will be given Saturday evening at 7:30. A splendid program. Come early and enjoy the little folks. The church services on Sunday will be in harmony with the day and the sermons will be based on (h'e author of Christmas. Morning 11 o’clock, Evening 7:30 Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. The general public is made wel­ come at all services. HARRY E. TUCKER, Minister Christmas Proerram a«d Tree Methodist Church Sunday school at ten o'clock. The morning sermon at eleven will be “The World’s Great Christmas Gift; A Saviour.” The evening sermon will be at 7:30. The subject will be "Memory and Remembrance.’’. The Christmas program will be rendered on Saturday evening at »> o'clock. At the conclusion of the pro gram, gifts will be distributed to all of the Sunday school scholars. An offering will be taken for the "needy children of the world.” The regu­ Catholic Church lar church prayer meeting on Wed­ nesday evening. Come and worship Midnight Mnss will be held on with us.—Charles L. Dark, Pastor. Christmas eve at Cloverdale this year in the new church. Masses will also be said in other parts -of the Reformed Church county at the following places and Sufnday school at 10 a. m. At 11 times: Garibaldi, Green Tree hotel o’clock the Christmas messag^ will at 8 o’clock; Wheeler, 11 o’clock. Father Hildebrand, Pastor. be delivered by the pastor. Com­ munion service and offering for the Mission house in Wisconsin. CALL FOR WARRANTS At 7:30 p. m. a Christmas pro­ Call Is hereby made for school dis gram will be given by the Sunday school assisted by the choir and male trlct No.. 31 warrants up to and tn- quartet. There will be recitations, eluding No. 913. Interest ceases this dialogues, exercises and a tree offer­ 19th day of December 1921. LUCY E. DOUGHTY, Clerk/ ing for the orphan’s home in Indiana You are cordially Invited to at­ tend these services. There will be a Christmas pro­ W. G. LIENKAEMPER, Pastor. gram, play, tree and exercises given by the Sunday school of the Presby­ terian church, Sunday evening, at Presbyterian Church 7:30 p. m. at the Presbyterian Sunday school lo a. m. Morning church. There is to be special mu­ worship 11 a. m. subject, “The Mu­ sic by the choir and the male quar­ sic of Heaven.” Evening worshshlp tet and a fine time for everybody is 7:30 p. m. Christmas program, play assured. Old Mr. Santa Claus has tree and exercises. We wish a Mer­ sent word that he will be sui^ to at­ ry Christmas and Happy New Year tend with some gift for every good for every person in our city and boy and girl. You are invited. county. Everybody invited. F. Artrip returned to his school ALLAN A. McRAE, Minister at Meda Sunday after spending the week end in Tillamook. Christian Church J. Finley, iti the government ser­ The Christmas tree and program vice, was in the city last Friday. hy pay 10c for your cigar when you can get the JAMES G. BLAINE CHRISTMAS CANDIES > IURSDAT, DECEMBER TH! TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT TAGE EIGHT Our stock is complete and our prices right. Any nount from a paper bag to a wagon load at Henry Bills of Hebo, Tillamook county, was here Friday getting up early in the morning and driving his truck to this city and retuilnlng in the afternoon. Henry likes ranch­ ing at Hebo. He’s at present milk­ ing seven cows and disposes of his milk at a cheese factory.—News-Re­ porter. ROUND ABOUT THE TOWN Christmas carroling is much In vogue in many places in this state. It is an old custom, and many of the old English songs are rehearsed by the good singers for the occasion, and voiced early Christmas morning. Tillamook has plenty of vocal talent. Why not get in line for the coming of that memorable day? A few ap­ propriate yodel numbers would not come amiss on that occasion as we are said to have some real Swiss ycd lers in our midst. i Oren Dixon returned 1.« from a trip to Seattle tn little bug "Trixie", u" * ? _ turns a few flip flops hoine .L0 ling with the bug, but th?, <4t off with the loss of ■ wheels, but Trixie isn’t a »my ’ I by any means, and Dixon k™!? ’ : ‘to fix her. Q0,‘ h S. Parks of Gooding idah. I The Coates mill is closed for a I In the matter of the estate of Au­ I week to come undergoing repairs. I gust Verner Nelson, deceased. Pe­ visited here for two month.’ Tuesday was pay day. and many of the mill hands went outside to 1 spend the holidays. I ■ Misses Anna Newburg, Vera Jen­ Wednesday last was the shortest day of the year. From now on, al­ sen and 'Elsie Ericksop, students ot ;L j State Normal school, came though it will hardly be noticeable the i home Friday to spend the holidays. the days will begin to lengthen . Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goheen, who ' have been in this county since last • spring, left this morning for Yaki- j ma, Wash. 1 „ T, n T Martin who £eX »U a few days with W. J. Robinson, who spent a day or two here “lite yrt- ed to his home at McMinnville, Frl day. ________ _____ S. K. HofTman, Hoffman, of Garibaldi, spent Saturday night in^Tiltemook. ¿isit- Mr. Bays of Beaver, returned to Port I ing at the home of his son A. M. Hoffman and family. land Saturday. Ernest Hall of this city was a Harry Nelson returned from Se­ attle Wednesday on a business trip. stage passenger to Portland on Mon­ Merle Smith is in Seattle for a few day laat days, also, on business. A. G. McKinney of Scuth Prairie left for Portland on Wednesday last Chas. Hanson, of Portland, who I! for a few days stay. has charge of official milk tests In this state, was over here Wednes­ Miss Florence Paulsen went day returning home Thursday morn- G'ervais, Marion county, Wednesday ing. last to visit with relatives. Olaf Byman and wife left for Port Chas. Swadley, who has been stay­ land this morning enroute to As- ing in this city for some time past, toria to spend tire holidays, The By- i'eft Tuesday for a visit to Portland. mans live north of town. Mesdames A. G. Ross and A. L. Leona Hehr was a stage passenger Thompson of Wheeler, were in the to Hebo Tuesday last city shopping 'Wednesday. Mrs. Winning of near Pleasant Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carlton E. Valley was a stage passenger to Port Wood of Sandlake, Dec. 1, a daugh­ land last Friday. ter. ________ Frank Goyne, a brother of Coun­ ty Attorney Goyne, is here for a family visit. Mr. Goyne holds his residence in Alaska. The Cloverdale stage leaves this city after tire arrival of the train mall each day, ifnd returns to the former place. This is a star route. At this time of the year, and during the present cold weather, the mall carrier’s daily trip, most of which is made after dark, is not an enviable one. L. J. Ruble, who was here for a few days, returned this morning to his honre In Amity. Mrs. Ernest Kirby of Woods, is Frank Mayer of this city had his tonsils removed at a local hospital at a local hospital in this city for treatment. one day this week. tition of Helma Nelson, executrix to with his parents, returned . sell a certain contract of sale of real home Thursday afternoon property of said estate, ordered that week said petition be allowed. Dan Peters was arrested 1»» □ H. E. Cortes, a Portland business urday night, charged with h,u S*t' man, was here for a day or two the toxlcated. He was arraigM^t“ day and fined |50 by Jud« q,*0*' latter part of lagt week.. han. 8e str*> John Matson, arrived in from F. R. Beals representative f0P Portland last Friday, for a few days county in the state legislator. > stay. for Portland the latter part Of J. E. McQuaid of Tacoma, Wash., week, to attend the special sewfn had business in Tillamook on Friday the legislature at the capltol city last. Ennis Turner of Cloverdale»», Mrs. Albert Olds of this city was town Saturday night to attend . Koomallit dance. TOQ 1 a passenger to Portland last Friday where she will visit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Thompson, Clyde Buckles, who recently visit­ Andrew Kline of Nehalem visits ed with relatives here, left for Port­ Tillamook Sunday. land Saturday. Wm. McKinley, son ot F 5 Miss Frances Grazer of Beaver, Kinley and wife, is home from u- was a stage passenger to Portland, valley to spend the holidays, ” Saturday last. Ed Helsel went out to Portia« this morning to bring back a n» C. Neilsen, one of the proprietors | Ford car for the Tillamook g»^ of the Hemlock store, was In Tllla- , mook Saturday on business. Slgvard Stark, recently from Sat. sop county, Washington, has tab, J. O. Slpprell of Garibaldi, waB in a job as filed at the Belding sawn™ and was in Tillamook Tuesday Tillamook Monday. l a>' •O' ■<>• •O' O <)■ O •O' TOPS! Standard Top Recovering Outfits for Fords everything ready to put on The Fruit Palace same put on $11.50 Business Goes Only Where It Is Invited We Extend You a Cordial Invitation in All Matters Relating To YOUR INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS For over twenty years we have diligently applied our efforts in giving our attention to Your Service. No Business entrusted to us is So Small, or So Large but what it will have our fullest personal care. With heartiest good wishes for your happiness this Christmas and the coming year All other tops in proportion. C. I. Clough Co CHRISTMAS and a \ HAPFf PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Phone Bell 38 J ROLLIE W. WATSON Tillamook, Orego« It’s Not What You Pay That Counts “The Insurance Man" even though the price be small Oregon ièW Weight 11 pounds LITSCHER TOP SHOP MERRY Tillamook, Order by mail for Ford Tops. OREGON Fo our many Friends and Clients, you and yours 1 See me before buying ready to ship. TILLAMOOK A Ford Rear Curtains put on $3.50 Celluloid in side curtain« square inch. jP Pkr WÎK Mv F. I vi-ii W A but for what you get for what you pay ! CALIFORNI A Sunshine and Oranges Appeal to MuatleM thoasaads each v«ar Why not go to California'! Suaipy Suotkland thia winter? That* yoa wHl aeioy tee warmth ot a* un­ clouded «»a. ths bathing beaches, «ltdoor spoofs and lhe fragrance of ftowera and oranges. Through Sleeping Cara Observation and Dining Cars via txx acxnc bhasta bouts ProvMe all the comfort! of modern travel. The rail journey afTorde an opportunity of seeing many Inter­ esting plaeea along the way. The J. C. Penney Company does not want t he whole trade of this or any other commun­ ity—it wants only that trade to which it can promise and give the largest value for the dollar. It is not large profits that cincer■« us, hut th e establishment of a safe and sound founda­ tion for a business that will be lasting. For that reason our profits must be small so as to afford you and others th* utmost for you pay. The enormous purchasing power created by our merchandise repuire- ments for 312 stores materally aids in giving the unmatchable values we dothroughout the year. what Consequently, it is only natural t*hat we shou Id have a host of loyal, appreciative custom­ ers her and in every place where we have a store. This makes the name of J. C. Penney Company a household word for fair and square tratment to its patrons and friends. Rennd Trip Excirsion Tickets 14 Stores i» Oregon are on aale to Santa Barbara Los Angeles- San Diego For fares, train schedules, descriptive folders or sleeping car reservations, osk Ticket Agesite, or write Southern Pacific Lines J .< JOHN M. SCOTT, General Paaeenger Agent A lbany Astoria Athena Baker Bend Corvallis Dallas Enterprise Eugene Forest Grove Hood River La Grande Lakeview Lebanon McMinnville Marshfield Milton Qregon City Pendleton Portland Roseburg Salem The Dalles Tillamook ‘Nfgtiœi.-œid» .Institution 312 Dept. Stores