THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT ■ ■ F. P. Humpke of Nehalem spent Sunday end Monday with his daughter, Mrs. Wilkes of this city. (Incorporated 312 DEPARTMENT STORES TILLAMOOK, G. H. Foland left Tuesday for a trip to Portland by stage. OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Gratzler of Gari- baldl were registered at the Todd Sunday. T op -N otch V alues Spring Shoppers Zor Laura Price of Bay* City was the city Saturday for the day. John G. Jaggi of Brighton was the city Saturday. Jos. J. Cooper, Jack Parker, Burt t The tremendous purchasing pow er in this great Nation-wide institu­ tion was never more in evidence th an right now. Each department af­ fords a real saving feast—top-note h values at bottom-notch prices. Our New York buyers have provided tl s with enormous stocks of high­ grade merchandise for Spring shop pers. Ross, Gilbert Zaddach and E. H. Craig of Mohler were in the city Saturday and took in the boxing at the city auditorium. Easter Hats Smart Spring Trousers Men's Smart Styles For Men and Young Men Cliff Overturf of Seaside was reg istered at the Tillamook Sunday. A. G. Beals was a stage passenger to Portland last Monday. -COLLECTION of stylish, well made Dress Trouser? for Men and Young Men, embracing tlie finest all- wool fabrics in the newest Spring patterns and color effects. Truly remarkable values which strongly appeal to the man with a desire for up-to-the-minute style and quality in the Trousers he wears this Spring A $3.98 $4.98 $5.90 For Young Men THE BONNJECREST Young Men’s Trousers with that smart Individuality so much desired by particular young men; made full through the hips and seat, fitted waist, belt loops and cuff bottoms. Materials are cussimerea and unfinished worsteds tn brown, gray and greenish mixtures; also brown, green and blue flannel* both plain and with neat pin «tripe effects. For Men Dressy neat fitting styles for men in plain gray and blue serges, gray and brown mixed cassimeres and gray and browu mixed and striped worsteds. Made with plain bottoms wttb wide turn-up. Your Easter Hat is here! We’ve prepared a splendid showing of the newest styles and most popular colors such as mode (the popular light tan), russet (a splendid brown) and seal (a rich dark brown). It's a brown Hat season and we have them here. All the other colors too. Exceptional values at B. Laesser of Nehalem transacted business in the city Tuesday. (vien s Heavy Work Sooes Remarkable Value Frank Allender was a passenger on the Portland stage Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watt of this city went to Cloverdale Menday on the stage. W. W. Cleerf of Belden was in the city last Friday. Captain Farley of the life saving station at Barview was in the city Friday for a few hours. He reports that matters in his line have been very quiet this winter, and that Bar­ view is booming. Walter F. Tooze of Salem was here Friday in the interest of a Geo. A. White club for governor. Mr. Tooze has been prominent for many years in the councils of the republi­ can party of the state, and has been a candidate for the appointment of postmaster at Salem, which matter is still unsettled. Mrs. Orpha Eastman recently ex- hibited some remarkably large eggs at this office. office, three of which weighed a pound. Such large eggs usually are only freaks of nature. but as Mrs. Eastman's hen makes a regular business of producing these mammoth eggs, the fowl 1 b believed to be a record breaker. A. E. Burgduff, head of the state game commission, was in the city last Friday, with headquarters at the Tillamook. He had business here in connection with his official duties. $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98. I ■* tn be your Hof*er” LARGEST _______ CHAIN DEPARTMENT THE________ STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD Overstock Sale We have an overstock of Electrical Appliances and to cleanup on these items we are offering them at STARTLING REDUC­ TIONS below cost, These appliances are all standard makes SEE OUR WINDOW SALE BEFORE Beautiful Stand Lamp»—315.00 to 340.00, now $«.50 to $20.00 Electric Shade«—50c to 33.00. now 10c to 75c Universal Chafing Dishe«—322.35, now Gasoline On and alter May 1, 1922, gasoline and oils will be sold on a strictly cash basis at the undersigned stations: Brown’s Service Station Central KEXT Vibrator— 327.50. now $12.00 Giocatore—36c, now 20c Station Hudson’s Garage Chas. F. Pankow Square Deal Garage Tourist Iron—38.75. now Sunset Garage Heaters—311.50. now $7.50 Hoover Special Sweeper—375 0«. now COAST POWER COMPANY Tillamook Tire Co Tillamook Garage Williams & Williams