V ™PMBAT, JANUARY 4> lftjM THS TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT CLABaUrusD AD R atf > 2®« **«•. Per 1 Lae _____ at Two taue,, per llae Thro, Hn7 J! Four lsaaes, line _____ '2o »dverttsement takon for lees than 25 cents ah advertising copy must bs in by 5 P. m. each Wednesday to Insure Publication. FOR SALE — MY RANCH AND Property at Beaver. Address • Ctant King, Mu1ua1 Phone. _ Ph °ne- _ ______ 9-2tf tudaon who has bassi sway L' months returned to Til­ lamook Monday. Miss Knudson re­ turned hoana to taka up her atudlaa in »chool during the remaining r ter ma. — •• POR SALE—POSTS AND WOOD g°^. CO* APP*r ByrOn Bradley Pfeaaaut Valley. 10-tf ■ J. A. Kertlantf ted w!H "of Mc­ Minnville were rialtore tn our city Monday. . C. D. Wharton of Amity was seen on our streets Monday. A stitch in time saves twine. Report of Condition of W arrants KATHLEEN MILLS, County Treasurer. FOR SALM—GOOD USED PIANO 10-tl in excellent condition. Less than half original price. Terms given Monday Musical Club will meet to responsible partyl. Write me. »t the home of Mrs. Koch. Jan. 16 Leland Eerwin, "The Plano Man ’• •t 3:00 o'clock. Open to new mem- bers at this time.—Adv. F. A. Johnston and wife of Port­ land were registered at the Tllla- FOR SALE 1980 ACRES GOOD •nook Hotel Sunday. d‘1’7 ,BM4 at09 per thousand. 60,000 feet dry 1 and 2 inch spruce lum- ' The S. P. trainmen gave out news ber at 312 per thousand. Opposite I that 20 inches of snow fell in the Southern Pacific station.—C S ' Barne,, 8.tf j mountains the first of the week. LOTS FOR SALE, EASY TERMS . W. . Webber of Centralia was a and monthly payments. Inquire 1 visitor of Tillamook Sunday. of B. E. King. THE DEADLY “B B ” CALL DAVE KRAKE FOR SHING- llng All work strictly guaranteed ' The town boys are quite heavily Mutual phone. 7-21 tf ------------------- ——____________ I armed ' nowdays with the deadly WANTED—Experienced milker to < "BB” guns, and are after all kinds milk ten cows. Call and Bee Dr. | of game. One kid proudly related Sharp at his office. 4-tf that he got a duck b'y rt^tingTm -------------------------- ’ the fana»» ««J 1.1: Jr____ . WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND face” and blinding it, later using furniture and stoves. TIHamook th,e butt ot hls Kun to kill it. An- Furniture Co. I other kid shot another boy on the ! hand, making a bad bruise, and two , of the juveniles were observed joy- LOST AND FOUND i ously shooting “BB” shot at each LOST—THURSDAY EVENING BE- j other from opposite sides of the tween depot and business section, street. Should some kid get an eye straw suit case containing ladle put out by indiscriminate shooting wearing apparel. 325 reward. with these guns, there will later on Return to this offlcs. Mrs. H. be need of some town legislation. In Wood, Myrtle Creek 9tl many towns the “BB” guns are pro­ hibited, along with sling shots. It is all right for the kids to have TO EXCHANGE amusements, but they should use WANTED: TO RENT OR BUY i the "BB” gn and the aling shot and wwM »lit. a----- *< * * — - __ J _______ ! farm with buildings and acreage other such instruments outside of *°r.15 VJ® th7town7whZre““here°ls”n7dang^ X •? “ * j- ", BANK far gone. perous year for 1923 and many to • RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts (except those shown in b and c)_----------------3646,511.30 Total loans ----- ___------- ,-------- 646,511.30 Notes and bills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank (other than bank acceptances sold) 45,478.80 Foreign Bills of Exchange or Drafts sold with indorse­ ment of thia bank, not shown under item d above---------------------------------------------- 45,478.80 >601,033.60 2,073.70 Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured -------- 2,073.70 W. S. M. Says “You know the bird that gets up and makes a speech, waves his arms, pounds the table and then don’t say any­ thing. Same way with battery guarantees. You can go up and down the street and collect all kinds of ’em but they don’t mean anything! What you want is a battery that works. It’s the Wil­ lard Threaded Rubber Battery.” follow, wo are yours for aarvlca. » SNODGRASS g&g91 Todd Hot«l Bl«r 1. S. Government securities owned:_ Deposited to secure circulation -----------------——- Checks on other banks in th» same city or town as re­ 15,564.83 porting bank( other than Item 12)-----------------------— Total of Items 9, 10, 11» 12 and 13™,----- 74,002.78 Checks oh banks located outBide of city or town of re­ Z-------------------------------------------------- "X 1,108.95 porting bank and other cash Items------------------------ R. T. BOALS, M. D. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from 1,26000 u. s. Treasurer ----- - --------------- —------------ — Surgeon and Physicitn TOTAL ____________________________ 960,368.03 LIABILITIES I. O. O. F. Building 50,000.00 Capital stock paid in >___________________ _ _________ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ------------ ----- ------------------------------------- —- Tilllmook Oregon Undivided profits ------- ™--------------------------- 8,236.09 8,236.09 Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid—------------- 7 26.000.00 Circulating notes outstanding -------------------- -------------- Amount due to State banks, bankers, and trust edm- — — panies in the United States and foreign countries 13.687.34 (other than included in Items 21 or 22) ---------------- BARRICK & HALL 71.00 Certified checks outstanding ------------------------------------ 7,316.92 Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding ---------------- Attorneys at Law Total of Items 21, 22. 23, 24, and 25------ 21,074.26 National Building Individual deposits subject to check --------- -------------- - 434,405.02 Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other TllHmook 21,529.31 Oregon than for money borrowed) —----------------------- ----- ™ 4,000.00 Dividends unpaid ----------- ------------ --- ------------------- k----------------------- —————z Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve. Itms 26, 27, 28, 29, SOand 31------ _______ ____ ________ ---------------------------- 459,934.33 Certificates of deposit (other than for money bor­ I DR. 0. L. HOHLFELD 69,560.40 I rowed .........___ —------- ---- __________ ---- 300.059.27 Other time deposits---------------------- - -------------------— Veterinarian 1,359.36 Postal savings deposits------------------------------------------- Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 32, Bell Phone 8F3. Mutual Phone 33, 34, and 35 ----------------------------------- 870,979.03 144.32 Liabilities other than those above stated --------------- -— Tilllmook Oregon TOTAL ________________________________ — >960,368.03 X. 7 State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, ss: I, C. A. McGhee, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. f "X C. A. McGHEE, Cashier. Correct Attest: W. J. Riechers, C. J. Edwards, B. C. Lamb, I DR. J. G. TURNER Directors. Eye Specialist 'Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1922. F. B. McKINLEY, Notary Public. Permanently located In Tilla­ mook. Private office in Jenkin's jewelry store. Latent up-to-date “X THE HIGH SCHOOL Instruments and equipment. Ev­ enings and Sunday by appoint­ ment. i Consists entirely of ADJUSTING Complete Lens Grinding Fac­ the movable segmeta of the SPIN­ PRESENTS tory on the Premises. Any lens AL COLUMN to normal position duplicated. thereby removing the CAUSE of dls-ease. "The Burglar” Tillamook. Oregon FOREST L. HOWARD "The Bowery Night School” V CHIROPRACTOR "When Mother Comes to College” 211-13 Tillamook Building Both Ph&nei Oeo. P. Winslow Adjustments will be given in the I H. T. Batts home if patient la unable to come to office. BOTTS A WINSLOW Willard Sanioa Han We’re here to give you battery service, Mr. Car Owner. Drive around. Tillamook Battery Station M.R. TERRY Proprietor DRAMATIC CLUB Willard f Chiropractic I K. Jan. 13th, at 8 o’clock Admission, - „ 35c and 25c Seats at E. E. Koch's GEM THEATRE Lawyers ir, Tilllmook Ralph R. Edwards SHOEMAKER THURSDAY—JANUARY 12. DAVID ROBINSON TOURIST’S RESTAURANT t 7 V “THE LAST CARD” “BAR NOTHING 99 Adapted from the SATURDAY EVENING POST story "DATED." "THE LAST CARD” is grip­ ping crime drama featuring MAY ALLISON. The story is not one of mytery as to who committed the crime, but HOW tire accused man is to es­ tablish his Innocence in fcce of the web of cir­ cumstantial evidence which the real criminal ha. woven about him "FAST and FURIOUS" two reel Al St. John Comedy. featuring Buck Jones. "BAR NOTHING” Is the beet Buck Jones has done yet! A genuine West­ ern thriller! "THE SON OF TARZAN" episode No. 11. "The Son of Tartan” grows more ex­ citing each week. It you’re not following this aerial you should be doing so—start in now. National Bldg. FROM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER LOWER PRICES I Bell 43W Mutual A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. -... .. t » ■ j 1 X 3®3 Second Ava. I. Bell Phone 61J Cadillac Stage Line I “THE MAN FROM LOST RIVER FRIDAY SATURDAY-JANUARY 11-14. FOOTBALL - Evenlnf Games JOHN mattterji General Bookkeeping, Auditing, Income Tax. Will keep your books and render monthly statements. 35 per month and up. CaU 43W for Wood I _ 7----------- Tillamook, Ore. Public Accountant-Notary Publio Wood green or dry direct from the mill TILLAMOOK-PORTLAND TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10-11. Oregon "x THE SUNDAY—MOHDAY, JANUARY 8-9. w j Wlah you a moat happy and pros­ At Tillamook In the State of Oregon, at the close of Business on December Slat, 1921. a cuh rent. L. o. Bon Hlll-l.l.., “• «1*»« on th. Mrt or Ore. Rt. 2. 5-4t tbe k Parents should at least ------------- —■ -------------------------------- ! teach children to exercise caution In TRADE — I HAVE 195 ACRE • th use of such dangerous toys. ranch In Marion county, Would like to trade for a smaller ranch American Legion members are in Tillamook county. Anyone in­ urged to pay poll taxes, register and terested please write or call at 310 E. 9th street after 5:00 make no attempt to dodge jury duty o’clock in the evening. Mr. Ira as part of the activities for 1922 in instructions prepared by. Alvin M. Blodgett, Tillamook, Ore. Owsley, director of the Legion's WILL THE PERSON WHO PICKED Americanism commission. The Leg­ up a pair of fleece lined grey kid ion men are urged to make full * use gloves in a local store last Satur­ of the franchise and prevent mis­ day please return them to the carriages of justice under the jury trial system. owner at Boal's Hospital. have 'em fixed before they are too FIRST NATIONAL AU outstanding county road war­ rants endorsed prior to and includ- FOR SALE th« 15th day of September, 1931 u be paid upon presentation. In- for SALE—reed BABY CAR- mage, good as new. Write Box 92, ary^'lW368 thU ®th day of J“u' So bring along thoae old shoes and Reeerve District No. 13 Charter No. 8574. CALL FOR COUNTx COBLOSIFY Ó'* For tW ooamAont W wr patrons we have instalhd elec­ tric heaters io aO oar cars. We protect you by careful drivers and 840,000 accident insurance. Remember you can caU us an either phons We will call at your home for you. 9tags to Paadk City also. Thia line is I • Patrenize Borne tadnstry Leave« Tillamook Hotel Leaves Portland Terminal 7 m a.m. and i ^5 p.m. 8 a.m. and a p.m. Phone 135-W Phone Main 8611 IVAN DQNALJDSQN, 4 1! Mutual Phone