PAGE TWO it looks^Store llko nnl Pewr’s gate where w A Semi-Weekly Paper Published Ing, a hasty death through every Tuesday and Friday by the "flu” or "auto’’ gate may leave one at the heavenly gate empty handed Headlight Publishing Company, Inc. of a page In the book of life service and with the debit side of the sheet Tillamook, Oregon lopping over. A WOMAN/ ®iUamoofc Heablifffjt Leslie Harrison George Gilbert Managing Editor City Editor People of discrimination are com­ DAFFYGRAMS • Farj mi wa:>.-e an if you fini a gold pendi wnl vou please gir; ’t to Corinne Str..jaban an if you doit you aini h r.*« She got tt io* a presuat an if rhe node ware «he lost It she word gj an get it but she dont only the last time she had It wus up by the high school so will you please give It to her an she wont ast you no quest shuns neethur. She ast me to put It in my collimi so evrybuddy wood reed its « thaie why I am puttln it 1st. The cheef ast me if I got pade for it but I din’t. ' jlm dash Mister Odell what works for Mis­ ter Aschim wich is the shariff is bating the high cost of living by pur- gettin a long all rite now from lookin out the winder to see chasing foods that furnish the most ladies t see wus 'hey vr.mjH. buddy wui hurt “units of nutrition” per dollar expend- Jim dash Mister Koch is got brass band ed. At the head of the list are milk and music up to hia store for Bale now an drugs allso an preecripshuns an ORDER OCR milk products. On such basis, at pres­ face powder an toilet water to make CLARIFIED you smell sweet an evrythlnk. MILK, Jim dash ent prices, milk costs from one-half to IT ’ S CLEAN My fother sed they shood ought to have a minister up to the Pres- one-third as much as most other arti- buterlan church named Red an Mister Wlte up to the Chrisiian des of diet. Besides, it contains the church cause the Pieckapull’s is got Mister Black an the Methdisses is various salts and nutriments in proper got Mister Dark. He sed sumbuddy shood ought to make lite of it. My proportion to supply the needs of the Mother she ast him when 1 he got threw talkin a bout it if he din’t ruck- . have nothin else more const < body. It’s nature’s own food. tive to talk a bout an he sed well a little nonsents is good for you wunct In a wile. Nbuddy wus hurt. He wus jess follin. Jim dash Mrs. Gilbert up to the library ast the cheef to say if you get threw Both Phones H Erwin Harrison, Prop. with a book please to bring it back i ? > j5 cause you aint expected to lurn the •c huli thing by hart enny way. — - - - --------- ■■ — — I s Mr. and Mrs. W'llis -pent a few Z' days visiting with friends at Tila- mook. Wilson Kail, who has be<-n em­ ployed at the Idaville loggjng camp, returned to the city Past Monday. Wood greet: or dry direct from the mill Lewis Alexander left here Friday to work in the logging camp at Idaville. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. Mutual Garibaldi’s population is rapidly additional increasing. Eighteen men arrived to work at the mill on the 15th. The dredge came down from Til­ lamook Tuesday. It will do dredg­ ing for the Whitney company. People who say nasty things about people behind their backs should wait until their victims are close enough to hear and turn Entered as second-class matter in around. Then they wouldn’t say tire post office at Tillamook, Oregon. ’em and this would be a beautiful and loving world. Its a wise man who knows enough Subscription Rates to keep his wisdom to himself. One year---------------------------- >2.00 Of course, there may be people Six month*---------------------------- 1-00 who never lie, but who wants to sit Three months......... ...... .75 or stand all of his life? Payable in advance ’Tie wonderful how a fond mother ggj. M l 1 ----- J- will dwell upon the vivid imagina­ tion of her small boy who has just TAXPAYER EXPRESSES SELF blurted out the truth. w __ AS UNFAVORABLE TO TAXES If you want to make a fellow hot Ellen Nrberg told the cheof she just tell him to keep cool when he wus much a bilged for what he sed To the Editor: There is an old is between two fires. that time a bout Mister Shariff A* Only the wise can recognise the crim havin a hart when she wus saying that “there is nothing so snode under with work, ¿ause she certain as death and taxes" and the folly of the fool. If adequate punishment were aint had haff so much work this time for “facing” the last item is promptly inflicted in every case week. here. there would soon be no occasion for Jim dash Few people at this time are in a punishment. position financially to pay their Proof conclusive that the presi­ Mrs. Eastman ast me wood I say taxes, which, according to all re­ dent aspires to a second term is the I she needs all kinds f close speshully ports are considerably higher than fact that he -continues to have his I for kids an if you got sum old pants laBt year and still mounting higher shoes half soled. an under close an things like that than people are able to pay. Taxes These frequent sunny days make I wood you bring them to room 20c are now all out of proportion to us think that spring is on the way, up ver Haltom’s store please an fone value received and there seems at but let us hope that it is not headed her to Bell 125W®n tell her a bout this time to be no end in sight. In in the wrong direction. Boys an girl’s close an man’s addition to the overload of taxes the There is one effective method of an. ladies also she sed. citizen:, ot Tillamook' City are being checking the fellow who begins to called upon to vote on Saturday, tell you his family troubles. Tear GARIBALDI NOTES March 18th—this next Saturday— off a few bigger ones of your own. a large bond issue of $50.000.00, This life contains a lot of ups 'Mrs. E. S. Martin Is spending a and this in view of the fact that the and downs, but most of our profit is few day." visiting frlen is and reia- total indebtedness ot Tillamook found while drifting around in the I tives at Forest Grov“. City now exceeds the statutary limi­ middle. Mr. l.akess, local sen > >1 •rn.r.hcr, tations by many thousands of dol­ Some lawyers are so energetic i spent the week end visiting friends lars. This contemplated bond is­ they perform a double duty, They I at Tillamook. sue is tor the purpose of taking up get Into congress and the state leg­ Mr. and Mrs. Mains, of Miami, warrant indebtedness brought upon I islatures and help make th laws and were the proud parents of u baby the city by extensive paving and then aid their clients to evade them. girl, March 5th. sidewalk improvements on Miller A good way to get an obstinate Mrs. Stevens who has been here Ave., and paving of 3rd and 5th man to do a things is to tell him he with her daughter t >r the past two streets, west of Stillwell Ave., also can’t. He'll hop right to *t just to months died March 8. She recently General Fund expenditures which prove you wrong. came from California, and was sixty have increased faster than the tax- I The fellow who is fond of hearing years old. es. Yet, we are continually told his own voice can seldom understand "that the people are to blame for why other people are so deaf. this condition of affairs.” As a rule a man who is willing to Personally, I believe that ths best tackle a difficult task doesn’t find Interests of the people of Tillamook it so difficult after he gets to going. City will be brought about by vot- There is one common ground upon on whioli: we all agree. That is our in? ing NO ,on this bond issue Mr. Consumer, do you appreciate a cut in the H. C. L.? Do you ap- any any further bond issues alienable right to disagree. predate fresh fish and other sea foods in season at reasonable kind and for any purpose. The city At least one thing can be said in prices? , is now bonded to the limit, as well favor of bootleg booze. It ’s seldom an many Individuals who own prop­ 4 found in dirty bootlegs. special prices by the box. Smelt are now erty in the city and are unable to ] The only thing that is worse than pay (heir assessments and taxes. a flat joke is one that is flatter. The City Council should immed­ And still the movie stars are iately take some action against the all bad. Some of them would 606 Still Ave. Bell Phone 131W county court, from further levying like to be. and collecting a large tax from The world is full of beautiful within the city amounting to many men, but it is difficult to get thousands of dollars—this year the of them to agree on anyone. amount taken from city taxes by As an evidence of our extreme the county amounts to $13,875.16— courtesy we entinue to call them and it is our understanding from a courts of justice. reliable source that Tillamook City I The thief of the night Is becom­ has paid tribute for a number of ing a back number. Most of them years. It 1 b quite possible that Til­ i are now pulled off in the daylight. lamook city might recover a large i Its a fact. The more we do the amount o( this from the county if more we can, and the less we do the Iwmo action is taken in the matter. lees we want to do. It would appear to us, that It Is Wo agree with the minister that highly important that this matter jazz is immoral. Otherwise It would be taken up by the city at once, so not be so popular. that this condition will not occur Keeping our best foot forward in the future if it is possible to may be good advice but it is a dif­ prevent. ficult method of progressing. I am not in favor of any more It is a waste of energy for some bond i»sues for any purpose and be- people to say they can’t, It is a lievo that it Is wrong for the coun- self evident fact. ty court to impose the burden of Keep a stiff upper lip. Drooping added taxes upon the city in view ones are not becoming. of the present overburdeneo finan­ Silence is golden when the other cial condition. fellow has the longest reach. A TAXPAYER It des not matter much whom we live with in this world, but it mat­ Outdoor target shooting is great sport—wonder ters a great deal whom we dream of. To the Editor: i 1 lxw Angeles means ’’The City of ful training for the eye and nerve. John 8:6, "Let him that Is with­ Angels." Fallen angels, huh? out sin cast the first stone.” Most Winchester .22 caliber rifles are the standard Biassed ere the poor in Europe, always its the person wanting to rifles used by expert riflemen. Barrels are bored for they shall see a lot of American •’set" on otherpeoplè that needs it tourists. and rifle correct to less than one-thousandth of and others where "good advicS" Some of the newly emancipated like "charity, begins at home" women rre becoming pretty Inde­ an inch. Every rifle is tested for strength, smooth that ought to had a cook book with pendent these days. A Michigan ---- ------ action and accuracy "How to rosst their husbands" In It woman left her husband In a huff before they roasted theirs too much because he wanted her to pull weeds and one minister’s wife whose soul rnd help draw the plow. la yet her own. la going to roast some "wlmniens" In the "Aid" if I Why are .things In the movies so they don’t quit setting around In the forenoons in way of her work unreal? Who ever saw a husband the and other meals. And she's had kies hts wife as they do on years of it now; and she says those screen? Winchester Model 06— Light repeater. that geta others to castatonea. is Shoots .22 caliber short, .22 Long and .22 Don't say anything about the too big cowards to do it hentaelvea. beautiful weather. Its just like a Long Rifle Cartridges. Very popular for Its like "them as has" no children of their own can always tell you woman and liable to change any target shooting and small game. what to give them but one meddling minute. old soul gave her little girl sage tea In the Winchester Junior Rifle Corps thousands NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS once unwiaely. and neatly killed of American boys are becoming crack marksmen her(, causing much suffering with Notice I* hereby given that tile and good sportsmen. Under adult supervision boated hivaa before the doctor could County Court of Tillamook County I come. It takes the ladles who I will until 10- o’clock a. m. on March they learn to handle a gun safely and shoot cor- never get tired at amusements and I I 81. 1932. receive bld» for the build­ ectlv. Medals entertainments and drees bills, to ing of a Reinforced Concrete Via­ .w « * and prizes are awarded for skill in marksmanship. get awfully tired out cooking or I duct over Simmons Creek on State nursing, or calling, or studying, or Highway. about 8 mt lee south This store is local W J. R C. Headquarters. doing anything with any serious­ Tillamook City, according to ness In the cause of worship of any plan» and specifications on file la Being higher than themselves "Bats the office ot the County Clerk nt and 500 game*" and fickle «pend- Tillamook County. No bld will be accepted unleee thrlfteeea of time and strength certified leove no patience or Interest for accompanied by caah. sympathetic service to humanity cheque. or bidder* bond, for an > scarcely even at time of death of a amount equal to at leant S percent neighbor these days yet nothing but of the total amount of the bld. The right is reserved to reject any profund lgn«»rance. or self love of display excusa* people actin* like and all bid* or to accept the bld stoics did In Nero’ day. Borne times deemed beet for Tillamook CoutOy. H 8. BRIMHALL. Co. Clerk. too many are no busy following out the motto, "Eat, drink and be First publication March IT, 1933. merry, for tomorrow we die” that Last publication March 31, 1333. Both Telephones I The High Coh of Living THIS BIT MEANS Golden Rod Dairy FROM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER LOWER PRICES Call 43W for Wood NOTICE TO DAIRYMEN YOU! The Tillamook Cow Testing Association has begun its new year’s work. All dairymen who aré figuring on testing will please call or see Paul Fitzpatrick or Mr. Pine or the Tester. And dairymen can test in Tillamook county as the Tilla­ mook cow testing association ha s taken over the north and south end association’s. Testing fee; $1.50 per head per year. We have a ready market for your grade heifer calves from dams producing 300 pounds of fat or over and sired by pure breed sires. Paul Fitzpatrick, Sec 900000000000000'’ We use Milk and Cream WHERE YOU AIM From Registered Stock Supplied daily by the Cottonwood Farm. The product of Janis of Sequoai, Double Letter Class. Record 821 pounds of Butter fat to date. Ex­ clusively supplied to the Bungalow. l\ I The finest eating place in city Bungalow Cafe King-Crenshaw Hwd. Co THK W£NC£i£ST£* STORK Bell <1J I Mntual