r, h- ’Sth. 1'HE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT 1022 Notice of Sheriff’s Sale SHORT BUi SWEET Are you one of them? iggtrinu ilis'b.init tickets on ijJiM'Otlt" blit will price at ltirye i ilnct the 3 per cent discount fr tn purchase of purchaser. • We save you money by our discount offe r Try it Hiid piovo ft. CONOVER Si CONOVER JREGON hi ed B >’t let the ra’.ny days stop your moving ie City Transfer... to send experienced packers into canvas to cover all your your home VAUGHN -] and light out ciuti t with Block 3, Mil- latrnjok City ytie, Tillamook', 28-tf pirns. tee tent frames with d windows. 10k, or call CALL VS’DAY OR NIGHT i ■ Quick service and re 51e rate-- ■ s kuriwn »ami oi 100 licres uh •ad near Hemlock. - ■ ‘ ■ 11 ■ I. ’.1 ‘ . Qt gocxi fir timber, balance fanning snd grazing land. Has house -barn and 01 m l a good nee fenced, beat ir Lots o ition to br Good livin und on eve’ Id by execu ils is you farm at : PC TLA ND AUTO STAGE Ivan Donaldson, Mgr. Tillamook, Ore. L .■.-i- Portland—8: SO a. tn., 12:30 p. m., 3:30 p nd Rounde, Willamina, Sheridan.M Minnville, Dayton. Newburg, Multnomah. mts of Tillamook City, Ore., ed on or before June 1st, 1922 • paid on presentation. Inter- ! July 17, 1922. E. J. CLAUSCEN, City Treasurer. Department of the Interior U. . Lantl Office at Portland, Ore. July 22, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that Sam­ uel H. White, cf TIHrm ok, Oregon, pair who, on September 4th, 1917, made ropes, Homestead Entry No. 04920, for hovels. Lots 1, 2, 3, am! 4, Section 1, Town­ ship 1 S'., Range 9 W., W. Meridian, Im lied notice of intention to make .three-year proof, to establish claim ' IÌIK. I to the land above described, before FOR SALE--Loganbe: ríes by the j the Clerk of the County court for Rife.' Tillamook county, "Oregon, at TlEa- Wm. i. ook, Oregon, on the 1st day of horse upright September, 1922. Inquire W. E. Claimant antes a« rvitnes es: D. ook Furniture R. Tinnerstett, of Tillamook. -O.e . 4144 William Foster, of Tillamook, O'-e., Tillamook, Oregon; F. A Beltz TinamooH, Oregon C. H. 3ch' AT XANDER SWEEK, Register. 42-5t id 28 W' LAMB- SCHRADER Both Phones: Bell 43-J P 0. Box 197 i: . Bank Bldg, round Floor warran s PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. of OU y i 20 píete Set of Abstracts cf the Records of Tillamook County J Ifi* t3k*F ■ i FO H im E U er water if tiiple-w pur. well prot© »t [ MALNUTRITION!! HANGE - REAL ES TATE, • t wo story brick on maain : f Forest Grove, Oregon.1 rotin house. Will ex-! change bn*h for a dairy ranch in Tillamook county. Address owner, P. O 875. Forest Grove, Ore. 41-t3 V-’ANTED Bon • k» • per on a ranch. ' Inquire 0114. Heedlight, 42-2t What is malnutrition? It is a weak condition of the body caused by lack of nourishment. The food rary not contain some cLem-.nt needed for blood repair, or It may 1. k some­ thing for bone repair. The whole structure is weakened thereby. Then some, day an organ gives away. Life ia cut short. Order Golden Rod Dairy Milk. HENRY L. KING Tillumook, Ore. ’VOITOV L. V. EBERHARDT, Prop. MILK is a wondeiful nutrient ma- terial that tones up the blood, cor- recta tae secretions of glands and q due time repair» tne damaged or gan or tissue. Wo have a few lots and tracts in Bay­ ocean district that can be secured at real bar­ gain prices. Some on easy terms. A cottage on fine view lot for Ie s than the cottage would ^o-t to build. Bargains in property of this district are hard to secure. Inves­ tigate these. HOME ! SWEET HOME ■ •a u i «vet IM dig P lid ft i Notice Is hereby given, that tho County Court of Tillamook county. State of Oregon, has appointed J. N. Robin.on administrator of the es­ tate of Mary Mutrie, deceased, and any and nil persons having claims against said estate are hereby re­ quired to pr«»»nt them to the un­ dersigned verified, together with me jri p.-r vouchers, ut he office oi T. Ii. Goyne, attorney at law. In 1 Hl ' ook < ity, Oregon, within six numihs from the date of tills uot- ice. Dated July 6ili, 1923. J. N. ROBINSON. Administrator of the Estate of Mary Mutrie, deceased. J9-5t Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 0 E. 3. Stated com imnicatlon» first ai A third Thur: la. »uch m nth la Masonic II"’' Visitors welcome. MILLER, Secretary a thon Lvdge No. Kni ;hts of Pyth Regular meeting iday evenlng st 7:45 sharp. By ord^r the Chancelier aander. XL R. C. Corinth Relief Corps No. 5 • Dept, of Oregon, meets on first an 1 third Friday evenings of each month, at R p. m„ in the W. 0. W. hall. Visi­ tors welcome. Mrs Clarence Stanley, President EH abeth Conbver, Sec’y. Corinth Post,No. 35 Dept- of Otegoa Meets on second end on fourth Saturdays of tach month it 1:30 p. ,m in DTFTfT., Cf idr. H. W. SPEAR. Adjt. '£* Johnson k om1/ Chnpti No. R. A. M. Stale<1 convocations every first, and third Friday«. Visitors welcome. 1. E. Keldson, Seo. Tillamook Lodg? No. 57, A.F.&A.M- Stated Communication sec­ ond Wednesday in each month Visiting Brethren welcome. Harvey Eblnger, Sec. Tuesday eve.. 7:30 p. tu. Rein I ihs Wednesday evening C.imp 2-4. Thursday Light weight DRAGSAW VAUGHAN At E. G. KREBS H. T. Bott» 'Geo. P. Winslow BOTTS m Rivers in tho following : north 44 deg. 7 min. west thence north 7S deg. 4 : 5.2 feet: thence south m.ii. west* 352.6 feet: . 71 deg. 52 mln. west i. 1 v.<■ -I line 01 lot uth on the west line of eel: tliei ■ norili of 51 ist 296.1 feet: thence :'-t min, east 352.6 .hence south 61 deg, 40 inin. .1; thence sauth 49 deg. ■ a : 579.7 feet: thence AJ VV et to place of begin- ... i. « ' from aaid boundaries .> ol iWud on w est side of ii.. j e £. ept.ug and reserving ■hnnti'>h> timber, all in sec- u, township three, North of 8. W. W. M., containing five more or less. nd I will sell «aid pioneity at 1c auction at the Court House in Tillamook City. Tillamook Card of Thanks . Oregon, on Saturday, tho ol' August, 1922, itt the hour We wish to thank ail our friends hi o'clock a.m. to the highest for their mazy o kindnes dur­ ing the illness and after the death bidder or cash in hand to sutiBfy of our father. 'Also tin- Ameiican the ju i. lent rendered in said cause in fav 1 of plaintiff and against de- Legion quarie . ■ hese. and the inSny beautiful flow­ f"admit, which is for >246.19, and ers are a comfort beyond oui exprès-, costs and disbursement« taxes at >16 0". tor. the iwith the accruing ision. w inleii and the cost and expense of Mrs. Thos. the sale. Emile M . Dated this July 6th, 1922. Charles C. JOHN ASCHIM, Louie Wooley, li i if. of Tillamook County, Ore on, Magnu.-, R. Wooley, 39 5t Tillamook