NOTICE OF SALE FOB DELIN Lot 2, Block 2, Maple Gdove Addl-1 Addition. Lot 7, Block 13. NOTICE OF SALE OF DEUN- tate owner. Sidewalk lien »42.9«, Int QUENT TWO ANNUAL BONDED tloa, W. G. Dwight Estate owner,; I I V>. Miller WHEELER NOTES G. Dwight Estate, owner. Lien QUENT STREET IMPROVEMENT erest. »«.88, coat of adv «le mg*p« ENTS. ORDINANCE Lien »9.56, Interest »7.48, cost ot »5.41, interest 10c, cost of adv <8c The smoke stacks of th« Big Mill Lot 3, Block 1. W. G. Dwight Es adv. 61c. ASSESSMENT Miller Addition. Lot 8. Block 13, NO. 351, PAVING. Notice is hereby given that by vir tate. owner, Sidewalk lien »42.96, and Wheeler Lumber Co.'s Shingl« Lot 6, Block 1, Maple Grove Addi mill were painted last week. W. G. Dwight Estate owner. Lien tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, »27.36, interest 48c cost of adv 68c tue of a warrant issued by the City I iuterest »6.88, coat of adv «lc ••Speed”Thompaon caught a num- Lot 4, block 1, W. G. Dwight Es ! Recorder of Tillamook City. Oregon, Notice is hereby given that by Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. I Miller Addition, Lot 9, Block 13, dated July 15, 1921, and issued by tate, owner, Sidewalk lien »140.63, , her of nice trout near Knudson, Sun- 61c. virtue of a warrant issued by the I day . W. G. Dwight Estate owner, Lien Lot 7, Block 1, Maple Grove Addi »49.24, interest 86c, cost ot adv 68c order of the Common Council of interest »22.50, cost of adv 61c City Recorder of Tillamook City, Lot 6. Block 1, W. G. Dwight Es I Mrs. J.A. Jensen spent Friday at the I said Tillamook City, Oregon, the un tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner. Oregon, dated July 15, 1921, and is Miller Addition. Lot 10, Block 13 dersigned Marshal of Tillamook City tate owner. Sidewalk lien »42.96, Manzanita Inn. sued by order of the Common Coun Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. W. G. Dwight Estate owner. Lien has duly levied ypon and will on interest »6.88. cost of adv 61c J.F. Bradley is in Portland on 61c. cil of said Tillamook City, Oregon, Lot 7, Block 1, W. G. Dwight Es ’ business. Lbt 8, Block 1, Maple Grove Addi »72.94 interest «1.28 cost of adv 68c Monday, the 22nd day of August. the undersigned Marshal of Tilla Miller Addition, Lot 11, Block 13. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cronen iuotered tate owner, Sidewalk lien »4/.96, mook City has duly levied upon and tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, W. G. Dwight Estate owner. Lien 1921, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock interest ; to McGowan, Wn. a week ago Sun- »6.88. cost of adv 61c a. nt. sell at public auction to the Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. will on Monday, the 22nd day of B •* -— — »10.030 interest »1.76 cost of ad 68c highest bidder for cash in hand, the Lot 8. Block 1. W. G. Dwight Es I day and brought back Mrs. Cronen s August, 1921, at the hour ot 10:00 61c. Miller Addition. Lot 12, Block 13, property hereinafter described. tate, owner. Sidewalk lieu »104.63, , niece. Evelyn Coyle. Lot 2, Block 4. Maple Grove Addi o'clock a. m. sell at public auction A. G. Beals, owner. Lien »100.30. , Jim Hoover spent the last week Interest »22.50, cost of adv. 61c The particular tracts or parcels of tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner. to the highest bidder for cash in interest »1.76, cost of adv 68c. end in Wheeler, visiting his mother, Lot 1. Block 3, W. G. Dwight Es gound to be sold, together with the »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. hand, the property hereinafter des i Lien Miller Addition Lot 13, Block 13. name ot the owner or owners there tate owner, (bonded) Sidewalk lien Mrs. Hoovor. 61c. cribed. A. G. Beals owner, Lien »72.94, In- of, and the amount for which each »105.62, Interest »53.70, cost of adv A Mr. Wagner ,o< Corvallis, was» Lot 1, Block 3, Maple Greve Addi- terest The particular tracts or parcels cf »1.28, cost of adv 68c in Wheeler visiting Allyan Cady. 68c separate tract will be sold, together 1 tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, ground to be sold, together with the Chris. Hansen is in Carlton. Miller Addition, Lot 14, Block 13. Lot 5. Block 3 W. G. Dwight Es ; name of the owner or owners theeot, I Lien »10.65, Interest »7.98, cist of A. G. Beals owner. Lien »49.24, In- with the interest to the date of sale tate | A boat was in from Astoria the owner. Sidewalk lien »97.67, adv 73c. and the cost of advertising, are as and the amount for which each sep terest 86c, cost of adv 68c. 1 first of the week pickink up fish to ■ interest »15.69, cost of adv 61c follows, to-wit: Lot 5, Block 3, Maple Grove Adui- arate tract will be sold, together takeback to Astoria. Miller Addition, Lot 15. Block 13 Lot 8. Block 3, W. G. Dwight Es with the name of the owner or own tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, A. G. Beals owner, Lien »27.36, In District No. 19. Paving Miller Ave. A Mr. Sellwood was in Portland tate owner, Sidewalk lien. »97.67, Miller Addition. Lot 1, Block 2, »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. ers thereof, and the amount for Lien last week. terest 48c, cost of adv 68c. Iola 1. Handley owner, Lien »801.28 interest »15.69, cost of adv 61c which eachc separate tract will be 61c. Addition, Lot 16, Block ■», Interest »14.02, cost of adv. 93c. Lot 5, Block 4, W. G. Dwight Es Mrs. Parker of Lake Lytle was la Lot 6, Block 3, Maple Grove Addi A. Miller gold, together with the interest to G. Beals owner. Lien »5.47, inter Wheeler last Thursday. She is matt Miller Addition, Lot 2. Block 2, I tate owner, Sidewalk lien »97.67, In tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner. the date of sale and the cost of ad est 10c, cost of adv 68c. I ager of the Lake Lytle Hotel and re terest »15.69, cost of adv 61c Iola I. Handle» owner. Lien »233.51, Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv, vertising, are as follows, to-wit: Miller Addition, Lot 7, Block 14, Interest »4.09, cost ot adv 93c. Lot 8, Block 4, W. G. Dwight Es ports business fairly good there. Lot 6, Block 2, Lincoln Addition, 61c. Webster Holmes owner, Lien »76.60, Last Sunday was Rally day for tate, owner, Sidewalk lien »97.67, In Miller Addition, N 35 ft Lot 7, 1'17. Block 3 Maple Gr ve Addi W. G. Dwight Estate owner, Lien interest »1.34, cost of adv 68c • Block 2, Iola I Handley owner. Lien terest »15.69, cost of adv 61c the M.E. churches of the valley. tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, $88.66, Interest »66.83, cost of adv Miller Addition. Lot 7, Block 15. »77.86, interest »1.36, cost of adv Lot 1, Block 5, W. G. Dwight Es The Rallywas held at the Wheeler Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. »2.59. A, W. Ijams Estate owner. Lien 93c 61c. tate owner. Sidewalk lien »140.63, 1 M.E. church. 10 foot alley between. »5.47, interest 10c, cost of adv 68c The fishing season opened August ' Miller Addition, N 35 ft Lot 8. interest »22.50, cost of adv 61c I ot 8. Block 3, Maple Grove Addi Lot 6-7, Block 2, Lincoln Addl- Miller Addition, Lot 8, Block 15, Block 2, Iola I. Handley owner Lien Lot 2, Block 5, W. G. Dwight Es- 1 l.Many good catches have been made tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner. tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, A. W. Ijams Estate owner, Lier. »181.67, Interest to August 22, 1921 tate owner. Sidewalk lien »42.96. In since then. »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. Lien »15.80, Interest »12.90, cost of Lien »27.36, interest 48c, ocst of adv 68c »181.67, Interest »3.18, cost of adv terest »6.88, cost of adv 61c Mrs. Reed of Neah-krh-nie Tav 61c. adv »2.59. Miller, Addition, Lot 9, Block 15, 93c. Lot 3, Block 5, W. G. Dwight Be- 1 ern was in Wheeler, last Monday. Lot 5, Block 4, Maple Grove Addi Lot 6 Block 2 Lincoln Addition W A. W. Ijams Estate owner,* Lien says the beach season has im Miller Addition, Lot 12, Block 7 tate owner. Sidewalk lien »42.96, In She G. Dwight Estate owner. Lien »7.76, tion, W. G. DXvight Estate owner, »49.24, interest 86c, cost of adv 68a proved some lately. terest »6.88, cost of adv 61c Emma Brodhead owner Lien »511.74 Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. I interest »5.78, cost of adv 61c. 1 Miller Addition, . ____ ______ Lot 10, . Block 15, Interest »8.96, cost of adv 93c. A number of Masons motored to Lot 4, Block 5. W. G. Dwight Es Beginning at the N. E. corner of flc. A. W. Ijams Estate Tillamook last Saturday night io L___ j owner. Lien cost of adv. tate owner, Sidewalk lien »140.63, Lot 6, Block 4, Maple Grove Addi Lot 8, Block 8, original town of »72.94, interest »1.28, cost of ad 68c visit the Masonic lodge there. Miller Addition, Lot 12, Block 7 j interest »22.50, cost of adv 61c Lincoln, thence South 40 ft thence tion. W. G. Dwight Estate owner, Miller Addition, Lot 11, Block 15, Emma Mr. and Mrs. L. Lystrom were in Lot 5. Block 5, W. G. Dwight Es Brodhead owner Lien »222.74 , Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. West 95 ft, thence North to the I 61c. A. W. Ijams Estate owner. Lien tate owner. Sidewalk lien »140.63,, Wheeler the first of last week Interest »3.99, cost of adv 93c. North line of Lot 7 thence East to »100.30, interest »1.76, cost of ad 68 cost of adv Mr. Holliday has been making terest »6.88, cost of adv 61c Lot 7, Block 4, Maple Grove Addi the place of beginning W. G. Dwight Miller Addition, Lot 12, Block 15, trips t Astoria with fish for Mr.Sher- Lot 6, Block 5, W. G. Dwight Es- I Miller Addition, Lot 14, Block 7, Estate owner, Lien »43.74, Interest tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, A. W. Ijams Estate owner, Linn who sells them to canneries tate owner, Sidewalk Hen »42.96 In man Emma Brodhead owner Lien 1150.15 Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. there. s $32.97, cost of adv »3.07. »100.30, interest »1.7«, cost of ad 6s 61c interest »22.50, cost of adv 61c Interest »2.63, cost of adv 93c. Lot 6-7 Block 2 Lincoln Addition Miller Addition, Lot 13. Block 15. Joe Band is building a little Lot 7, Block 5, W. G. Dwight Es Lot 8, Block 4, Maple Grove Addi A. W. Ijams Estate owner. Lien cost of a<Jv. W. G. Dwight Estate owner, Lien tate owner. Sidewalk lien »42.96, In house on the water front. Miller Addition Lot 15, Block 7.« tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner. »72.94, interest »1.28, cost of ad 68c Emma Brodhead owner, Lien »83.42 terest »6.88, cost of adv 61c $16.70, interest »12.59 cost of adv i Mr. and Mrs. Neely. J.A. Jensen Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. Miller Addition, Lot 14, Block 15. Interest »1.47, cost of adv 93c. 61c. 61c Lot 8. Block 5. W. G. Dwight Es and Vena Jensen motored to Rock A. W. Ijams Estate owner, Lien Beginning 330 ft South of the S. Miller Addition, Lot 9, Block 9, tate owner. Sidewalk lien »140.63, away last Wednesday. Lot 1, Block 7, Maple Grove Addi »49.24, interest 86c, cost of adv 68c W. corner of Block 8, original town Mr. and Mrs. Cldy Daniel motored Tillamook Co Bank owner, Lien interest »22.50, cost of adv 61c Miller Addition, Lot 15, Block 15, »150.15, Interest of Lincoln thence South 105 ft tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, Lot 1. Block 2, W. Q. Dwight Es to Wheeler, Monday. to August 22, 1921 Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. A. W. Ijams Estate owner. Lien thence West 100 ft thence North 105 ’ 61c Edna Iioss, Vena Jensen, Dwlgh* $150.15, Interest $2.63, cost ot adv tate owner. Sidewalk lien »42.61, In Ferguson, and Herbert Stam spent ft thence East 100 ft to the place of I Lot 3, Block 7, Maple Grove Addi »27.36, interest 48c, cost of adv 68c 93c. terest »6.88, cost of adv 61c Miller Addition, Lot 16, Block 15, beginning, W. G. Dwight Estate own Lot 2, Block 2. W. G. Dwight Es Sunday at Knudson going up on the Miller Addition, Lot 10, Block .9, tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, A. W. Ijams Estate owner, Lien morning train and hiking back, they er. Lien »117.38, interest »62.07, Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. Tillamook Co. Bank owner, Lien tate owner, Sidewalk lien »140 63 report it a very nice place to fish. »5.47, interest 10c, cost of adv 68c cost of adv »2.95. Interest »22.50, cost d? adv 61c 61c »222.45, interest »3.99, cost of adv Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wells of Man I' Miller Addition. Lot 1, Block 2, Said sale will take place at the i Lot 1, Block 6, IV G. Dwight Es zanita Lot 1, Block 6, Maple Grove Addi Iola I Handley owner Lien »173.72 93c. I Inn were in Wheeler Satur front door of the City Hall in Tilla tion, Miller Addition, Lot 11, Block 9, tate owner. Sidewalk Hen »140.63 day. XV. G. Dwight Estate owner, Interest »3.13, cost of adv 68c. mook City, Oregon, being the front Lien »7.10, »22.50, cost ot aav 61c Int »5.34, cost of adv. i Lucy Daniel returned home ftat- Miller Addition, Lot 2, I Block 2, Tillamook Co. Bank owner, Lien interest door of the building in which the 61c Lot 2, Block 6, W. G. Dwight Es urday from Monmouth, Iola I Handley owner Lien i »76.60, »511.74,, interest »8.96, cost of adv , where she Common Council of said Tillamook 93c. tate owner, Sidewalk Lien »42.96 has been taking I- ---- Lot 2, Block 6, Maple Grove Addi interest »1.34, cost of adv 68c a CUsa«s*a«7l summer vuuibu course. , City holds its sessions Miller Addition, Lot 12, Block 9 terest »6.88, cost of adv 61c tion, W. G. Dwight Estate ownei, cost of adv She is going to teach at Woods next The names of the owners or re Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. Lewis Benfield owner Lot 3, Block 6. W G. Dwight Es Lien »511.74 winter. Miller Addition, Lot 12, Block 9. puted owners of said property as 61c »8.96, cost of adv 93c. tate owner. Sidewalk lien »42 96 In M i ' h . Reemers of Portland is stay Lewis Benfield owner. Lien »100.30, interest hereinbefore given, are the names of terest »6.88, cost of adv 61c Miller Addition Lot 13, Block 9. Lot 3, Block 6, Maple Grove Addi ing at Manzanita Inn. such owners, or reputed owners, as tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner. Interest »1.76, cost of adv 68c Lewis Benfield-.owner, Lot 4, Block 6, W. G. Dwight Es Mrs. LeGault was in Miami visit Miller Addition, Lot 13, Block ______ 9, interest »3.99, cost of Lien »222.45 they appear on the docket of city Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. adv 93c. tate owner Sidewalk Hen »140.63 In ' ing, part of last week. Lewis Benfield owner. Lien »72.94, ot said Tillamook City, and liens Miller Addition Lot 14, Block 9, interest »22.50, cost of adv 61c 61c Schollmeyer of Nehalem, was each of said tracts of land so de- • Lot 4, Block 6, Maple Grove Addi interest »1.28 cost of adv 68c. Lewis Benfield owner, Lien »150.15, Lot 5. Block 6, W G. Dwight Es in Emil Miller Addition. Lot 14, Block 9, Wheeler,last Monday. scribed will be sold at said sale -.0 tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, . interest »2.93, cost of adv 93c tate owner Sidewalk lien »140.63 Lewis Benfield own«r, Lien »49.24, Dwight Ferguson of Tillamook, satisfy the assessment, interest and Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. Miller Addition, Lot 1, Block 10, interest »22.50, cost of adv 61c interest 86c, cost of adv 68c. was in Wheeler Sunday. « costs due upon eaech tract as des- 6-C F R Beaels ownir, Lien 1750.88, In- Lot 6, Block 6, W. G. Dwight Es- Miller Addition, Lot 1, Block 10, cribed and eacch tract will be sold Lot 1, Block 5, Maple Grove Add! F. R. Beals owner. Lien »178.72, ln- terest »13.14, cost of adv 93c. separately. Miller Addition. Lot ---- --- 2, ------- Block 10, tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, terest »3.13, cost of adv 68c. TILLAMOOK COWS MAKE FINE S HOWING F R Deals owner, Lien »233.58, In- This sale is made for the purpose Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. Miller Addition, Lot 2, Block 10, terest »4.09, cost of adv 93c. Continued from Page 3) of satisfying the delinquent assess 61c F. R. Beals owner, Lien »76.60. In Miller Addition. Lot 7, Block 10 E. M. Leonnig Farver’s Belt ments for street improvements duly Lot 2, Block 5, Maple Grove Addi terest »1.34, cost of adv 68c R J, 1045 5.0 52.25 Godfried Marolf owner, Lien »233.5° T. B. Hyder assessed against said property, to tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owuer, Slats g 908 Miller Addition, Lot 7. Block 10, interest »4.09, cost of adv 93c. 5.5 49.94 99 It gether with interest and costs there Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. Brindle Godfred Marolf owner, Lien »76.60, cost of adv. G. G. 1076 4.2 45.19 on, said assessments having been 61c interest »1.34, cost of adv 68c Schild No. 17 F n. 1380 Miller Addition. Lot 8, Block 10, John 3.6 made by. the Common Council of 49.68 99 It Miller Addition, Lot 8, Block 10, Godfried Marolf owuer, Lien »750.88 Lot 3, Block 5, Maple Grove Addi No. 15 R. H. 1377 Tillamook City, Oregon, on Nov. 7, tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, Godfred Marolf owner, Lien »178.92, 3.4 46.68 interest »13.14, cost of adv 930. Louis Weber Gem G. J. 98’89 1917, and said assessments having Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. interest »3.13, cost of adv. 68c T9 896 » >» been thereupon docketed in the Bond 61c Said sale will take place at the Daisy R. J. 778 I ... Said sale will taite place at the 5.8 45.12 Lien docket of city liens of said Till front door of the City Hall in Tilla Paul Fitzpatrick Star . G. J, 822 Lot 4, Block 5, Maple Grove Addi front door of the City Hall in Tilla 5.9 48.50 amook City, and 2 annual install tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, mook City, Oregon, being the front mook City, Oregon, being the front Adolph Erickson Spot G. H. 1008 4.8 48.38 ments having elapsed since said dock Lien »7.10, Int »5.34, cost of adv. , door of ths building in which the door of the building in which the Ed. Staeck G. J. 890 Sussie 5.4 48.06 eting and said asssessments not hav 61C Common Council of said Tillamook Common Council of said Tillamook Neilson Bros. Cherry G. J. 961 City holds its sessions. 5.0 ing been paid in whole or in part, 48.05 City holds its sessions. Said sale will take place at the No. 2« G. G. 905 and the common Council of Tilla The namei of the owners or re John Naegeli 5.2 47.06 The names of the owners, or re mook City, Oregon, having, on July front door of the City Hall in Tilla puted owners of said property as puted owners of said property as David Fitzpatrick Pet G. J. 846 5.5 46.58 mook City, Oregon, being the front 15, 1921, duly ordered a warrant to G. J. 899 hereinbefore given, are the names of Hereinbefore given, are the names of Vaughn & Darby Dolly 5.2 46.75 issue for the collection of said de door of the building in which the such owners, or reputed owners, as such owners, or reputed owners, as Homer Mason Gale of Sequoia R. G. 1008 Common Council of said Tillamook 4.6 46.37 they appear on the docket of city linquent assessments. Dated this they appear on the docket ot city W. B. Vaughn Seven G, H, 1265 City holds its sessions. 3.6 I 45.54 July 28, 1921, Hens ot said Tillamook City, and liens of said Tillamook City, a.<d Class D. Cows 2 Years Old The names of the owners, or re each of said tracts of land so de HENRY WHITE, eaeh of said tracts of land so de Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon puted owners of said property a« scribed will be sold at said sale to scribed will be sold at said sale to David Fitzpatrick Mistletoe’s hereinbefore given, are the names of « satisfy the assessment, Interest and Buttercup 4.6 R. J. 138« such owners, cr reputed owners, as satisfy the assessment, interest and costs due upon each tract a de T. B, Hyder Comet G. G. 1039 5.0 NOTICE OF SALE FOE DELIN they appear on the docket of city costs due upon each tract as dw- scribed, and each tract will »8 »8 ba eold QUENT TWO ANNUAL BONDED liens of said Tillamook City, and cribed, and each tract will be sold separately. Goldie G. J. 856 5.2 99 < 88 626 INSTALLMENTS. ORDINANCE eaoh of said tracts of land so de- separately. Princess 6.3 0. J- This sale is purpcee made for the n This sale is made for the purpose NO. 352. SEWER. 8 Brown Bess scribed will be sold at said sale Io G. G. 868 4.5 of satisfying the delinquent assess of satisfying the delinquent assesa- >9 ff Notice is hereby given, that by satisfy the assessment, interest and ments for street improvements duly ments for street improvements duly May Rose R. G. 908 4.2 »8 98 virtue of a warrant issued by the costs due upon each tract as des asssesed against said proptrey, to assessed against said property, to Pollyanna G. G. 719 5.3 e ’ * City Recorder of Tillamook City, cribed, and each tract will be sold gether with interest and costs there gether with interest and costs there 738 ” Appleblossom ' 4.9 R. G. Oregon, dated July 15, 1921, and is separately. 88 I on, said assessments having been on, said assessments having been Ringtail G. G. 874 4.1 sued by order of the Common Coun This sale is made for the purpose made by the Common Council of made by the Common Council of ft ff Bonnie G. G. 725 4.9 cil of said Tillamook City, Oregon, of satisfying the delinquent assess- Tillamook City, Oregon, on 7th ady Tillamook City, Oregon, on April 7, 5.7 the undersigned Marshal of Tilla •ments lor street improvements duly of April, 1921, and said assessments 1921, and saidl assessments having Homer Mason Buttercup R. G. 905 »» ft 11 mook City, has duly levied upon and assessed against said property, to having been thereupon doeketed in been thereupon docketed in the Linnie R. G. 5.2 ff will on Monday, the 22nd day of gether with interest and costs there the docket of city liens of said Till docket of city Hens of said Tilla Evangeline R. G. 781 5.0 August, 1971, at the hour of 10:09 on, said assessments having been amook City, and more than 30 days mook City, and more than 30 days E. M. Leonnig Flower G. G. 958 5.3 o'clock a. nt. sell at public auction made by the Common Council of ff having elaps(,d since said docketing 88 Bud G. J. 698 Miller Addition, N 35 ft. Lot 7, and said assessments not having 5.2 to the highest bidder for cash in /Tillamook City, Oregon , on Nov. 7, Block 2 Iola I Handley owner Lien Dürrer Bros. Clay G. G. 1212 4.1 hand, the property hereinafter des 1917, and said assessments havin >S been paid in whole or in part, and 88 V »25.53, Interest 45c, cost of adv 6tc the Common Council of Tillamook Star G. G. 1020 4.6 cribed. been thereupon docketed in the 1921 4 5c, cost of adv. 88 ff Per Cty, Oregon, having on July 15, G. G. 1048 The particular tracts or parcel« c* Bond Hen docket of city Hens of said 4.0 ff 99 Miller Addition. N 35 ft, Lot 8. 1931, duly ordered a warrant to ground to be sold, together with the Tillamook City, and 2 Annual In- Molly G. O. 707 5.3 name of the owner or ov ners there«: stallmens having elapsed' since satd Block 2, Iola I. Handley owner. Lien issue for the collection of said de- Johni Schild No. 6 1252 R H. 3.7 Dated thirt ff and the amount for which each sen- docketing and said asssessments not »59.56. interest »1.04 cost of adv 68 linqUf>nt assessments No. 14 . R. H. 1135 3.2 arate tract will be sold, togeth'r having been paid in whole or in part Miller Addition, Lot 12. Block 7, July 28, 1921, Claude Ackley Jewel 769 R. G. 5.8 HENRY WHITE. with the interest to the date of sa'c and the Common Council of Till i- Emma Brodhead owner Lien »100.30 Mabel G. J. 1063 4.3 Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon I’«te r Norberg and the cost of advertising, are us mook City, Oregon, having, on July Interest »1.76, cost of adv 68c * Reddy G. J. 874 4 7 follows, to-wit: 15, 1921. duly ordered a warrant »3 Miller Addition, Ix>t 13, Blovk 7, tf 8» Lot 6, Block 3, Lincoln Addition, issue for the collection of said de Emma Brodhead ov ner. Lien »72.94, NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELIN Pidge 4.4 O. 1. 859 »» W. G. Dwight Estate owner. Lien linquent assessments. Dated ’his Interest »1.28. cost of adv 68c. QUENT STREET IMPROVEMENT ■’ Little Roney G. J. 622 5.2 $9.28, Interest 6.98, cost of adv. July 28. 1921 ASSESSMENT Clyd <■ Kinnaman Beaut De Ly, >n G. J. 738 Milled Addition. Lot 14. Block 7. 6.0 73c. HENRY WHITE Notice is hereby give;,.'that by Jim Williams Emma Brodhead owner. Lien »49.24 Bonny May R. G. 899 4.8 Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon. interest 86c, cost of adv 68c. 10 foot alley b ¿tween. virtue of a warrant issued by . tie Starlit Nell R G. 918 4.4 Lot 6-7, Block 2, Lincoln Addi City Recorder of Tillamook City, »♦ ff Miller Addition, Lot 15, Block 7, Lil G. G. 973 4.1 tion, W. G, Dwight Estate owner. .Oregon, dated Jaly 15. 1921. -and i - It 9» Lucy G. J. 837 4.0 Lien $6.07, Interest $1.01, cost of NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELIN Emma Brodhead owner. Lien »27.36, sued by order of the Common Coun interest 4 8c, cost of adv 6 8c QUENT STREET IMPROVEMENT adv 73c Minnie cil of said Tillamook City. Oregon, Joe Willianm G .1 930 4.6 ASSESSMENT Miller Addition, Lot 9, Block 9, the undersigned .Marshal of Tilla J orì Bros. Lot 7, Block 6, Lincoln addition, No. 32 G J 679 6 3 Notice is hereby given, that by Tillamook Co. Bank, owner Jen it W. G. Dwight Estate owner, Lien mook City has duly levied upon und No. 38 G. H 973 3.6 $9.96, interest »7.f>l. cost of adv. virtue of a warrant issued by the »49.24. interest 86c, cost of adv 68c will on Monday, the 22nd day of Au Perron I anny (1 K 747 5.7 City Recorder of Tillamook City, Miller Addition, Lot 10, Block 9, gust. 1921. at the hour of 10:00 61c. •• n Led/ »1 * •. 784 I.ti Lot 8. Block 6, Lincoln Addition, Oregon, dated July 15, 1921, Tillamook Co. Bank owner. Lien o'clock a. m. sell at public auction ( 'f (’. sued by order of the Common Coun 073 Philip Buslach San>-..iu 6.2* W. Q. Dwight Estate owner, Lien »72.94, Interest »1.28. cost of Adv. to the highest bidder for cash in cil of said Tillamook City, Oregon, 68c. I ' hand, the property hereinafter des- L. C I ariels Peony G J 747 $7.44, Interest »5.61, cost of adv. 5.5 the undersigned Marshal of Tilla 61c. Miller Addition. Lot 11, Clock 9. I cribed. Paul r!t*patrick • .1 694 Lbw 5.9 mook City has duly levied upon and Lot 1 Block 1. Maple Grove Addi The particular tracts or parcels of Roscoe Barke Tillamook Co. Bank owner, Lieu Sp it G H 1311 3.1 rt it tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner, will on Monday, the 22nd day of »100.30 interest »1.76, cost of adv , ground to be soid together with the Gladys G II 1138 3.2 August 1921, nt the hour of 10:06 Lien $7.10, Interest »5.34. cost of j name of the owner or owners the,« 68c. Vaughn A Darby 911 Hazel G J 4.4 o ’ clock a. m. sell at pubic auction to adv 73c. having elapsed since said docketing j of, and the .".mount for which each ff It Paggate G. J 781 4.6 Lot 2, Block 1. Maple Grove Addi the highest bidder for cash in hand, and said assessments not having separate tract will be sold, together the propertj hereinafter described. I,ady R H. 1<>35 3 8 tion, W. G. Dwight Estate owner. been paid in whole or in part, aad with the Interest to the date of “al W. B. Vaughn The particular tracts or parcels -f the Common Council of Tillamook and the cost of advertising, are i“ Carl Possetti ' Lien $7.10, Interest $5.34. cost of G. J. 818 4.« gourd to be sold, together with fhe City. Oregon, having on July 15th, follows, to-wit adv 73c. Johnson A Son Ca coline 2nd G. G, 868 4.2 / name of the owner or owners there Lot 3. Block 1. Maple Grove Addi 1921. duly ordered a warrant to All in Maple Grove Addition Tilla Barbara Neiget Myrtle K. H. 1178 3.1 tion. Lien »7.10, Interest »5.34, cos* of. and the amount for which cache Isssn« for th* collection of said de mook Citv. Oregon No. 34 G. n. 791 separate tract will be sold, together llaquent assessment a. 4.5 Lot 1 hioek 1 W G Dwight, own Ed. Hannenkrst Bated thia if adv 61e G. H. 961 Blockie .1.7 er. Sidewalk lien. »149.63. Interest, N, G, Boquist Lot 4. Block 1, Maple Grove Addi with the interest to the date of sale July 9», 19». ______ ' O. K Tittle Br>n4lr G J. 803 4 4 HRNRT WHITW. 919 «• c<Mt of adv ile tion. W. G. Dwight Estate owwr. aad th« cost of advertising, are as follows, to-wit: hot 1. Bloch 1W « Dwight Rs- John Fitzpatrick G. J. 7M 4.7 Marshal of Tillamook City. Oregon Mildred Lien »7.19, Int »5.34, cost of adv. Niitrict 1«. IS. Gradiig Miller Av«. 61e. 4