-------------------------- — 5 . - ■ >------------- -7- < s. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. IMI THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT FAGS f STANDARD FEED COMPANY Hay. Grain, Flour and Feed. Su Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Bakery gar, Salt and Grau Seed. Both Phones z •>-- ». •» Rosenberg Bros., Prpos. x, r / The home of good bread and fine pastry Place your orders with us now for Hood River Apples. We have a car load due to arrive about October 15. Prices right. Several varieties. A. F. Coats Lumber Company Everything Strictly Sanitary a • Conover & Conover ■> * Chas. Vogler J 7 X. X. Z CREDIT FOR FAIR - Edmund’s Grocery Store < Did you ever know anyone who got rich on what they saved by sending away for their supplies? Your home dealer is alwoys glad to quote you prices on cases and un-broken pack­ Bring us your grocery list the ages. next time you are tempted to send Merchants Respond For Good Of whole Commuity j away. 1 I You’ll be satisfied f.t I ( The Satisfaction Store E. G. ANDERSON Ma I » “Anything Made of Wood’* Frank Heyd & Company ml /’-?’ 1 Incorp orated PLANING MILL AND WOOD-WORKING PLANT „ , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Manufacturer« of Cabinet Work. Sash and Doors, Interior Finish. Store Fronts, Show Oases, Counter«, Shelving Demers in Plate Glass, Sheet Glass, Mirrors, Roofing, Paint«, ▼arnlahea, Kalaomtne, Builder« Hardware TILLAMOOK, OREGON TILLAMOOK SHEET METAL WORKS A. GRUENWALD, Prop. 12 Nontbs to Pay And at Reduced Prices No need to wait any longer. Equip your farm with electricity right away. A small payment down starts the dependable Western Electric Power and __ Light Outfit working and saving for you. WESTERN ELECTRIC POWER & LIGHT MAKES THE BATTERY LAST LONGER Bell 61W. Mutual ■■ 1 11 1 E. E. KOCH Druggist EVERYTHING IN DRUGS J x The support given to the recent county fair by the merchants of Tillamook is evidence of the esteem in which the business men of this com­ munity hold for the best interest of Tillamook county. The actual money value from- the help given by the merchants was so little as to be negligible, but they saw the necessity of keep­ ing this county on the map and were willing to do all they possibly could to help the thing along. It is very unlikely that any mail order house would exert itself to push a fair in Tillamook. Readers of the Headlight who stop to think will realize that the support of the home-town merchant is of the greatest value so far as -the growth of the community is concerned; in fact, there would be no town if it were not for the Till­ amook merchant. In return for the generous support of the local business men it is only fair that they be reward­ ed by the support of the people whom they at­ tempt to serve in Tillamook county. One thing more. The question of taxes is frequently brought up of late, and many reasons are advanced as to thQ cause of high taxes. Tax payers of Tillamook county will do well to remember that money sent out of the county to mail order houses will do absolutely nothing to­ ward paying the taxes at home, while money kept in circulation at home will 'help decrease the tax payers burden in Tillamook. Z C. L. LEWIS « Painting — Wail Papering TILLAMOOK MEAT COMPANY X. Z SUNSET GARAGE % Ackley & Miller z « V r L RALPH R. EDWARDS THE TOURIST’S Shoe Repairing RESTAURANT f Bell 121 M Mutual" CITY TRANSFER Tillamook, Oregon TILLAMOOK IRON WORKS Phone Main 1 and Mutual General machinists and blach- v »mltha._______________ H. Sander Economy Cleaners % "X Z GARAGE VAUGHN 1 LARSON ■ Storage and Shipping X. r" MissM. Patterson •Modern Equipment___ Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning, Dyeing. Preaslng, Repal ring Hate Cleaned and Blocked 2nd Are. E Between 3rd A 4th St PETER BECKER Williams & Williams X. / MILLINERY Merchant Tailor Tillamook Tire Company Tillam Furniture Co Agency for ,,Nu Bone” made City Tire Shop J. C. HOLDEN Furni bauds— *atazÌH(