^Incorporated 312 STORES TILLAMOOK OREGON G poor turn ties i: by “Quality-Value”? This: That hwe you are pm- .- ■' ’oendablc reliable goods—GOODS OF QUALITY— r‘ ti iow prices as to make their worth of unusual character! Our ttoeks art’- ctivsly complete. Hence—at this store—there ara • i-.ny Qvihty. ? .ms Opportunities I Five minutes here wilt p-uVv . Crisp Undermuslins An Attractive Shopping Service. I Underpriced Buying for our 312 stores, we are in a position whereby we can offer these remarkable values when you need the garments for warm weather wear. Gowns Nainsook, flesh or white, with round or V neck, trimmed with colored embroidery.............................. 98c Windsor Crepe in pink or white........................ 98c Also gowns of Nainsook with colored stitching Petticoats Good material, made with wide flounce and dust ruffle. . 49 Deep 7-tnch ruffle, prettily finished and trimmed...................79t Tailored lines, tine material with wide and narrow ruffle, . ,98c Envelope Chemise 49c 79c Fieeli color, colored embroidered............. Bodice top and built up styles, daintily trimmed * I I Everyone of the nearly 4,000 employee« In the 812 department stores of the J. O. Penney Company ■ bares in one way or an­ other In the earnings of the organization. That is Interesting. It insures a service to the public which makes buying from this store and t '-e-y store In the chain, belt enjoyable and profit, able. Each employee Is con­ cerned ¡hat every custo­ mer «hail be served well ar d helpfully. Supported by the un­ usual advantages which come to this Nation wide institution through its ex­ tensive buying power, not only a persona! service but a shopping’service Is of­ fered that is truly helpful . Wilson old Tillamook resi­ dent but now of Hillsborro, was in the city this week looking after some property interests. Tillnmook. July 4th Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew Echo. Oregon "’ere in the city this week for a few day’s visit with Mr. Drew’s relatives. Tillamook. July 4th Sam Riefenberg. "ho spent younger days about Tillamook. back in the city again after spending some time at Raymond, Washington. Tillamook. July 4th Blalock was in town the last of the week from his farm neat Blaine.' Tillamook. July 4th Leslie Wadsworth, representing the American Central life Insurance Co., with offices at Astoria was in town the first of the week on busi­ ness. Tillamook, July 4th Mrs. Lynn Berry is attending the Rose Carnival in Portland. Tillamook July 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maine are spending the week with their son Roy in Portland. Tillamook July 4th. Mrs. A. N. Guinn has returned form Portland where she visited Re­ latives and attended the Pioneer’s Reunion. Tillamook July 4th. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Berry and guests, Mr. McGill and Mr. and Mrs. Dimm of Portland spent Sunday at Barview. Tillamook July 4th. Chas. Cater and Wm. G upton spent Sunday in Forest Grove visit- Tillamook, July 4th and Mrs. Van Nortwick of Children’s Underwear Rockaway visited at the home of 23c Cambric Drawers. Sizes 2 to 12 years............. their daughter, Mrs. Alfred Guls 23c Nainsook Bloomers cut full, well made................ tom in this city Tuesday. 49c Dainty Princess Slips, 4 to 14 years.................... 49c Nainsook Gowns, 4 to 14 years. .................. .. Tillamook, July 4th 29c Misses' Nainsook Bloomers. 14 to 18 years.... Mrs. Wm. Matthews and mother. 69c Misses' Princess Slips. 14 to 18 years................ Mrs. C. F. DeFord, left for the Rose show at Portland last Friday While gone they will visit with friends In the Willamette valley. Tillamook, July 4th Harry Brians and family lelt yes­ terday for a trip to Crater lake and For Nurses' Uniforms the caves near Jacksonville- They will be gone several days. A white fUbnc maae Tillamook, July 4th Extra fine, 19-inch silk boot with mer­ especially for this pur­ Ira G. Lance has been away from his work at the postoffice lately on cerized top; made of twelve strand pure pose ; 36 Inches wide. account of illness. thread silk with four-thread heels and Splendid value, Yard, Tillamook July 4th. toes. Comparison will prove these the Mrs. Charlie Stevens of Motile«’, best Silk Hose you can buy for the who has been very sick in a local money. hospital, is reported as having great- j ly improved. Tillamook July 4th. , L. A. Garwood, forest supervisor of the Hebo district, was in the city last week nursing a fractured arm caused by a horse falling oil him. DELEGATES THANK Tillamook. July 4th TILLAMOOK CITIZENS » Nurse Cloth Women’s Fine Silk Hose ’• l's Controversy over the Muscle Shoals offer made bv Henry Ford »ias resulted in the creation of a new soecial committee which will consider the offer. Photograph taken in th.e Militarv Affairs Committee Room in the Capitol shows the committee whir consists (left to right) of J W \\ orthington. Washington representative for Ford. \V. B. Mayo, Ford' Chief Engineer, Congressman Wright of Georgia, Congressman Ji orin of 1 ennsylvania, Congrcssma Miller of Washington. Chief Clerk of the Sessions (standing), Congressman Fisher ot Tennessee, and gressman Crago, of Pennsylvania. X Albert Fortier and Alpha Olson were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Craven on Tuesday the 20th. The ring ceremony was used, Rev. ,H E. Tucker Performing, A lunch Was served to the large A very interesting afternoon was number of relatives that attended spent at the Monday Musical Club, the wedding. The couple will make their home in Tillamook. last Monday. Roll call is always responded to Tillamook July 4th. with some item of musical interest. SOME SHORTCAKE ! The club decided to take up the study of operas in the fall. Wagner Monday evening the local mem- is to be studied first, and his opera bers of the Bell telephone company “Tannhäuser” will be taken up first. family hearkened to nature’s call A paper on “Music in Ireland” and betook themselves to the banks was read by Miss Gaylord, following of the river Trask. which Mrs. Pettys sang "Killarney” There in the alluring moonlight Balfays last song. bonfire was built and each of the "Music in England' paper read fourteen members did his or her best by Mrs. Carroll. English folk to make the evening a successful Dance’’ was played on the phono­ one. graph. “Music in America”, Mrs. Of course the main feature of the Koch reading Mrs. Edwards paper. Mrs. Tucker played a Military evening was the supper, There was Alarch, her own composition. This ample food for twice the number present and all agreed that the whs well received. strawberry shortcake tasted like Mrs. Carroll and Mrs. Koch con- eluded the program with a duet, more. “Polka de Concert,’’ Bartlett. On-lookers would have agreed Meeting adjourned to meet in that the telephone family stand for September with Mrs. < Carroll and good-fellowship as well as for good Mrs. Edwards hostesses. service. John Moreland and Elsle Ralph of Wheeler were united marriage Wednesday at the Cl tian parsonage. Rev. H. E. Tu performing the ceremony. The ceremony was used. Tillamook, July 4th M. F. Leach was pleasantly prised this week when two coi of his from California dropped I see him. The two were F. A. L. of Humbolt county and 0. W. Lt of Los Angeles. F. A. Leach was companied by Mrs. Leach. Did you see the beautiful Prist dress at the Pollyanna for the of July? CHIROPRACTIC THE BETTER WAY TO HEALTH Forest L. Howan CHIROPRACTOR Graduate nurse in attendati 211 Tillamook Building Both Phones Unusual Quality at a Price OLD LIGHTHOUSE TRAIL r league BASE BALL 4 FAIR GROUNDS TILLAMOOK i :3o P. M SUNDAY JUNE 25 BRIGHTON TILLAMOOK Gate Opens at 12:30 Tickets ioc and 35c Portland, Oregon, June 13th, 1922 MAKES INTERESTING HIKE Mr. Fred C. Baker, Tillamook Chamber of Comerce, What is known as the old govern­ Tillamook, Oregon. ment trail to the lighthouse at Cape Dear Mr. Baker: Many, many Mears makes a very interesting hike thanks for the kind welcome extend­ to those so Inclined except that the ed to the delegates of the Oregon brush has badly overgrown the trail Federation of Womens Clubs. Sure­ which makes traveling difficult. It ly Tillamook not only voiced through is good days outing to walk from this | end of the trail to Short beach, north you a hearty welcome but every of Maxwell's point and return by citizen In your city made us realize way of the beach. that Tillamook knew how to look af­ Tillamook, July 4th ter both our comfort and pleasure. Our 22nd. annual meeting was NIGHT MARCHALL STARK very successful and a great deal of IS BACK ON JOB AGAIN this success belongs to Tillamook. Again thinking you. 1 am very Ed Stark, who resigned from his sincerely yours position as night marshall some time ago, is back again on the job after SADIE ORR-DUNBAR. Chairman program committee considering his resignation at the request of a number of the citzens. Tillamook July 4th. While off duty Mr. Stark made a trip Corvallis, Oregon. June 18th. 1922 to Montesano, Wash, where his Mr. Fred C. Baker. daughter. Mrs. Louie Nielson, resides. Tillamook Chamber of Cool merce. Tillamook. July 4 Tillamook. Oregon. My Dear Mr. Baker: In behalf of PLUMBING BUSINESS SOLD the delegates from the Corvallis DURING PRESENT WEEK Women’s Club, who were recently entertained in your city. I wish to, The Bayocean Sheet Metal Works express our appreciation of the hos­ which has been run for the past pitality shown us Uy the Tillamook few years by Oeorge Burckard. was Chamber of Commerce. sold this- w«ek to Portland people. 1 We enjoyed our visit very much| Mr. Burckard will continue to man-1 and shall not forget the courtesies age the business under the new ow- i extended us by the citians of your nership town. . Tillamook. July 4th We hope that at some time we MOUNTAIN HOTEL OPENED will be able to reciprocate Respectfully. ” SUNDAY FOR FIRST TIME Mrs. O. M. Nelson. Secretary Corvallis Women’s Club. Trask lodge a mountain resort re- i Tillamook July 4 th. I cently bought by Chas A. Barnes; Mrs. David Kuralll and children and M. E. Gruber, opened for the : are absent this waek while Mr». first time Sunday. This place la locat­ ed on the Trash riw Kuratli was attending tae Grand miles from the city a Chapter O B. S. Rhe will also take convenient« of in the Koee festival at Portland be who care to fore returning h mountains ÍÍ II illions now living Will never die” Judge Rutherford There ‘s special significance in the troublous days through which the world has passed since 1914. Out of these events will come greater developments, involving all nations and peoples. The bible accurately foretold present conditions. Its prophecies regarding the future will be fulfilled with equal exactness The outstanding hope held forth in the Scripures Is the hope of eternal life, and the realizaton of this hope la now at hand. It will be accompanied by all that the heart has longed for—HEALTH, PEACE. AND HAPPINESS. God's purpose in giving a man a revelation of His Plan was that manhind ehoul“ use it, understand It, and appreciate the principles It sets forth. An understanding of the Bible broadens one’s view and inspires cheerfulness and optimism. Prophets of old have described with glowing tongue the glories of the BRIGHT DAY THAT IS NOW DAWNING. Hear the subject discussed at length by E. V. MILLER, Portland, in Tillamook City Hall SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 3 p. m • x 1 his lecture has comforted multitudes b ereaved by the World War, epidemics, and attending sorrows. So great has been the demand that it has been amplified and published in hook form, including 500 ScripturaLproof texts. Those unable to hear the lecture may have a copy by sending 25 cents to I. B. S. A. Auspices International Bible Students Association. Organized by the late tor Russell. Judge Rutherford, New York City Bar. President. No Collection.