/ PAGI TWO OMloquln—Lumber plants and at Modoc Point to be served by electric light and power from new A Semi-Weekly Paper Published extensions of Calif-Ore. Power Co. Every Tuesday and Friday by the TOM HAMILTON, former Headlight Publishing Company, Inc. prietor of the Royal , restauran! Tillamook, Oregon bäck in the city looking UP old quaintances. Leslie Harrison Managing Editor W. A. Wise—Dentist. (Adv.) George Gilbert City Editor ©llamook ^eabligbt Dr. Wise will be at his Tillamook Both Telephones office to do dental work every Mon­ day and other times by appoint­ Entered as second-class matter in ment.—Adv. 20-tf. the postoffice at Tillamook, Oregon. Want to borrow «100 for 2 or 3 years at 10 percent tor first year and 8 percent for remainder of the $2.00 time. Can give first mortgage on 1.00 good property. L. Box 252, City. .75 P. 140 or 32F. 4. —Adv. 20-t4. Subscription Rate* One year -- --------------- Six months _ ____________ Three months ... ............ Payable in advance .. _ . is _____ u » . . .-I THE LAST CALL Marsh Burdick haB answered his last alarm. After nearly two years faithful service for the city as one of her fire department, he has been stricken down by an insidious dis­ ease, and fell as much in the line of duty as though he had died fighting flames. Those who were in intimate touch with him always had the highest regard for his work and sense of duty, a somewhat rare thing in this world. When the city council decided in 192o to create a paid fire depart­ ment, Marsh Burdick was one of those chosen for the position. From that time to the day before his death he was constantly on the ground, answering calls and tending the I station, always with the highest I As assistant regard for his work, fire marshal he has been instru- , mental In preventing many condi-1 tions that might have caused much | property loss to the taxpayers ->f this city. Truly the citizens of Tilfamook city have lost one of their best friends with the passing of Marsh Burdick. IN THE REALM OF SOCIETY ennington Fare an warmer an the cheef told me to give St. Mawes Pretty Lady wich is Mister Lester Daniel’s heif­ er wich is the champeen glvln milk a good rite up but I forgot it. She made 12,550 pounds of milk and made over 8 hunderd pounds of but- ter wich is goip sum the cheef sed. Her fother dide jess a little wile a go from eatin sum bailln wires. jim dash You better get bizzy an vote next Satlddy for them city bonds less you want to hold the bags a long time an have the intrust eat up your principles the cheef sed. Mister Coates what fire cheef he sed yes an less sumthin is dun also a bout fire traps everybuddy is goln to get burnt up sum of these nites when its a big crowd in them. The L. D. Club. The L. D. Club met at the home of Mrs. H. H. Rosenberg March 3, Mrs. Ostrander acting as assistant host­ ess. A pleasant afternoon was spent after which a dainty lunch was ser­ i ved. Those present were the Mes- dames Anderson, Boon, Hoag, Hin­ jim dash kle, Hosley, , Hays, Harris, Styles, Up to Mister Guy Ford’s that time Ostrander, Odell, Leach, Martin, Miller, Jud Rosenberg and H. H. when they had the 500 party an Rosenberg. Visiting ladies were Mrs. Smith winned the prize Mis­ Mrs. Hay. ter Williams sed he wood of win­ Mrs. Bunn and : • • • ned it if it wusn’t for sum widder wich duubye crossed him playin. I Birthday Party. On Saturday night over fifty dont no who it wus. friends gathered at the home of I Mrs. C. Van Patten in honor of her COMMISSIONER H. V. ALLEY is birthday. A very pleasant evening registered at the Tillamook. was spent with music. Mrs. Van Patten favored with several recita- She * tions learned in childhood, received many beautiful gifts among Where Will You them being 6 beautiful gift from ■ her son Thomas of Idaho who was unable to be here. At eleven o’clock Spend a lovely lunch was served and all departed wishing Mrs. Van P;;tten many happy returns of the day. * * • rtha have three children, two boys thirt- Is in the city on business. Collins and Alma Spicker. Miss een and seven, one girl nine. Gaylord won high honors, and Miss Senator Charles Hall of Coos i MRS. W. B. FOSTER, of Brighton Collins was awarded the “booby” County has announced that he will prise. is a guest to our city. .90 be a candidate for nomination for 'S 6 Star cut Tumblers ...... 1 Pryx Pie Plate----------- .88 Goveror of this state in th'e follow­ WE WILL BUY YOUR Universal Food Chopper ------ 3.0« ing despatch sent to the newspapers SECOND HAND FURNITURE AND STOVES Aluminum Kettles--------------- 1.28 of the state: Marshfield, Feb. 16 We have also good selling prices. No. 1 Galv. Wash Tub-------- 1.15 | "I am a candidate for the 27 x 54 Grass Rugs ------------- .75 TILLAMOOK FURNITURE CO. republican nomination for gOV 27 x 54 Axminister Rug---- 3.95 ’ No. 3 First Street Phone 73W er nor of Oregon, I shall sub- Large Cloth Basket------------- 1.25 mit to the voters within ten 9 x 12 Congoleun Gold Seal I days a summary of the princi­ Rugs ------------ ---------- - 18.C0 ( ples on which my candidacy is Second hand Range, good re­ based. —Charles Hall.” pair _______ _ -—------ 26.0® This step by Mr. Hall, clears the Good easy arm Rocker 6.0» political atmosphere to a great ex­ tent as other candidates, who won. 1 Reeher Furniture Co. probably have entered the race w’ll now remain out of the contest. Those thus affected are said to be Senator I. L. Patterson, of Polk County, Fresh Smelt Next Week Charles E. Gates, of Medford, and Call 131W. I will deliver in the George H. Kelly of Portland. city. Two pounds 15c, four pounds Hall’s candidacy has been endors­ 25c, nine pounds 50c. Or come and ed by the Patriotic Federated So­ get them and get one pound extra, cieties at Portland a few days ago. Call mornings and evenings after This endorsement came unsolicited »2.25 Records now $2.06 train at 60« StiUwell Ave. B. B. and prior to the tim’d when Mr. Hall Hays.—Adv. decided to become a candidate. “I |1. »5 Records now $1.5« am naturally glad to receive such an endorsement as this, but as yet I WHY WORRY Record* now 11.35 $1.00 I can sell or trade anything—any­ am not ready to announce that I where Ç. W. Mlllerahlp. 165 H will run for governor,” said Sena- , «th St., Portland. Phone Mala tor Hall at the Benson hotel before* IO-tf he left' for bls home in the Cooe 5375 city. "This offer when officially made.” We Carry the Complete Catalogue of HALL THROWS HAT DI BING went on Senator Hall, "will of course cause me to give serious con­ (Continued from page AY Edison Re-Creations in Stock. sideration to the Idea of running the telephone system there, the Ore­ (qr governor. I have in truth never gon-Washington Telephone Com­ seriously considered it, but have pany. and built »be Central Build­ been content to let my friends keep ing and owned a number of orchards talking in my behalf.” Mr. Hall has been busy the last tn the Hood River Valley. He also served as Director and President of few dsyee arranging details regard­ ing his campaign for the republi­ the Hood River Commercial Club. He His activities were transferred to can nomination for governor. Cooe Bay in 1314 and immediately was in Portland last Saturday and thereafter a number of new organi­ Sunday. Monday he was in Rose­ sations in that district came Into burg where he was guest of honor being. He organised the Coon and of the business mens’ association. Oregon Tillamook, Curry Telephone Company of which Tuesday he was back in Portland, he is President today; organised end Wednesday noon he addressed the Bank of Southweetern Oregon in the Rotary Club at Salem. ETERNITY? P Tte Quaûty <5tore” HANDSOME MODEL SHOES in both brown and black—good calfskin uppers—leather soles, and some with rubber heels. This is a shoe that is sold elsewhere at a much bigger price. Women’s Oxfords are going strong. We have all shades and suitable for both street or more formal wear. Prices: $3.85 to $9.00 Why pay good money for Shoes with paste­ board counters, cardbo rd soles and heels when you can get ALL-LEATHER Shoes here at but a trifle more initial outlay. TXHINK IT OVER! OOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOMCO TO THE FARMERS AND GARDENERS of Tillamook County 18 Springtime is almost here and with it will come the demands of hundreds of Tillamook gardens and fields for good, fresh, de­ pendable seed. We are well equipped to supply your wants with the largest stock we have ever had in both package and bulk garden seed and seed for root and green feed crops for the cows. Do not send away for your seed, but bring your lists to this store and save money. We also have a limited supply of Early Ross Seed Potatoes, cheap while they last and feed for the little chicks and calves. Bring your wants to— “The Satisfaction Store” E. G. ANDERSON TILLAMOOK-PORTLAND Cadillac Stage Line ANNOUNCEMENT For the comfort of our patrons we have Installed electric beaters tn all our cars. We protect you by careful drives and «40,00® accident Insurance., Remember you can call us on either phone. We will call at your home for you. Stage to Pacific City also line is owned by Tillamook men. Patronize Home Industry Leaves Tillamook Hotel 7:30 a’.m.; 12. M. and 3. p m. I’h .ie 135 W Leaves Portland Terminal 8:30 a.m.; 13:30 and 3:30 Pm ph me Main k<»< IVAN DONALDSON, Agent