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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1921)
■ THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 1921 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT HEADLIGHT CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED TO RENT SAI.’ 10VÍ Notice of Budget or Estimate Hear Í SAVE YOUR CASH REGISTER RECEIPTS | ing FOR RENT— FURNISHED HOUSE- Pursuant to Chapter 118 General hasping rooms fully tnodarn »11. oar month. Corner »th Ar*, and Laws of Oregon enacted by the Leg For Sale: Sewing machine motor »9h St. E. 4-281Í islature of 1921, notice is hereby giv CLASSIFIED AD RATES with cables. au4 rheostat pedal com en that the following budget or es ------------------------------------------------------- s plete- 14.50 Singer Ageacy. FO4S RENT—10 ROOM HOUSE timates for the ensuing year to-wit: One Issue, per line-------------- .08 Return $20 in cash receipts and get with large garden. Apply to F.R. 1922, for Tillamook City, Oregon, Two issues, per line-------------- .13 FOR SALE: IF YOU ARE THINK- $1.00 in cash.. This receipt void af Beate. 4-28tf has been prepared by the Budget Three issues, per line_______ .17 ing of coming to Grays Harbor ter six months from date on other Four issues, per^llne ------- .20 committee. county to buy a home or dairy WANTED: THREE SALESMEN— side. the esti- The certified rep rts of farm, see Allen & Finkle, They No classified advertisement two men and a woman—prefers mates for the three proceeding years taken for less than 25 cents. All have some of the best farms in J one who can speak Swiss. Will and the detailed account of the ex- ( advertising copy must be in by Grays Harbor county listed and on teach you the bustnees. Call at penditures for the year 1920 have ; good terms. 60 acres of good bot 5 p. m. each Wednesday to Insure Tillamook Transfer Co., and ask been filed in the office of the City publication. tom land, 1 1-2 miles west of for Mr. Wilcox. Recorder together with the budget X. J Montesano, 7 milch cows, a bull, and all farm implements. Good Want to rant big gear one m* or allowances and expenditures six I FOR SALE barn, house and other out build one horse stump puller to drag logs months of the current year. Budget or Estimates for 1922 ings. Price reasonable, terms. Al with. Robert Watklua, Bayooean, FOR SALE: FIVE PASSENGER General Fund so 110 acres, 100 acres fine bot- I Oregon. Overland Sedan in good caad tion, Salary City Attorney____ » 200.00 tom land, splendid buildings, price j and five good cord tires. Will sell 200.00 cheap for cash. Inquire at this right and good terms. Several 40 | WANTED: 109 MOU «INS. YÆ Salary City Treasurer ___ 120.00 unexpired lease - --------------------------- ** sesta each. A. J. WMtee. —----- - Salary City Health Officer office. acre tracts. Also ______ ... — ------ -------------- with 1 1-2 years to run and gosd , WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND Salary City Marshal........... 1800.00 household furniture FUR prospect of renewal, 200 acres, , furniture and stoves. Tillamook Salary City Police________ 1800.00 prosDect ren»w»i inn sale. Phon« 4JF12 and call for Mrs. Salary City Recorder ____ 1800.00 mostly bottom land and 50 head ‘ Furniture Co. 3600.00 Salary 2 firemen Fea*. of cattle Included in this lease. No On Balcony 250.00 trouble to show you these. Allen i WANT TWO OR THREE UVE Fuel _ FOR SALM OR RENT: 160 ACRE 600.00 & Finkle, Montesano, Wash. 2-2tp I men to act in capacity of agents, Fire Dept., drills, Area._ dairy ranch will run 3f> or more 300.00 Fire Dept., Maintenance see J. Merrel Smith. cows will include all equipment or Printing_______________ 200.00 , rent and sell all personal proper CLARENCE TEATER, PROPRIE- 400.00 tor, first class horseshoeing shop, CHEESEMAKER WANTED. MUST Miscellaneous__________ ty. Good buildings R30 Headlight next door to Tillamook Transfer. have 2 years experience in the State Industrial Accident 370.00 Commission_________ Edith L. King, Prop. Tillamook cheese belt, Also must 2-4tp Aeolian and Okay records up to be able to handle the clerical end; 2.09 now 75 emits while they last FOR SALE: FRESH COW, ALSO 17 t »11,640.00 also meet the public. Address Tillamook Go, cords of wood. Byron Bradley, Stamped Wearables for Tots up to four years. Ba XIX, this paper. 2-2t Emergency ______________»1,020.00 Pleasant Valley. 2-2p Road Fund BRED T® LAY WHYTE LEGHORNS by Boudoir Layettes. Hair Switches. Stamped Street Cleaning Dept, foreman Hatishlng III—1 fiar sala. W. S. WANTED: MAN AND WIFE TO ------------------------------»1500.00 Fancy Work. Hemstitching 10c per yd. Fancy work in logging camp or mill, wife Coatea. TUhuosook. 3-lltf Street Cleaning Dept. One experienced cook, man general AT LAÍY—A VICTOR DEALER IN work exchange. Skirts pleated. Spirella Corsets. assistant__________ 1200.00 Tillamook Caanty. Vistar Vis- work. Answer XYZ Headlight2-3p FOR 8ALE: MAIL RAGS, HALTERS Lights --------------------------- 3400.00 trolas, »25.90 and ap. Vietar Ste- caw halters, breaching, heal 400.00 Repairs Bridge Approach... SALE: TENT HOUSE AT BAY eosds, 85 cents a*4 up. TiUe- chains, livestock slipping machine FOR City. Apply Mrs. Bert Edison, Bay mock Music Co., Oponslte P. O. Auto taps and curtain# repaired, »6,500.00 City, Ore. 2-ltp 11-1 3M Library Fund leather, sloth and canvas articles 625.00 made to oriec. Auto Top Shop. FOR SALE: MODERN SIX ROOM bungalow, living room 36x26 ft. Mi-if i »19,785.00 Total --------- Garage and Bhop between 5th and __ 1500.00 Estimated Receipts 3rd Ave. East. Enquire of E. M. FOR SALE: FOUR PURE BRED Baies. 2-4tp »18,285.00 Jersey calves, about month old, Fines____________ »»00.00 25 dollars each, with papers, if FOR SALE: A FEW CHOICE CITY A real old time dancing school Licenses ___ 500.00 taken at once. John G. Rand, lots, easy payments, inquire W. will open next Wednesday night at Miscellaneous ...... 200.00 Sheridan, Ore. Rt. 1. M. Chel, 901 First St. 2- Woodmen hall, Sept. 28. Learn to Sinking Fund___________ »5000.00 ▼arlens relief projects of the Junior dance in a real dancing school. Int. on General Bonds. 5.130.00 FOR SALE OR RENT: 160 ACRE ' FOR SALE OR TRADE: ONE I American Red Cross in European Coma— good teaching— good time Int. on Outstand. Warrants 3270.00 dairy ranch 1 1-2 miles from horse eight years old, weight 1100 1 —good floor— good floor. countries resulted In helping 237,000 J. P. cheese factory. W. C. Stewart, pounds. One light milk wagon in , Feaster, prlnclpaL destitute children during the last fis adv. »13,400.00 Oretown, Ore. good condition. Will trade on big cal year, according to the annual re Total Tax to be raised__ »31,685.00 ger horse. Apply Headlight. 2-1 | port of the American Rod Cross ter All persons concerned ar« hereby TWO REGISTERED COWS FOR that period. The growth of the activi notified that the above budget or es sale or trade. Decendents ef Vive SALE: 2 1-2 H. P. Fairbanks ties of the Juniors abroad is — —1 La France. For information apply FOR Lost—Between Boals hospital and timates may be discussed with the Morse gas engine, good as new; tested by a comparison which shows levying board on November 28. 1921 Headlight. 50-4t business section, last Wednesday, also bath tub. Call at 515 W. 1st this figure it 900,000 larger than that grey velvet purse. Finder please re at 8 o’clock p. m. in the Council street. 2-ltp of the previous fiscal year. FOR SALE: APPLES 75c A »1 A Chamber of the City Hall in said Till turn to Headlight office. The National Children's Fund raised box. Well sprayed, good variety 4 amook City, Oregon. Dated this 3rd by school children, members ef the quality. Any auantlty to 1004 hex TRADE 3 AC LAND, GOOD HOUSE day of November, 1921. Junior American Rod Cross, was es. Fred R. EUlott, 1 mile south FRANCES B. STRANAHAN and lot in city. Write Box 414 MRS. R. W. MYERS. TEACHER OF draws upon for »490.MT for these proj Dallas, Ora. Phone 4x6. 50-4 City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore. violin, pupil of Carl Grissen, Port ects Receipts for the National ChU- FOR SALE 1080 ACRES GOOD land. Ore. Phone 36J. 2-4t dren’s Fond during the last fiscal year dairy and stock ranch with stock NOTICE totalled I11M1T. »nd implements easy terms, now is The Elmore hotel at Rockaway your chance to get'a good home. will, as In former years, serve a spec Write owner. O. Dowell Sr., Mer- E. A. Ball of Mohler was in the lai Thanks giving Turkey dinner eer, Oregon. SO-llt city Tuesday. Mr. Ball has proper Nov. 24th, at »1.25 a plate. Make FOR SALE: l«0 ACRES PARTLY your reeervatlons early. 2-2t Read the Headlight cl am tried ads. ty interests in Tillamook and Is a improved hill ranch near Clover I. L < DR. I. B. dale known aB the old Frank o.">. b Berns place clear of incumbrance. Valued at »2,500. Sell for »1500 cash. Owner, C. O. Edwards, 1892 t Thorburn Ave, Portland, Ore. Phone Tabor 9033. It They Are Worth Money to You CONOVER & CONOVER « f Baby Specialty Shop AT KING & CRENSHAW’S Red Cross Gives Young America $310,000 to Aid ‘Clean-Up’ Drive Sends Vast Relief To Needy Abroad FOR SALE: YOUNG HOLSTEIN bull, Segis Boy Hartog No. 355,- 741 H. B. H. F. The dam of this bull Is a 26.40 cow. Fancy Hartog No. 321937 H. F. H. B. Sire Judge Segis the famous Hollywood herd sire. This is a nice type fellow. Theo. Jacob, Tillamook, R. F. D. The Headlight Job Printing >e- part»«Bt is thoroughly SQUip^ad to do the finest kind ef job printtng la the city and solicits your letter heads. stetementa eta. Call or tale phone Main 68. E. •. T « WALLACE R1 5111] in "TOO MUCH SPEED” A story of love and rac ing cars, filled with thrill and laugh stuff that makes a moving picture move. The cast support- ’•<’ Reid includes Agnes Ayres and Theo dore Roberts. “A DEVILISH ROMEO” Fox Sunshine Comedy TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 15 TOM MIX In "THE ROUGH DIAMOND” wind MIX picture A regular whlrl- "FOX NEWS’’ WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 16 BRYANT WASHBURN in "THE SINS OF ST. ANTHONY" Every scene a f°ar. Every girl a beauty! Every gown a dream! Come, laugh until you’re weak. It’s the comedy scream of the season. “OFFICER CURD” 2-reel Sennett Comedv F. O. B. DETROIT Call tar City Bands Wm. Wood of N-!sk< win was in the city on Saturday last. GEM THEATRE SUNDAY —MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13-14 I f THE UNIVERSAL CAR Notice is hereby «¡veil that City of Tillamook Improve metit Bonds dated November 20, 1916 and numbered 1 to 22 inclusive will be called for pay ment on November 20. 1921. Interest ceases after that date. Leslie Harrison, City Treas. TILLAMOOK MEAT CO 4 .? Chassis $295 Runabout $325 Touring Car . $355 Truck Chassis $455 Coupe............... $595 Sedan ............... $660 ? Í . 9 These are the lowest prices of Ford cars in the history of the Ford Motor Company. Orders are coming in fast, so place yours promptly to insure delivery. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 WILLIAM RUSSELL FORD OWNERS in “CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT" The story or an honest easy-going bookkeeper who is the undoing of a band of society criminals. “THE SON OF TARZAN” Episode 3. "The gfr! of the Jungle” In episode 2 you saw what happen«« to Jack after Paulvitch had tied and bound him, also you know what a precarious position be was in. as the swaying of the branch caused him to fail to the ground, where the stalking lio~ is waiting for his prey Episode 3 will show what happened after that time The Son of Taizan becomes more interesting with each succeeding episode. Don’t miss it. Three shows 1st at 6:30; 2nd 8, 3rd 9. Why not come in and have your Head Lam ps inspected. The rainy season is coming on. And those long dark night drives are d angerous without Good Lights. This ser- vic • is FREE part of the FRIDAY-SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 18-19 ÍÍ Universal Ford Service HABIT” featuring Mildred Harris. Habit is a veal dramat ic triumph Habit rule« the world today. We’ve all habits either bood or bad. Isn’t It habit that makes some women Jove luxury,marry ror hixury. Yes. and err for luxury. Habit rules and rums the lives of men and women alike. Tn babft you’ll see the biggest train wreck you ever saw. caused by habit. It s too good to miss, or spoil by telling more. / I “HOT BUT HEALTHY’’ Cne lee! Cjtiedj Watch for Bill Hart in "The Whistle” and "Ma-- Woman and Marriage" CtfUhx 7 »