THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT The high frequency current is known as the carrier wave and its function , to rad.ate into space in the form of electro magnetic waves and by its va riation in amplitude carry with it the variation in the tone at the transmit ting station. It is the frequency of the currier wave that determines »he wave-length on which a radiophone station is trans mitted. By experiment It it lies has been found that electro-magnetic waves truvel at the same velocity that light waves travel, that is, ISC 000 miles per second. Wave-length is the distance between any two sin:!’. ■ points on two successive waves; for example, the dis tance from crest to crest of any two successive waves in the same direction, measured in meters, a unit of length equal approximately to one and one- tenth yards. Converting 180,000 miles to meters, the equivalent Is 300.000.000 meters. The length of an electro-mag netic wave is equal then to 300.0iM),000 divided by the frequency. Suppose a station was transmitting on a wave length of 360 meters. The frequency of the carrier-wave would be approxi mately 835,000 cycles. Just as a violinist tunes his instru ment, that is, makes a certain string euiit a note of higher or lower pitch, or, technically speaking, a sound wave of higher or lower frequency, by ad justing the tension on the string, so may the electrical constants of the antenna circuit of a radiophone trans mitter be changed In order to have the station emit a carrier-wave of a different frequency. If a tuning fork havlng a natural period corresponding to middle C be placed near a violinist who is playing, the fork will vibrate when the musi cian plays middle C, but all other times it will remain quiescent. This phenom enon of the tuning fork vibHating whenever the musician plays the cor responding note on the violin is known as mechanical resonance. If a radio receiver be adjusted so that electrically its natural period of vibration will be 835,000 cycles (360 meters wave length) every time a station transmits on a wave-length of 360 meters, cur rent will be set up In the receiver by THINGS BEGINNERS MUST LEARN FIRST Explanation of Terms Used in Radio and of Its Basic Principles. Due to the great Interest taken in ra- dio since broadcasting stations have been started, many radio terms are seen and heard that may be unfamiliar to the novice. Some of the most com monly used terms are explained und defined below. Like light, heat and sound, radio energy is propagated in the form of a wave motion. Every one Is familiar with the wave motion set up on the surface of a still body of water by the dropping of a stone into it. Every time a point on the surface of the waves goes through a complete set of motions and starts to repeat those motions the wave is said to have gone through a cycle. The number of complete cycles gone through per second is the frequency. The human ear is responsive to sound frequencies up to a few thousand cycles per second but is not capable of responding to the higher frequencies encountered in radio. Arbitrarily a frequency of less than 10.000 cycles has been called an audible frequency —one which can be heard—and fret quencles above 10,000 cycles, radio or inaudible frequencies—because they cannot be heard by the human ear. The particular type of wave which propagates radio energy is an electro magnetic wave. All of us have seen bits of Iron and steel attracted by the little toy magnets made up in the form of horseshoes. This attraction of the x magnet for the bits of iron and steel Showed the existence of a magnetic VUk believe ZEROLENE is the most efficient lubricant made fcr the modem automobile engine If it were possible to makea better oil than ZEROLENE this company would make it Adjutnat General Geo. A. White, head of the National Guard of Ore gon and who has announced him self as a candidate for election to the position of governor at the com ing primaries, is not a man of words, believing rather in action. Those who heard him speak at the meeting Friday night were impress ed with the unassuming but serious way with which he treated his sub ject; and he certainly did not ap pear to be the trained j politician that is usually expected to > be after the governor’s chair. In brief Colonel White’s platform is as follows: Less state expendi- ture; consolidation of commissions; immediate plans for retiring state’s indebtedness; control Japanese own ership of land; stimulate progress in Oregon. Colonel White has nothing in his published platform definitely con cerning the Roosevelt highway, but he confided his ambitions for this project in the ear of a reporter la ter. “I’ve traveled over nearly all the coast country from the Columbia river to the California line", said Colonel White, “and I’ve never seen a country so rich in natural resources any place else, The Roose- velt highway would open this vast amount of undeveloped country to the world.” “There is another aspect of the situation that also interests me. That is the valuable aid such a highway-would give to the military preparedness program of the gov ernment”, continued the Colonel. Contrary to some belief, Colonel White is not trying to use his ser vice in the army as a drawing card for votes. “I wish people would forget that I ever was in th“’army”, slid he, "I ask support simply on my reputation as an executive aryl no more.” * ’ —— —- —- — ñt £RN ational Amateur Racio Operators Erecting Aerial on the Roof. field about the tips of the magnet and this same kind of a field propagates the electro-magnetic force, except that unlike the toy magnet, its power comes off in the form of wavy motions. This electro-magnetic force propagates ra dio energy in nil directions. The medium that transmits the elec tro-magnetic waves Is the same me dium that transmits light—the ether. This medium is supposed to fill an space, even that occupied by fluids and solids. Little Is known about Its prop- ertics. In radio it is more common to speak of wave length than frequency. The wave length of any wave motion is the distance between any two succesmve crests in the same direction. Tie wiire length depends upon the rr< quency. If the frequency is high the wave length Is short. On the other hand If the frequency is low the wave length is long. Numerically the ware ££h is equal to the distance t „v eled bv the wave In one second divided bv the frequency. Suppose, for x- y ¿/thntlt were desired to know ample, piectro-magnetfc the wave length of an eit wave having a frequency cycles. Electro-magnetic so • at the same speed as do light that is. 1MVW' ^'/^¿¿Tthe uave viding the 1W* ”^Xs or ** length «-ouhl be ™ • measured yar<’\ « ” meVe • Xml to i-p- ln meters. A meter proximately 1-1 ? e length vnrds into meters the or 300 K rtw kora flat the electro-magn.^11 out from this station - Z»™ fn><]U HOOP and Lww n a7d jjr.Hmd «ya nected to an an f electro- tem that energy magnetic w|rp method of ond. there mu ' frequen •» '•urreat controlling this b variations electrical resonance. Stations trans mitting on any wave-length other than 360 meters will not cause a current to be set up in the receiver. The portion of a radio receiver that changes the wave-length at which it Is electrically resonant is called a tuner. Suppose that "A" station trans mits on a wave-length of 200 meters and "B" on a wave-length of 360 me ters. By adjusting the tuner until the constants of the receiver make It elec trically resonant to a 200-meter wave or a 360-meter wave, either of the two stations can be picked up. hut both stations cannot be picked up simulta neously. This is the reason that more than one transmitter can be operating nt one time and yet only one can be heard on a receiver without Interfer ence from the others. The other necessary part of a radio receiver is the detector. The function of this portion of the receiver Is to utilize the small currents In the tuner that are set up by a transmitting sta- , tlon and make them audil»|e through the n dium of a telephone receiver. If the telephone receiver were connected dlrectlv to the tuner tbe high-frequency I current would not operate the dla- pbragm of tl.e recei ,-er and even if the diaphra jrm were set in motion ft would be too font a motion to be picked up ' _ I by the hutr □an ear. In a simple re* reiver the detector tt> ___ of ■ tw irò pieces of mineral ually consists ’ in ’- co«. contact — or a piece of mineral in < <>m tact with « metafile spring. E ther I combination 1« known as a crystal de tector A detector of this type Is noth ing more than a rerftttvr; th.t Is. when I an alternating corrupt is applied st tbe texmuiaU the current Is allowed to J flow only • in one - - — -J direction. l m 1 1 — « t » k w How One Ed'tor Usee Radio. The editor of a P»P*r "" '** l„ttl town In the northwest 1« n»lng the radio In a most ingéni a» «»d ef fective u«y An «amateur radio friend ma big city 50 mile sway buy. the editions of the city P«I*rs as so.«, ss they are off the pre-, reed, best new. into hi. transmitter. and a typist in the country office coptee ne«» a» it comes in over the office re- The editor tbrougbjhi. £ genl-i. plan. I» al’-n W1“ the Latest” la Ms home town. Alber* Cart fully aoal'4 cylindrical canon inauro» abaoluta sanitation Flapjack - Flour Groceri Reconoead Albert Flapjacks Albers Cl Qstlify the hotcakes of the West «» mm ------ — The President of the Standard Oil Company (California), author of the statement quoted above, is right in believing that Zerolene is the best motor oil made. The lubrication engineers of this company have proved it repeatedly, by means of thousands of dynamometer and road tests of Zerolene and competing oils. The reasons for Zerolene’s superiority are: First, that the Standard Oil Company (California) possesses resources of crude oil and of manufacturing equipment and personnel that arc unsurpassed in the entire petroleum industry. Sec ond, that the engineers and chemists of this company have, from the beginning, been given carte blanche to make full use of these exceptional resources, ami to spend all the time and money needed to develop a lubricant ideally suited to the needs of the modem internal combustion engine. At the President’s request, we are undertaking to tell the motorists of the Pacific Coast the story of Zerolene. Wc shall do this by means of a series of signed statements in the public press. These statements will set forth in plain lan guage the requirements of an efficient motor lubricant, and the detailed reasons why Zerolene meets these require ments perfectly ‘HELLOFF" IS POSTOFFICE The west is celebrated for its sin gular nomenclature, The state map is shot over with all kind* of The Indian name', ridicttl >us names are all ; lght and ought They leave a pleasing to stay, imprssion on the stranger, but as» ’Hell’s Half such names Acre". "Louse Creek", and similar names of localities, hamlet< and towns, are, to say the least, undigni fied, when We come to consider them in the light of. state pride. “Helloc”is a struggling little settle ment about seven miles south east of Mohler, and a man has been found who claims to have knowledge of the origlD of the name which the postoffice department at Wash ington has established as the gov ernment name of the hamlet, al though It has another name, Snark. The man who bestowed the name Snark, evidently was a reader of Jack London’s Action proba bly didn’t like the name “Helloff”. In fact, there seems to be a sort of neighborflood one spring in the early name shall stick. To return to the origin of "Helloff’’. The story goes that a German walked into the neighborhood on spring In the early days, looking f or a stray home stead to settle upon. All day he walked up and down hill, following a dim trail, and the yellow soil cling tenaciously to his boots and the rain soaked him to the skin. Long towards evening, he came to a settler’s home where he was put up for the night. The next morning he was asked how he liked the set tlement. "Veil”, replied the Teu ton, as he gazed meditatively down the rainy trail."de most what” I can say about it is. Its vun helloff a goundry.,. Hence the name. — O*------ ---------- H mm STANDARD OIL COMPANY (to^^Ua) THANKS CARD We wish to thank the friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy, also for the beautiful floral offerings during the sad be reavement of our loving wife und mother, W. N. Dye and family, Mrs. O. W. Kinnarnan and family, Mary Dye and family. NOTICE OF CONTEST DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR United Stites Land Offlce Portland, Ore., Apr. 6, 1922. I'o Heirs of Albert R. Batchelder, Blaine, Oregon, deceased, of Contesiees: You ate here ¡by ence B. Cliappe til. Tillamook Couu y, Oreg poSt-Otfir.** a*ld 15th, 1922. ti c duly- eoirobora contest and sec of your Homestead Entiy No. 06473 -erlal No. 064*8 made September 25tb. 1919. by Albert R. Batchelder, deceii.- d. for NMH of SW>4, 8EJ4 of NWIi, and : W ‘A of NB‘4, 80 tion 4, Townsb p 4 South, Range 1 West, Willamette, Meridian, and as ground tot bls eontvM he allege« that said Aloert R. Batchelder died In tho State of Oie&uii oa or about the 22rd day of October, 1920; that at the time of bis death be was not engaged in t]>e military or naval service nt the United States during any war in which the United Stat.« was engaged; that since he made said entry on September 25th, 1919 be bad not been engaged or employ ed in the military or naval service of the United States; that he never served in the military or 1 naval servie« of th* Unit*! Stat* ea during any war In which the United States was engaged; that he never settle ment resided thereon before he made said entry; that he lived on said land less than one year after he made said entry; that be did not comply with the law so as to entitle him to n patent for said land,and his default therein was not due to bls employment in the military or naval service of the United States; that his heirs are unknown and their places of resi dence are unknown to contestant and after due and diligent inquiry said heirs or their places of resi dence cannot be foundry him; that none of said heirs ever resided on -aid land or improved It or culti vated any part thereof, and I hey have wholly abandoned said land for more than six months immediately preceding the beglnlng of this con test; that more than one year has elapsed since the death of said en- tryman; that the absence of said het* t s from ■; id laml and their fail- tire i to Improv 0 (J ot and was not due to their • nloy >ment In th" at my o navy of United S ale« during any war which the United Staes has engaged. You are, therefore^, further fled that the said allegations be taken as con’t js d, and your en try will he cance'«! wl’hcut farther right- to be heard, either before tills >fli e ot c a appt! 1, if yo.i a I to tile in this offi c wllhln twenty days after the F ourth r«*» • -1 on of ibis notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically ree- posdlng to these allegations of con test, together with due proof that you have served a copy ot your answer on the said contestant either In person or by registered mail. You should state In your answer the name of the poet offlce to which you desire future notices to be sent to you Alexander 8week. Register Prank 0. Northrup, Receiver Det« cf first publication Apr. 14, Date of 2nd publication Apr. 21, Date of 3rd publication Apr. 23, Date of 4th publication May I, Our customers are taking advantage of our discounts f Are you one of them? To our steady customers we offer: 5 percentdiscoiint on weekly accts 2 percent (Iiscount on monthly accts We save you money by our discount offer Try It and prove it. CONOVER & CONOVER OREGON TILLAMOOK. Teach Them N”w IF there la anything that young people need more to learn tho e days than the rational .«pending of money, we d like to be told of It. __ A Anything that will teach them that It taken one hundred cents to make a dollar is worth while, ami since it 1» as estab lish good habits ns bud. we suggest a •Nationalised Savings Account as a starter for your boy or girl. Then constant en couragement and help will keep It growing. DIRECTOR« John Morgan W J. Riechers A. W. Bunn B C. Lamb. Henry Rogers C. J. Edwards. C. A Met, he.. <1