THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, i9gl ■ ■ , * J p I f I f r I I» f 1 I I « Í J h( I 4 K ' I I I i BP' icH • 4 I i' <• I t ft » t t I or claiming any Interest In CIOVERDALE BRIEFS and to the above entitled In catching his horse while riding estate as heirs or distribut­ in the relay race at City, ’nst ees. Saturday, Gue Leno of Grand, Defendants dislocated his leftshoulder. He pluck lly finished that race and before giv­ ing up rode a bucking horse and .To Anna Christine Neumann, and all persons unnamed or unknown bucking steer, thus completing all of having or claiming any interest his performances which had been in and to the above entitled estate assigned him. Dr. Russell gave him as heirs or distributees, defend an anaesthetic and set his shoulder. aftta: Ed" Earl and family were Pacific CJty visitors Sunday. Mrs. A.M. Shelton of Boise, Idaho IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF visited at the J.L. Gay home on Tues OREGON day and Wednesday of last week. You and each of you are hereby Mr. and Mrs. Web McGinnis wore cited and required to appear in the pacific City visitors Saturday. County Court of the State of Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freeman of for the County of Tillamook, at «he Tillamook spent the week-end with Court Room thereof, at Tillamook in her sister. Mrs. John Fleck, and said County and State, on Tuesday tamily. the 11th day of October 1921, at the Mrs. Ed. Cochran and little grand hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. of E’id son, Lewis Stlverson, visited Satur­ day, then and there to show cause, day afternoon at the James Iuilah if any there be, why the facts should home at Hebo. not be found and the rights of heir­ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens visited ship to and distribution of said es­ at the Walter Todd home Sunday tate not decreed as set forth and afternoon. prayed for in the petition of the Mrs. Oscar Bennett returned home plaintiffs on file herein in this Sunday, from Dallas, where she has Court. been visiting her parents for tbe You and each of you are hereby past two weeks, further required to appear before Mrs. Dan Zeh and little son, who have been visiting her sister, Mrs. this Court on said time and place file your respective claim or Clay Taylor, returned to their home and claims of heirship, ownership or in­ in Albany, last Sunday. terest in said estate. Miss Cora Hess of Meda was In , This citation is served upon you town Monday to consult a physician. Mrs. Mary Jenck was a Tillamook I pursuant to an order duly made and entered herein by the Honorable visitor the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Messner of He- j Homer Mason, Judge of the above bo were in town last Monday even­ entitled court, dated the 8th da,. of July, 1921. ing. Witness, The Honorable Homer Miss Rebecca Walker of Rickreall who has been visiting at the home Mason, Judge of the County Court of her iousin. Clay Taylor, returned of the State of Oregon, for Tilla­ mook County, with the seal *,i -.aid to her home Sunday. The famous Hoyts, genuine West­ Court affixed, this 8th day ci July. ern entertainers, gave a vaudeville 1921. show here, on Wednesday and Thins Attest: H. S. Brimhail day evenings of last week. County Clerk. P.D. Ott, Hebo merchant, and w ife This citation is served upou you passed through town Sunday on by publication in the Tillamook their way to the beach. Headlight, a newspaper published Last Friday was the birthday and of general circulation in Tilla­ anniversary of W.L. Hudson. Seven­ mook County, Oregon, in pursuance teen relatives and friends gathered to an order of the Honorable Homer In the evening to help him celebiate Mason. Judge of the above entitled Games were played until a late hour Court, duly made and entered on the when light refreshments were serv­ 8th day of July, 1921. ed. after which the guests departed. John Olsen Attorney for Plaintiffs REFORMED CHURCH and Petitioners. Postoffice address A.M. at 10 Sunday School 413 Chamber of Comm- Morning Worship at 11 o’clock, Bld.g, Portland, Oreg. Hudelberg League meeting at Date of first pub. July 14, 1921 7: 45 P.M. Topic:’’Lesson from the Book of Date of last pub. August 25, 1921 Ruth" . Notice of Sheriff’s Sale Evening Services at 8:15. Subject In the Circuit Court of the State of "Christ likeness." Members, friends, and stranger» Oregon for the County of Tillamook are cordially invited to these ser- Security Savings and Trust Com­ pany, A Corporation, Plaintiff W.G. LIENKAEMPER. Pastor. vs | « W. W. Ridehalgh and Zoe C. Rlde- halgh, his wife, W. T. Ridehalgh, and Alana Ridehalgh, his wife, and Ridehalgh & Co. Inc., a Cor­ poration, Defendants. By virtue of an execution, judg­ ment, order, decree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled causé, to me directed and dated the 1st day of August, 1921, upon a Judgment and decree rendered and entered in said Court on the 19th day of October, 1920, in favor of Security Savings & Trust Company plaintiff, and again.«-: W. W. Ridehalgh and Zoe C Ride­ halgh, his wife, W. T. Ridehalgh and Alana Ridehalgh, his wife, and Ridehalgh A Co. Inc., a Corporation, defendants, for the sum of Fifteen JUDSON H. ROSENBERG, Hundred and No-100 ($1500.00) Administrator of the Estate oi W. H. Dollars with interest at Eight (8 per cent) per cent per annum from the Ilawkhis, Deceased 18th day of February, 1919, and the i further sum ot Seventy live and No- NOTICE Below Is a list Bhow’.iig ihu 100 ($75.00) Dollars, Attorney'): amount standing to the credit ot ev Fees, and the further sum ot Fifteen ery depositor July 1, 1921 who have and 20-100 ($15.20) Dollars, costs not made a deposit, or who lias not and the costs of and upon this writ, withdrawn any part of Ills deposit, connnandjng me to make sale of the for a period of more than seven following described property to-wit. The Northwest Quarter of the years immediately prior to said date, with the name, last known address Northwest Quarter (NW 1-4 of NW of such depositor. 1-1) of Section Twenty-one (21), Chas. Cooper, San Francisco, $2.34 Towmhip One (1) North, Rang*, J C Ciescy. Beaver, Ore. .t*0 Ten (Kl) West of Willamette Meiiu A I, Darby, Tillamook, Ore .58 lan; also a tract of land described a.> Will Hadley, Tlllnmook, Ore .73 beginning at a point on ordinary Jas. Holcomb, Cloverdale, Ore 1 .15 high tide and water line One hun­ Mis. Allee Hoenicke, Woods Or .37 dred Thirty-live (135) llnku South F C Selnneltzer, Hebo, Ole 78 '•0 ami Three Hundred Sixty-seven P Thomas, Hebo, Ore .... J.l* (367) links East of the meander corner between Sections Twenty NE8TUCCA VALLEY BANK Cloverdale, Oregon. (20) and Twenty-one (21), Town­ 7-21-4t E L McCABE, Cashier. ship One (1) North. Range Ten (10) West of Willamette Meridian, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX TO and running thence South Sixty-five degree«« (65 degrees) East on ordin­ CREDITORS ary high water line Two and Ninety Notice Is hereby _ ______ _______ given that the -eight hundredths (2.98) chains, County Court of the State of Oregon, thence North Nineteen and 15-100 for Tillamook County, has appoint­ (19.15) chains; I hence West Two ed the undersigned administratrix of and 70-100 (2.70) chains; thence the estate of Ervin i Carter, deceased, South Seventeen and 89-100 (17.M) and any and all persona having chains to the place of beginning, ton claims against said estate are hereby taining five (5) acre». less right of required to present such claims prop way conveyed to the Portland Rai' erly verified tQgethi er with the prop- way A Navigation Co., all in the er vouchers to the undersigned at county of Tillamook, and State of her residence tn Aurora. Oregon. < n Oregon. or before six months from the date Now, Therefore, by virtue of said of this notice. Dated July 21, 1921. execution. Judgment, order, deereo ELMA DENTBL, and order of sale, and iu compliance Administratrix of the Estate of Er with the commands of said writ, I vln Carter, deceased. will on the 3rd day of September, , 7-21-21-15 1931, at ten o'clock a. in at the front door of the County Court House in the OHj of Tillamook, County o' CITATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Tillamook, and State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bld STATE OF OREGON FOR dei for cash in hand, all the right, TILLAMOOK COUNTY title and interest which the within / defendants or any of them, had on ? the 23rd day of July, 1919, the date In the matter of the estate of the deed or mortgage herein fore­ of closed. oi since that date had in and John Larson, deceased. to the above described real property, Camilla Nielson Reichhardt or any part thereof. to satisfy said and Marie Vilhelmine Neu.nan Petitioners and plaintiffs, execution, Judgment, order and de­ cree, Interest, costs, accrued Interest va and attorney’s fees. John \ Nelson, admlnlatra Dated this 2nd day of August, 1921 tor of the estate of John JOHN ASCIIIM Larson, deceased. Emma Shetlff of Tillamook County, Oregon Adams. Anna Christine First publication Aug 4th, 1921: Neumann, and all persons last publication September 1st, 1931. unatned or unknown having * ESGHTH ANNUAL TILLAMOOK « COUNTY FAIR COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS TILLAMOOK, OREGON SEPT. 13-4-5-6 Write tbe Secretary for Premium List Mutual Confidence and Good Will is Our Message Daily! NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that Judson H. Rosenberg has been duly appoint­ ed administrator of the Estate of W. H. Hawkins, deceased, by the Coun­ ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore­ gon. All persons holding claims of any kind against said estate are htre by required to present the same to the administrator at his place of business In Tillamook City, Oregon, or at the office of Botts & Winslow, Attorneys for said estate, Tillamook, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, which first publication is the 4th day of August, 1921. Said claims must be duly verified as re­ quired by law. aanóc y Qncorpomttd TILLAMOOK OREGON Advance Styles in Silk Plush Coats Button trlm- med cuffs, but- ton trimmed tie-over belt and wide nat­ ural Opossum collar make this ,34-lnch Goat of Peco Silk Plush especially be­ coming to tbe young figure. Black Venetian lined. Most effective Style 10 are the trim­ mings of but- tons on this graceful model of Peco Silk Plush which add to its tailored cross- o v e r belt, mannish flap pockets, and an eight inch Opoesum collar. Style 5 Youthful in de- C77 7C »1(0* and rich < • • «J ¡n appearance, this Peco Silk Plush Coat has a handsome collar of Australian Opossum, bell cuffs, flap pockets, a trim, belt with fancy ornaments. Style 1 dtOA 7E Extraordinary Values at These Prices $14.75 to $39.75 $24.75 s / f ( / I V •fe ».■* if l\x 'L a - If Lu tailored belt* and becoming collars. The« Coats are made of Behring Seal Silk Plush Peco Silk Pin.h JiSSS W P1Mh' •" h'"' Styl« 1 Style IS A NATION Going On Every Day in 312 Bu.y Store» WIDE MONEY - SAVING PROGRAM THE LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ORGANIZATION IN m wS 1 ^9» v. * ♦ I Style 7 One of the $3-4 75 most effective y '*‘* 9 ** ot the season’s designs, this Coat makesan instant appeal to those who want youth and smart style. Collar and cuffs are fash­ ioned of ring-tail Opossum fur; pockets are flap style and the lining is Susque­ hanna satin. ; I 1 / 312 DEPARTMENT STORES .• A Best Values at Amazingly Low Prices Are iere 1«