Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 22, 1921, Image 1

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^ l T x XXH,
NO. 47
Miami Scene of Diesai Whiskey Mak
ine This Time
Early last Thursday morning
sheriff Aschim and Deputy Perkins
put a new film on the bootleg photo­
play screen, shifting the scene from
Mohler to the vicinity of Miami,
when they caught Clifford Illings-
worth and Billy Zuercher operating
'hese Figures Considered Good For a hooch factory with three stills up
Fair This Year
that part of the river in a tent, con-
venienly located in the brush.
duet had about 3 gallons of moon­
I The county fair is now but a mem shine ready for stout stomachs, and
Kry in the minds of those who attend a lot of mash for distilling.
Ld that splendid show last week, and of the stills was an old copper boiler,
Eo soon as the premium lists are com and the other two were made of cop­
Leted they will be published in the per cans.
AU were rather crude
Headlight. This week we are en­ affairs but quite capable of turning
abled to give part of the awards to out a passably fair article of liquid
stuff for thirsty hombres, who long
tattle exhibitors.
[ in the matter of gate receipts, for the kick that kills.
The outfit and hooch and the pris­
Ltall fees, concessions and grand
Ltand, the following figures were ob- oners were brought to the court
Itained: Gate receipts for the entire house and disposed of— the whisky
Kime of the fair, $2249.28. Conces- and stills in the art museum and the
tions, $565, Grand stand, $42.48, offenders in the basement skookum
ktall fees $88, From a financial house.
The men were arraigned before
Standpoint, as well as from all other
|angl< -, the fair was a greater suc- Justice Stanley and plead guilty to
[cees than any like session ever held the charges preferred, each receiving
[in this county. Following are some a sentence of 90 days in jail and a
fine of $300 together with the costs.
|of the cattle awards:
I The senior champion Jersey bull
[ribbon was awarded to L^C. Daniels’ RACING EVENTS AT FAIR
[Belle’s St. Mawes’ Lad; junior cham­
pion, Daniels’ Sophie’s Rinda Lad;
senior champion cow, C. H. Graves’
The free for ail running race on
Novema’s Sunrise Bell; junior chaia- he 14th at the fair grounds was won
[pion cow, Mildred Glad’s Chief’s
by William’s Grey Eagle.
The sec­
May’s Fogbell. The grand cham­ ond race, free for all, best two in
pion bull was Daniels’ Belle’s St. three, was won by the Johnson horse
Mawes’ Lad and the grand cham-
Thomas Large won the high sch­
~(Cônclüdëd~ôn page 5, column 5)
ool foot race of 100 yards in 11 Vi
seconds;Wm. Lucas, 2nd, and Dris­
coll 3rd.
The Shetland pony race Wffs won
by Donald Crenshaw’s Lucky; Lewis
Judge Mason stated to the Head­ Waymire’s Pinto, 2nd.
The 50 yard foot race for high
light this week that owing to the ear
ly fall rains and the necessity for the school boys was won by Thomas Lar­
removal of the surveyors’ camp over ge; Wm. Lucas 2nd; Driscoll 3rd.
The prize for the best fancy sad­
to this side of the- mountains, the
surveyors— Coates of Tillamook and dle horse was won by Mrs. Campbell
Bell of Washington— had decided of Wheler; 2nd best. Gulstrom's sor­
after ten days spent on preliminary rel gelding; 3rd, Johnsons bay'fiiare.
In the footrace contest between
survey of the Wilson river cut-off,
they would better wait for settled the high school juniors and seniors
weather in the spring for the con­ the juniors won the race.
The mother’s race by ten little
So there
clusion of the survey.
the matter will rest until early spr­ girls, was won by Barbara Carver.
The father’s race by 10 small boys
ing, when more can be accomplished
in a given time than now, when rain was won by Adolph Krake.
may be expected ad consequent slow
work made in surveying.
The Judge stated that the survey
work would begin at an early period
next year, and that was aboutas fai­
Tillamook county will be repres-
ts the two counties had gone in the
matter of the tentative road improe- euted at the state fair by the Jersey
ments, but that definite action pro­ calf club in a state-wide calf judg-
Also the
bably would be decided by the two ing contest next week.
counties early in the coming year, canning aiKl cooking clubs under the
leadership of Miss Elizabeth Burr,
provided times improve.
couty club leader.
Canned fruits and vegetables will
ONLY WAR VETERANS ELIGIBLE be exhibited by the Harmony and
A man was recently heard to say Skookum clpbs, who will enter the
that a pioneer of Oregon was eligible state canning and cooking contest.
to receive a hunting and fishing li­ Representing the last named clubs
cense without paying a fee.
Where will be Mrs. Steinbach, Mrs. Erwin
upon County Clerk Brimhall was in­ Harrison and Miss Marie Gienger.
terviewed, and it developed upon The Jersey calf club will be repre­
reading thé law, that only veterans sented by Harold Proctor, Laverne
of the Civil war and the Indian wars Ackley and Thelma Hoover.
and pioneers of the state of Oregon Skookum canning club members will
who was a resident of the state be Muriel Wiley, Marjorie Tucaer
prior to 1860, are eligible to re­ and Mabel Harrison.
The teams will leave for Salem
ceive a free bunting or fishing llcen-
next Sunday morning.
M. D. Reading of this county has
filed suit in the circuit court for a
divorce from his wife, Florence Read
Some time ago Marsh Burdick, en
The complaint alleges that
the defendant has gone to Portland of the fire engineers of this city, or­
to reside, and has treated plaintiff dered a gold-plated fireman’s badge
in Portland, and the other day he
in a cruel and inhuman manner.
received it, and went over to Fire
Marshal Coates’ office and pinned
Prize Chickens Lay Prize Epps
the emblem on his vest, with his
There were displayed at the Head­ compliments. Tbe badge is a beauty
light office this week three eggs from and Mr. Coates values the gift more
the Hollywood strain of White Leg­ for the spirit of appreciation be­
horns owned by MI sh Leona Rupn hind it than for any Intrinsic value
which show up very w ell for t hat par it may represent. Few men take
ti' ilar breed of poultry. The three more interest in the important mat­
e ’ together w • ghed > ounce-- »'
ter of lire protection then Fire Mar­
t ■ ■ largest uns five and‘seven-eights shal Coates, anu it is a fact, though
I’ i' s in diameter the small way.
it may not be generally known flint
Mr, Coates dots not receive (tie cent
of remuneration for his work as fLe
chief Moreover he Is President <’.*
the Oregon Firemen's as-’ociatlo i,
and taYes a live interest In all mat­
fir* proection,
I ters pertaining to
state and national.'
A party of your.g people, both
were arrested in thia city I CHURCH BUILDING TORN DOWN
•»>i- nigh, during the forepart of
Tbe building used by the chur«h
•io .v.eek by the police, charged
of the Nrzarene is being torn dowi’.
'.¡th using obscene language on
preparatory to the erection of a n< -
:1> trecta and being disorderly.
edifice at the corner of Third avenu
y were brought he'ore the po­
and Fourth street.
The excata’n n
ke, judge and fined and after a
and concrete <onti»«ts have mm lot
promise on their part to refrain
and the building is to be tonsil acted
from future acts of the kind, the
as fast as the weather t*""*1*'
fines were remitted pending good
The new church fa to
behavior. The Headlight will not
feet with tower in comer and alcove
in this instance give the names of
at back bungalow style. They will
the parties, but cites warning
finish the outside thia fall and in
that hereafter when such matters
tall t e furnace, but the inside will
become of public record, it w-ill
be left tabernacle style until spring.
us« its prerogative of printing the
names of the offenders. The Re­
Mrs. Bruce Ross and
corder is commended ft>r her act­ I of Portland, visited at the Donaldson
home east of town the latter part of
ion, »nd the police for their time­
ly interference.
last week
Band Committee Calls On City Dads
For Financial Assistance
At its meeting last Tuesday night
th» city council passed an ordinance
regulating the heighth of street awn
quired to be 7 feet above the surface
of the sidewalks.
A committee from the K. P. band
Livestock Display Gives Evidence Of Tillamook's Possibilities In That waited upon the counciil and asked Local People Take Pride in Exhibit
that a committee be appointed to sol
Particular Line
Of Cattle
icit funds for the purchase of three
additional instruments for the bands
The band proposes to give 10
With results that startled even concerts at one of the following des­
In aditlon to the special train
the most optimistic the eighth annu- ignated places during the season: which bore a large number of Till­
al Tillamook county fair went over the high school gymnasium, city hall amook people to the state fair at
wih a Whiz bang.
auditorium, or in the court house Salem last Tuesday evening at 5 p.
Ideal weather prevailed during all square, the latter conditional upon m., there followed another train of
four days and it is suspected that the weather.
The mayor appointed five cars cetntaining the Tillamook
Jupe Pluvius w’as bribed by the man­ the following citizens to act as a county exhibit, consisting of »lock
agement to store up his little drops soliciting commit^«: J. Merril Sin and agricultural and other products
of moisture until the big show was 1th, C. S. BarnesTind M. R. .Terry. of this county, which will take a
over. Anyway that is what happen­
The bus line franchise matter prominent place in the big show at
Wanderer Taken Into Custody Near ed, for the rain commenced soon af­
The cattle will
up again but no action was the state capital.
Town And Committed
ter everything was cleared away.
consist of the prize winners and the
taken at the meeting.
The assortment of displays was
second place winners, ad will be at
enough to open the eyes of the most
home in barn No. 1 on the grounds,
For some time past word -Iras been hardened county fair hound, for JURORS ARE APPOINTED
which is considered a good position.
coming to the sheriff’s office con- there were cows 'n pigs ’n chickens
Among those who will be at the
cerning a stranger who has been ’n everything. Even the women
fair are Homer Mason, T. B. Hyder,
wandering about the Beaver country came in strong for their side of the
The County Court recently ap- Howard Edmunds, F. R. Beals. Al­
evidently insane.
battle, judging from the fancy work pointed the jurors to serve during bert Krake, Ira G. Lance, C. H.
Last Thursday deputy sheriff Per­ flowers, birds ar.d what not. An un­ the next term of the Circuit Court Grave» of Bay City. J. M. Smith, H.
kins went to the Beaver section and usually large number of booths were which is to be held in October, The A. Brant, Mike Abplanu'p, F. A. Bl-
ackadar, R. W. Watson, L. Ferguson,
made an investigation but failed to entered by the business men of the following names were drawn:
machinist; Jno. Zweofel, Jim Palin, Eric Glad,
find the queer acting man.
Mon­ city and some very Interesting dis­ Hiner, Lin, Tillamook,
day, however, he got on the strang­ plays made. Even the florists woke Hunter, Frank, Tillamook, laborer; W. D. Pine, Dolph Tinerstett, E. L.
ers trail and captured him about two up; H. W. Gooch and R. L. Scott Lampson, J. H.t Cloverdale, carpen- Glcisyer and others.
miles south of town and brought him showing Tillamook people that hot tre; Affolter, Fred, Neskowin, far­
With the splendid showing made
to the court house, where he was house flowers can be grown out­ mer; Olson, O. W., Tillamook, for­ by this county in all departments at
mer; Whalln, John, Sandlake, far­ the late fair, it is expeced that the
locked up.
The man was examined door» in this climate.
The stock judging resulted in mer; Wooley, Chas. Hemlock, farm­ Tillamook exhibit at the state fair
the same day by County Judge Mas­
____ _______
entries er; Imlah, A. A., Cloverdale, farmer; will attract much and favorable at­
on and Dr. R. T. Boals.
At one quite a number of the local
stage of the proceedings the man, being taken to the state fair at Sa­ Kinnaman, H. A., Tillamook, farm­ tention, and that this county will
who gave his name as Frank Smith, lem, where it is predicted they will er; Davidson, Fred. Tillamook, clerk still retain its laurels for being he
voiced his opinion that he was the give the cattle from other sections Naegell, John, Tillamook, farmer; best dairy county in the state.
Parrazo, Joseph, Netarts, farmer; amookers take a pardonable pride in
only sane man in the court.
This a run for their money.
Tittle, Lee, Hemlock, farmer; Body­ their exhibit, and it is believed that
clinched matters and Smith was for­
mally committed to the asylum for the receipts excemfgd their wildest felt, Oscar. W., Hebo, farmer; Sch- the exhibitors will bring home some
the insane at Salem and that institu­ expectations and everyone seems to ultson, Antone, Hemlock, farmer; well deserved prizes, especially on
think that there was nothing left Percy, T. C., Tillamook, bicycle man; the live stock exhibits.
tion told to come and get him.
that could be desluj jn the shape of Erickson, Adolph, Tillamook, far­
The man did no appear to have
entertainment. T^e newly-awaken­ mer; Elfstrora, Oscar, Tllamook, far­
any pronounced or violent tenden­ ed
K. P. band pen^med every even­ mer; Davies, A. N., Netarts, farmer; GIRL 17 WRITES BIRD
cies, but was considered unsafe to be ing and made a ver/ creditable show
Broughton, Willard E., Beaver, far­
at large and was evidently in need Ing—or possibly . we should say mer;
Desmond, Charles, Hemlock,
of such attention as the asylum can sounding. The otft-door moving pic­
W. S Raker or ronland was in
farmer; Pentar, W. A.. Oretown, far­
The stranger said his home ture she* entertained the crowd un­ mer;
Bester, Frank, Tillamook, mer­ the city this week meeting with old
was in New York and gave his age til the spectators' feet got coMt. One chant; Beals, B. L. Jr., Tillamook, friends, made when he mapped and
as 33 years .
fine thing about that show was the clerk; Zachman, R. F., Tillamook, logged the mileage for the big high­
fact that there was plenty of fresh plumber; Rosenberg, J. H., Tillam, way loop of 300 miles from Portland
air and the tobacco flends could ook, merchant; Stewart, John L., via Tillamook to Astoria, thence
Tillamook, farmer; Amacher, Peter, down the Columbia to the point of
DOES NOT SUIT SHERIFF smoke all they wanted to.
Anyway, it doesn’t look as though Hemlock, farmer; Price, Joe, Hebo, beginning. It was through his initial
county fairs were a thing of the past farmer; Austin, A. M., Tllamook, effort» that the route was taken up
Last Saturday there were arraign­ in Tillamook county.
jitney; Weston, Edward, Tillamook, and made an acuality.
He is still
proud of the route, and every im­
ed before Justice Stanley three wo­
D. Anderson of the Wheeler Unit­
provement In Tillamook pleases him.
men who performed in the "49”
ed Lumber company is in the city for
Rev. C. L. Dark, pastor of the M. Mr Raker is greatly interested in
show at the fair grounds.
They a few days taking medical treatment. E. church at this place, is a garden­ the work of his 17 year old daughter
are said to have been poor actresses Mr. Anderson is a member of a co­ er as well as a preacher. Recently Miss Mary, who writes the bird stor
in the show and "bad actors" to the operative firm which numbers 26 he exhibited a tray of Burbank po­ ies for the Sunday Oregonian each
extent of getting drunk.
Their members, who operate a mill near tatoes at this office that contained week. Her work is phenomenal for
names were givej^ as Mrs. O. 8. Wheeler. Hawk Brothers furnish the 17 tubers, the largest of which one so young, lyid evidently she has
Moeckel, Mrs. Frank Davey and logs for this mill which Mr. Ander­ weighed one pound and hree quar­ a bright future In her chosen line
Frankie Lavaughn. The Judge as­ son says, is doing well. The men ters. The potatoes-\vere all front The study of Oregon bird life is in­
sessed each a five spot and V. La pool their labor and divide the prof­ one hill and col.ectively weighed 13 teresting to most people who have
Selle, who belonged to the same out­ its. It is one of the very few like pounds. Tillamook beats the world the inclination and the time, but
fit, was fined a like sum.
companies on the coast operating on for potatoes and potato yields.
Miss Raker has specialized in tho
LaSelle, at the time of his arrest, the co-operative plan.
work and back of it all is enthusi­
wasfound with some pocket artillery
Fire Marshal Coates got busy and asm and an inborn love for ’the
on him and was fined an extra $15
E. R. Stuller, manager of the Mu- put tn some wood at the home one birds of the air."
• i
for carrying concealed weapons.
tu«y creamery at Astoria and wife duy last week, and perspired pretty
All paid their fines and left town, and Dr. Albert Kinney and wife of freely. Later his face began swelling
and ’tis said they went away utter­ that city, were over Sunday guests and broke out with some sort of APPLICATIONS FOR CITIZENSHIP
ing cuss-words too horrible to print, of C. W. Stuller and wife at this rt.sh, which the doctor said came TO COME BEFORE CIRCUIT COURT
and vowed they’d never honor the place.
from handling the wood white he
Tillamook fair with their presence
was too warm. He was able to come
The following named persons have
again— “no, never again."
C. H. Larison of Cloverdale visit­ up to the office Tuesday and here­ Initiated steps to^Jiecome American
endeth the chapter.
ed the county seat Tuesday.
after will let "George do it."
citizens in fact. Mid will appear
before Judge Bagley at the next
term of the circuit court to be exam­
ined as to their qualifications:Frank
Von Euw, Cloverdale, L. E. W. Lud-
tke, Nehalem, Napoleon Legault,
Wheeler, A. L. Ratkjl, Wheeler, Jno.
L. Kidder, Garibaldi, Alfred Berg,
Bay City, V. P. Werner, Emille Ban
man. Jens P. Jepson, Karl M. Blaser,
Leo Hedezynke, Nels Erickson, Chris
Nyss, Aug. Vogler, H. W. Thussen,
G. Nyss and Peter Rusk, all of Till­
Funeral Notice Later
John Nelson, a Bay City merchant
transacted business In thin city Tuen
Wash lug I on
counties have agreed upon 111«
costa of the Wilson river prelim­
inary Cltad survey by which the
distance, between Forest Grove
and Tillamook via that route will
be consldetably cut down by the
elimination of grades and long
The Wilson liver toad, when
e contemplated changes are
made, will be one of the finest
routes from thti Willamette val­
ley to the Tillamook beaches, and
of Hpc-clal value um a scenic route,
It is understood that engineers be
lleve that about ten wile» of new
road will make the Wilson route
one of the finest mountain road»'
In the the state.
It is believed
by Portland autoist, who have
tfnvusited the matter locally, that
50 pet cent more travel would be
added to tin' Tillamook lx at h' •
than at present.