The Land of Cheese, Trees and Ocean Breeze On the Roosevelt Memorial Coast Highway Cilknmui I« leaòligijt >- Tillamook, Oregon, Aï SLAUGHTFR OWNERS OF NETARTS PROPER- TY HOPE TO STOP KILLING OF ANIMALS AT SEAL ROCKS— CARCASSES STREW BEACH. As a protest against the action of elate hunters destroying the sealions at what is known as Seal rock off Maxwell point at Netarts, Rosen­ berg Brothers of this place have ad­ dressed a communication to the Gov­ ernor asking that this practice be stopped. It seems that the state pays pro­ fessional hunters to kill the seals and collect bounty on the scalps. This is done with the idea that the seals destroy salmon, but it is said that the hunters do not stop with the seal but also kill sealions. -It is maintaned by some of the best authorities that the sealions do not destroy salmon. The letters addressed to the state executive is in part as follows: A few days ago, only, a crew stopped at these rocks and all day long fired upon them and succeeded in killing quite a number of the sea lions The result has been that the beach is now strewn with their dead bodies, Owing to their size, it is impossible to bury them, and there is no way of consuming the car- cases, so as ,to prevent them from becoming putrid and contaminating the atmosphere so that it is almost unbearable for anyone to remain in Thia ofcourse is a the vicinity, menace to the health of the people staying at this resort antT will 'drive all of ,them away and keep them away within a distance of a good many miles of beacn. These dead sea lions have been scalped, pre­ sumably so that the killers can ac­ quire the bounty on the same.” BIG ELECTION LAWS DISREGARDED Judging from the results of the recent plmary election, a more thor­ ough education in lection laws must be laid before the different boards and voters. x While checking over the records of the boards of the Tillamook coun­ ty precincts, it was foutid that a large percentage of the registration cards that were made out election day at the polls were not made out properly, also that some of the wit- cesses secured by voters desiring to register on election day were not freeholders, that is, that these wit­ nesses do not own property within the county. It has been ruled that swearing falsely on registration con. stltutes a perjury and that it is pun­ ishable by law. It is also quite possi­ ble to throw out such votes as have been cast by false registration. All this has led county authorities to believe that a campaign of educa­ tion along the line of the election laws would be a good thing from the voters point of view, ’and predict that such a campaign may be un­ dertaken before the fall election. ROBEDEE STORE AT WOODS CHANGES HANDS l'he store at Woods, Oregon, form, erly owned by W. R. Robedee has been taken over by E. S. Wright who tame to this county from Newberg a tew weeks ago. Mr. Wright is re- stocking the place for the summer trade. PLACES LARGE ORDER FOR RADIO TELEPHONY The Palmer School of Chiroprac­ tic, Davenport, Iowa, recently placed a ten thousand dallar contract with the Western Electric Company for the last word in Radio Telephony wthlcn maxes tnetr station one ot inc best in the United States outside of the governmetn army and navy stations. CIRCUS BRINGS SPRINKLING TIME IS NOVEL PAGEANT HERE ANNOUNCED FOR SUMMER « - ---- One of the many inovations which is particularly pleasing to the little folks, when Howe's Great London Circus comes to Tillamook, on Mon­ day, June 12, will be the spectacle “Cinderella in Jungleland.” inaugurating a program made up of outstanding features, it really pertains to the theatrical, rather than the circus world. An army of people and countless animals take part in a gorgeous musical fantasy, woven into the story of the slipper, dear to the childish heart. There will be clowns an army of them, ponies, dogs, goats, beautiful speci­ mens of horse intelligence, a troupe of trained camels, all working in three rings. The steel arenas will be tilled with thrilling wild animal exhibitions, all for one ticket. A parade will be on the streets Monday morning and two perform­ ances will be given, at 2 and 8 p. m. The water commission has an­ nounced the time for sprinkling during the summer months as fol­ lows: East of 2nd avenue, Mon­ days, Wednesdays and Fridays; west of 2nd avenue, Tuesdays, Thnrsdays and Saturdays. The hours are from 5 to 9 p. m. ARMENIAN STARVATION PICTURES ARE SHOWN A small audience witnessed the three-reel moving picture “Alice in Hungerland’' Monday afternoon at the Gem Theater. These filmb are actual pictures taken of the terrible conditions in Armenia and of the work being done by the American Near East commis­ sion in salvaging the people of that stricken country. A meeting was held after the pictures were shown and CLOVERDALE PASTOR goes to convention it was decided to display the films to a larger crowd ut the city hall auditorium next Tuesday afternoon Rev. J. T. Moore, pastor of the and evening. Baptist church at Cloverdale, accom­ panied by his family, are attending the district association of the Bap­ MANY ENJOY BEACHEES SUNDAY tists at Madras this week. They made the trip by auto and will be After a rather , warm week the home for Sunday services. beaches proved an attractive place Sunday for many local people In BOY ON BICYCLE RUN addition to a large number from the DOWN BY AUTOMOBILE outside, The day was warm and many took a dip in the briny deep, The 11-ysar old son of Basil altho moot of it was confined to Mapes, while riding Monday mom- wading. Aiarge number of autolsts visited •ng on 2nd avenue east, was hit and run over by an automobile driven Pacific beach. The brdge at Pacific City will soon be completed. At by M. A. Comstock of Beaver. Though the bicycle was badly present one must be rowed across damaged the Mapea boy received no the Meetucca in order to reach the injuries aside from * tow ccatchea, Mr Comstock stateo xnat it was im­ possible to keep from hitting the BEACH ROADS NEED ATTENTION boy as he suddenly crossed the street directly In front of hi*»» - The blcy- The road to Netarts le reported to ele was paid for and the case WAS be In a very rough condition and dropped. that one needs shock absorbers in the top of the car to make the trip SOUTH END RESIDENT in comfort. The road leading from CUTS GASH IN FOOT the main highway to the Pacific beach has been lately graveled, and Oscar Steele cut a five Inch gash while rough at present will be in a tn his foot Sunday while choplng good condition with more gravel wood Dr. I^Feevre waa called to Our beaches are unsutpassed and •ttend Mr. Steele and found it necee- every thing should be done to en­ to take five st tehee in the courage and increase the patronage at these resorts. Wound. ♦ ♦ ♦ BUSY BEE STILL BUZZES ON Old and young are taking much interest in the “B” word puzzle contest that is being run in the Headlight. Somebody is going to get some money, who, depends upon whoever finds the most articles in the puzzle picture on page 3 beginning with the letter B. Read the instructions accompanying the picture and send in your list ofwords. Cash for the sub­ scription MUST be inclosed with the list of words. The artist's master list of words has not yet arrived, but when it does it will be turned over to the three residents of Tillamook who will judge the contest. Only ten more days to get in your list. Better hurry. Next Sunday and Monday'will be the scene of much activity at the fair grounds east of the city for a circus is coming to town. Arriving some time Sunday, tents CIRCUIT COURT CASES ARE FIN­ ♦ TWO ARMY BOMBERS APPEAR will be pitched and preparations CITY DADS TURN OVER CITY­ made for the big show on Monday. ISHED AJA) TERM ADJOURNED ♦ AND OFFICERS PROCURE AD­ Howe's Great London circus is the CELEBRATION COMMITTEE TO ♦ first show of this kind to visit Til­ .—MAY MEET NEXT MONTH DITIONAL CANDIDATES FOR PUT OVER EVENT—DAY WILL ♦ lamook for several years and there SAYS JUDGE BAGLEY. ♦ are no doubt that many who have CAMP LEWIS IN JULY. START ON THE THIRD. ♦ never seen such an affair. * There will be a street parade Mon- + The work of the Circuit court was day and both performances both in Coming from Vancouver barracks Preparations are rapidly going a- finished here Saturday afternoon * in two Liberty light bombing planes, the afternoon and evening. head for the July Fourth celebration and Judge Bagley left late that Lieuts. Buia, Long Schran and Met­ here next month. * evening for his home in Hillsboro. CHANGE FOR STATION At a recent meeting Clarence Coe Among the remaining cases that ♦ ter arrived in the city Wednesday IS ASKED BY PETITION was elected chairman and general were tried this term was that of the ♦ morning on an advertising trip for manager of the delegates from the + + + + + + + + + ■*+ + ♦ the Citizens Training camp which State Auto & Truck Co. against the will take place at Camp Lewis next four organizations that will stage City of Tillamook. The Transpor­ Residents of Garibaldi have peti ­ month. The machines landed on the the celebration, and Walter Pettys, tation company asked for an injunc­ MAN KILLED IN WOODS flying field at the new fair grounds tioned the commerce commission for tion against the city to restrain the AT BRIGHTON CAMP 4 making the trip from Vancouver In a change in the position of the S. P. Harry Gilham, A. C. Everson and city from collecting a fine levied station at Garibaldi. The petition D. M. Simonson were named heads of one hour. the sub committees. against them for failing to comply Fred W. Pulcipher was killed Tues A meeting was held at the city asks that the site of the station be Last meeting the city council with the city ordinances requiring day at Brighton camp four near hall auditorium Wednesday night changed to the intersection of the a license for hauling freight through Mohler, Oregon, while working in for the purpose of arousing enthusi- track and Large street or First voted to turn the city over to the celebration of the 3d and 4th of the city. After a lengthy debate the woods. The deceased leaves a asim and eight more applications street. July, .with permission to hold the the injunction was sustained. wife and three children, who have were received for the training camp. event within the building restriction The case of school district 24 been living at Reedsville. Those who have applied so far BOYS ARM IS MANGLED zone. All concessions will be in against Union High school district Pulcipher was killed when a new are: Mike Miller, Carl Knight, Lor­ charge of the celebration committee. number 1 created considerable inter­ cable, one that had been put into use raine King, Harry W. Page, James WHILE PLAYING WEDNESDAY Concessionaires will pay license« est and drew many taxpayers from only the day before, snapped and A. Sharp, Lawrence A. Fitzpatrick, and will not be allowed to sell any­ the north end of the county. This caught him about the neck. He Eugene H. White, William H. Camp­ A 13-year old son of Mrs. Berry thing that will inflict with the trade ease lasted one day. was thrown about 100 .’feet by the bell, Theodore B. Tucker, Fred H. Miner was painfully hurt Wednes­ of local merchants. In the suit of John Borba.Jr., vs. impact and his neck was broken. Zaddach, and James W. Anderson. day while playiug vith some com­ Quite a sum of money has been Helen E. Borba for divorce, a decree The funeral was held yesterday The camp is to start July 11th and raised by popular subscription rades around a donkey engine. It was granted. afternoon at Henkle’s chapel. last until August 25th. already, amounting to a >1000. It is It is probable that Judge Bagley is said that the boys dared the Min ­ Arihle W. French, captain U. S. thought that the subscription will will return again in July and open M. C. retired, and physical director er boy to throw a snake, with which go higher than that as the town has LOCAL PEOPLE LEAVE a short term of court. for the local schools last term, as­ they had been playing, into the parts not yet been entirely covered. FOR TRIP THRU SOUTH sisted the officers from Vancouver Arrangements are being made te of the engine and that the Miner in Interviewing the prospects here. boy's hand was caught in the cogs hold a queen’s contest and to have a NEAR EAST RELIEF The two planes left for the home of the machine when he attempted parade of floatB, for which prize« Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Henkle, Mr. COMMITTEE FORMED and Mrs. J. E. Reedy and Mr. and station about 10:30 yesterday morn- to do so. will be given. It is also planned to Mrs. W. J. Gilbert left this week for ing. give prizes for window displays. Following a private showing of a trip through California, to be A smoker and boxing match will "Alice in Hungerland'' at the Gem gone about a month. While in the EASTERN STAR RECEPTION start the festivities off on the even­ theatre Monday, a county near east HAND IS SHATTERED south they will attend ¡the Shrine relief committee was formed with HELD FOR CLUB MEMBERS ing of the 3rd. ( The event will be BY ACCIDEMBAL SHOT convention in San Francisco. held under the auspices of the Tilla­ Rev. J. E. Fry of Tillamook county C. W. Henkle *«f Independence, mook hexing «onaaiMiee »nd *s ex as cnairman ana xiev. J. T. seating brother of R. N. Henkle, has charge William Swagger, whose home is • The most important social event pected to be very successful, in view of Bay City, secretary. J. J. Handsaker, state director an­ of the undertaking establishment at Garibaldi, accidentally shot hlm- • in the history of Silver Star Wave of the other bouts that have been held recently by the commission. nounced that more than one thous­ while he is gone. ,elf in the hand with a pistol yes­ . Chapter of Eastern Star was staged ! after regular convocation, Thursday and dollars had been secured in terday morning, The shot entered meetings in various churches on Sat­ BACK FROM PORTLAND; the hand and penetrated through t evening, when the chapter enter- REVIVAL MEETINGS AT I tained at an informel reception those urday and Sunday. SECURES A NEW CLERK the wrist, He is at a local hospital visiting members of the Eastern Plans for further canvassing was THE NAZARENE CHURCH recovering from the wound. Star who were delegates to the State discussed and arrangements mode F. C. Esch, manager St the local Convention of Federation of Wom­ for a public showing of "Alice in Mrs. DeLance Wallace will begin en's Clubs. Hungerland’’ at Cloverdale Saturday J. C. Penney store, returned Tuesday SPEAKER SECURED FOR from revival meetings in the special Portland where he went on a | The reception was planned by night and the Tillamook city hall FLAG DAY EXERCISES short business trip, Miss Emerson, on Tuesday afternoon and night. Mrs. Williams, Worthy Matron, church of the Nazarene Thursday Saturday, June 17th, was set as formerly of the J. C. Penney Co. at when it was discovered—due to in- evening, June 8th, at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Walace will be assisted by Forest Grove, has accepted a posi- The local lodge of Elks have the day for collecting used clothing. > quiries from visiting members—-that tion with the local store to succeed secured as a speaker for their Flag ; the majority of the delegates and Miss Louise Pinnell, a very efficient Miss Plasker. Day exercises on June 14th Senator ' almost the entire personal of the ex­ song leader and soloist. Miss Pin­ NORTHWEST WRITER Vinton of McMinnville. These ex­ ecutive board were members of the nell is a special young people's and children's worker and will hold ercises will be held at the Elks,hall I Eastern Star. IS VISITOR HERE LODGE DEGREES ARE special services for them which will 8 o'clock on' the evening of the at i Th regular meeting of the chapter RECEIVED BY FOUR 14th and will be open to the public. was called to order with Mrs Chas. be announced later. Fred Lockley, short story writer Castner, Associate Grand Matron of With the purpose of taking the and journalist, was a Tillamook vis­ O. E. 8., as the distinguished guest; AUTO RACES DRAW itor this week. Mr. Lockley is thirty-two degrees Scottish Rite WOODS MAN FOUND NOT then it was found that nearly every known as the "Journal Man” and Masonry and also receiving the LOCAL PEOPLE OUT GUILTY IN HUNTING CASE guest who was present during con­ writes stories of Oregon incidents Shrine. Glen Leach. Henry Crenshaw vocation had passed thru the chair and characters for the Oregon D. J. Barnett and Herbert Berg went to Portland last week. Journal. The State versus Jeff Fleck was a in some state chapter. A most in­ Howard Shearer, hie mother and case tried before the Justice court teresting address on Eastern 8tar sister, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mer- work was delivered by Mrs. Castner in this city last Tuesday. WIDMERZUERCHER rick spent a few days in the Wil- FEW SALMON REPORTED Charges were brought by Henry and her return visit next year whne lamette valley last week attending CAUGHT Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at Brooten, a deputy game warden of she will be greeted as Worthy Grand the auto races at Salem and riding the Methodist parsonage in this city the Nestucca county, against Fleck Matron will be looked forward to over the Columbia river highway. While many local and visiting Wermer Widmer and Hattie Zuer- for killing a curlew last May 14th. by all the lodge members. They returned Monday After the close of the evening fishermen have been trying their cher were united in marriage by A number of witnesses were drawn session of the convention, the arriv ­ luck the past few days at trolling Rev. Dark. Miss Zuercher is the to testify before the court. The in­ for salmon not many report success. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Zuer­ cident was suppoed to have hap­ ing guests were greeted by the re­ DEPARTMENT QUICKLY ception committee composed of the The main run will be on in another cher. Mr. and Mrs. Widmer will pened in the bay at Woods. RESPONDS TO ALARM week or so when great catches are make their home on the Zuercher Fleck was found not guilty by Past-Wertby-Matron and the officers of Silver Wave Chapter, who had expected. farm. the Jury after deliberation. each member register and tagged A blaze in the roof ot the home of them with their name, chapter and Mra. Alice Woolf in the east part of whence they came. town brought out the fire depart- After delicious ref-eehments were served, Mrs. Frances Steinbach acted ment Monday noon. Part of the as toastmaster and the following res­ roof waa burned away but no other ponded: H. T. Botts. Prat Grand damage was done before the flfW Matron, who extended greetings department extinguished the blaze from 8llver Wave Chapter; Mrs. Chas. Castner. Past-Preaident in with chemicals. O. F. W. C.; Mrs. Alex. Thompson, prominent In Legislative work; Mrs. Viola Price, pioneer of The TILLAMOOK AND BRIGHTON Dales; Mrs. Ida B Callahan. State SCORE IN GAMES SUNDAY President of O. F ; Mrs. Ches. Walls, self-admitted baseball fan of Hills From bling hit by a hard pitched boro; Mra F. 8. Ball, President of the Associate-Matron's Club of | ball i* lbs Tillamook - Garibald* whv rllenvw tv ... « gam« at th« ralr grounds Sunday special Invitation to attend Grand on« of th« Garibaldi players is in a Grand Chapter; Mrs. Jackson, boost­ ing for Baker: Mrs Looney, wife of local hospital suffering from a brok- a prominent Guernsey Breeder of en jaw. It seems that the !nJurrd Jefferson; Mrs. Owens, hailed as t’-- player recently eame from Spokane Round-Up delegate and Mm. Rob ■»here be had been sick and im­ mediately run Into some uMre hard erts. who drove her own car fr< Redmond and Is the wife of the De» lock in the 3u» br women of O EJI. r