The Land of Cheese, Trees and Ocean Breeze On the Roosevelt Memorial Coäst Highway ♦ Tillamook, Oregon. WORLD’S GREATEST FOURTH OF JULY PLANS ARE MADE FOR TILLAMOOK FINANCIER SAILS I ____ ■ - FOUR ORGANIZATIONS HAVE AIM LARGE CONTRACT GIVEN COUNTY ON SOUTH END NESKOWIN ROAD THIS YEAR— SUP­ TILLAMOOK COUNTY WAS THE The eagle will scream in Tilla- niook July 4th if present plans can bo worked out satisfactorily, ac­ cording to those now working on arrangements. Four organizations, the local post of the American Legion, the Tillamook ball team, the K. P. Band and the firemen, aie working together and have made tentative plans for an extensive celebration beginning on the night of the I third and lasting throughout the day and evening of the fourth. These plans include a parade with floats, concessions run by lo­ cal people, races, log rolling con­ tests. day and night fireworks and base ball games. It is planned to import the 59th Infantry band from Vancouver barracks in addition to the local band. The representatives from the four organizations got to­ gether yesterday and discussed these plans but It was stated that nothing can-be done unless the business men of the city get behind the scheme with something sub­ stantial. “Everything hinges on the finan­ cial support given us”, said one of th Legion men today, "Without that we will be unable to do very much”. MEMBER STATE BOARD OF HORTICULTURE WAS HERE Wednesday was a red letter day for the county court for on that day they received the contract for the completion of the road from He­ bo to Neskowin, amounting to about twelve miles, and which will be an important step in the Roosevelt Highway. Otto H. Kahn, expert on taxation and leader in the world of national and international finance, waved a cheery good bye to a few friend* when he sailed for the other siae last week. His mission? Mr. Kahn makes it a practice never to talk “before the fact." He diicu^*« accomplishment*. WOMEN LEAVE­ GUERNSEYS HERE Highway Engineer Nunn is re­ ported as saying that the Roosevelt highway is more nearly completed than the public generally realizes, and that it will take very little work to put it in passable shape, rhe contract for the Hebo-Neskowin part calls for grading, bridges and crushed rock macadam. SUCCESSFUL YEAR OF YEAR OCCURS TUESDAY The South Prairie cooking club held their fifth meeting at the home of Mrs. Earl Porter, the club leader. All members were present and it was decided to have a cooking club picnic June 8th along the Tillamook river. Those who attended report a good time. Lunch was served by the hostess. The New Hero WKC/M BY FALLING- TIMBER The church of the Nazarene in this city has just closed another suc­ cessful yaer. Their annual meeting has just been held and a gain of membership was reported both In church and the Sabbath school. The treasurer reported a total of $8.443.56 raised for the year. The church has extended an ti- nanimous call to the pastor, Mrs. Mary T. Clink to remain another year, which call has been accepted. B. E. King and J. B. Honey were appointed delegates to the annual assembly o’ the north P&clfb? dl»- trict which convened In Portland. May 24 to28. •‘Just over here recuperating from the effects of the flu”, says H. D. Be run of LaFayetta Mr Begun is ■ -d r-erchant. but now la in­ terested In the banking business He will visit the bench resorts o* . .i’Ot-e returning to bls home. ------- SOUTH PRAIRIE COOKING CLUB The highest temperature to be recorded so far this year in the city was registered on Tuesday when the official Weattfer Bureau instru­ ments here showed 90 degrees about four o’clock in the afternoon. An east wind added to the sweltering heat but very few people seemed to be greatly inconvenienced by this unusual weather for Tillamook. ALFRED MULLER KILLED k j | | . ARB YOU GOOU6 to iNMiTe ovEf D. O. Spitzmesser, recently of household effects, besides annoying McMinnville, to manage some of the the householders. lepartments of his store. Mr Spltz- messer moved to the city Wednesday accompanied by Mrs. Spitzmesser. A., ♦ ♦ ♦ On page three of this issue ♦ of the Headlight is found the + “B’’ word subscription contest ♦ This is open to everybody and ♦ will result in cash prizes being ♦ given when the contest closes + + the 20th of this month. There + FAIL TO COOPERATE WITH THE 4- is very little time left, so get + COURT AND WILL NOT BE CON­ + busy. ♦ + Rules for the conduct of the ♦ SIDERED FURTHER—THIS IS A 4- contest may be found in the + BUSY TERM. 4- ad on page three. Study ♦ + them over and make up your + + list of words. Cash for the + Circuit Court opened Monday + subscription must accompany + 4* the list of words sent in, $2.00 ♦ with Judge Bagley presiding and + for each year's subscription + since then has straightened out + taken. + quite a number of legal tangles. ♦ ♦ In the naturalization cases, only + + + + + ♦ + + + + + + + ♦♦ two were heard and but one was issued naturalization papers—Geo. Hanslmair. Louis Ludtke’s was con­ tinued without prejudice on account of his witnesses not being able to quality. Three application for citl zenship papers were dismissed per­ manently on account of lack of co­ operation with the authorities. This means that these three applicants will not be abe to hold citizenship in The fast Garibaldi team from the this country. V. W. Tomlinson, big Whitney mills will cross bats chief naturalization attorney of with the Tillamook team in a regu­ Ml** Katherine Gllgore—who la lar Tillamook county league contest Portland had charge of the cases. In the case of R. F. Zachman ver­ »he? No matter, «he itartled eveu Sunday, June 4 at 1:30 P- m. Atlantic City, N. J, when »be ap-‘ sus Roy Hanson, over the alleged Garibaldi trounced the rejuve­ peared in her black and white knick-: sale of a milking machine, n verdict erbocker co»tume and wa* immedi-' nated Nehalem team 17 to 7 last was awarded to the defendant. ately dubbed "The T aj U Flapper»' Sunday. Their pitching staff is ette,” a* she »trolled the famous Geo. H. Fileman was granted a considered the best in the league boardwalk. ' verdict against W. D. Shafer in an and they are hitting like fiends. * ’ action for money. Tillamook will be strengthened Peter Norberg versus Amanda somewihat, despite injuries to two of her stars, and with Fortier in the Haskins to quiet title was heard but box and Donovan in reserve they are not decided. The contestants were out to stop these sluggers cost what instructed to furnish briefs to Judge Bagley at Hillsboro. effort it may. Divorces were granted to the fol­ The games this season are being Minta Lundberg versus played at 1:30 to permit of farmers lowing: and dairymen.,attending the games. Walter Lundberg, Gladys Kellow Sunday’s crowd promises to exceed versus Russell W. Kellow, G. V. Doughty, the opening day attendance which Doughty versus Pearl was the largest of record. The Whit­ Clara Miner versus B. Miner. ney mill bunch have purchased a Ray Crute, local agent for the whole block of tickets and many Southern Pacific Company received from Bay City will be on hand. TOURIST SEASON IS CLOSE AT notice thnt reductions in the round trip fare between Portland and HAND FOR THIS COUNTY Tillamook had been made which SALVATION ARMY ENSIGN will be in effect until September 20tll of this year. i PLEASED WITH RESULTS Consider able activity is reported On Fridays and Saturdays round from the beach resorts In this county in preparation for the coming tour­ trip tickets will be sold to Portland Ensign A. Nelson of the Salva­ ist season. New houses and tents for $5.75 with a return limit of tion Army was in the city Monday have adds at nearly all the resorts, fourteen days from date of sale. In the interest of the Home Service and ample provisions made for the Daily round trip tickets to Portland campaign which is being conducted largest season ever experienced at will be $7.00 good until October undm the able leadership of county the Tillamook benches. Better road 31st and stop overs permitted at sheriff John Aschim with a number facilities on the highway, and im­ all points enroute on both going and of prominent citizens. Miss Nelson proved conditions in other parts of coming trips. says they are to be ^congratulated on the county whereby traveling pub­ This Is a general reduction and a well planned campaign, and she lic will benefit, should result In a applies from most all of the stations wishes to convey her thanks in be­ greater number of visitors this year in Oregon. It Is hoped by the com­ half of the Salvation Army to the than last, and more inducement than pany that business will Increase to public for their kind support. The ever before. Our beaches have be­ a point where they will be justified fund will be kept open as there are come very popular, and with perhaps In continuing these rates. some returns not yet in. the exception of Seaside, Tillamook's are the best patronized In the state. SUCCESSFUL BIDDER. PORT IS GIVEN. ■ June 2nd, 1922 WATCH THE LITTLE BUSY BEE * ♦ 4* + + + + + 8140.000 TO BE SPENT ON HEBO TO CELEBRATION IN CITY IF PR0FER FINANCIAL * + ♦ ■ .CIAL TRAIN WILL CARRY DELEGATES HOME One new enterprise opening Its doors this week I* the Hunset Auto Electric Service station at Mcond avenue and fourth str*