THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Are you one of them? ontintie issuing discount tickets on large amounts will deduct the j5 per cent discount from purchase , flt option of purchaser. FOR SALE We save you money by our discount offe r * Try it and prove It. CONOVER & CONOVER OREGON Col. Michael Fnedsam, head of B. Altman & Co., New York, was selected by‘President Harding to investigate the trade condition of Europe. Colonel Friedsam, when head of the Fair Price Commission, was once asked how the people might know when they were get. ting fair prices, and instantly re­ plied, “Read advertising.” Don’t let the rainy days stop your moving The City Transfer [s prepared to send experienced packers Into your home with canvas to cover all your goods Tillamook, July 4 Quick service and re asonable rates. Our Motto: PORTLAND AUTO STAGE Ivan Donaldson, Mgr. Tillamook, Ore. Leaves Tillamook —7:30 a. tn., 12 tn., 3 p. tn. Leaves Portland—8:30 a. tn., 12:30 p. tn., 3:30 p tn. via Hebo, Grand Rounde, Willamina, Sheridan, Dayton, Newburg, Multnomah. A college friend of mine says it is all right to kiss and make-up if he could only stomach the make-up. McMinnville, JUSTIFIABLE SUSPICION He kissed her fondly at the door; She’d been his wife ten years or more, And so had cause, perhaps, for thinking. Poor lady, that he had been drinking. « ---------- "She was’ born and grew up tc manhood in New Jersey,’* said a somewhat over-accurate reporter in describing a suffragist. LIME 28 "W Both Phones: Bell 43-J P. O. Box 197 PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO L. V. EBERHARDT, Prop. These words, alas; The old machine Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook County Is out of gas. But saddest, saddest Yet. Dy far------ These words; I can’t Afford a car. MALNUTRITION!! PEEVED Lemon in the apple sauce. Cinnamon in the pie. Nutmeg on the apple tarts Irritate a guy. I believe that homicide Isn’t such a vice When applied to those who spoil Apple pie with spice- « What is malnutrition? It is a weak condition of the body caused by lack of nourishment. The food may not contain some element needed for blood repair, or It may lack some­ thing for bone repair. The whole structure is weakened thereby. Then some day an organ gives away, Life is cut short. MILK is a wonderful nutrient ma- t erial that tones up the blood. cor- recta the secretions of glands and in dtie time repairs jhe damaged or­ gan or tissue. Order Golden Rod Dairy Milk. FOR 'ALE —Two acre tract iu edge of Tillamook City. Fine eight room house, garage, and other out buildings. Inquire of Roy Woods, Beaver, Oregon. 34t8 FOR SALE—-One three yea Hold reg­ istered Guernsey bull. Also one full blooded Guernsey bull calf subject to registery. Wm. Glick, Cloverdale, phone 2p6. 32-tf Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as sheriff of Tillamook County. Oregon, by virtue of an Order of Sale and Execution issued out of the Circuit Court of Tillamook County. Oregon, upon a judgment and Order of Sale rendered in said Court on the 31st day of May, 1922. in a cause therein pending, wherein E. J. Claussen, was plaintiff, and Ralph E. Warren and Ruth Warren, his wife, and Tillamook County Bank, a banking corporation, were defendants, and by which Execution and Order of Sale I am directed to sell the property hereinafter describ­ ed. to-wit: Lot three (3) in block seven (7) in Park Addition to the City of Tillamook. County of Tillamook, tate of Oregon. Now therefore, I will, on the 15th day of July. 192 2, at th» hour of ten I o’clock a.m.. sell the above described property at public auction to the liigh<*t bidder, for cash In hand, at the Court House in Tillamook. Til­ lamook County. Oregon, and by said .sale transfer nil right, title and in­ terest of the above named defendents in and to said property, and all the right, title and interest the said de­ fendants had at the time of the ex­ ecution of the mortgage, which said instrument was the subject of fore­ closure tn the above entitled suit, or at any time since said date. Dated this 13th day of June. 1923. JOHN ASCHIM Sheriff of Tillamook County, . Oregon. 36t5 FOR SALE—17 lots in Block 3, Mil­ ler’s addition to Tillamook City. Inquire of T. H. Goyne.'Tillamook:. Oregon, for prices. 28-tf NOTICE FOR SALE—Three tent frames with floors, doors and windows. Notice is hereby given that the BoxQ33, Tillamook, or call 66J. undersigned, as sheriff of Tillamook 27-tf County, Oregon, by virtue of an Order of Sale and Execu lion issued FOR SALE -Six-room modern house out of the Circuit Court of Tillamook Lot 50x150- For sale at sacrifice. County, Oregon, upon a Judgment Terms, apply K 110. Headlight. and Older’of Sale rendered in said 33tf Court on the first day of May, 1922. in a cause therein pending, wherein FOR SALE —1921 Chevrolet touiing Nestueca Valley Bank, a corporation, $ij00; 1918 Mitchell, fine shape. was plaintiff, and Earl II. Fonts #300; Overland 90, $200; 1917 and Olga H. Fouts, husband and Chevrolet touring, $200; 1916 wife, and Ina Vksila were defen­ Ford touring, $150; 1916 Ford dants, and by which Execution and touring $125; 1918 Ford touring, Order of Sale I am directed to sell $200; 1918 Chevrolet touring, the property hereinafter described $325; 1917 Chevrolet touring, to-wit: The East half of the Southwest $200; 1920 Ford touring. $300; quarter of Section 18 and the North­ Grant Six, $400- Tillamook Ga- east quarter of the Northwest quart­ rage. 33-tf er and the Lot number 14 of Section FOR SALE— 35 acres choice bottom 19, in township 4 south of Range 10 land, new house and barn costing West of the Willamette Meridian, $4500. For sale on easy terms. In­ in Tillamook County, Oregon. Now therefore, I will on the 15th quire at this office. H108. 30-tf day of July, 1922. at the hour of FOR SALE—Studebaker auto cheap, eleven o’clock a.m., sell the above or trade for lighter car. This car described property at publid“auction is fully equipped, has 1922 li­ to the highest bidder, for cash in ' cense. W. A. Southmayd. so-tf nanti, nt the Court nOtkae tT> Ttlin- FOR SALE—Overland truck, will mook, Tillamook County, Oregon, haul about 1500 lbs. Enquire of and by said sale transfer all right Albert Johnson. Tillamook. Mu­ title and interest of the above named defendants in and to said property, tual phone. 35tS and all the right, title and interest I The nervous bridegroom was cal­ led upon to make a speech at the FOR SALE Milk cows, cash needed quick. In«iulrc this offlc-s Llll. wedding breakfast. 36-3t Putting his hand on his bride's shbulder, he hesitatingly remarked. FOR RENT "Ladies and gentlemen, this thing has been thrust upon me.” FOR RHAJT—5% First St., 2 furn­ ished housekeeping rooms with CUMULATIVE CALAMITY. bath, $12 per month; 1 furnished The saddest words single room $8 per month 20tf Of tongue or pen; The auto's broken FOR RENT—-Lunch counter and bowling alley at Rockaway. L. L. Down again. Van Nortwick. Rockaway. 37-tl Next saddest to LAMB-SCHRADER CO. Office: Nat’l Bank Bldg. Ground Floor 180 acre dairy farm for $16.0Q0. situated about live miles southeast from Tillamook City. Oregon, forty acres in grass, considerable more land easily cleared. All under fence, Two good houses and large barn on the place. Includes 12 cows and all other livestock, farm machinery, implements and tools. Inquire of T. H. Goyne or J. Merrell Smith. Tillamook, Oregon. 36-tf VAUGHN DRAGSAWS — HEAVY and light weights, with and with­ out clutch. Prices reduced Feb­ ruary 1st. E. G. Krebs. 15-tf CALL US DAY OR NIGHT WANTED TO BUY WHEN YOU HAVE CATTLE FOR sale call Ed. Hadley, Mutual phone. 18 tf LOST—Pair of shell rimmed glasses last Mopday, June 12th, between the Bungalow Cafe and the Tilla­ mook Hotel. Finder leave at Head­ light office and receive reward. Mrs. Jim Slmmon.s 36tf WANTED—Active local representa­ tive: no capital required. Write Commercial Introductions Co., 100% Front St.. Portland, Oregui 37-lt CLASSIFIED AD RATES All classified ads and readers one cent per word each issue. Such advertising should be in the Office by 10 a. m. Mondays and Thursdays preceedlng publication. Classified ads and readers may b* telephoned in and charged on account. Lodge Directory <___________ _______ i Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 0. E. S, Stated communications first and third Thursdays of each month In Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. CORA L. MILLER, Secretary NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Tillamook County, will until 10 o'clock on June 1922, receive bids for grading Sand Lake market road from 134-0 to Sand Lake a distance of proximately three miles, according to plans and specifications on file in the office of the county engineer. No bid will be accepted unless ac­ companied by cash, certified check, or bidders bond for an amount equal to at least five percent of the total amount of bid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids or to accept the bid deemed best for Tillamook county. H. S. BRIMHALL. County Clei'k. First publication. June 15, 1922, Last publication, June 29, 1922. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Marathon Lodge No. 93. Knights of Pyth las. Regular meeting Monday evening at 7:45 sharp. By order of the Chancelier Commander. V. R. C. Corinth Relief Corps No. 54 Dept of Oregon, meets on first and third Friday evenings of each month, at 8 p. m„ in the W. O. W. hall. Visi­ tors welcome. Mrs. Clarence Stanley, President Elizabeth Conover, Sec’y. Corinth Post.No. 35,Dept of Oregon Meets on second and on fourth Saturdays of each month at 1:30 p. .m in W. O. W. J. S. DIEHL, Comdr. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that H. W. SPEAR, Adjt. the undersigned has been by the county court of Tllllamook county, Johnson Chapter No. 24 Oregon, appointed executrix of the R. A. M. last will and testament of W. R. Stated convocations every Robedee. deceased. All persons hav­ rst and third Fridays. ing claims against the estate of said Visitors welcome. W. R. Robedee are required to pre- I. E. Keldson, Sec. -enl them to the undersigned for allowance within six months from Tillamook Lodge No. 57, A.F. & A.M- date of this notice at the office of Stated Communication sec­ Botts & Winslow, attorneys at law, ond Wednesday in each Tillamook City, Oregon. month Visiting Brethren Dated this May 25th. 1922. welcome. NANCY E. ROBEDEE, Harvey Eblnger, Sec. 33t5 Executrix. CITATION IN THE "OUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK. Tuesday eve., 7:30 p. m. Rebekahs Wednesday evening Camp 2-4, Thursday In the matter of the estate of John Thaller, deceased, to Edmund Thell- ur, Emil Theller, Caesar Theiler, Lena Bean, Wendell Bean. Barbara Bean, Lottie Tracy and A. A. Hall, guardian ad litem of Wendell Bean and Barbara Bean.: GREETING In the name of the State of Ore­ gon, W. J. Riechera, executor of the H. T. Botts Geo. P. Winslow last will and testament of John Theiler, deceased, having filed his BOTTS & WINSLOW the said defendants had at the time petition for an order authorizing Lawyer» of the execution of the mortgage, and directing him to sell certain real property belonging to the estate which teaid instrument was the sub­ Tillamook Oregon ject of foreclosure in the above en­ of the said deceased, at private sale. to pay Indebtedness of said eBtate titled suit, or at any time rince said and the court huvlng, by order made date- Dated this 13th appear In the above entitled mat­ 215-16-17 Tillamook Bldg. ter on Wednesday, the 19th day of ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE OF July, 1922, at 10:00 o'clock, a. m. of TILLAMOOK, OREGON FINAL SETTLEMENT said day, being the time fixed by said order, to show cause, If any Notice is hereby given that the there be, why the following des­ undersigned has filed in the Coun­ cribed real premises belonging to ty Court of Tillamook county. Ore­ the estate of the said deceased, DAVID ROBINSON gon. his final account as Adminis­ to-wlt: trator of the estate of Charles E. The southeast quarter of the Physician and Surgeon Atherton, deceased, and that the northeast quarter of section 29, In been set for hearing be-1 same has township 2 south, range 9 west of fore said court at the court room the Willamette Meridian, less tracts National Bldg. Tillamook, Ore. the City of Tillamook, sold therefrom, the land herein des­ thereof in me vs, v» Oregon, at 10 o’clock, a. in., on the cribed containing thirty acres, more 24th day of July, 1922; ond all per­ or leHs, In Tillumook County, Oregon Z----------------------------------------------- sons interested in said estate are no­ should not be sold at private sale, Dsl I 121 M Mutual tified to appear at said time and subject to the mortgage novz there­ TILLAMOOK IRON WORKS place and show cause, If any there on, such mortgage to be •>ssumed by General machinists and black- be. why said final account should the purchaser, upon such terms as smitha not be approved and the Adminis­ the executor may deem to the best trator discharged.. H Sander Interest of the estate of the said de­ Dated this 16th day of June, ‘22. ceased, provided that not lees than E. B. MacNAUGHTON, $500 00 be paid at the time of the Administrator. 2641 execution of contract of sale, as in Z' the petition of the sale prayed for. DR J. 0. TURNER This citation is served upon you Eye Specialist by order of the Honorable Homer Mason, Judge of the County Court of Permanently located in Tilla­ th«- State of Oregon, for Tillnmook mook. Private office In Jenkin’s County, by publication thereof, once jewelry store. Latest up-to-date ■ each week, for foul succo-slve weeks, Instruments and equipment. Ev- enlngs and Sunday by epnolnt- In the Tillamook Headlight. Date of first publication: June meat. 9th 1 922; date of Inst publication: Complete Lens Grinding Fac- July 7th. 1922. tory on the Premise». Any lens Dated thin 6th day of June. 1922. duplicated. Seal of County Court. Tillamook Orevon H. S. BRIMHALL. County Clekr tr,ts DR. J. E. Clarified SHEARER Surgery Sulto 110 l.O.O.r. Building i a Page. Seven NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE WILL STUDY EUROPE’S TRADE CONDITIONS Oar customers are taking advantage^’ouijdiscounts I Tillamook Oregon ___________________________ Golden Rod Dairy Both Phones R T. BOALS. M. D. Surgeon and Phyzlciaa Erwin Harrison, Prop. Tillamook a