THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1921 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT PAGE TWO f- “Aaythwr Made W Waod” 's 17.R0 E. H Lindsey —---------------- Homer Macon, expenses ___ 19.75 Sam Tocilmson —■ „ —• T. C. Percy, repairs _______ J. B. Lernen ------- ! Crystal Laundry Co. C. hse Ad. Myers------- -------- — and poor -------------------- N H Harris--------------------- J Leland Hendereon. eerv _ J. C. Harris------------ —------- W. 3. Coare», surveyor ... I Jim Goodman _———- ---- - W. E. AjMieraon, surveyor _ B Miner--------- —------------ - A. H. Gulsirra. surveyor __ H. C. Wilkes —-------------- - W. H. Stark, surveyor ____ Wm. Ruling--------------- ---- Paul Vanderpool, surv. of.__ A E. Rittenhouse --------- — H. M. Shearer, surveyor _ __ Waller Burke —----------- ----- Prank Fagan, surv. of--------- Arthur Burke ------------ —----- R. T. Boals. services ______ Andrew Zuerther --------------- Chas. L Clough, supplies---- p. 8. Seabrook ------------------ Tillamook City Water Com_ A. Miner --------------------------- King A Crenshaw Hdw Co J. F. Turnbull ----------- ------- Nehalem River Transfer Co E R. Alvard --------- —------ Pacific Tel A Tel Co.--------- - F. W. Craire--------------------- Tillamook Garage, sup-rep. . George Morris -------------- -— £. L Glaisyer, dariy herd ins Mack Johnson ------------- — E L Glaisyer, dairy herd ins 1M. Natl Bank, Mot Lie fnd 1571.33 Mike Holpin ---- ---------------- 1st Ntl Bnk, int. on bonds .3653.67 F. H. Illingsworth------------- Co. Fair Board. Co. fair------ 302 24 J. Vanderpool-------------------- W. C. Foster, envelopes------ 44.92 Jim Pallin ;---------------- —— Sunset Garage, sup.-rep.---- 83.34 Paul Allen----------------------- E A Ball ROAD DIST. NO. 1 State Ind Aec. Com. - -------- 138.23 Jotfn Houser____________ — 3.19 Albert Smith -------------—— Joe Seabrook E. A. Ball________________ 35 95 Oscar Burgman ------------- — .17 Jack Leslie ----- ----------- —— Kathleen Milla ----- ----------- Francis Conover---------------- 14.00 Ed Voght ------------------- — Feenaughty Machine Co. — 22.50 Otto Kocher--------------------- 6.59 Chas. Konecki -------------- — D. J. Van Scyoc ---------------- 8. M. Batterson -------- ------- 57.50 Nehalem Tel A Tel Co ------ A. T. Dolan_______________ 93.70 Tillamook Battery Station— 2.35 H. 8. Brimhall, express ------ R. Zweifel_______________ 41.89 Chas. F. Pankow -------------- - Chas. Haybarker 97.65 P. D. Ott------------------------- Glen Snider ___ P E. Allen____ 82.29 Chas. F. Pankow--------------- L. T. Cain _____ 82.79 Wheeler Iron Works ---------- W. F. Cain ______ 174.75 A. O. Spiker ------------------ — Ed Best_________ 39.87 A C A K Anderson----------- — H. L. Sappington . 39.87 Nehalem Garage -------------— C. F. Lowis--------- 39.87 Nelson & Co. ------------------ — Chas. Crowther 81.79 J. W. McKinley ---------------- R. D. Kyle ____ 37.74 A. Zuercher--------------------- H. E. Fose _____ 75.47 M. B. Shafer ----- -------------- - E. L. Walker __ 18.75 John A. Carroll---------------- COUNTY BILLS ALLOWED GENERAL WARRANTS Frank Heyd & Company teeeaporafiad ''loverdale Mere. Co., poor «85 Floyd ‘ Ingham. poor _______ 10.00 H E. Croe». Co. Co. ______ 25.00 Maoufactnrer« of Cab,set Wark, •asn and Doors. Interior Fite>h. A. H. Gulstrom, surveyor __ 28 80 Store Front«, Shaw Bo n e:, Connie««. Shelving Mary Bunaester. _______ Mo. Pen _ __ 10 00 Dealers la Plate ainen. Sheet Glaa>. Minors. Roofing Paints. Johanna York. Mo. Pen.__ 17.50 VaralsLes. Kalavmiae. Baildesn Hardware Ivel V. Gillam. Mo. Pen.___ 17 50 Augusta E William« Mo Pen 164*0 THJ^MOOK. OREMN s Marie Geichell, Mo. Pen- __ 40-00 Lena C Hall, Mo. Pen_____ 10.00 Myrtle F. Dougherty Mo Pen 10.00 Mary L ‘ ~ Dye, ~ Mo ~ Pen _____ 32 50 f Elwe Hellebuyck, Mo Pen_ . 32.50 Grace Childers. Mo. Pen___ 4000 I AM SURELY TRYING TO MAKE YOU BW AT HOME W. C. Foster, envelope«____ 244.60 I make lea Cream Bricks ani Jean a speciality. I have the U m »' H V. Alley, commissioner _ 169 50 H M. Farmer commissioner _ 167.20 eçuipped restaurant In the «tata, the LOUVRE RilYTAURANT, where Homer Mason, judge ______ 1««.«« everybody goes. Glass A Prudbomme, sup__ 4.09 > I have toy own refrigerating pleat for your benefit. H. S. Brimhall, clerk ______ 150.00 Bernice E Ripley, salary __ 100 00 I have installed an electric bake oven and give yen hat bread and Edna L. Mills, salary *____ 95 00 buns at 5 p. m. Leila D. Doty, salary ______ 95.0« Caroline T. Portman, «alary 85 00 JOHN R. PATTERSON Leach, salary _______ 85.00 7 Lura V Tillamook Meat Co., poor__ 9.60 ■> Tillamook Merc. Co. poor_ . 20.75 Chas. 1 Clough Co., upplies . 11.32 ■X Mrs. E. B. Gillen, health of. 2.75 / P. W. Barrett, printing____ 1.75 8. A. Brodhead, cor. jury .__ 3.40 G A. Leach, cor jury______ 3.40 c. 8. Wells, . cor. jury______ 3.40 W. J. Stillwell, cor jury____ 3.40 W. 8. Randall, cor jury ____ 3.40 A. H. Harris, cor jury_____ 18.40 Kathleen Mills, treasurer __ 125.88 Tillamook Co. Mut. Tel. Co.... 10.40 E. G. Anderson, poor ______ 22.22 F. Burt, poor_____________ 30.00 T. H. Goyne, salary _______ 128.25 J. F. Jones, dist. sealer____ 6.62 G. B. Lamb, expenses______ 37.00 Nehalem Tel A Tel. Co.____ 2.05 Alex McNair Co. supplies._ .20 X. H. S. Brimhall, express____ 8.39 Tillamook Iron Wks, sup___ 5.25 Coast Power Co power A sup 79.50 *x Howard Owens, sup________ 1.68 f Chas. F. Pankow, sup,_____ 142.05 Kilham Stationery Co. «up _ 13 97 6.50 W. C. Hawk, M.D., services . Herald Printing Co., print'g 15.62 Chas. I. Clough, sup ______ 22 45 Max Crandall, services _____ 42.50 Howard Owens, supplies. 10.S3 Dr. Robinson, services____ 1000 A GRUENWALD, Prop. I T. E. Epplett, jail________ 59.85 I I G. B. Lamb, school supt___ 150.00 I 1 Marion Hare, salary______ 95 00 G. B. Lamb, expenses -------- 53.24 Dr. W. C. Hawk, services __ 14.00 Headlight Pub. Co., printing 15.64 8.00 P. W. Barrett, printing------ No need to wnlt any longer. Equip your term with electricity Wm. Tubtreslng, Indemnity. 12.50 right away. A small payment dowa starts the dependable Western K. Martin Blaser, lndemnitw 87.50 Electric Power and Bayocean Sheet Metal Wks . 15.50 Light Ontfit working and saving for you. D. R. Tinnerstet, dairy & Food comm. --------------- 200-00 E. E. Koch, test«--------------- 37.50 WESTERN ELECTRIC POWER A LIGHT F. H. Matthews, supplies---- - 31.95 MAKES THE BATTERY LAST LONGER Cadillac Stage poor ----------- 12.00 C. A. Johnson, assessor ____ 151.13 Bell 61W Mutual ________ J Myrtle Wallin, salary -------- 100.00 X» L. 8. Hushbeck, poor ______ 251.70 8.25 P. W. Barrett, printing... — T. E. Epplett, salary______ 90-00 L. B. Luca«, «alary ____ ■__ 125.00 Helen Ebinger, «alary _____ 100.00 E. W. Holden, salary_____ 100.00 Our new stock of Ellen Norberg, salary _ ___ 95.00 E. W. Perkins, «al. A exp___ 17«.10 John Aschim, salary A exp 199.1« Cloverdale Merc Co, poor___ 5.00 Mrs. Cora E DeFord, poor__ 35 00 John A. Benson Co. poor__ _ 27.61 A C A H AMderaon, poor___ 40.00 has arrived. Drop in and look over it. A C A H Alderson, poor___ 40.00 John A. Benson Co. poor___ 14.23 Bushong A Co, supplies____ 2.09 Grand Leader, supplies.... ..... 1.00 E. L. Glalsyer dairy herd ins 5000 Orpha Eastmas, poor______ 200 E. Front St. 35.00 PLANING MILL AND VGOD-WORZJMfi PLANT CONTRACTORS AND BLTLDKM Williams & Williams GARAGE 25.52 111.50 7.19 33.49 6.38 6.38 57.00 126.18 31.90 3.19 12.73 19.14 6.38 239 11.96 31.50 25.53 33.47 al.84 28 76 4 78 4.78 35.14 45.82 14.38 23.91 21.57 79.80 9.57 2.00 142.24 27.11 6.38 3076 9.20 12.30 5.29 .50 2.28 50 4.48 7.20 22.39 51.30 7.70 103.72 29.40 1519 78.65 (Continued on page three) TILLAMOOK SHEET METAL COAL WORKS CEMENT ▼1 ►b«.— — 28 W !----------------------- ■—------------- 12 Months to Pay WALL Ralph R.Ed wards LAMB-SCHRADER CO And at Reduced Prices Í Ore. State Highway Com___ issi Vohulpm River Rivor 'Te>*nu* Nehalem Transf. /"i~ Co __ 23.08 Pacific Tel A Tel Co. 1.20 W. 8. Coates_____________ 7.48 W. H. Stark_____________ 4.79 W. J. Pte» _____________ .__ 59.41 Standard Oil Co..... ....... ....... «1.53 Standard Oil Co. _______ _ 194 87 Union Oil Co. _________ _ 152.U 3 unset Garage _ _________ 11.48 Effenberger A Peregoy___ 48.00 Wm. Powell__________ _ Black A Decker Mfg. Co,_.. 133 9.30 33 Effenberger A Peregoy___ Tillamook Garage________ Sunset Garage____ ______ _ 11 48 Brighton Mills Co. ________ 219.17 ROAD DIST NO. I Henry Nelson______ _____ 75.00 Sam J. Shi th --------------------- 11.95 Black A Decker Mfg Co. _ 133 33 Harry Williams ....... ......... 2».71 State Ind. Acc. Com_______ 176 40 F. A. Long-------------------- 7.97 Joe Kee------------------ .-------- 31.90 L. Conover _____________ 11.1« J. O. Dailey-------------------- 100-IM) J. O. Daily--------------------- 124.75 J. O. Daily_____________ 422.95 H. Baker ------------------------ 25.52 T. K. Stewart ----- ------------ 4.78 Henry Nelson ----------------- 99.75 J. O. Daily---------------------- 21.00 Dan Peter«-------------------- 9.57 Frank Didpath --------------- 6.38 Delmar Russell-------------- 11.16 Lloyd Leach ------------------- 9.57 Oren Leach--------------------- 9.57 W. H. Leach------------------- 15.96 Chester Holden-------------- 13.92 O. M. Cook--------------------- 52.15 Tillamook Co. Mut. Tel Co. 1.25 Frank Heyd & Co.----------- 32.60 W. C. Cheney ----------------- 5.50 Kathleen Mills---------------- .17 W. E. Noyes------------------- 59.85 10.78 Fred Davidson ._ 10-78 A. E. Holden----- 58.41 Fred Blum------- 44.38 Alain J. Blum__ 17.96 H. S. Hacket .. 9MMÀKBB MAIL ORDER WORK. service PROMPT 903 1-2 Sac. Ava E. Tillamook, Ore Here Is Christmas Suggestion PAPER Your wife has probably besn try- in« for years to get you to have a good photograph taken. Surprise her with one of our “true to life” pho- tographs of yourself tala Christmas, 8tae will appreciate your thought fulness, lake an appointment for a sitting today, Only a Gw minute« time necessary. C. L. Lewis, Co R. T. BOALS M. D I. O. O. F. BuMdteg TILAMOOK, ORBSON X. s BARRICK * HALL » Lodge Directory Need a new range, kitchen hard ware, cooking utensils,paint to brighten up the furniture SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE of these articles Alex McNair & Company ATTORNEYS AT LAW “(Dvo” Stubio Silver Wave Chapter Mo. 18 0. E. S. National Building Tillamook. Oraron ,z Stated communications first and — third Thursdays of each month in z Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. LELIA D. DOTY, Soo. Marathon Lodge No. 93, Knights of Pythias Regular meeting Mon- (illy evening at 7:45 sharp. By order of the ChanoeHor Com- mander. X. /■ X, y DR. O. L. HOHLFBLD VETERINARIAN GO Bell Phone 8F3. TO Mutual Phone Tillamook, Orata» I CHURCH! W R C Cortnith ReHef Corps, No. 54 Dept, of Oregon, meets on first and third Fshtey evenings of sack month, at 8 p. m„ m the W. O. W. halt. Visitors welcome . Minnie Johnson, Fri«48«nt Elisabeth Conover, Secy. 4 If you want your life insured, go to Church And your future thus secured, go to Church If you want your wife well gowned When you’re beneath the ground, For insurance /hat is sound, go to Church. H. T. Botta •eo. F. VPlastew Tillamook, Beat Wiikei for the Holiday! The First National in all idncerlty wishes Its friend« and customers the ••merriest“ Christmas possible, with all the happiness and joy It should bring to everybody. It feels that the First Nmtloonal has this year enabled many homes to enjoy a real thrift Chrlstma», with substantial giftaff, and Is glad to stand for a prosperity that 1« real, and lasts the year through. Jehn A. W. ♦ À » ,i i Vielt! n« W. A. CHURCH Saey I I MIRIAM TEMPLE NO. 38 Local Representative Massachusetts Life Insur ance Company. X, The Pythian Sisters meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at K. P. Hall at 8 p. in. Pythian Sister club meets every 3rd Wednesday. Ines Carroll, Bx Chief ETlsabath Oathout, M of R A •