ME mis k iw® m com: * t » n > y»r « ■ lIMt fl ».»», Ml fr jp f vrtll » Tb» y«»T * Mto-r t* ta ' T ♦» . 'S*» Mar» . J "ir toPtb ------ .>« Thcc’ ytoH______ Tobj topdTa- itoas V.-vo» Tolv ttoaff _ K ftottoa: — - J»rk ¿tpb, raer «a« toba. *to«wp» fftip. tofi ,. -ri_ r F **totoa- «_, C Añapa. C ’ 4P» ,~ -, , su»* to»vp< R'roVbu-t ..tH.*» X»r Mito,« Wtor«.>» Tarja*»t R ff**a*n- to»to-. Win t r F >locn ____ . J C tStoe. tolto’. ..ntto Mar» ■Rt^r. E M- ■WoTfle-nP toato-y A.flv R.sivtolt 1 R Tyras. R»1 A Vf __ in.n 'to' XtotytoU' _ Wh>. tortoetj; RktatJ -,____ M.ta TX'>' Xalkto - Tohr Aarhto, yhto’to « W*b •*t.T> fFalto- é*b' *o*W1 Marr to—rnert» MPf». It.ta VT Ï. toaaet. htoanp» Vp»k, WbtK *»r irwi i-iihitavt ta»* V Rmn Mot» *»». ’? S<‘ ratini î'*ta>l<'Ttoç*rtr tiirnata F Wlfthmi» to»r. V *C ' V TS Sn*w Vx-ir Pr-shen Mntb Mat .., ♦C.ta^C F Yhbr t*r—rtr y v'suFhT-f' M ott Tton it.ta ti V* yr*W Mary " T*»>- htoih to>n Fî.ta v»i s- yr» tor”-x yrk ** _ >:«c Falto* ffor—V .» Rite O pó \ < Ttar.rflett» Rv S’ * ■ .yffyc W»l- .f X" ff*»» 1 y r Foni Wí.f ’•('.ho A’rwtot riS*! < • * Mm ___ r»^f. >>«< 1JM uL* fcc wjl » itat’v- Fores:, L. H(wa»d CRIROFRACTOF ,jort.ata;;- a a eiV I: »tnr..-. ttn mar mlauke- ■e ’.co uit¿. this torr.', of Igeare :u te esoT.lcy enere' «eascme and harr VhFT>.-- ■sires man whi pbi- at will n? per Ills o the fol. to run the . i T h T ct y ir- a ñama- nenn... Staat i «ntinualty Ir tour with muí praettee mar tittle ■ th; are otherw»í «rer- Hi wou. b- th- rwponri- mc ar manaKing the th fi reme: th' street nersaaa: nr* an an enoperatthr wft: paat i sent-tment- wvulc bring air neeoe thane« trie to necenBitrv tor the «1 Tillamook to -h«*g‘ the to arti; of thi- tom •f er. an th eoul. on’- bf a spec.: erection The ides l whii ■ entertaining For ismcmaitues have med out ! tasnay crater aar have k tc He tbn nw toe«.. It has •tec an ccrreotiT « that Iona, state and municipal i affaire are muci tos ef- thar could be aliowe by a eoneeru an pas- oecnr- wnuid certain’ path’ out s Btatemea: ta coreppi An I U cttec regarding a «mall >» wes.ier: stai, th«’ fOPPii lopeiessr inso’ven’ reeentfy. > «Sou le ?., tna the rttv repudiate n aeo and «tart abet i ver wealth- resident eity too; eve- al! th* un<- if lndectnes* amonn ting •o dollars -. ' be tniae’-'taadin: tna h- wae e compier contro, c th. City men: unti, the aeb’ was . Tha tit- 1 no» oi the way tcia. eavrnes.- The taxpayers re it thi taer irll harflty __ t< ths ax- 111,r t' x> uack rsethoa. o :c thei traubh 1A M 'Ur.'»« £b«¡ AH ta..»* H h MT« 1A.14 Í « Ajj.HrwMi F ♦’ A •»•*>•* Rii Untato» E < AÌ).' K F >*•«> WTHtoto ftovu A -Iba MlU«i J, 'RS*WB-Td ^,. :> Ftart» 4Hkl4 UH W m Ita** Re X Kto un » R ItaX ñ ta «»Jr»*.' 14.M; JU f*yrs> . >«.»4 1Mt 1 c X » 1M» R*iyh H.vixa. »•»■< Mtoto.'k»’ Ccc C* vtoW' to ^PpktM tabi ¿V W V> \ N « Al>4»'*'» H Sitato H «ìutam* y A aptw K a a D v » - , 4 « % V*.. • ■Ruh» Bue* J Apdatoca .lark i «tali« 1 » rri,uheii i r .i »ITPM-. n»p> «lien SnlAvt .’'Ata* 11»' harta l. 1 Caín Hill Knar l\eu Vto». V u Du «toi Ato. P«:!r.i A « X W>Ak-' •- ■- sr.AsnuAKn stttft raentiona is upon ws otwe avnln Th. nntwna»« to rowe.- ha produca.: an extra strait. . __ tarier'«, po t to jyt nvtoy t< arrhlit. you knnv ao the nw: Importar t owstlon Is •tare’e he jnV to gc" With «eenerv gone omaah hevtflcs XVith Europe «ho- sho- to places and he- h»” «ecnory enne to arnaah laaTe ar. an orarplns overplns of eneh cash Thes. ain’t the old to- th’ rompu- rampu didn ’t lasre There duncments tor Jt bneast brpae: the ocean’s foaai. foam. at. It rwilly ain’t deatoaHr t- fron, horre horte ... .... Th- The oneetlot. grow- porplexlr. ■ a- they often (to •( tor rtr fror., will, pt know, —the bon - keen- drawto’ Higher but -wher,. *r<« yr>i goto’ lc> r< Wall—there’s the Rothey Mountains falrv-totHers to the akfas -or. th» Northern? Lakes is callto fnwi: a pe-fe. toiradisi You aar rpst in Eden’s» Gyurden on ou: whole Atlantic coast -nr journey to the Runny Routt, the land I lore the mwi G<- where the W.1 Mrfftc cools the CaUfora? RoUe—r>: drift »round the ’yn11e’">itnn» »lM»r toirmi flirts with h«l. Yo»an>iie the falrylanc or Fto-lda th. Q p p pi i o- ui among th. r.atnkilis t a place ynutoe neve- wn You cat tackle Army where the canytu gpllts the earth —and none of then will cow ye tnorato a tenth of wha- itto worth Huh -talk »hou: vacation» -41 drives me to rieepu whet. I hink ab«m: the Idiot» that'» allcrs aakln' "Where’ HOMEY »WÎ. OPt « l«l 1> Tic*»«r*-. .-s'«s.’s .• gr«<.0«-«> 11/**.*■ i*, .» Cimi. FlscU-is«.. ft .-.-ha nic»^ Misto «h- «».'! Ito h»» to. . .--irw n Aunimnbils Rn, "»»'to M»d>to"Sli.| sr. ftesirw.. .C. l. ,' m .*A T •.<< 4bn.1«nWi urt ^m.-Hcr Wh’i. I». -to A Cmn/, C^^., I« »]’ I../ pMr rtab to-wfi..».1 s ». “ . H-. «rtcwl mm r»n c-mpln< Mir ^;»to muiw» In to mento« ». iu«I«i..n.h'r to. inevtotor mrt1>r..l» Sen.! A tor . ■ >»to b»l»t»Astr fln^r« •• P»j l«««to »**.»« w»«to» « h ntati» m Dinner is Served H ER E U aTvcttVs »omcthhiK WHy frond vralttna tor you To T ear oole WM Vf» «ve hark hack tn lite old ropy hook forspTs '•Krumple Is Retter i’ tlilnys.* Olvl' . they f »r The fh.'V ti unrhrttes I alt«? States u. "ntcaja fcr one i th« cams u Astoru. O’»- * v ui marrtad t» 11» E E'.irugper inl»ec varrt» t Fftpir. Tfl* Otojts * rnj'd'htsiiiv K»1Vi*v W T Ht (toyo*, (tons E ftnnv'i touthons a O. Fur My-ti-- A MIO» T V ItorrcTi. FTtottos r V RarrcH Frtottoi ttrrhc: rurn Pl. Mr ttoticvtu k FchovKi Mr 'Royal IT mi toll .Vrtbn A Ron »oh pbo: Onto F fMFord, roc. Atohrt Ct'mi'bo’l, C H 5nhn X RnhW»h t»bb: >r X T TlrnTTVHT'f tfto*» A T’rnflchnmb'rc e t.Mnars Tiriti. Si s Foetas E And» fl Stato r cnnuti )?« ta JU if Jf ta $ (f ÍSta TVWxvMi Oamr» Turk .folti» >n»d Fund Tn»P n >f Ml H if ÎM». » Hj If I Owt' •11)«' jo»hvtlte .’«•hit A h l tot V wlMAUhtl li 1 I .OK“iMi xX’tM J obi) mtn jitplp luU Ac< (Vnini V r Travi» ,Ìo>ii> Rep M V While Qcn Col>pwpll lia liullkt .1 I» Vivili» Hphsnl A •volti O I Tw>-h»'i U4 7t ■l'.Mtl Sfotti lit >1 MU foi II«' ,M t'llgvvlt'4 J k to’U I It t'l'l » ti<1 X Itati ♦f ♦« |S If 11l<1 If ff M’ IM « ac i«t»r 44.Í« <1 I« a 4» |4 »»n.l« is »• »Mt , l‘.N HM » |f,h> »■-.»« » 40 *<> HO tin.uo blet ne erta to tbr rnoBt »ppittrtoK A Eve” ruw « uhm *» Engineering T»krnn rrwimy. fluff' p o t n t o e a. flitch «minds and dntot' fl Wit ve dtniìer tr fleWetiHR tomtfti 'toil’ll TOURIST CAFE 1 Alfre< ! c L s »T Ct A kî*. p^Oi Tî^f’ind n ; K»CS KA MATTHEW c no. LL a G la U7F rniii JIIF V'HÎÎ -f rp tl tit Lurfh- 5:’rv»T «.ft x-rmr r tkrisuax tonaMto* ma be ea>-«sswd h» cv tx4 tbe U.« to caaue I th be « m -e-axJy if th* rOK« for him U» JO Mil hj Lord ___________ i t-b maediate family bewi.e chsirth tol«’ es ni ,arn «etoa» vr bos’ of fries4* to______ ___ ■uvatrh’w» «<*»’ cd - - ’sH* - -- to- x whom are his broth- ■ couspira ’’ th *» a** *’ '*« •”■ to church of tat iaHvcrr» av4 pe«v be Odd Fellow« Lodge of Hereay w ■•< *» tota* 1 *as a member for several I is gone but bo « forgotten olutioa. it to aa criden * «4 m ¿-«Vuvraey and to .fMvito •bo knew and loved him. the total d»pr»v1W»WG UKVKl 1) I« >5 It It it ti • if* «V» WÉb| »•!«■• i H i • Utah« Hp»n th» eh nt hl» anti agwu ChrHi Our classiiied ads bring results tí fl IH t tf ♦ w*f t nr