THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 9. THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT L. J -axon, I. Labovitch, f W. E. Shearer, G. McCulloch, Frank P. Wichart. and Geo. J. Lamo veaux, and R. E. Lakly TO ATTEND MEETING Sauter, of McMinnville, were week Portland, registered Sunday a Tillamook. end guests at the Todd. All boys over eighteen years of age are requested to attend the •en- Hon. Geo. R. Baglay, Judgj Mrs. S. C. McMeeken. of Bay City, lertainment and meeting of the V. .is in town Monday and made a the Circuit Court, is regiwterei American Legion next Friday night s. Hal call on Dr. Howard. the Tillamook. at the city hall, Tire object of the T meeting Is to talk over the organi / zation of a National Guard com pany here. This city needs an arm ory, boys, and we can’t get it unless we can muster a full company. Come and lets talk it over. ALL BOYS OVER 18 REQUEST- Shearer-Merrick Surgical and SHEARER-MERRICK HOSPITAL INCREASES NURSE CORPS Maternity Hospital Two new’ nurses, Mrs. O. Harring ton, ol^ Portland, and Miss Lorayne Chanilee, of San Francisco, were addd to the corps at the Shearer- M’errick hospital a few days 1 ago. Miss Chamlee was with the U. B. Army Reserve Nurse Corps < during the war. She was stationed at Letterman General Hospital at Presidio of San Franciscc, and also been in several camps east. NOW IN STOCK Mrs Frank Merrick Matror FRATERNAL NOTES NO MATTER WHAT YOUR CHOICE IN COLOR, PAT- The local Moose lodge has receiv ed a special dispensation from the Grand Dictator of Moose Art for the purpose of giving a Grand Moose Art Ball on St. Patrick’s night, March 17. The proceeds will be given to Moose Art for the support of widows and orphans of deceas ed brothers. There are 1030 boy3 and girls in Moose Art receiving vo cational training to fit them to be- come good citizens. The local committee on arrange- ments, composed of Garrett H. Ward, Frank M. Merrick, and Rol- lie W. Watson, promise one of the best times yet. There will also be an entertainment, and refreshments will be served. This dance is a national movement of all Moose lodges. Tillamook Lodge 1260 LOOM, has paid out $512 in benefits since the first of the year. TERN, WEAVE OR STYLE WE GUARANTEE EVERY ED. V. PRICE & CO. SUIT IN EVERY PARTICULAR MADE TO ORDER NEW BEDROCK ONLY PRICES cPenninç/L CHS The Quality Store Tillamook, Oregon TILLAMOOK DIRECTORS R. E. WILLIAMS PERSONALS I L. R. Childs, rep* esenti ng the Good j eai Co;potation, was a visitor Wednesday. Mr. Childs gave an en couraging report, saying that he tound business, generally, picking up everywhere. Rev. Dark, Rev. Reeding, and Mr. and Mrs. George drove over to Sals a Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dr. Gilbert, wife of the Super intendent of the Salem district. SURPRISE PARTY A. pleasant surprise was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew- Anderson last Monday in honor of their son Henry, it being his birth day. The evening was spent playing Hon. George R. Brgley, Judge of 500 after which refreshments were the Circuit Court, ar’-tved tn thw served. Those present were Mr. and city from Hillsbore, Sunday a ft ci- Mrs». W. C. Foster and son. Mr. and noon. Mrs. Ed. Helsel and son. Mr. and Have you won the S? 50 yet? Mrs. Alfred Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunter, Alfred and August Maybe you will havt- better luck Boquist. Victor and Marie Nlelsan. next week. The acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Thad Robinson, recently of the Til lamook County bank, will be inter f ested to know tuat they have re- cently 1 eturned to their former For the past h; 111« in Nebraska, two years they have made their res- idence in Poitlund. *. _____ Ed Martie, editor of the News-Re- pori'er >t> McMinnville, was in the city t. attend the Installation of th«' K*k* lodge Saturday, and paid us a visit. We ha«i quite a friendly ehat w <li bin . and he complimented us c he * • > ! . policy of tin "HEADL1GH1. (Get the bucks.) , w ■ •‘Tuii . tin tiist time 1 have enu been in Tillamook," declared Mr. E C. M Donald, o; the Pacific Station ary 1.nd l*iluting Co., of Portland, who w.. heir on business Tuesday. Whei. asked how he liked the city he declared: Fine, great.” Mi and Mrs. J. K Collins motor ed to Dallas to pay a visit to thxetr daughter. Mrs. Nelson of that city. Mr. C. W. Tilden, of Hermiston, vlstled his 5ater A. S. Tilden, of Ne halem, ;> r a few days last week Miss McKtnimes. of Nehalem, is nursing young Buster Boals at th« Dr. Boa I s ivsldence. Both Phones- Bell 43-J P. O. Bax 197 L. V. EBERHARDT. Prop. Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook :'->cr.«V OREGON TILLAMOOK Good values in groceries can always be obtained at The Satisfaction Store. This week we have a tew items priced especially low in order to clean up cer tain lines. George W. Kiger left the early part of the week on a trip to Wheeler. Mias Clara Plasker has been call ed to Portland to nurse her sister and family. Mrs. Charles Cooper. Mra. W. J Hill Is on the road to recovery from an operation In a local hospital Mark this date on your calendar i March 15. It is the last day for tiling Income tax returns. M. ABPLANOLP D. KURATLI MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Coal - Cement - Lime 28 W The following applications nave been filled with the city council. Aplication of S. A. Broadhead to repair roof and put in chimney. De nted. The chimney specified would not comply with the reccommenda tions of the state fire marshall, and votild therefore be condemned by that official. Application to replace partition and repair chfmney in residence at 301 E. 3rd St. Granted. Application of Tom Buffum »0 move partition Tourest Cafe. Granted. LAMB-SCHRADER CO z FROM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER LOWER PRICES Wood green or dry direct from the mill Call 43W for Wood A F. COATS LUMBER CO DISCOVERED W e will sell you Monopole Syrup in large bottles regular. 60c. now 40c; Uncle John’s Maple Syrup, one-half gallon. $1.30; one gallon $2.50. Great American Coffee, regular 45c now 30c per can. Flake White Shortening. 4-lb. pails, reg. 8oc now 60c Duck Soap, regular Jc now 8 for 25c. Oregon Beans. 25 lbs for $1.00. G. E. Turner of Rockaway, w** tn Tillamook I -“t week on business t I Pacific Abstract Company JOHN ERICKSON WM. MAXWELL BUILDING OPERATIONS 'N Office: Natl. Bank Bldg. Ground Floor JAMES WILLIAMS DAVE FITZPATRICK Twenty-four pupils of the grade J school successfully passed th'e eighth grade examinations and have been given diplomas. They are: Albert Mayer, Tillamook. R.F.D ; Richard Goyne, Tillamook, R. F. D.; Lailah Marolf, Tillamook, R.F.D.; Charley Josephine Honeyman, Bea ver; Flora Belle Gharst, Beaver; Eu gene Alexander Jeffries, Tillamook; Walter Anderson, Tillamook; Helen Jorden, Tillamook; Olga, Irene Tuck er. Tillamook; Gladys Alfreda Heat- ley. Tillamook; Madge Drake, Tilla mook; Lloyd C. Johnson, Tillamook. I R.F.D.; Florence Amelia Zuercher, Tillamook, R.F.D.; Edwin A. Glad. Tillamook. R.F.D.; William A. Sipp- rell, Jr.. Bar View; Bernice Himes. Tillamook, R. F. D.; ETmer Lund- burg. Nehalem; Helen Lee, Neha- lem; Edna May Kyle, Bay City; Will Nicklos Vaughn, Bay City; Marion Davidson, Wheeler; Maxwell Grey, Blain*; Leona Lola Marolf, Tillamook; Irvine W. Baker. Tilla mook. Glen Conover, Myrtle Wallin. Ellen and Stanley Norberg. Ella Grad, Roy Larsan Georg’e D’irrer. Velma Daniels, Henry, Edna and Ethel Anderson. T. M. LYSTER H. T. BOTTS SCHOOL ITEMS OF INTEREST ■w. BANK COUNTY Fine Superb Brand Plums worth 25c per can. >5c. now Excellent Home Cooking WITH Absolute Cleanliness At Reasonable Prices Good Petite Dried Prunes. 25 lb. box for $1.75. W e have only a limited supply of the above lots so do not delay. E. G. ANDERSON “The Satisfaction Store" TOURIST CAFE TILLAMOOK OREGON their In tl Jeem M at Chrit His 1 cant and < but 1 is th Then “T to ue my t meth the I His y thing "Si in th these