Page Foor I 1 THE Till 4 {Tillamook ^eabligfjt ;. from ’je • beast hair Friday, June 23rd. 1922. HEADLIGHT into everything on, and although some of combs to floor them have been of substan' A Weekly Paper Published every varnish and pay a hundred tial assistance to agriculture.! Friday by the > Readlight Publishing Company, Inc. profits in every hair of his they will be of comparative’} ! hide. We have made the by­ little benilil unless the farm­ Tillamook, Oregon I product more valuable than er himself takes those volun­ Leslie Harrison Managing Editor the product itself, anti yet by tary steps which will put some strange hocus pocus him in the way of geting the the people are hungering benefit of conditins created Both Telephones A CATCHY THING and paying extortionate by these laws. The farmer I run acrosst a puzzle in the paper, t’other day, and Entered ft* second-class matter In prices for the bit of meat deals on the one hand with -J postonica at Tillamook, Oregon. they can afford to buy. labor which is highly organ­ 'hough I nevef try’em, I read ’em anyway. . . . They Our meat is sold abroad at ized, and on the other hand get 'em up so artfully, to ketch a feller’s eye,—with a figures Americans despair of with“big business,’ which is premium fer the answer, if you want to make a try. . . . Sute tription Rates year ..... „ $2.00 seeing in this country. When1 also highly organized, both They put a string of letters, with a third or ’em left out, six month* _____ _ _______ . 1.00 the public voice is raised, in the buying of his impli- which all would spell a Statesman that we all had heard Uree months ____________ .75 however, it is soon quieted ments and supplies, and in about. . . By fillin’ in the vacancies which they hid Payable in advance by our friend Statistics, the selling of his crops. away, 1 could earn a hundred dollars, whch hey’d be glad who proves to us beyond a I am not in favor of class to pay. s Capper Tears Off The Mask doubt that the margin of legislation, and it is not nec­ 1 found it mighty easy to complete the stateman’s profit on a cow is so small essary that there should be 1 name’—in fact, it was so easy I considered it a shame to that it cannot be cut without any class legislation All that i take them fellers’ money in an underhanded way—but Senator Capper is making disappearing altogether. It is necessary is that the farm­ I sent 'em in the answer, to see what they would say. . . a gallant fight for the farm­ will be a good thing when er should have the benefit of ■ \\ ell they fired me back a circular, which said I guessed ers in connection with tariff f the public schools give to the the same right to organize it right, but a hundred other fellows had beat me out of legislation, tearing of the rising generation a course in enjoyed by labor and by bus­ sight. . . They said sech wondrous talent ort to make mask of the American valua­ corporation arithmatic and iness. Heretofore he has a feller rich,—an’ offered me the agency of salve to cure tion plan, which he describes business analysis. As we been a lone individual, deal­ i the itch! as a cloak to hide the enor'j stand the Chinese puzzle is ing with powerful organiza-j ---------------00--------------- mous tariff imposed in the interest of certain manufac-j a simple proposition com­ tions. By being organized,) WHO WOULDN'T? pared to the mental fog calls' both labor and business are turers. These manufacturers 1 ed by economic juggling. able to command the highest Come, faithful Muse, and let me jingle—my soul would Mr. Capper explains, want quality of service. They have swell in lyric chat; with heavenly strains my lyre would the ablest lawyers to advise; tingle, if some kind friend would hold my hat. . . I’d grease uga^XSp«" to gel' FARMERS WINING IN CONGRESS I them both in questions of my lute with country butter, and trim it’s crown with them is to have them apoear legal difficulties, and in get­ country ham,—and, Lordy, how I’d squawk and flutter,! ;n the guise of highf-r values. SHOULD NOW TORN TO BUSINESS ting out of such difficulties, at biscuit smeared with country jam! 1 fain would chant Thus ;n one fell swoop, ’he By MILES POINDEXTER in case they should get in. ol country sauage, and eke the juicy pumpkin pie. washed Kansas Senator has punctur­ U. 8. Senator from Washington. They have experts on ef­ down with sips of country cider, nor pass the country ed the spurious patriotic cry ficiency and economy in for an “all American tariff.” Relief of most of the dif­ marketing, not only as to doughnut by. . . .My country ’tis of the superior,—each The cheap appeal, he says, ficulties of farm marketing rural gem the ribbon takes; there is no nook in my interior, must not influence the deci­ can be had through farmers’ methods and facilities, but as that welcomes punk machine made cake. . . .Avaunt, to conditions and prices. sion of the lawmakers. avaunt, ye patent fodder, contrived by chemists in their The farmer has made t There have been to many cooperation. lairs,—I hate the truck embalmed in solder, their antisep­ If is an old saying that great deal af orogress in the tic prunes and pears. . .O, lead me to the country table, blunders made as a result of or three years . by popular clamor aroused by “God helps those who help last two . . . _ where gvmij germs ouu and toxins IVAUJO ait are uui not known, MIUWU, tutu and there lllCIC with WJin °, na ’ona organiza pojjy Ann and Mabie, we ll carve the jowl and chew the some catch phrase. Amer? themselves.” It is also a I 1 can valuation by increasing common observation that tion through the Farm Bu-| pone. the height of the tariff wall, the fate of individuals de­ reau and the combination of would limit the exportation pends upon their own efforts various other organizations, of American agricultural more than anything else acting jointly in Washing- ■ ton City. But these activities products in exchange for the combined. I noticed the other dav an are confined very largely to manufactured goods bought I in foreign countries. It is the account in a newspaper of a political and legislative mat- HOMEY PHILOSOPHY FOR 1922 old battle—the manufactur­ month old baby, which had ' ters. If the same system Twice two are four this year. Next year twice two er against the farmer------ the been abandoned in a thicket, j could be applied to the farm- may be five—not likley of course, but mabe. Twice two i ers business, including meth ­ by, battle that has been won by A policeman passing ods of producing his crop, will be five as soon as the people say so. If everybody heard a lusty cry from the, manufacturers for years, be­ agrees then that settles it. We put men to death and praise cause the farmers were un’ infant and rescued it. This most advantagious use of his ourselves for because everybody agrees. We frame up laws organized. Conditions, how­ is a very good instance of lands, improvement of his that spells the gathering of great wealth because every­ ever, seem to be changing. the early age at which even living conditions, employ­ body agrees. Then we take the wealth away from the men Senator Capper appears as a the question of life or death ment of his labor, buying of who have done what we said they might do. and we tax new Richmond in the, field depends upon one s own ef his farm implements and family supplies, and placing the eternal lights out of them, because everybody agrees. and unless all signs fail, he his crops upon the market Come to think of it, the people who go into the game of in' will win a victory for the in good condition and to best ducing the people to think their way will have some ac­ men who produce the wealth advantage as to price, he un­ counts to settle when the time comes if they are not on the of the nation. If American doubtedly would reap the level. Mabe it each of us was honest with himself everbodv valuation is to be used as a same benefits t’rem such or­ would agree to do the thing that is right, and then method of concealing in­ ganization as the cotton, would have justice. creases in protective tariff citrus, and raisin growers of rates, then it is clearly inimi­ California have enjoyed in cal to the farmer and should the specific cases where they have no place in our govern­ have organized along simi­ ment system. lar lines. There is no reason at all why this cannot be Where Are All The Profits? done. All that is required is the will to do it. — Judge Gary, presiding ge niotis of the United States CARD OF THANKS Steel corporation informs us the steel business has doubl­ We wish to thank the many friends for their sympathy dm hue ed in the past year. Have the the sickness and death of my mother. profits of the farmer doubl­ Mrs. ba Franklin and family ed ? lhe railroads have great CADILLAC STAGE LINE Senator Miles Poindexter ly improved their income in Ivan Donaldson the past year. Has the cost forts. If this baby had not of living for those who work helped itself bv giving the After June 16th «e will be able I on the railroads shown 'any alarm, only a month old as to run our large busses front Port­ land all the «ay to Tillntnook with proportionate decline for the it was. it < existence would out transfering. These are as mod­ workers? never have been known. It ern and comfortable as money can The meat packers are now would have been the same buy We ehail employ only the most Considering a still closer as though it had never been careful drivers and under the pres­ ent road conditions assure you a combination by which they born. As it was, by making comfortable as well as a safe ride can effect greater economies this effort, the little fellow's both to and front Portland We are not in any rate war with the South­ and increase their profits. life was saved and there is a ern Pacific but are going to give What about the man who possibility at least that he a very reasonable reduced rate raises and sells the steer 1 may grow into a great man Traveling time will be five hours fifteen minutes. We shall en ( When he talks combinat :,>i; and direct the destiny of and deavor to transport you at conven I an alarm is sounded that millions. ient hours more reasonable than you for the amateur or expert. A full line of stand­ can ride in your own machines and echoes among the money hope you will be able to take ad ­ My purpose in mentioning vantage of thia fact. Adv. ard parts “for making your own” set if you are changers from coast to this is to point the moral < coast. When are we to find so inclined. that financial Moses who that farmers can do more Brighton wood for »ale. John When buying a set or parts be sure and insist on will lead the people to some tor themselves than the gov' 37tf sort of combination that eminent can possibly do for Mathers. getting standard goods. works for the public? We them. Nearlx every legisla-. .Also a few books on Radio. have developed the exploit» live measure that has been If yon have a »kiff and want a approved ami requested gen-, motor boat see Eugene Jenkins He i tion of the cow until the Just what you want. the ne«' meat of the animal is only a erally by farmers’ national ha» Evinrude motor. Sells for I10S »nd organizations during the. small portion of the profit will run under water if nece««*ry securing front his predesti­ term of the present congress, for It has a triple-wound magnet«' Poem W EXCURSION TICKETS COST LESS I THIS YEAR To Portland and Eastern Cities $5-75 for 15 Day Tickets $7.00 for Season Ticket TILLAMOOK TO PORTLAND and return Fifteen day tickets on sale Friday and Saturday. Good fifteen days, season tickets on sale daily, good three months, not to exceed October 31st. Take friend wife along—she will be glad to get away for a day or longer. Going east or returning, stop at San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, three world famous and charming cities. Visit Yosemite'Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, and include California’s wonderful seashore resorts. For further particulars ask agents Southern Pacific Lines John M. Scott, Gen'l Passenger Agt. Shoes Made New! 'V Old shoes are like old friends—we know their good qualitie* —we feel at ease with them. Don’t discard them without bringing them to us for Inspec­ tion. Perhaps a new pair of soles and heels will put them in tip-top shape again. SNODGRASS S°E Todd Hotel Building •MNCjÙsnH \ t - ui - j II Sfondarti ¡ r Radio Receiving Sets COAST POWER CO. nated slaughter. We turn! lias been Uyyrably acted up I L ww»l jpUclti __ ..A-»? H Good tools make your vacation worth while \ ou can use your leisure time this summer by making permanent improvements i to your property Do this work yourself f It s not difficult /if you have the right tools. Winchester 1 ools possess exclusive features which are appreciated by the amateur and the skilled workman. Winchester Nail Hammer-Pick up a Winchester Hammer You will admire it’s good “feer' and perfect balance. Hit the nail on the head with the ham n»er head that won t eotne off. Winchester Chisel—Made of one solid piece of special cru­ cible steel for the entire blade and socket. Handles of se­ lected hickory, leather capped W inchester Hand Saw—Here Is the saw that will make the sawdust fly. It produces fine work and saves your muscle* and temper. Winchester Auger Bit— The «olid center pattern is a strong practical bit for all kinds of general work. Bores a smooth clean hole without splitting. Other Superior Winchester Tools Axes, Hatchets, Planes, Pliers, Screw Drivers Wrenches King-Crenshaw »"« f/ir/Cffisru « to ««