TAGE FOTO THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Willamoofc ▲ Weekly Paper Published Thursday by the Every Headlight Publishing Company, Inc. Tillamook, Oregon Leslie Harrison Managing Editor Both Telephones Entered as second-class matter in the postoffice at Tillamook, Oregon. Subscription Kates One year ............................... Six months .......................... Three months ...................... Payable in advance 32.00 1.00 .50 PERSONALS Dr. C. E. Pollock, and wife and child and Mrs H. G. Guild and grand son, were visitors at Rockaway Wed nesday. Mr and Mrs. Jack Langman, the latter formerly Miss Haberlach, who have been spending their honeymoon in Tillamook returned to their home at Clackamas on Monday last. Miss Florence Oslund and Mis» Mina Caribojn of Minneapolis, Minn­ esota, who were here for some days visiting the Burges and Haberlachs left for the East Wednesday last. the fire boys, The blase was soon under control however, by Mr. Rogers with hand chemicals before I the engine arrived. Damages minor A burning slashing about four miles up the Trask caused a little I apprehension Tuesday afternoon by I the huge volumes of smoke that well ed up, but it was soon learned that the Are was not liable to do any dam age by getting away. A big forest protection plane came flying up from the south, and after circling the fire for a minute or two, turned tall and p flew away, evidently satisfied that i the fire was local and under control. I The Koch-Turnbull auto touring I party composed of Superintendent i of City Schools L. Turnbull and wife. I Mr. and Mrs. Koch and Infant and Mrs Kock’s mother, Mrs Dick, who left Tillamook July first, returned home last Wednesday night. The par ty motored as far as Tia Juana, Mex­ ico, and Mr. Koch states that the beat was about 150 degrees in the I suit , and 125 degrees in the shade i provided there was any shade at ' hand, and the party suffered con- 1 siderably from such caloric condi- i tlons. On the return trip the party , visited Crater Lake and other Ore- I gon points of interest. Mr. Koch I states that he is glad to get back to j "good old Tillamook county” where i the arid conditions and heat encoun- | Tiled in California, do not exist. Many of the good sized rivers in Sou them California were dry and the whole country south of Los Angeles was parched and dreary. The trip was devoid of accident, and outside of the heat, was thoroughly enjoyed by all. ~ ' | f National Building Tillamook, Oreton A Matter of Principle. >_______________ J <-----------------------—\ R. T. BOALS M. D. t should be a matter of principle with every up-to-date merchan- dising establishment to stimulate the distribution of goods by constant advertising. It should be as much a matter of principle with such a place as it is to keep the floors clean or to keep rhe goods arranged on the shelves, for orderliness and aggressiveness go hand in hand in modern merchandis- ing. I Surgeon and Physician I. O. O. F. Building TILAMOOK. OREGON r ------------------------------------------ J BARRICK & HALL I ATTORNEYS AT LAW National Building Tillamook. Oregon \__________ 7 ,--------------- ------------------------------- DR. O. L. HOHLFELD VETERINARIAN Bell Phone 8F2. i True, a certain amount of trade will wander into concerns which do not be­ lieve in advertising, but he who suc­ ceeds and rises above the common level must assert himself in the world, 'S Mutual Phone Tillamook, Oregon T t \ DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist To the Editor: We are in camp over last night Permanently located in Tillamook at this city which has one of the best Private office in Jenkin’s jewelry Auto tourist camps we have so far store. Latest up-to-date instru­ discovered since leaving Tillamook, ments and equipment. Evenings every facility is here for the con-1 and Sunday by appointment. venience of the tourist through here I on the Overland routes as well ns the National Park highways from i Complete Lens Grinding Factory Vaughn & Larson, the ’ grocers, the Canadian line south to Mexico. on the Premises. Any lens dupli- will occupy new quarters with their I Since writing you briefly from Spo- I cated. stock about the first <>: St -ptemlicr I kane, we have covered the following • next, when they will move into the | route: From Spokane to Bonner Fer- I K J building now occupied by Morris ry, Idaho, 109 miles, and camped on I Schnall, while the latter will occupy Deep creek, where we had fish for I his new building on Second avenue supper and breakfast; Bonner's Fer- | east. ry to the Snyder ranch 88 miles; eamped and had good fishing, These Mr. and Mrs. Oathout returned people have lived here in the moun­ from an auto trip through California tains for more than twenty four Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 Thursday evening. They encounter­ years and were attracted to our 0. E. S. ed some very hot weather in Cali­ camp until midnight enjoying the fornia and are glad to get back to singing of the bunch, as well as a Stated communications first and the Tillamook country where they good visit which they do not often third Thursdays of each month in can enjoy the coolness of the sutn- have. We broke camp on Thursday Cheyenne and then to Denver Colo., Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. which Is our Eastern destination, mer, although they enjoyed the trip morning, July Uta for Kalispel. LELIA D. DOTY, Sec. Montana, makng only 81 miles this where the writer is on his way to I very much. day on account of the condition of visit mother whom we have not seen There Marathon Lodge No. Dr. R. C. Mulholland of Portland the roads, which were very moun­ for 27 years— since 1894. 93, Knights of Pythias and wife, who have been at the tainous with steep rough grades and will be a grand family reunion for a beach for some time past, and Mr. sharp curves, which required careful few days and then we will be on our Regular meeting Mon­ and Mrs. Baynard of the same place driving. From Kalispell we went to way home. Will write you again day evening at 7:45 from Denver when we arrive there. left Thursday morning for Seaside Apgar on Lake McDonald where < sharp. By order of Yours as ever, on their way to Portland. Mr. Bay­ camp was made for 'i days,while the I the Chancellor Com­ nard has been taking care of busi­ party made up a hiking trip into the ROLLIE W. WATSON mander. ness in the Koch drug store during wilds of the Rockies. lesterday, I I John C. Carroll, G. C. the absence of the latter on an auto July 18th, we drove from Apgar to COUNTY AGENTS WORK trip for the past thirty days. Missoula 174 miles, the roads being (Concluded from page one) fine as any we have come over since W. R. C. Marshal Henry White and Night leaving home on this trip. From Spo­ Corinith Relief Corps, No. 54 Dept, a physician. Marshal Ed Stark appeared this kane to Sand Point, Idaho, the roads of Oregon, meet9 on first and third During the present year, the ccun- week with handsome new uniforms were fair and from there sn until Friday evenings of each month, at of the regulation police type. To we arrived at Kalispell, Mont., the I ty agent will hold five dairy exteu- 8 p. m.. in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors say that the officers make a fine ap roads were very rough and slow | slon schools in various parts of the welcome . pearance, goes without saying, and time necessay. The scenery along county, one day in each place. At Minnie Johnson, President the ladies especially have comment­ the Kootenia river and through the these meetings there will be a man Elizabeth Conover, Seey. ed favorably upon their metropoli­ canon is wonderful, the road skirts to talk on Feed and Feeding, also tan nppearance and that settles it. the river for many miles overlooking some judging demonstrations, while The male population. In a case of this magnificent stream from roads still another man will talk on con­ Coritfth Post, No. 35, Dept, of Oregon that kind has to concur, or confess that have been hewn out of the tagious abortion— all speakers com­ Meets on second and fourth to a feeling of jealousy. rocks and a sheer drop of mpny hun ing from O. A. C. Saturdays of each month dreds of feet to the river below. The Agent Pine states that exception­ at 1:30 p. m. in W. O. W. Mr. Whitney of the Whitney Kootenia has its source in Canada, ally large crops of hay have been hall. Visitors welcome. Mills at Garibaldi came in the lat- tuns through _ the — ------------ Northern section raised in this county the present ter part of last week, on business ~* ** Montana * back into Canada and is II W11U ear, and most of it has been saved H. W. Spear, Com’dr. connected with the big mill at the f . feeder - - the main of --------------- an immense wa- in fine condition. Mr. Pine fur­ Samuel Downs, Adjt. above town. Work on the boiler * terBhed to the Columbia river, if *■ " ~ ____ , the ther said that he was here to be of room is progressing and the first 1 ~ scenery along this river iB simply story is well on the way. It is ex­ grand. Our party is made up of real service to the farmers, and was Johnson Chapter No. 24 pected that the work will be com­ three carB, there being Mr. D. L. ready and willing to respond to all R. A. :i. calls, where it was humanly poss- Stated convocations every pleted within sixty days from the Shrode and family and Miss Bush, ible. first and third Fridays. time of commencement, which was Mr. Parker and his son of Salem and Visitors welcome. • over a week ago. When the first the Watson’s. POET S COLUMN — I. E. Keldson, Sec. story Is completed it is thought that Two days were spent at Apgar power will then be available for the I camp on the lower or south end of Pullin’ Weeds and Hoein’ Corn dredger, v ‘ * Tillamook Lodge No. 57, A.F. & A M. Lake McDonald from wherj boats; Both Phones above work. Pullin hoein’ corn. run daily a di.Unce of 14 rntlos to „ ’ weeds iu and irolI1 t0 . Stated Communication sec­ Steady from Lewis, where the trails start to the Seem8 llke grind that 18 wh day we to -re day; b | One hundred and thirty two years high altitudes of Glacer National ond Wednesday in each - - ago come AugUBt 2nd next, Capt. Park. The summit of the Rocky To pull the weeds and hoe the corn month. Visiting Brethera ---- vi me jeuesy | forkin' harder year by year, Robert Gray of the good ship Colum­ wecome. is inspiring, it is simply ( Fightin’ the wolf until the morn bia sailed into Tillamook bay and mountains wonderful. I cannot begin to ex-1 we’re here and here we got to stay anchored near the present site of plain the sensation one feels when , pullin’ weeds and hoein' corn, Harvey Ebinger, Sec’y. Bay Ocean. If the Captain could be viewing the high peaks the j and galvanized back to life, he would be shadows and colors are confusing A ( able to note some interesting chang two day hike took our party into the t ( Skeeters thicker’n all git out ee In the matter of the Improvement wildest of country surrounded by 1 Gnats a buzzin' in ones hair of the country and In the complexion the timber line. A part of a day j One or 'tother makes one shout of the population, as compared with snow on the peaks and valleys above I Doesn’t seem like it was fair. Tuesday eve, 7:30 p. m. conditions 135 years ago, and the was spent at 8600 to 9000 feet on , Almost crazy; gnats and skeeters Rebekak, Wednesday evening character of the then population...... the Sperry Glacier, in fields of per- Cornin’ on one like a storm, Camp 2-4, Thursday Leave Tillamook Hotel at 10:45 Leave Manhattan 8:30 a. m. and pctual Ice and snow. The trails are They do certain keep me jumpin’ a. m. and 4 p. m. W. S. Bowen and W C Erickson exceptionally good but rocky and I 1 p. m. Pullin’ weeds and hoein’ corn. THE GREATEST ARTISTS OF THS accompanied by their wives were in rough under foot: the last cllmo to I Arrive at World have entrusted their repu­ a. m. p. Arrive at m. Tillamook Saturday, on their way the shelf of Sperry Glacier Is for Best licks, steady keep on goin* a. m.p. m. Juno------------------- 0:56 4 tations to the Victor Record». Lake Lytle ----- io 8:30 * *" j 03 Kilchis ---------------- home. They went In to the cost by seventy feet up an iron ladder at the Do not slight the weeds and corn, 1:00 4 15 H Rockaway ----- Hear them at their best in your 8:38 1:08 Idaville--------------- way of Newport, and came up from top of which one reaches an eleva­ Do not mind the gnats and skeeters Salt Air-------- own home. Tillamook Music Co., • 8:41 1:13 Bay City ------------- 1:05 4 20 I Toledo beaches and report a tough tion of over 8Q00 feet. Yesterday They were here ’fore you were born 1:10 4 25 ; Twin Rocks — Dealers, opposite P. O. 11-18U 8:45 1:17 Miami ----------------- session with the roads between To­ from Lake McDonald to Missoula See the bint? They keep one movin’ Ocean Lake — 8:46 1:18 Cove _----------------- 1:22 4 37$ ledo and this city, until they struck the roads were exceptionally fine Clear the rows from early morn. Watseco -------- 8:50 1:22 Garibaldi------------- 1:25 4:49 the good roads of this county. Me8- and good time was made. The road There is rest when the day is over, Barview --------- 1:28 4:43 8:55 1:27 Barview-------------- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB ■era. Bowen and Erickson are both skirts the Flathead Lake which has From pullin’ weeds and hoein’ Garibaldi------- 1:35 4:50 9:02 •inployed in a large department an altitude of over 4000 feet and is 1:34 Tillamook land, 40 acres 6 mile* Watseco -------------- corn.—W. D. Morehouse, Sand Garibaldi Cove . 4:55 1:40 ■tore at Sherwood. 9:05 1:37 Ocean Lake--------- SE of Gresham on Loop highway. 38 a very large body of water with a Lake, Ore. Miami ----- ------- 9:08 1 40 Twin Rocks---------- 1:46 5:01 in cultivation, plenty of buildings shore line of over 100 miles. Lum­ Bay City--------- 1:47 5:02 9:20 1 52 Salt Air-------------- A birthday dinner was given by bering Is extensive and steamers are 1 1-2 acre orchard, 2 acres ber­ There are indications that the Idaville ______ 1:51 5:06 9:25 1: 57 RockaWay----------- Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lewis of this numrous on this lake and aparently coast lumber business is regaining ries, balance in oats, clover, corn Kilchis Factory 9:30 2: 07 Lake Lytle ----------- 1:54 5:09 city on Saturday tlr 23rd in honor all lumbering is active as we seen something of Its old stride. At least potatoes and kale. All stock »nd Tillamook ___ _____ • .*< 1:03 5:14 of their little daughter. Darlene. many mills and camps in operation. prominent lumber men of the coast 9:45 2:17 Manhattan _______ equipment to go with place, indud We Connect With Portland Stage. !:06* 5:17 The occasion was the third birth­ The crops In this section do not are reported as saying so. Should ed are 30 tons of hay in barn and Minimum Charges day of the little ____ — MW compare to Oregon or Washington, this be true, and we have no occa­ miss ...... and the Good Cars 300 pure blood chickens, Tele­ house was tastefully decorated with but there is one of the best harvesis sion to doubt the statement, we may Ik and K. r- D . phones, cream, milk R. F. roses. — - sweet peas, and maidenhair this season that Montana has had look for better conditions In rhe Address Route 1, Box 53, Borin? h fern. ! he ample _ _____ , cake _____ was — for several years. When we arrived coast section. Lumbering Is one of birthday 7-28-tl. Oregon. PORTLAND DOCTOR,S RIDE ornaments! with three red candles, here in Missoula last night we vis­ the greatest Industres on this coast infant DIES representing three happy years of ited for a short time with our old and vast sums of capital are tied np BIRTHS life begun. Those present were: fund and fellow townsman. W, A. in the business. In this particular (Concluded from page one) Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gny Resley (From the Aberdeen Daily World, Mr ind Mrs. F. M Chas,,, grandpar­ Williams and his w.fe. who have es Tillamook sawmill Interests are con­ Tillamook, Ore., July 15, 1921, * ent . Nie Misses Hepsabeth and Rob- tablished themsveles as residents of siderable. and millions of feet of the during the operation is also c. vn’er i t July 19) «laughter. Inet’i f’hnse. aunts and the parent«! this city. The Williams' have a finest timber in the world awaits an of the great war, and ranked as i Mary Lorlena Dawson, 3 months Mr. and Mrs. C. L Lewis I lovely home here and Mr. Williams manufacture into lumber. The state- i a colonel in the service. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dow«U old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. F of Meda, Ore.. July 15, a daughter. ment so often made during the late a very fine business, located In the | The accident is deeply regretted Last Friday, a vulcanlier In the center of the city. Wo are leaving war that Europe would be th« prin­ by the injured man’s follow student's Dawson of 901 West Second strev Tlllrmook Tire Co’s shop owned by this Mrs. Loomer of Coalinga. Callfr'*' died Monday morning after an ill­ morning for Butte, then we will . cipal market for Oregon lumber in E F. Rogers at the corner of Third journey on our way towards Yellow-1 the future seems to be unfounded. | at Bayocean as he was one of the ness of on» «