Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 04, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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Tillamook was raided last Satur­
day by Chief of Police Jenkins Ct
Portland and about 40 members ot
that city’s police force, but th« it
mission was a peaceful one—yes,
more than that—a irateuial one
The invaders represented several
Portland lodges of the Masonic or­
der, the member^rot which consti­
tute one ot the best equipped teams
In the state for the conferring of de­
grees in the subordinate lodge it
that order. The visiting team con­
ferred the Third degree on a candi­
date in the local lodge Saturday
night, and there wag a large attend­
ance of local and county Masons
present to witness the team work ot
lhe Portland brethren.
Refreshments were served at the
close of the work.
On Sunday last, the visitors were
given a clambake at Barview, which
was greatly enjoyed, many Tilla­
mook people attending.
Among the members of the Port­
land Police Team present, was Ser­
geant Wm. Bunn, one of the oldest
members of the Portland police force
It leaked out that tne veteran Sec­
géant was on his honeymoon, anti
the rest of the force made life mit­
erable for him, as a result. rile
Sergeant and bride were chaperoned
by the groom’s eldest daughter.
Many of the visitors were accom-
panied by their wives, and were
guests at the Tillamook hotel during
their stay here.
Follows a list of the visitors: Ar
thur Chase, Earl Nelson, Tom Swcn-
ies, M. D. Bogart, Ed C. Cline, Capt.
J. T. Moore, B. F. Wady, M. C. Ben-
den, T. H. Pratt, A. Hanson, M. M.
Kelsey, P. W. Gordon, H. C. Short,
A. F. Gordon, N. B. Lalaise, R. £
Burkait, E. Broth, H. S. Panney, B
Heblor, C. M. Cason, H. M. Nuttei,
B. L. Elliott, Hugh McCunn, R. L.
Craven, G. E. P.ichards, C. C. Brown,
W. L. Moore, A. Hyre, W. W. Bunn,
J. J. Helms. Chief of Police L. V* i
Jenkins, S. P. Ingle, E. R. Hall, W. I
H. Brennlng, Ray A. Rlpley.-’H. 8.
Van Valkenburg, R. M. Tilton, p.
R. Johnson, J. M. Hunter and
Most of thé visitors returned
Portland Sunday, called home
their officiai duties.
Miss Burr, county club leader, had
a busy time of it last week. On Mon­
day she was with the Tillamook-Jer­
sey Calf club, which met at Eric
Glad's. Two side trips were made
to the farms of Judge Mason and Mr.
Ou Tuesday the Canning club met
&l the home of Muriel and L’icy |
Wiley, Mrs. Mary Ginger, club leade.-|
On Wednesday, the Poultry club 1
met at their school house, where 1
they listened to a talk given by Rev.
Tucker. From the school house the
club went to the Simmons and Wells
farms, Mrs. Cora Finch, local leader.
On Thursday the County Leader
attended a picnic of the Tillamook
Holstein-Frelsian calf club where a
program was had at Everett Wrights
home on the Miami river. Mrs. B.
A- Folks, local leader.
On Friday, the two county Guern­
sey calf club« met with W L. Hodson
south of Cloverdale. A picnic and
program were features of the meet­
ing. Mr. Lance 1 b local leader of the
Tillamook club.
On Saturday, the Nestucca ea'f
club met at the home of Mark Bays
There was a program, livestock judg
ing and refeshments were served. Af
ter lunch a Bide trip was taken to
Fred Thun's place.
During July the County Leader
had four field meetings, attendance
45; three canning demonstrations.
Miss Burr made 101 visits during
July, with 151 attendance, and trav­
elled 737 miles by auto during the
The present enrollment
shows the following summary: Sew­
ing 139; cookery 84; calf 73, poul­
try 42, garden 24, home-making 2!,
potatoes 16. canning 15, rabbit« 4,
pig 4, home beautification 9. total
4 23.
Two cooking clubs were organised
during July and five members were
added to the enrollment.
Money-Saving Progtam
Low Cost Mileage
For the Big Car
Your need for a reliable, dur­
able, all-leather Work Shoe
is met here. These are built
for service, sole tacked and sewed. They are
in constant demand in 26 states by men who
have given them every test. Full line ot
sizes now ready.
Every Fisk Tire is a guar­
antee that you will get
mileage at a low cost.
For satkiaction, safety
and economy you buy
a “sure tiling” when you
buy Fisk Tires.
Ycu are safe when you
buy a known and repu­
table product at a low -
Sold only by Dealers
they are attending Buyers’ conven­
tion, and will later visit friends 'n
Dr. Smith reports the birth of a
son to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hortlty
July 28.
Young Henny, who was injured at
Bay Ocean some days ago by a tail­
ing telephone pole, and who was un-
conscious from his injuries for six
days, is reported by Dr. Boals as be­
ing on the road to recovery.
Born to Mr. and Mr*. Marion Dar­
by, 5 miles north of Tillamook Aug­
ust 2, 1921, an 11 pound son.
Mrs. John Jennings Sr., was op­
erated upon by Dr. Boals last Satur­
day and is improvethg nicely.
Chester Thomas," who was treat­
ed by Dr. Boals for a badly infected
hand, is improving.
Mrs. Jo*. Schrieber, who ha* been
quite ill at the Boals hospital for aev
eral weeks, is getting better. Mrs.
Catherine Long was operated on at
the above hospital last Thursday.
Mrs. R. E. Wilson of Maupin, Ore.
visited with Mr*. E. K. Gilbert of
Beaver. Mrs. Wilson stopped here
on her way"back to her homojn east­
ern Oregon
Mrs. E. K. Gilbert of Beaver at­
tended the Kensington club meeting
Mrs. Neil Sahrn and family of
Banks, are visiting with 0. G. Wilkes
and wife of this cty.
Miss Ethel B. White who has teen
teaching music In this city for the
past three years has accepted a po­
sition with a conservatory at Ore­
gon City.
Miss Margaret Goffrier of McMinn
ville is a guest of the Kuratii family
this week.
Miss Estella Imlah called on het
sister-in-law Mrs. James Imlah at
Hebo last Thursday.
Dr. J. T. LeFevre and family were
Tillamook visitors last Saturday eve
ning. They were accompanied by
Miss Edith Owens.
Jim Beggs, who is working near
Sandlake spent the week end with
his family.
Mr. and Mrs Charlie Murphy were
Pacific City visitors Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth Burr, county cluu
leader was down from Tillamook last
Friday and Saturday.
Miss Vada Turner is working at
"Uncle Charlie’’ Ray was a He­
bo visitor the middle of last week.
Men’s Blue Chambray Work Shirts
Full Cut—Double Stitched
Sold by 312 Stores in Twenty-Six States
Men’s Overalls 98c
Here are the kind of Overalls that ev­
ery man will appreciate as a wonder­
ful value. Made to give lots of room
in every detail where room is needed
—through the knees, across the chest
Seams double stitched and the mater­
ial best quality 22Oweight blue denim
Men’s Union Suits
The low prices on these good Union
Suits seem impossible. They would
be elsewhere, but the buying power
for 312 stores commands the lowest
prices and you share in the benefits
of fair profits. These are the 16-lb.
ribbed Suits.
Men’s Wear-Resisting Work Socks
Double Heel and Toe
All Sizes
Firmly Woven
Mr. and .. .
proud parents of a fine baby
daughter, born last Thursday even­
ing. The Mrs. and baby are doing
as well as could be expected but the
neighbors are entertaining some
fears ae to John’s recovery.
The Tillamook and
Guernsey Calf clubs held a joint
meeting last Friday, July 29 at the
home of the Nestucca Club Leader,
W. L. Hudson. Luncheon was. spread
in the Bhade of the trees and an en­
joyable as well as profitable time
was had by all preBent. The main
event ot the day was the cattle judg­
The Frank Owens family were
Tillamook visitors last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L Gay made a
business trip to Beaver on Wednes­
day ot last week
Fred Meitzke was a recent busi­
ness visitor in Portland,
A. A. Imlah, nurseryman of Salem,
with his
hiB family visited at the Joe
Wilson home last week.
MrB. Ed Hansen was a Hebo vis-
Car) Haberlach Blates that reports itor Saturday.
Oscar Bennett took his wife and
from Wisconsin this week show a
The Union Oil Co., which kU ■harp decline in the price of their little daughter Thelma to Dallas___
come to Tillamook, as a competitor, cheese, twins selling at 19c, Daisies Sunday where they expect to spend
with other companies for the oil at 19 l-4c and Longhorns at 21c. I about two weeks visiting her parent*
G. H. Ward of Pacific City was
trade of this growing section, has This is a decline of over 2« for the
practcally completed its plant her», week. Tillamook triplets remain firm I seen on our street last Friday morn­
and Is ready for business. The en­ tit 24c, Longhorns and Young Amer ing.
Barney Estabrook has returned
gineer. J. H. Evitt is waiting for leas at 25c.
the railroad company to put the gas
Production for the year to Aug­ ! from San Francisco and reports hi*
into the tanks, by which they may ust 1st was 61,436 boxes Produc­ Bon as still quite low but soyiewhat
be tested, when he will leave for tion in 1918 was 47.290 boxes, 53.- better than he was.
Miss Viva Owen* spent Saturday
Newberg to build a like plant at the 378 boxes were produced in 1919
latter place.
and 57,702 during the same period night at the Walter Todd borne
The Cloverdale Oddfellows are re
The tanks erected here are ex­ in 1920. This shows an increase cf
pected to hold a total of 78,000 gal­ 3.734 boxes over 192B or 6 lr2 per pairing the damage caused to their
lon« of refined oil, and two (0 gal­ cent and an Increase of 14,141 boxes 1 hall by the recent Are. They are
putting on new rustic and other­
lon truck« are on the distribution over 1913 or 30 per cent.
wise improving the appearance of
Considerable cheese is being pine
Job. with another G. M. C truck
tbe building.
---- .
ed In atorar* again.
____ mm
soon 10 arrive at the plant.
The Nestucca Jersey Calf club
Mr. Nunn, the manager, for «he checks will be given out the 1 3th
new concern arrived from Marshfield Inst. Feed price« ase unchanged «- held their regular meeting last Sat­
that ' corn Is selling at 143 the urday afternoon at the home of the
the latter part of last week, having cept ‘
local dub leader. Marc Bays. Cattle
been transferred from lhe office at ton.
judging was the ma tn orcupation of
that place. Three local men have
the dub members at this meeting
been employed by the company who i
in!°Fr<lale ?.W A High,
will be taught the busineea in all Its
* his
1. —
. .
was taking
in fhe
phases, and are expected in time »0
(Continued from page one)
be future manager« of the Com- building of roads playa an Import­ sights nt Pacific City Sundev
Miss Violet Hatfield 1« ’‘.laying
puny’s interest in new fields The ant part.
her sister Mrs. Merle Holman
new company la reaching out all ov­
Acting with the Court in road mat with
• t Med«.
er the coast. The company has ter«, 1« John Carrol, who superin­
R. H. I at ft non hauled a load of luin
about one acre of ground, and ooffice tends the building of the county
buildings and the tanks, wh'ch rep highways and look« after the bridg- bei to Pacific City Sunday.
Mi. and Mrs. Oh Mattoon were He
resent a total of something like 312.
etc., whofce activities in that line
bo visitors on Wednesday of 1
000, and the payroll, while .«mall will be noticed later on.
t week.
will he that much to add <> Tills
Miss Shipley is eletAing in W.
monks monthly income In that «
High’s drug store.
Janies Imlah of Hebo was
wm « in
In th 1
The Union Oil Compinv'a ma n
Reports that the cause of the epi
plant and refinery la n‘ Oleum, a vicinity on Wednemiay <if |H!)( week
demlc of gastro-intestinal disturb­
t<»n just soutii ««f San I ««e, «'all issuing fire permit«.
Harney Estabrook has relative, I ance that has prevailed In the city
foinia. where -‘.ipme- •» g > for­
and surroundng country was cont a tn
ward t«> the dispensin’; plan's nii visiting him.
Karl Hansen, who has been stay. Ination of the city water, I made n
o/er the coast
Ing with bis uncle on Wilson riwr thorough Investigation of the water
has returned to his home here.
system and find that the reservoir >•
Charlie Kunst of th« Cloverdale clean and that the dam la in gtxxt
Dr. Robinson report* the birth ot Mercantile Co . wn u Hebo on Wed­ condition with plenty of overflow,
a son to Mr. «nd Mrs. C. C. Maki as nesday of last *esk.
and that the water Is purs and clean
ter Awg. I.
Mrs. Joe Wilson and daughter and la my opinion has nothng what­ I
Mr. end Mr*. A. A. PennlngM» Goldie, were Pacific Clay visitor* last ever to do with ths epldemi. — (x
Mt V’ednesday for PorHand. whctr Thursday.
vid Robinson. City Fhysfeiaa
Nation- Wide
• «ttlÿ <
^Everythind for QUALITY^
nothing for show
HAT’S OUR IDEA in making
CAMELS—the Quality Cigarette.
Why, just buy Camels and look at the package!
It’s the best packing science has devised to keep
cigarettes fresh and full flavored for your taste.
Heavy paper outside—secure foil wrapping inside
and the revenue stamp over the end to seal the pack­
age and keep it air-tight.
And note this! There’s nothing flashy about the
Camel package. No extra wrappings that do not
improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense
that must come out of the quality of the tobacco.
Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins on
merit alone.
Because, men smoke Camels who want the
taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly
blended. Men smoke Camels for Camels smooth,
refreshing mildness and their freedom from ciga-
retty aftertaste.
Camels are made for men who think for them*
"U nd