THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT AUCTION OF DAIRY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ SALE COWS We will offer for public sale ten head of our choice grade Jersey cows; these will include some of our best. We are doing this to make room for reg. Jerseys. Also offer two young registered bulls from register of merit dams. These cows all have cow testing association records. FREE FROM My herd is TUBERCULOSIS Have had seven tests without a reactor. Two of these Tests were made by the Government Veterinarian The last tests were made by Dr. Slaw, March 2* 1922 he tented 74 head and found no reactor. Our herd was established in 1»»7. If you buy in ibis sale you get cows we have been build­ ing up for 55 years. Sale to be held at DON MEADOWS FARM 3*^ miles East of Tillamook March 27, 1922 at 1 p. m TERMS: 3 months. Bankable Notes at 8 percent Interest COLONEL J. W. HUGHES. Auctioneer. JOE DONALDSON, Owner. Our customers are taking advantage of our discounts Are of them? To our steady customers we offer: 5 percent discount on weekly acounts 2 percent discount on monthly accts * We save you money by our discount offe.r Try it and prove It. CONOVER & CONOVER OREGON TILLAMOOK. O w u TILLAMOOK BANK COUNTY 3 DIRECTORS T. M. LYSTER R. F- WILLIAMS JAMES WILLIAMS H. T. BOTTS WM MAXWELL DAVE FITZPATRICK JOHN ERICKSON M. ABPLANALP D. KURA TH ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ A BOOST FROM OUR ♦ COMPETITOR ♦ In the issue of March 9, the ♦ Tillamook Herald carried this ♦ announcement: ♦ "The other day we got sight ♦ of a thing about the sise of a ♦ postage stamp, yellow and ♦ dirty looking, that porported ♦ to be a newspaper and which ♦ was ranting about competition ♦ picking up. Indeed? But ♦ PAGE FIVE ( OF INTEREST TO THE HOUSEWIFE | The current issue of the Bay City Examiner runs a story of an old school document that had been lost packing in ice and salt, and turn To Measure Button Hole Spaces and recentely found by Jess Morris out on serving dish. and turned over to the present A good system for measuring but­ school directors. The story of the ton holes or hooks and eyes—in i These Caramels Delicious Examiner follows: “It is a school contract dated making buttonholes or sewing on Have you been wanting a candy September 5’ 1931. and it is remark­ hooks and eyes, cut a strip of paper recipe that is different? If so, you’ll able how well the paper on which the length ot the space where the like this one. Even an amateur can it was written 41 years ago Is pre- fastenings are to go. Then keep be the most successful candy-maker listen! A thing like that never W served, This teacher’s contract is folding the paper evenly together, simply by following directions. has any competition. They are ♦ unique in many respects, principal creaaing firmly each lime, until you These caramels are delicious. Use in a class by themselves.” ♦ among which Is its wording then have folded it to the required space one and onehalf cups sugar, put it Nuff said. That paragraph ♦ and the wording of a like contract between the buttons and loops. Then into a sauce pan and add enough speaks for itself. ♦ of the present time and the salary with the scissors cut a small bole sweet cream to moisten, then add quoted therein. either lemon or vanilla flavoring, ♦ For the benefit of old timers still entirely through each end of the butter the size of an egg and let folded paper. Straighten out the living in this city and neighborhood these ingredients come to a boil. NEHALEM NOTES who were more or less conversant I paper, pin smoothly to the garment Put one-half cup sugar Into a tin Albert Mead and family have se­ with school matters in the early and mark through each hole with pan or skillet and melt until cara­ cured apartments with Mrs. May eighties, and who no doubt were ae- colored crayon or pencil. melised into a brown sirup. Pour Effenberger. Mr. Mead has obtain­ quainted with the teacher and the When salads are served in eclair this mixture, stirring all the time, ed employment and will make his directors of this school district at until it forma a ball in cold water. shells no accompanying rolls or that time, and also as a matter of home here in the future. Pour the candy into a buttered pan crackers are necessary. A. R. Tohl and A. C. Carpenter historical news for the younger j after adding nut meats or shredded If the damp weather has rusted are botb Portland visitors this week. generation, we reprint the contract coconut. Make into squares. | the gas stove apply linseed oil with Mrs. Wm. Davis of Banks is the verbatim: “School District No. 8. Tillamook » cloth and then sandpaper any guest of her mother Mrs. Ross this Cold Slaw County Oregon. I «Pot» remain. week. Shred white cabbage tine. Heat A tablespoonful of freshly made' “ Contract between the Directors' Cleve Adams has moved into the cup of milk; heat also gill of vine­ coffee added to an apple pie just be- , gar and when boiling stir into it a Andrew Klein property East of and I. T. Maulsley, teacher. "It is hereby agreed between the fore baking will give it a most de- ; tablespoonful each of butter and town. M. W. Losey has moved his fam- directors of School District No. 3. licious flavor. ' sugar, teaspoonful of celery essence, ily to Wheeler where he will work Tillamook County. Oregon, and I. ' Clean the sewing machine with two saltspoonsfuls ot salt and one of T Maulsley a qualified teacher of kerosene oil on a little piece of ab- ' pepper. When __ ■in the mill. boiling hard, stir in cwUte^ge and’s« so^n aa'thla The sick list of the past week in­ said county and state. that I. T. sorbent cotton and afterward apply , n orinJ lnhdnnfinw rU» ♦ « TUll- ‘ a good lubi testing oil to the elude Miss Marian Larson, Mrs. Maulsley is to teach the public is really hot remove from the flic. I Pour the scalding milk slot. ly u' Frank LaFlanrboy, Mrs. Oscar Klein, school of said district for the time ning parts. When embroidering keep u I little ' two bentan eggs and cook, ti ling Mrs. L. E. Tabor and Misk Devine of fifteen weeks and two days at* the Tubbessing. all of whom are con­ rate of <3 2 per month, commencing bit of sandpaper handy to rub . the steadily until thick, then tour jpon valescing. Hildart Marti who his Tuesday. September 6. 1881. and to Angers with occasionally and pre- the cabbage and toB.’ until well been quite ill is reported as slightly continue steadily for the time nam­ vent the silk sticking to them. mixed. Set in ice for two hours. When postage stamps stick to- Serve very cold or it may be served improved, Frank Landolt, Jr., on ed above and should said teacher the Todd place was reported ill Sun­ without the consent of said directors gether, do not souk them instead at once. day. Mr. William Tohl ran a rusty fail to teach consecutively, except lay a thin paper over the»'« «nd wire in his hand Friday last, to a he is hindered by sickness or other a hot Iron over the paper They A Delicious Caramel Filling depth of several inches. A physi­ unavoidable natural cause, he shall come apart easily Use 1 cup of brown sugar iu place pay the district the sum of two dol ­ cian was called who dressed the of white when making cream pio lars per day for every day so failing Pigs’ Feet Pickled wound. and tilling, then flavor with vanilla. Nehalem people are not "knock­ to teach. This method of preparing pickled Thus you will have a delicious cara­ "It is understood that said teach ­ ers," notwitstanding the organiza­ pigs’ feet has made one women fa mel also giving a plain cornetarch tion of three new clubs last week. I er is to board and lodge himself free mous. "Trotters,” as she prepares We now have a poultry club, a cook­ of charge to the district, and the them, no more resemble the tough, 1 pudding a nice favor. Nut meatH or ing club, and a sewing club. The directors agree to furnish a house gristly ptoduct ot ordinary coni-i cocoanut may be added if desired. moving spirits are Miss Parr, prin­ for said school to be taught in. with merce than the silk purse resembles Stuffed Figs or Prunes cipal ofr the grade schools and Mrs. necessary wood for said school, and Its authentila parent. with crayons, furniture, etc., free of These are a delicious accompani­ George Blnnchard, teacher of inter­ Her theory is thus: Siuee the pig's charge to said teacher. It is further foot is largely gelatinous and there ment to head lettuce salad with mediate department. As evidence of returning prosper­ understood between the parties is no way of telling the age of the French dressing. Use whole flgs, ity in this section we note that W. hereto that said directors may dis­ ones bought in open market, it is wash and dry them, cut a gash half J. Mead, manager of the telephone continue said school at any time necessary to cook them in such a way through the tig and All with company is receiving orders for the they think best and the teacher may way that the gelatine from the cottage cheese highly seasoned with installation of new phones al­ quit teaching when he likes, either younger ones will not “melt and run salt and pakrlka. Prunes may be most daily. The report that the party to give he other one week’s away" before the older ones are ten­ filled in the same way after soiklng Wheeler camp at Coal Creek will notice of such discontinuance. Said der. This is accomplished by wrap­ and steaming. Chopped nuts may be start on March 2o gives a pleasant teacher to be paid for his services ping each pig's foot, after carefully used with the cheese. thrill to our people here. We hope monthly at the expiration of each cleansings in a good, ttriii muslin month. this report is well founded. No-Egg Cake “bandage,” securely tied witn "Dated this Sth day of September, The stork's latest visit was to the Two cups brown sugar, one-half string. When ail are wrapped, put home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith 1881. into kettle and cover with cold cup butter, creuuied, two cups flbtfr "Joseph J. Dawson, Peter Morgan, where it left a baby girl March 7th. water, bring slowly to u boll and milk, one cup raisins or currants, Dr. McGee is nursing a lame arm, Directors. sinnner gently for at least four one tablespoonful soda Spices and "I. T. Maulsley. Teacher. ” caused by an attack by a vicious hours. At the end of that time. flour to stiffen. dog. The dog was mad at the time I To the Editor: In your edition of remove each wrapping carefully, and the doctor is still mad. handling as little as possible—this Cider Fruit Cake Mrs. Conley of Salem, who haH March 7th inst, you stated that the can best be done by unrolling on a Twenty-four hours after baking been nursing her sister. Mrs. Bert undersigned had been indicted for plate—then drop while still hot in­ At no the cake pour 1 cup ot cider over 4 Tomlinson returned home last Fri- forgery, which la an error. time have I ever been in court on to the following sweet pickle which tablespoons of chopped cundled or­ day. has been prepared while the pig's ange peel, Mt cup or chopped candled In this community as well as in that charge. Kindly rectify this mis­ feet were boiling. pineapple, 1 pound of ch ipped seed­ many others at this time, the ques­ take and oblige. Yours respectfully, To each pint of good cider vinegar ed Mslslus, Mi pound of needless R. H. Getchell. tion of whether a nine hour day March 9th add 2 tablespoons ot white sugar. 1 I raisins, Vi pound of chopped cand­ and food for wife and children or The Heudlight admits this mis­ tablespoon of salt, >4 teaspoon of ied cherries. When ready to mix an eight hour day and no work nor- black pepper. Mi teaspoon of mixed the cake beat to a cream 1 cup ot food, seems to be difficult of solu- take, il was a typographical error, mustard dissolved in vinegar and 1 I butter with 1V4 cups of brown sug­ that the and occurred by the fact ___ tion. especially to those to whom the tablespoon of whole cloves, Other ar, beat well und add the well beat­ experience has not become real. Let operator’s eye skipped a line in set­ spices may be udded If liked, Dis- en yolks of 8 eggs. Sitt 2 Vi cups of those to whom the question is vital, ting up the copy tor ths Circuit solve by boiling for 20 minutes, | flour with 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, Court news. R. H. Getchell was in ­ the worker, each individual for him­ and let cool before adding pigs’ feel. I 2 teaspoous of allspice, 1 teaspoons self. Let each do his own thinking dicted for failure to support his The muslin "bandages” may be of nutmeg and 1 teuspoon of mace and not depend on hiring some one children and William Johnson was UHed again and again, says the Kan­ and add to the butter and sugar indicted for forgery. — the one to think for them. Hired brain« sas City Star, if washed and scalded mixture. Add the soaked fruits and don’t always function true, At the Editor. | thoroughly after removal. The pickle, Vi pound ot chopped blanched al­ same time let the employer remain may also be varied to suit the taste. ' monds, 2 equaree of chocolate, grat­ V. ALLEY and daughter« MRS. H. true to right and humanity. the Misses Pearl and Mabie, motor- ed, and stiffly beaten whites of the When Closet Space Is Limited ed to Tillamook last Monday. Lacey to have new school house. 4 eggs and Vi cup of molasses. Mix A very useful receptacle that will well and just befoio putting in the bold many small articles of clothing paper lined pens stir tn a pinch of can be made to hang inside the soda dissolved In a tablespoon of wardrobe door. hot water. Cover pans with butter­ A piece of cretonne, the width ot ed paper and steam for four hours. DONT LET THE RAINY DAYS STOP the door and as long as desited, is Finish cooking in a very alow oven bound with braid and on It small for two hours If well wrapped In YOUR MOVING pockets of cretonne of different oiled paper and placed In tight box sizes are sewed. I as this cake will keep indefinitely. It is a good idea to make a long narrow pocket at each side in which Cream of Potato Soup an umbrella and sunshade cun be Pare four medium wised potatoes. kept, and in the center there can be Cut Into small pieces and cook slow­ pockets to take slippers and gloves. ly with four small stalks of celery, To'the four corners of the flnlsbed Is prepared to send experienced packers into your four medium sized onions, sliced, article are attached small rings and a little parsley. After one hour home with canvas to cover all your goods which are slipped over nails in the strain and mix with one and one- back of the wardrobe door. haif cups of cream sauce. Season THE CITY TRANSFER Make Your Own Tray TILL AMOOK- PO RT L A Cadillac Stage Line LET US WORRY We Are Here To Serve You announcement For the comfort of our patrons we have Installed electric heaters in all our cars. We protect you by careful drivers and »40,»00 accident taeuranee. Remember you can call us on either pho’.«- We will eall at your home you , .stage to Pacific City also Thia line is owned by Tillamook men. Our Motto Patronize Home Industry Leaves Tillamook Hotel CAI L US DAY OR NIGHT Quick Service and Reasonable Rates Leaves Portland I er... nal IVAN DONALDSON, Agent THE CITY TRANSFER with pepper and salt. Serve mediately with bread cubes. im­ On. of the prettiest trays on which chocolate and cake could Baked Sparr ribs With Apples ever have been served wsa put to Wipe fresh sparer lbs carefully geter by a clever woman who had an exquisite piece of Chinese em­ with a cloth that teas been wrung broidery In which rose was a domin­ out of hot water Arrange the meat In a dripping pan and place In a hot ant note. have the temper­ She teuu a tit one ot these plain oven which ature lowered gradually Baste narrow mrhogany picture frames, put the wonderful rose embroidery with drippins occasionally When the meat Is well browned under the glass, had the thing Arm H packed and then asked the Iron-, place apples, which have been cored monger to make her some long but . In the pan with the meal. Fill the rather deileale Uxrtlng Iron handles •* *"rh ; PP1'' with sugar Th «tee are secured to her tray with and let bake until soft In serving, ■nail screws and then she enamel­ arrange the apples as a border around the sparerlbe ed them black It was a fascinating thing and Apple Filling for Cake different Otis apple, grated, one c ip sugar, white of one egg. Beat all together until white and stiff. brought Medford—20 families ber» from Sen Francisco by Cal- Ore. power company. Hillsboro—Streets proved. to be im