- reuts alike. Truly unusual foot­ wear at the price. EMBROIDERY All Leather They appeal to mothers on ac­ count of their beauty, durability and low price. The Uttle shoe illustrated is a patent leather vamp button style with white top; plain toe, turn soles, spring heels. Size» 2 to25 Sixes 5H to 8 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ' I CARPENTERS OVERALLS Infant’s Fine Dress Shoes Neat, Serviceable. Low Priced Boys’ Shirts ♦ For Boy» • Full cut, button cuffs, faced sleeve«, pocket, button waist band and six-button front. Stripe Eercalee, chambrays haki and mercerized black sateen. Unusual values. Dainty colors 4 pattern«, ground light or dajfc. Six horse power Fairbanks-Mi engine. Prices reasonable. F. Blackadar, Mutual phone. pt $5.90 $9.90 $29.75 In casslmeres, serges, tweeds and cordu­ roy and a pleasing variety of colors and shades. Hard wear Is provided for. De­ cidedly serviceable and excellent values. Sizes 6 to 18 years. Gladio Percale WOOD SAW. CITY OR COUNT The Biggest Values Town at The model Illustrated Is one of several styles of Sports Sults we show. W« also have semi-conservative models ft« the stylish dressers. Choice of wear­ resisting casllmeres in blues, grays, browns and fancy mixtures. All size»—- School 'Blouse« I will sell my office buildini the person paying the best j therefor within the next g Make me an f er «-It T. H. G0YN1 Mothers! You’re interested in our new Fall display of boys’ suits, for quality for quality, style for style, make for make and dollar for dollar you cannot outfit your boy more advantageously. Boys! Here are the clothes you want They are made Just like dad’s—for style and service! The model illustrated Is Just like big brother’s. We also have other handsome styles. 84 to 44. Boys’ and Ycula’s Shoes 30th. a daughter, at Cli NOTICE OF SALE OF Bl Tne better kind hand-tailoring gives to our clothing that correct fitting qual lty which means so much to the styli and comfurt on the person. Buying fa our hundreds of stores insures a bettet quality with 8 material saving to you $14.75 to $39.75 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rm July dale. Oregon Tillamook __ To Brave the Chilly Days Whether of Double Faod Cloth, the reverse side of plain, checked or plaid pattern in blending contrasting colors, or of Herringbone Tweed, whether self or shawl- eoDared in Beeverette, Raoooon or Marmot, milady will glory in these mannish, patch-pocketed, trimly belted coats that bespeak style, warmth and comfert to weather cold or stormy winter days. Sizes 16 to 44. She’ll be mighty pleased to note th$ »viuga afforded in this price range of, _ % Sales dates: A splendid hat for work, and can easily be parafined. 32-In. Gimgham Unusual Value Admirable patterns, pop* ular colorings RIGGING GLOVES Made of extra heavy horsehide double palm and thumb, pair $198 yd. 25c FALL CRETONNES 36 Inches Choice new colorings for coverings and draperie» HEAVY ROPE STITCHED SWEATER COATS Sizes 36 to 46 with big roll collar. $4.25 Heavy blue denim OVERALLS Union made, bib or waist style $1.19 Color, navy blue. 15 days from Ask Agent About Season Fares MEN'S PARIS GARTERS Silk cable web. double grip, nlckle trimmings. tion c< Jackets. $119 Southern Pacific Line I» I