1 T&K TTLLAMÔÔK IHEADLIGHT NOTICI The High Cost of Living To Whom It May Concern: People of discrimination com- bating the high cost of living by pur t : chasing foods that furnish the most “units of nutrition” per dollar expend ed. At the head of the list are milk and ORDER OUR CLERIFIED MILK, IT’S CLEAN milk products. On such basis, at pres ent prices, milk costs from one-half to one-third as much as most other arti cles of diet. Besides, it contains the various salts and nutriments in proper proportion to supply the needs of the body. It’s nature’s own food. Golden Rod Dairy Both Phones Erwin Harrison, Prop. :: H RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The State Game BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Commission of the State of Oregon' is deu'irous of protecting the trout COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TIL- inhabiting the waters of Trask; LAMOOK CITY, TILLAMOOK COUN River, for a distance of 800 feet | TY. STATE OF OREGON, that the below the dam across said ____ River| , following proposed amendments to near the State F;sh Hatchery? sit- ' the charter of said City be and the uated in the County of Tillamook. same hereby are proposed for sub mission to the legal voters of said State of Oregon; 1HEREFORE. By authority of City for their adoption or rejection law vested in said State Game Com at the special city election to be mission of the State of Oregon, un held on the 18th day of March, der Section 8, Chapter 66. Laws of 1922. as in this resolution provided: 1921. notice is hereby given that the CHARTER AMENDMENTS SUB- waters of Trask River, for a dis- MITTED TO THE VOTERS BY tance of 800 feet below the dam across said River near the State THE COUNCIL Fish Hatchery, situated in the __ An Act County of Tillamook. State of Ore gon. are closed to fishing of any I To amend an act entitled "Au act kind or in any manner, for trout or to incorporate the City of Tilla other fish, from and after the date mook City, in Tillamook County. of this order. • State of Oregon, and to repeal all And it is and shall be unlawful acts or parts of acts in conflict for any person to take, catch, kill herewith” filed In the office of the or fish for trout or other fish in the Secretary of State February 13, abve described waters from and 1893, as amended by the legal vot after the date of this order until ers at an election held July 10. said waters are again reopened by 1919, and to amend all subsequent the State Game Commission of the acts amending said act adopted by State of Oregon. Any and all persons whomsoever the Legislative Assembly or by vote so taking, catching, killing, or fish of the people. ing for trout or other fish in said BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEO described waters in violation of PLE OF TILLAMOOK CITY that an this order will be prosecuted as by act entitled "An act to incorporate statute provided. the City of Tillamook City, in Tilla Dated at Portland, Oregon, this mook County, State of Oregon, and I ' 5th day of February. 1923. to repeal all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith”, filed in the of OREGON STATE GAME fice of the Secretary of State, Feb COMMISSION ruary 13. 1893. and as amended by By: I. N. Fleischner. the legal voters at an election held Chairman. July 10, 1919, and as amended by Bert Anderson, all subsequent acts amending said Blaine Hallock. act adopted by the Legislative As M. A. Lynch. sembly or by vote of the people, be Geo. H Kelly. and the same hereby Is amended by Commissioners. adding thereto Chapter IX to read 17-2 as follows: CHAPTER IX NOTICE OF SALE ON EXECUTION SPRING HOUSE CLEANING FOR YOUR Wall paper, Oils, Paints Turpentine, Etc. Another Royal Suggestion PIES and PASTRIES From the N ew R oyal C ook B ook HERE is no further for worrying T reason about table variety. The New Royal Cook Book gives new suggestions for every meal every day. The book is so foil of surprises there should never be another dull in cal in toe home. Custard Pie 1 cun pastry flour Vs t*,.»poon ¡loyal Baking Powder ’•teaspoon salt Vi cup shortening cold water Sift flour, baking powder and salt; add one-half shortening and rub In lightly with fingers; add water slowly until of right consistency to roll out. Roll out very thin: put on In smal' piece« re maining shortening: fold upper and lover edges in t> «ynter; fold »toes In to c»nt< r; fold side« tn to center again; roll out thm ar.d pot on pie plate. Cnatard 3 eggs V4 cup sugar is teaspoon salt 5 cups scalded miik 1 teaspoon vanilla extract r. «alt ROYAL BAKING POWDER By virtue of a writ of execution against the property of M. C. Kel- low and Emma M. Kellow, duly is sued by the County Clerk of Polk County, Oregon, on the 31st day of January. 1922. and to me. the un dersigned Sheriff, directed, for the enforcement of a judgment and de cree given and made by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for said County of Polk in a certain suit in said court wherein Dallas City Bank, a corporation, was plaintiff, and M. C. Kellow. Emma M. Kellow, Ed. W. Mueller, alias Ed. W. Miller. Geo. L. Carlile, Howard Campbell, Earl J. Campbell and John Doe, were defendents. Regia- ter No. 5480. in favor of said plain- tiff and against the said defendants Kellow, jointly and severally, which requires the payment of money, and on which there is now actually due the sum of $1,262.33, with Interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent per annum since June 24, 1921, requiring me to satisfy the said judgment and decree, with interest, out of the personal property of said judgment debtors, or either of them, and if sufficient personal property cannot be found, then out of the real property belonging to them, or either of them, on the day when said judgment was docketed in «aid County of Tillamook, via., July 19, 1921, or at any time thereafter,— I did on the 6th day of February. ¡1922, at the Instance of said plain tiff and judgment creditor, levy upon the following described real property of the said defendants M. C. Kellow and Emma M. Kellow, to- wlt: The Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 29. the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Sec tion 30. and the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest quar ter of Section »2. all in Town ship 4 South, of Range 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Tillamook County, State of Ore gon, containing 130 acre*. —(not being able to find any per sonal property of said judgment debtors, or either of them, within said county). Notice is hereby given that on Friday, the 1 Jth day of March. 1922. at the I wr of l:®0 o'clock in the afternoon of eald day, at tho front door of tho County Court house In the City of Tillamook. In said County, I will sell the real property hereinbefore described, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment, with Interest and costs of sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand on day of sale, subject to redemption in the manner pro vided by law. for the purpose of sat isfying the said judgment, with In terest and costs of sale. Dated this