* * f A few things for your consideration: for prices. peaches. Sugar Is declining. This Is the time to can pears, buy now. A car load will be here about Sept. 6. fruit pars. The home of good bread and fine pastry Ask us Prepare for canning Special prices on 2 qt. A. F. Coats Lumber Company Everything Strictly Sanitary Economy *1.45. Masons >1.25 per doz. Tillamook Bakery Conover & Conover 's BUY IT AT HOME Satisfaction in Cheese has made Tillamook co”nty famous- not to produce cheapest chees-j, but the best, has brought great results. X In our own business, good merch andise, cealnly handled at LOCAL DEALERS MUST BUSINESS IN OPEN Edmund's Grocery Store fair a price to aU Is making a lot of satis fied custlmers. E. G. ANDERSON » 1 I X J They Realize That They Must Face The Music If Customers Are Displeased /- 's “Anything M ade of Wood” Frank Heyd & Company consumer appreciaes that not a small share of the taxes are paid by the home merchants while mail order houses in other cities are not concern ed in any way with the expenses of living in Till amook. All the mail order house peddlers want is to see the steady stream of money coming in from rural sources. This is their life blood. Incorporated PLANING MILL AND WOOD-WORKING PLANT . „CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Manufacturers of Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, Interior Finish, Store Fronts, Show Cases, Counters, Shelving wearers in Plate Olaas, Sheet Class, Mirrors, Roofing, Paints, Varnishes, Kalsomine, Builders Hardware TILLAMOOK, OREGON ——/ ..... ... I AM SURELY TRYING TO MAKE YOU BUY AT HOME * make Io* Cream Bricks and Ices a speciality. I have the finest Mapped restaurant In the state, the LOUVRE RESTAURANT, where everybody goes. I have my own aefrlgsratlng plant for yoin- benefit. r bare installed an electric bake oven and give you hot bread and hflfla aS I p. m. TILLAMOOK SHEET METAL WORKS A. GRUENWALD, Prop. Agents lor Perfection Milking Machines, Creamery, Dairy Supplies r Bell 61W. TILLAMOOK MEAT COMPANY SUNSET GARAGE Ackley & Miller In times of financial stress it is not the mail order house which carries you th/ough! it is the local man. At least try to show some apprecia tion for what others are doing for you. Western Electric Lright Installed Mutual V Painting — Wall Papering • Get n touch with your local dealer. Rghlize that he is trying to help you and yours and do un to him as you would have him do unto you if the cnditions were reversed. First Class Tin and Plumbing Shop, Roofing, Skylights Cornice Work and Gutters, Hot Water and Hot Air Furnaces t C. L. LEWIS Local merchants help build our streets, sup port our churches, encourage our schools and pungle up money for every sort of enterprise that priwiacs tu htlp tk* I‘M return for this a large amount of trade that should go o them is sent to catalog houses that do not contribute a cent for the maintenance of anything in Tillamook. This seems unfair to anyone who studies the matter. JOHN R. PATTERSON z 7 E. E. KOCH X r 1 The advertisers on this page are reliable Tillamook merchants who are working for the upbuilding of your town and they are making this bid to your sense of fair play. Druggist EVERYTHING IND itUGS V Bell 121 M Mutual' General machinists «nd blach 8mlth8- H. Sander 4 "" X r ( ■■ ■'. 1 ■>------ “ —x CITY TRANSFER Storage and Shipping i X m . “X Patterson Modern Equipment Satiafaction Guaranteed Cleaning. Dyeing. Pressing, Repal ring Hats Cleaned and Blocked 2nd Avn. E. Between 3rd & 4th St MILLINERY 7 PETER BECKER Williams & Williams « z< •dfu-Bone Corsets. Madrine Toilet Preparations GARAGE X. f- THE TOURIST’S RESTAURANT TILLAMOOK IRON WORKS Economy Cleaners X RALPH R. EDWARDS Shoe Repairing X "X z "X i X. Tillamook, Crcgui Phone Main 1 and Mutual ’-------- "X <---------- ---- --------------------- - In these times of high taxes the intelligent 4 r .V 7«r The Satisfaction Store Merchant Tailor Tillamook Tire Company .z AsjeucT for “Nu Bone” made to measure Corsets z X z ■ * » "X VAUGHS 4 1JU1SO« Tillamook Grocers a T I Cftp Tire Shop City J. C. HOLDEN