Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 02, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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educational movies, etc.
All the delegates should write or
. ire the >< hool as soon as they know
• hich train they will arrive on In
that, they may be met by mem-
s of th faculty. Ail members of
alf clubs will be in i charge of the
faculty, who will we Bar orange and
lack badges for identification.
Copyright 1921, Jantzen Knitting Mills
The National
Swimming Suit
The public everywhere now recognizes
that Jantzen is the best swimming suit for
comfort and appearance—that it is an
ECONOMICAL suit because it docs not
rip, because it holds its shape and gives
service long after the ordinary suit is
worn out.
The Jantzen is a modest garment. Tt
does not accentuate any part of the body.
A Jantzen looks just as well when wet as
when dry, and has a trim, pleasing appear­
ance at atl times that is impossible with the
clinging bagginess of the old type of bath­
ing suit.
Carl Jantzen Originated and Developed the
Famous Elastic-Stitch Swimming Suit
( arl Jantzen, himself an expert swimmer
saw the need of a suit that would give free­
dom of action in swimming, lie was the
first to apply the elastic-stitch principle to
a bathing suit.
Famous swimmers -many holding na­
tional and world record
first re ngi zed
the superiority of th • Jantzen. Now Tant-
zen is truly the "National Swinimi i ■ Suit!"
Over a stretch of five thousand miles -on
the shores oi New England, at Madison
Square Garden, at Atlantic City, Palm
Miami, at inland water re orts and
pools, along the Pacific Coa t. and
Honolulu's fami us beach of Waikiki,
n -is the popular suit.
NOTE—-The four leaf clover with
the four H’s Is the Insignia of Boys’
nd Girls' club work. The four H’s
stand for Head, Heart, Hand and
• * •
Tnc date of the 1922 two we*-ks
Boy«’ ana Girls’ Summer School at
the Oregon Agricultural College to
June 12 to 24, according fto H.
Sejmoui, State Club Leader.
Junt 12 will be registration day
and all club members should arrive
at the college in time to register and
get their rooms in shape so as to be
ready for classes the following morn­
ing. Report to room 127 Agrlcul-
tural Building. The boys wjill be
quartered at Polling Hall and the
girls at Snell and Cauthorn Halls.
Any Club member in the state who
has his or her work up in good
shape, all reports up to date on June
12, will be eligable to the Summer
School. The expense for this school
will be $15 for board and room, each
member to provide bedding such as
blankets, comforts, sheets, etc. Each
room will be furnished with springs
and mattreses.
Girls should bring all necessary
toilet artlclees, enough clothing for
two weeks, Including cotton dresses
suitable for school wear, a light
dress for parties, a heavy coat for
cool days and evenings and any of
the following they wish: swimming
suit, If swimming lessons are desired
bloomerstennis shoes for gymuasium
work and a tennis racket If they
play tennis.
Boys should bring enough clothes
for the two weeks, a pair of overalls
or coveralls for field and barn
classes, their regular clothes for
Isss work and all toilet articles such
s tooth brush, comb, towels, swim­
ming suit, if they wish to learn to
swtim, base ball gloves, tennis
On each day there will be classes
conducted by members of the Club
staff and the resident faculty of the
college, covering different lines of
club projects
These classes will
continue from 9 o'clock In the morn­
ing until 12 and there will be gen­
re d assembly from 1:30 until 3, the
rest of the afternoon being devoted
to recreation In which there will be
games In both the women’s and
men’s gymnasiums. In th evening
' there will he entertainments. patties
r the
ZRr Qujtûty ór we'
T-. i’.H.
Why She
“I have always u*ed
the cheaper baking
powders, supposing
themjudt as good as
Royal Lut I invested
in a cun of Royal
Baking Powder and
now find all my bak*
ing so much improv­
ed that 1 will use no
other kind.’*
My tine, ne.u ly new, old standard
make phonograph and records must
l>e old tills week. Machine and
records cost over $130. will take
fo quick -ale. Would sell to
good house on terms of $5 down and
$5 nt
Address at once B 11.
I 4 re fully
unit ation
Miss C. L. B.
Baking Powder
Abiolutely Pure
Contain* No Alum
Leave* No Bitter Taste
Sand for Nrw Royal Cook Book
—H‘a FREE. Royal Baking Pow-
Je?C<^l 26 WüliamStJMaw York
There will be a Holstein meeting
at the home of Jack Rupp on Tues-
day, June 6th, at 1:30 p. m. Judg-
mg, club yells, etc.
The Linn County Jersey Cattle
Club extends an invitation to Club
boys and gists of Oregon to attend
their annuel picnic and enter the
Jersey Judging contest to be held on
the farm of Warren Gray at Marion,
Oregon, on Saturday, June 10th, ’22.
ItuleB governing second Linn
County Jersey Cattle Club Judging
contest—there will be two contests:
Contest No. 1, for teams. A. Elig­
ibility. 1.—Each Jersey Calf Club
in the state may enter one team of
three (3) members. 2.—All mem­
bers of a team must be members of
the same standard Jersey Calf Club.
B. Requirements: 1.—Each con­
testant shall place, according to his
judgment three classes of Jerseys;
one each of aged cows in milk,
young cows in milk and heifers. 2.
Four animals shall constitute a
class. 3.—Fifteen minutes will be
allowed for the placing of each class.
Oral reasons will not be required.
General Instructions: Each
team must send in its entry to Fred
N. Williamson, County Club Leader
Albany, Oregon, by June 8. 1922.
Each team shall report on the farm
of C. C. Dixon by noon of the picnic.
Picnic lunch will be esrved by the
Linn County Jersy Cattle Club. D.
—The Ling County Jersey Cattle
Club has appropriated $40 for prizes
to the high scoring teams as follows:
1st, $10; 2nd, $8; 3rd, $7; 4th, $6;
5th, $5; 6th, $4.
A. Eligibility:
1.—A member
of any Boys’ or Girls’ club project
may enter. 2.—Those who partici­
pate in contest No. 1 are not eligible.
B. Requirements: (Same as in
contest No. 1.) C. General In­
structlons: Each contestant shall
report on the farm of Warren Gray,
noon of the day of the pisnlc. Plc-
nic lunch will be served by the Linn
Couty Jersey Cattle Club.
Prizes: The Linn County Jersey
Cattle Club has appropriated $10 for
prizes to the high scoring Individ
uals, as follows: 1st, $3; 2nd, $2
3rd. $1.50; 4th, $1.25; 5th, $1.25
6th, $1.
The name behind
the product
battery the best West­
inghouse can build!
must make good lor
they must
the user becau
make good lor their build-
crs. Westingh use cannot
atlord to disappoint with a
mediocre product, a half­
way service or an ambigu­
ous guarantee.
Seventeen hundred West­
inghouse Service Stations
-land ready to fullfill the
actory-backed Westing-
house guarantee. regard­
less of where the battery
was purchased; and to rend-
r Westinghouse Attention
for the battery NOW in
your car, regardless of its
of the
The Nelson Electric
At the Tillamook Garage
The tire section above at the left shows
the condition of a Firestone 33x4V2 Cord
Tire after 20,994 miles on a Yellow Cab
in Chicago.
The section at the right was cut from
a new Cord of the same size. Careful
measurements show that only 1/3 of the
tread of the tire on the Yellow Cab has
been worn away after this long, gruelling
test. The carcass is intact after more
than 11,000,000 revolutions.
Firestone Cords have averaged over
10,000 miles on Chicago Yellow Ca^s
(1,200 cabs all Fire-
stone equipped). In
thousands of in­
stances, they have
30x34 FABRIC
given from 15,000 to
30,000 miles.
Look at the tread—
scientifically angled
against skid, massive
and heavy in the center where the wear
conies, tapered at the edges to make
steering easy and to protect the carcass
against destructive hinging action of
high tread edges. The carcass is air bag
expanded to insure uniform tension and
paralleling of every individual cord. It
is double “gum dipped” to make sure
that each cord is thoroughly insulated
with rubber.
This is the reason why Firestone
Cords unfailingly deliver extraordinary
mileage. It explains the unanimous de­
mand of thoughtful
tire buyers for these
values. The local
30x3’/2 FABRIC
Firestone dealer will
continue to provide
the personal service
that makes Firestone
tire comfort and econ­ I 30 x 3 size £7.99
New Prices Pins Tax
omy complete.
Effective ¿lay 2Q
SUNSET GARAGE, Tillamook, Oregon
TILLAMOOK GARAGE, Tillamook, Oregon
ARROW GARAGE, Hebo, Oregon