THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PAGE SX Like tfae Irishman’» Flea. It's here again, gone again, with the Roosevelt highway. Last week everything looked rosy; prospects were bright, in fact "it was almost assured” that the Roosevelt highway would be made one of the primary roads under the new federal - state coperativs inter-state highway im­ provement plan, towards the mater­ ialization of which congress recently appropriated f75,000.000. But when the representatives of the Roosevelt Highway Memorial association went to Portland to meet with the state highway commission they apparent­ ly ran up against the same old Ice berg. Instead, of releasing the $2,590,- 000 bonds voted for the coast road qind matching It with funds received from, the federal government to­ wards the construction ot that hlgh- way the gentiment at Portland seemed to be that the two and a half million should be turned into the general road fund and used £11 over the state wherever there Is a shortage. Of course the coast counties will not sttyid for that. It looks like this section will be called upon to do a lot more scrapping before we get the highway.—Coos Bay World. It is understood that preliminary work on the Manhattan-Brighton road will soon begin. TMiamoo^. Oregon Modern Fireproof Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN Hot and Cold Water in Every Room A La Carte Meals the Best in the City P J. WORREL, Proprietor •V 35 » Í G O TO I CHURCH! If you want your life insured, go to Church And your future thus secured, go to Church If you want your wife well gowned When you’re beneath the ground, For insurance that is sound, go to Church. W. A. CHURCH Local Representative Massachusetts Life Insur­ ance Company AMERICAN LEGION NEWS One grand assault on the magni­ ficent digestion was expected during the visit to that great Amerique. Tree bien, and one had been in the t'raing for the glorious eatings. But pour l’amour de Mike, it Is les chev- aux of other colors to train for the unexpected company of a wild bob­ cat, is it not that it is? Consequently the undomesticated kitten presented Marshal Foch by Montana members of the American Legion now bays the moon in a cage at the Bronx Zoo, New York, and Le Marechai sleeps of night. The untamed tabby, brought 1500 miles by airplane by Montana Leg­ ionnaires and given tire marshal at Kansas City, rapidly changed into a white elephant. The Foch party carried it in a strongbox from tire West and through several Eastern cities, newspaper nren of the special train standing guard. But when the Foch special stopped in New York for an hour e» route to Princeton University and while the allied gen- eralisslmo was still abed, the Mon­ tana mascot waB quietly transferred onto a truck and hurried through the early morning hours to the zoo­ logical gardens. The spirit of the Montana Legionnaires and their bobcat was highly appreciated, but "Voila!” as the French said it. In a campaign to collect DISCOVERED Excellent Home Cooking WITH More than 15,000 members of the American Legion representing every one of the 48 states participated in the ceremonies honoring their un­ known comrade of the World War at Washington Armistice Day. Na­ tional Commander MacNlder, in the name of the Legion, placed a huge wreath of flowers on the flag-draped casket. At Reasonable Prices TOURIST CAFE OREGON T New Range Kitchen Hardware, Cooking Utensils Paint to Brighten Up the Furniture See Our Complete Line of These Articles « Hundrels of letters and telegrams have been received by the War De­ partment from members of the American Legion in all parts of the country in refutation of the charges of Senator Watson of Georgia, as to the hangings without court-martial and other derelictions in the A. E. F. Both eyes destroyed by American shrapnel during the world war, Franz Roheol, who served the Kais­ er, now is kept from suffering by an Amrlcan doughboy’s discarded suit of "civies." SomeOffe brought the clothing at a rummage sale held by the American Legion post of Mas- peth, Long Island, and sent it to a woman acquaintance in Germany. She gave it to the needy German soldier. "Now I can use the little pension the Government gives me for food and need not go hungry," the for­ mer enemy soldier says in a letter or thanks to the Legion post. Ex- Soldatn Roheol lives in Ekren, Ger­ many, American soldiers and marines who won the coveted Congressional Medal of Honor during the war will receive the Italian war cross, offic­ ials of the American Legion have been informed by the Italian embas­ sy. Gen. Vaccari, chief of staff of the embassy already has begun the distribution of the medal. Steps have been taken by the Legion to also obtain the cross for naval men who rcelved the Congressional medal. Members of the American Legion all over the country hereafter will be kept informed of what Congress and the Government are doing for ex-service men through a weekly bulletin issued by the Legion’s leg­ islative committee. The bulletins will be sent to all Degion news­ papers and publications and state officials. Parents or wives of Americans who died overseas during the world war and whose bodies have not been returned would have an opportunity over- to visit the graves of their deceased at government expense in a resolu­ tion introduced into Congress by Rep. Hamilton Fish, New York, a member of the American Legion. The lvsolution directs the Secretary of War to provide transportation to American cemeteries overseas. A request that the United States government be asked to negotiate an aieement t with Great Britian for reciprocal 1 treatment of disabled war veterans, traveling or residing in either country, will be considered at the next meeting of the legisla­ tive committee of the American Legion. Such agreement is in effect btween this country and Canada. Neutrality of Wyandotte poet of the American Lgion, ansae City, in the strike of packing house employ­ ee has been commended by the Cen­ tral Labor Body In a letter signed by the president of the organisation. The labor body Is composed of rep­ resentatives of all organised crafts. Absolute Cleanliness TILLAMOOK, coats for jobless ex-service men in New York. John Golden, the theatri­ cal producer, offered one of the best seats for his play, "Thank You,” to every person bringing a discarded .overcoat to the thsatar. Several hundred coats wer obtained and dis­ tributed through the American Leg­ ion welfare organization. A Christmas gift to the ex-service men of the United States in ’ the form of the passage by Congress or the Fordney-McCumber adjusted compensation bill, is a prediction made at Washington by John Tay- lor, vice chairman of the American Disinterment of the bodies of Legion’s Naticnal Legislative Com- I American soldiers buried in Brest, mittee. France, during the war, has been completed, according to word receiv­ A few hours aft’er he had been re- ed by the American Degion. Army lased from the military prlosn at Ft. authorities have forwarded to the Leavenworth, Kansas, where he was I four permanent American cemeter­ serving a sentence for a "buddy’’ I ies in France 1,080 bodies, rmoval who had savd his life in France, of which to the United States was Harry W. Haley, was greeted at not requested by relatives. Springfield, Mo., by several thousand citizens of that place headed by the When the Y.M.C.A. in Somei*- American Legion. Halsy is now en- •J vilie. Mass., burned down, Ameri- scounsed on a ranch »near Spring­ can Legion men rescued 24 lodgers. field where Ire is the guest of Col. R. clothed them and turned the Legion P. Dickerson, commander of the clubrooms ‘nto the temporary Y. M. National Loyalty League. C. A. of the city. More than a million members of the American Legion have pledged i themselves to assist in th'e Ameri­ I can Education Week campaign, Dec­ ember 4—10, under the auspices of the Legion and the National Educa­ tional Association composed of school and coltege teachers. The purposes of the campaign are to in­ form the public of the accomplish­ ments and needs of the public schools and to secure support and cooperation of the public in meeting these needs, \ — ------ •— i < *’ ’ Louis W. Hill, the railroad mag­ nate, was unanimously elected mayor of "Slippery Gulch, the wlck- edes, city," staged for one week at St. Paul, Minn., under the auspices of the American Legion. Governor Preus of Minnesota assumed the role of a bad man known as "Mexi­ can Pete,’ ’and Lieut. Gov. Collins was his rival in the character of "Alkali Ike.” An effort to prohibit the holding of dances in the public school at Katonah, N. Y., was defeated by the American Legion and the Village Improvement Society of the place, A bronze tablet has been erected at Brookline,.Mass., to the memory of Albert E. Scott, a former news­ boy known as "Scotty” who was killed behind his machine gun in France. He is believed to have been the youngest American soldier killed in the World War. The American Legion participated In the unvell- ing ceremony. Fifty percent of the men em- ployed on the new highway projects in Minnesota aie ex-service men, according to report received by the American Legion Employment Bu­ reau at Minneapolis. THURSDAY, JANDA1Y S. 192T Geg. Armando Diax. commander of the Italian armies during the war was a casualty following his tour of the United States as guest of the American Legton. When he arrived in Naples, it was found he had sprained a finger from the cordiality of the thousands of American hand­ shakes. At the Italian embassy Washington, he shook 700 one evening. ALEX McNAIR & CO Tillamook, . t Oregon ............... Tile Your Farm, It Pays First-class clay tiles made by TILLAMOOK CLAY WORKS E. G. KREBS, Prop. Mutual Phone Mothers Proper care of mother when Baby comes is vital to her future health and baby's as well. Each has the right to the very best attention and scien­ tific skill, something that is impossible at home. Babies Healthy Mothers But here, at this wonderfully equipped, modern fire-proof maternity home, every care is extended to mother. Graduate nurses, who know and love babies and are specially trained for maternity work, are in constant attendance here day and night. The nurses in charge are graduates from Chicago Lying In Hospital, conducted by Dr. Joseph B. De Lee, America's greatest authority on obstetrics. Woman’s Hospital 144 North 18th Street, Portland, Oregon “Of Irrisi» ^**r A-Aiw” Another Royal Suggestion DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS From the N ew R oyal C ook B ook OUGHNUTS! There is nothing D more wholesome and delightful than dough­ nuts or crullers rightly made. Doughnuts 3 tablespoons shortening K cup sugar legs H cup milk 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon salt 3 cups flour 4 teaspoons Royal Baking Powder Cream shortening: add sugar and well-beaten egg; stir in milk; add nut­ meg, salt, flour and bak­ ing powder which have been sifted together and enough additional flour to make dough stiff enough to roll. Roll out on floured board to about U-li Inch ‘ thick; cut out. Fry ’ in deep fat hot enough 1 to brown a piece of bread in «0 seconds. Drain on un- glaaed paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Crullers ROYAL BAKING POWDER