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About Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1921)
~ , , . „ C. E. Fish and wile who spent a Father Martin of the Catholic few day8 (n Tillamook rewwtflTy, re ^5H52S2S2525H5B5252SZS252S2SBÎTHE LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD 5H52S2SPSHSH5ZS2S2E2SHSHSÌ church was quite 111 last week, but turned t0 por(iand Tuesday last. Is now up and around as usual. _____________ . Silk Camisoles 1 Children’s Knox Children's Cotton Corticelle Sewing J. & P. Coates Cro 98< 1 1 Mrs. Reinecke of Cloverdale went Knit Hose 29c Ribbed Hose. 15c Silk 7c chet Cotton. 9c Mrs. Henry Hannenkratt, of n |0 por|jan(j Wednesday last via the A no-sale price un Black—Sizes 6 to 10 50 yards all colors Full yardage white this city, Is reported as being quite CadiUac ,oute. S der them all. Black ecru and linen • ill. She is bring attended by MUs . Men's Wool Mix | and brown y Patterson, a trained nurse, the lac- I Union Suits $1.98 1 Men's Paris Gart Genuine Durobelle E. Swift of this city went out to ;. • ><i ■ ight — Graj 1 ter being a cousin of assistant post- Hope Muslin 15c ers 23c Hair Nets 12 l-2c Portland Wednesday. All Sizes ) The original and Narrow Patent Double Grip 33c mater Lance. All colors—the best genuine. Leather Belts 23c Sine» the late heavy •a!ns, the Black, Brown, Red F. L. Eberman of the Palm, has salmon run has considerably lncreas put in hardwood floors at his place 18x36 Huck Towels and has been giving free dances of cd, so fishermen say. All silk Fancy Rib 2 for 25c Gi late, which have been much enjoyed Excellent quality— bon 29c J.M. DeLillis of this city went to by his patrons. His place has been red borders New patterns, 6 in. otherwise Improved and made at Oregon City last Saturday to attend wide the funeral of his daughter, Mrs. tractive. Gladys Pollock, whose death occur Men’s Semi Dress red the latter part of last week. Pants, $2.49 Mr. Scott of Portland, who has a Boys’ Pants Dark gray, well Good quality. $1.4t, ranch south of town, made a trip to made and service Dr. Wise will be at the Nehalem up. Sizes 26 to 32 Forest Grove Wednesday, "returning able hotel on Thursday Oct. 27 and at his Thursday. Wheeler office Friday Oct. 28. It 1 Esmond Crib Blan Bruce Wade of this city has ac J. & P. Coates Sew Capt. Robert Farley and wife of kets 89c cepted a position as chauffeur with ing Thread. 5c Barview, were in the city Friday. Dainty designs In When tbe article ottered is as represented and is priced the Cadillac stage company. 150-yd spools— all ... pink and blue numbers Capt. Joe Cronen of Wheeler re BELOW ITS MARKET VALUE R. C. Danford who has been sup cently returned to the Nehalem bay erintending some improvements at In his boat, the Snark, from a trip Mind you, we say below its MARKET value. NOT below the PRICE some merchant CONCEIX ED it to the McKinley pool and billiard hall, outside, a distance of about 20 miles returned t oPortland Thursday. be worth ; only to later wake up to the fact that the public’s sense of values and his own didn’t coincide. where he and his crew captured about 1700 pounds of salmon. Merchandise priced right when first offered eliminates the necessity for the Cut-Price Sale. The public will Wm. Gillmore of Butte, Montana, BUY goods that are fairly priced. No other stimulus is necessary. who has been here for some time During the month of August the past left for home Thursday. fishermen's union of Nehalem bay The J. C. Penney Company has found his to be true. In our 20 years successful merchandising we have ne shipped 49 tons of salmon to Port ver found it necessary to conduct a “Sale.” Our No-Sale, Lowest Price Every Day Policy has builded for us Herman Thiesln and wife went to land, valued at $3,500. Portland last Friday, returning Tues “The Largest Chain Department Store Organization in the World.” It’s working for you, Mr. and Mrs. Con day last, by their own auto power. The Wheeler Lumber Company sumer—working night and day that it may give you the very best to be had at the least possible price—that it Mr. Thiesin carefully noted the Yam will soon start logging at Maples. hill roads, and says Tillamook roads The tract is principally cedar, and may eliminate for YOU the uncertainty and inconvenience of the Bargain Sale. have them all beaten. there Is a crew of 15 men employed. 1 A SALE IS A SALE WHEN? Mr. King of Newberg and Mr. La Roque of Tillamook lmve opened a shop here for the retinning of milk cans, to be known as the Tillamook Tinning Co. Below are listed items taken at random from our store. In them you will find a fair barometer to present- lav values. • •: Clarence A. Wright, who had an attack of pneumonia at the Shearer- Merrick hospital, left Monday for his old home in Boston, Mass. Mr. Wright is a travelling machinist, and was with the Warren Construc tion camp near town for a time. H. H. Brown and wife of Beaver have just returned from a 3 weeks trip by auto through Washington cities to Vancouver, B. C. They re port good roads most of the way, and fine weather during the trip. i j j Don’t Pay More-Sale or No Sale Howard Harrirs of this city was 1 a passenger to Vancouver, Wash., ' Sunday last. I O. Everett, of Gresham, who Verne Larson, a well known daily has been visiting his brother Al. V. man of the Tillamook section left for Everett of this city, returned horns I the south Tuesday and may spend Saturday. the winter in Mexico. Col. E. Hofer who made a num W. D. Shepherd left Tuesday for ber of speeches in this county _ the __ the new town of Bentley near Grand past w >k under the auspices of the Ronde, where he will build a new , Tax Payers League, returned to his I hotel. home in Salem Sunday last. Women’s Wool Skirts $4.98 I Dr. Shearer-Merrick Surgical Hospital Solid colors, contrasting trims, assorted models Plaids, stripes and navy serbe, plaited and plain mdls Men’s All Wool Serge Suits $24.75 Navy blue & gray, well tailored, conservative models Women’s Flannelette Gowns 98c z Women’s Jersey Blouses $4.98 Men’s All wool Overcoats 13.75 Brown, green, blue; plain and belted models, all sizes women’s Black Cali Shoes $3.98 Military heel, medium vamp and toe Good weight fancy outing. 1 Women’s Wrap Coats $24.75 Women’s Plush Coats $14.75 Bolivia, Velours, Meltons, large fur collars New arrivals, many models, all sizes GRA D UA TE NURSES AU Wool Mrs. Frank Merrick Matron Serge $1.19 /! All Linen | Crash 25c IK PERCALES III 3 40-in fine French weave Shirting Baby Specialty Shop Standard 36-Inch ■ Thousands of yards have rising cotton market doubly r W&SW Cheviots 19c this arrived. A makes this Heavy i8in wdth Art Cre- $ T ± tonnnes 29c 36 in Harmony Cretonne 24-in-neat pattern On Balcony AT KING & CRENSHAW’S Croched Bed Spreads $1.98 Men’s Brown Work Shoes 2.98 Double bed size—good patterns Heavy brown calf, all leather Children’s Cali Scuffers $1.79 Boy’s Brown Cali Blucher 2.I9 Edith L. King, Prop. Stamped Wearables for 'Pots up to four years. Ba by Boudoir Layettes. Hair Switches. Stamped Fancy Work. Hemstitching 10c per yd. Fancy work exchange. Skirts pleated. Spirella Corsets. Sizes 5 1-2 to 8—sizes 8 1-2 to 11 1-2 $1.98 1-2 to 5 1-2 $2.69 Comfort Linen welt Chailies 17c Crash 19c r While ¿y Wyckoff s 36Í11, pretty ptrn New One Way Fares 32in, plain-fancy I Four Daily Trains via The Scenic Shasta Route Connect with well known limited and express trains that pravld* excellent service and all modern comforts. ••allforni* for the Tourist”, our beautiful booklet, briefly de»- cribs* and illustrate» th»- charme mid romnnae of California. Copy FREE on ramieat. Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M SCOTT. Gelerai Passenger Agent. Pure thread silk, black, brown and gray > *> Enable von without additional cost to go via San Francisco, Los Angeles, El Paso and Kansas City or Sun Antonio, Houston and New Orleans or via Salt Lake City and Denver. Each route. Sunset, (¡olden State. Carriso (¡urge aad Ogden, is distinct in characteristics and affords a most fascinating trip across America. ad Men’s Silk Socks 49c hams 27c California For fare», bertha, train service, st opover regulations, personal vlee or helpful suggestions ask agents or write The paper of distinction and taste. For every use. See our windows for the beautiful display and colors. Prices from 10c to $1.98. Diess Ging Eastbound Through 18 in excellent quality STATIONERY t Men’s Fur Felt Hats $1.98 Misses Black Kid Shoes $2.49 Brown, black, gray and green Foot-form last, sizes 8 1-2 to 11 1-2 Men’s Dress Shirts 89c Child’s Black Kid Shoes 98c Good quality percale; neat patterns Sizes 2 1-2 to 5 —sizes 5 1-2 to 8, $1.19 Men’s Cashmere Sox 49c Ladies’ Silk Hose 98c Heathers and solid colors Pure thread silk; black, brow n. navy Men’s Dress Shoes $2.98 Berkeley Cambric 23c Black calf Blucher, solid leather 36-inch, fine count We Never 312 Stores