Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 16, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    Friday, June loth.
PncQcL RigM!
The advantages of a big buying power await yon here. Interesting stocks of reliable goods
far Siuxun&rtime make an early visit to our store advisabta. We are prepared. Your inspection is
invited. The resources of our 312 department stores are reflected in our offerings. Come ini
Kiddies’ Bloomer Dresses
Boys’ Separate Knickers
and “Pidgie Pantie’’ Suits
Long Service at Low Price
Bloomer Dresses
Clever little two-piece styles.
For kiddies from 2 to 6 years.
Well made of colored gingham.
Assorted checks, Remarkable
Pidgie Pantie” Suita
Cute, serviceable one-piece 8aT_
menta. Choice of plain and check
gingham or percale. Desirable eol-
Slses from 1 to 6 yeat^
Women’s Pure Lisle Hose
Real Economy Opportunity
An offering made possible by our
large quantity buying. Durable,'neat
appearing Hose. Pure lisle thread; re­
inforced heels and toes; double soles;
high spliced heels. Black, w
cordovan. Exceptional value.
Double the life of the boy’s suit with sep­
arate Knickers. Mothers know they can
do that very thing. This is true economy.
Summer days are Separate
Knleker days. With the boy out
of doors the live-long day the
wear and tear on a suit of clothes
Is eliminated If he Is equipped
with a separate pair of Knickers.
Our low price for good serviceable.
Knickers makes their purchase
Miss lva Wilson of LaFayette is
¡siting relatives here
Tillamook, July 4th
Mrs. A. N. Ginn is visiting rela­
tives in Portland this week.
Tillamook, July 4th
L. E. Garwood, forest supervisor
of the Hebo district, was in the city
Tillamook, July 4th
Francis Wilson and Pauline
ter are visiting with the former’s
parents at Layfayette.
Tillamook, July 4th
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Berry
tended a reunion of Mr. Berry’s rel­
atives at Arlie last Sunday.
Tillamook, July 4th
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Edwards have
■returned from Aberdeen, Washing-
Tillamook, July 4th
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Edwards left
Tuesday for several days visit in
the Willamette valley.
Tillamook, July 4th
Miss Mary Lamar is spending
some time in Corvallis visiting her
relatives, the D. B. Lamars.
Tillamook, July 4th
The J. H. Rosenberg family are
spending a week in Eugene with rel­
Tillamook, July 4th
Mrs. Gporge B. Lamb, accompan­
ied by her two sons, is spending a
few days visiting in the Willamette
Tillamook, July 4th
A. A. Pennington left Sunday as
a delegate to the Grand Chapter,
Royal Arch Masons which will meet
in Eugene this Week.
Tillamook, July 4th
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cater,
Kenneth, Jr., Chas. Cater, Misses
Dow, #Pangborn and Wilson spent
Saturday at Rockaway.
Tillamook, July 4th
W. D. Pine made a hurried trip
to Salem Wednesday in an attempt
to come to an understanding with
the soldiers’ aid commission.
Tillamook, July 4th
W. S. Raker of Portland, well
known insurance man, who Visits
this section quite regularly, has
teen in town the past few days.
Tillamook, July 4th
Mrs. W. S. Coates and children
left Saturday for Hillsboro to visit
All-wool fabrics in attract­
Mrs. Coates’ father. From there she
ive patterns and colors that
will go to Portalnd to attend the
Instantly appeal to both boys
grand lodge of the O. E. S.
and parents. Lined or un­
Tillamook, July 4th
lined. Blue Serges and Cor­
R. E. Summerlin, formerly pastor
duroys also. All full six.
of the U. B. church here but now
Made for long service.
of Portland, where he is in the real,
estate business, is spending several |
days in the city.
Tillamook, July 4th
Mrs. C. O. Dawson, who formerly
lived here but now of Portland, was
in the city ljpj a week or two. She
Men’s Athletic .Style
Cellar Attached
was called here by the illness of her
mother, Mrs. T. H. Goyne-
An unustfal value in
Pest quality checked
Tillamook, July 4th
nainsook: full cut. special­
Men’s Dress Shirts is our
John Connell of Hillsboro visited
ly constructed. Cool, com­
new collar attached style.
fortable, light weight gar­
here recently. Mr. Connell is now
Fast color percale in neat,
ments so popular for men’s
in the grain business in the Wash­
attractive patterns,
Summer wear. Splendid
ington county town, but formerly!
wonderful buy at only
was sheriff of his county.
Tillamook, July 4th
Carl Desinger and A. M. Hawkin, i
contractors and builders of Beaver­
ton. were in the city last week on ,
a fishing trip. They are friends of
E. G. Anderson the local grocery-!
Tillamook. July 4th
Henry Ely was attending to busi- ■
dragged and brushed.
ness matters here the first of the'
The road from the railroad cross-| week. Mr. Ely has rented his farm
Ing to Coates' camp Is being graded near Hemlock to Loyd Wood, and
• (Continued from page 1)
and surfaced along Bewley creek.
moved to Beaver where he will re-'
point. A new bridge is also being
A gravel plant will soon be in side-
built on the Trask river in place of operation at the Ackley bar on Wil- |
Tillamook, July 4th
the one that was washed out last son river to furnish stock piles for |
A. H. Russell, the photographer i
winter. This structure is of steel the coming winter. This is expected of Rockaway, was in the city the(
and will be about 140 feet long. to be going in about ten days.
last of the week, Mr. Russell says
Thirty days will see it completed. —The Moore cutoff is now open as | they are expecting the largest tour­
The Wilson river road has a gang is also the Condor cutoff. Some lit­ ists crowds on the beaches this sea-
of men working upon it and is open tle work still remains-to be done on son of any so far.
to travel to the county line, It is these two places before they are of­
Tillamook, July 4
not possible to come through from ficially opened but the traffic has
Fred Robinson of Taft, Oregon, Is ;
Forest Grove on account of the been going through for some time- in the city this week having made
bridge construction. A sign has
A crusher has been started at. the trip up by way of Neskowin. He
been posted at Gales creek warning
Boulder creek to give the Blaine states that it is necessary to walk
people of this.
about eighteen miles on this trip.
road a general overhauling.
Mr. Robinson owned the Bar View
The Trask river road has been
The bulkhead at the Saling grade grocery before he decided to try his
cleared and graveled at the bad
holes and is now in the best shape will be completed tn about ten days, luck in the Lincoln county town.
that it has been for years. A new which is > expected to prevent the
Tillamook, July 4
bridge is being built over the north ravages of the. river on the road
Everson spent a few
during the winter.
The Fanner
fork of the Trask.
grade has been completed now and days at her home in this city after
The Bayocean road is completed is rocked.
finishing her work as teacher n the
as far as the piling and bulkhead
North Bend schools. Her mother
is concerned and about thirty days
spent the winter at the Coos bay
of dredging will complete this years regraded and surfaced as is also the town with her. Miss Everson is in­
program on that project. The gov­ Woods road.
tending taking some preparatory
ernment dredge has been at Gari­
work Ibis summer for the teaching
Tillamook. July 4
baldi for the past six weeks but will
start filling on the Bayocean road ENTERTAINS FOR MRS CARROLL
Tillamook. July 4
xbout the 20th of this month.
Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Phettlplace ar­
The Netarts market road has teen|
Mr*. Carroll and Mrs. French en-, rived in Tillamook Thursday and
ciear or orusn along the right or tertained at bridge last Thursday.’ are located in Dr. W. A. Wise’s resi­
way. Freeh plank have been laid honoring Mrs. J. J. Carroll of Chi­ dence and office acron the street
where needed and other parts of the cago.
south of the court house. Dr. Phei-
surface graveled. The road now haa
The house was very tastefully tiplace has taken over the dental
completed through Happy decorated with pink and white flow­ practice of Dr. Wise and will make
< amp. Nearer town the other half ers. Pink and white was also car­ the outside trips the same M Dr.
of the pavement is now being laid by ried out in the table appointments Lebo and Dr. Win have been doing.
the contractors. The new road to and refreshments.
Mrs. Claude Dr. Wise will deVote his time to his
Oceanside is progressing rapidly, Barrick won high score.
Bar View interests.
now being one mile beyond Fall
The invited guests were Mesdames
creek. The contractors has been un­ J. J. Carroll. Barriek. Small. Hunt. FUNERAL OF FRED PULCIPHER
able th Ke* a large enough fore* to Belts. King. Eastman. Pine. Hansl-
get this project through in sc bed- mair. Maxinnls. Pollock. Buel. Rplts-
The funeral of Fred Pulcipher,
tUsd time and the county has put messer. Turnbull. French and Car- of Brighton logging camp four was
ten teams and twenty men on the roll.
held In this city June 8th by Rev.
north end of this road In order to
Harry E Tucker from the Hinkle
have >t completed by July first The
Klamath county shipping tn 19.- chapel
Th* Elks quartette turn-
Whiskey creek road has been 0*> head beef eat tie for feeding.
i islied the musical numbers.
Men’s Shirts
Union Suits
EVERY dollar you pay for insui-
ance is subject to taxes that help
to build up this community.
to patronize men y0*1 kaiow and
trade with you in your varied
than “favor men who
And in addition the men you know
are working to make the
from fire.
They are helping you
get lower rates for your fi'-e insur-
That is the claim
agency of the Hartford Fire Insur-
ance Company.
The Insurance Man”
21 Years in Tillamook
We offer you a plan to buy now for Fall delivery at th
present low prices. We are taking orders now for th
fall delivery on
For Ford, Chevrolet, and other
light cars
Full 85 Ampere hour capacity
3 Cell. 6 Volt
Best Battery you can buy at this price—Quality
construction, high grade materials and workman
ship carefully inspected
Come in and have us explain what
Tillamook Garage
Ware taking these orders
present prices
guaranteeing you against any raise and with the
assurnce that yau will be given every advantage of this
The Sanitary Automatic Drinking Cup is essential to
every barn. Every dairyman who is desirous of in­
creasing his herd production should install them, lhe
cost is very nomina1 as compared to results accruing.
We are stocking several brands. Our service will
please you. I his plan hsould meet with your approval.
It absolutely saves you money. You buy now before
the raise—we deliver in the Fall. You pay this low
price in the Fall. Surely we should receive many
orders on this plan.
Remember we handle all kinds of dairy supplies and
barn equipment—milking machines, stanchions, litter
carriers, etc. See our floor exhibits
The Big Store on the Corner—Opposite Todd Hotel
TiUamook, Oregon