THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PAGE SIX TILLAMOOK Scientific Breeding Brings Big Returns in Increased Milk Production; Tillamook Leads in the Northwest COUNTY BANK Reprinted from the Portland Tel­ egram of November 26, the following article by F. R. Beals, proprietor of Highland Grove farm is especially interesting In view of the sale of the Beals’ herd of Holsteins to the Car- tlfic methods of selection and breed­ ing this production has been stead­ ily increased to a point where the progressive dairyman of today is not satisfied, with less than an average of 7000 to 15,000. pounds of milk, depending upon the breed, and 350 pounds or more of butterfat for the nation stock farms last week. yearly production of a cow, and In obediance to your request that some of the great breeders have de­ i express my views as to whether er veloped cows In excess of 30,00$ DIRECTORS R. E. WILLIAMS T. M. LYSTER H. T. BOTTS JAMES WILLIAMS DAVE FITZPATRICK JOHN ERICKSON THURSDAY. JANUARY 26, 1922 breeding and teat work has fallen love my scrub cow. She is a luxury. upon the breeder. Dairymen are entitled to luxuries as well as other peopie. My neigh­ Tests Are Authentic bor tells me to sell her to the butch­ These tests are conducted under er; but my neighbor is a hard-heart­ state supervision and the supervision ed man; so is the butcher. I love my of the various breed associations, scrub cow. It requires much time to and aretherefore authentic and of feed her but little time to milk her. inestimable value as a guide to the My banker says that the small breeder and dairyman in the choice amount of milk she contributes can of his foundation stock. justly be called “the milk of human A concerted movement is now on kindness,’* for It is a human kind­ foot among the leading breeders to ness that allows her to exist. Evan better the type of confirmation or Parson Jones was heard to remark their animals. With this accom­ that “a greater love hath no man plished it would seem that there ib than he who wears his young life little left to be done by the breeder away to support a scrub cow, expect­ in perfecting thia greatest producer ing no peward, not even the res­ of human food—the dairy cow. pect of real dairymen.” I love my scrub cow. Who can doubt it? ... . ASSOCIATION CALVES Ar^you guilty? If so, there are cow Agent Pine states that he had testing associations in Tillamook very little success in placing orders county looking for members. Hand for calves at $15. He has therefore in your name today. —Ex. WM. MAXWELL D. KURATLI M. ABPLANOLP «uva CITY TIRE SHOP J. C. Holden TOPS! Standard Top Recovering Outfits for Fords everything ready to put on same put on $11.50 Ford Rear Curtains put on $3.50 Celluloid in side curtains %c square inch. All other tops in proportion. See me before buying Order by mail for Ford Tops. Weight 11 pounds ready to ship. LITSCHER TOP SHOP I) fi • Johnson Chapter No. 24 of milk and 1200 pounds of notified all inquines tnat the price jL R. A. M. has dropped .to $10. or $11.50 crat- ’ i Stated convocations every ed f.o.b. Tillamook. Big Strides Made first and third Fridays. Visiters welcome. I love my scrub cow. She gives Th«se gigantic strides only have =el I. E. Keldson, Sec. me employment every day in the been made possible through intensi­ year. She consumes my hay and fication In breeding; that is to say, grain and grows fat and sleek. She by the intelligent mating of pure­ is a thing of beauty, though a bur­ Tillamook Lodge No. 57, A.F. & A.M- Stated Communication sec­ bred animals with strong dairy ten­ den forever. To produce milk and ond Wednesday in each dencias. These specialized animats, ! butterfat would distract from her month Visiting Brethren knowjt as the dairy type, can best t>e ■ physical beauty; therefore it is un- welcome. developed or being bred on farms : reasonable to expect it of her. She I Harvey Ebinger, Sec. that are specially equipped for their ■ helps to reduce my income tax. development and 98 percent of them are iliveloped on such farms, often ; referÁd fo as purebred farms. From these ^purebred farms are disbursed throuihout the country the founda­ Tuesday eve., 7:30 p.m. tion 4tock from which th« commer- < Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 Rebekak, Wednesday evening cial dairy is builded. Camp 2-4, Thursday 0. E. S. A study of the noted dairy dis- Stated communications first and tricts’of the world will disclose that the profitable dairy herds are pure­ third Thursdays of each month in bred.« of high-grades, selected from , Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. CORA L. MILLER, Secretary one of the following breeds of dairy type cattle—Ayrshire, Guernsey, Jersey or Holstein—whose origin is traceable some breeder who has ' Marathon Lodge No. burned the midnight oil in devising 93, Knights of Pyth­ PETER BECKER a plan of breeding that has produc- . ias. Regular meeting Merchant Tailor Monday evening at ed the desired result at the milk 7:45 sharp. By order pall. of the Chancelier Tillamook County Leads Commander. Twenty years ago there were very few If any puivbred dairy cattle in V. R. C. Tillamook county. It Is said that Corinith Relief Corps No. 54 Dept, Tillamook county now has a greater of Oregon, meets on first and third number of purebred cattle In pro- • Friday evenings of each month, at portion to its cow population than | 8 p. m., in the W. O. W. hall. Visi- any other dairy district of the < tors welcome. Mrs. Clarence Stanley, President i Consist« entirely of ADJUSTING Northwest, and since the active in­ the movable segmets of the SPIN­ Elisabeth Conover, Sec’y. troduction of purebred cattle there AL COLUMN to normal position has been an increase of more than thereby removing the CAUSE of 60 per cent in the average produc­ Corinth Post.No. 35.Dept. of Oregon dis-eaae. tion of our cows. FOREST L. HOWARD Meets on second and on In the United States aside from CBSOPKACTOB fourth Saturdays of each the little assistance rede red by the month at 1:30 p. ,m in 211-13 Tillamook BmldiRr experimenal work carried on by the w. o. W. Both Rm'll federal government and the several Adjustments will be given in the states, the burden of demonstrating H. W. Spears, Cem'dr home if patient •• unable to the merits of the various strains of 1 purebred dairy cattle in the way of Samuel Downs, Ad'jt. not the breeding of dairy cattle is a pastime or fad, or really Is a worth­ while undertaking, I will say that from the standpoint of a breeder, also an operator of a commercial dairy, the dairy animal of worth Is solely the product of scientific breed­ ing and development. The primitive dairy cow scarcely furnished milk sufficient for her off­ spring the available records show an average yearly production of 1500 pounds of milk containing less than sixty pounds of fat. Through scien- poun| fat. Lodge Directory L ight -S ix f *LL MODELS STUDEBAKER CARS ** HAVE BEEN REDUCED IN PRICES Economical in up-keep—Large average from gasoline. Come in and get demonstration. It Costs You Nothing Prices Are Appropriate WILLIAMS A WILLIAMS GARAGE Chiropractic