>AflB ..... ’ - 5 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT *X' » Pay less 312 Stores Save More, TILLAMOOK, OREGON MONEY-SAVING NATION-WIDE PROGRAMME In Our 312 Stores in 26 States z Going on Every Day ! MEN’S C Overalls Best Quality PERCALES 220 Weight 36 inch Blue Denim HOPE MUSLIN 36 inch V- - ' DRESS GINGHAM . Best Bleached Standard Grade Union Made 17c 13c 12 1-2C Full Cut ----- 27 inch Fine Quality ------------------------------------------- ? z WOMEN’S SUMMER UNDERWEAR Prettiest Styles- ■ Low Prices Cool Dresses Oneida Duro-Plate Silverware Knife and Fork Set with six embossed me­ dium knives and medium flat handle forks CC A A V Savings of Half-in Some I stances in this Big Reduction Special All Sizes $1.90 Up SEPARATE SKIRTS Sport Models $4,98 Up Blouses Daintily Trimmed 81.98 Up New Gillette Brownie Safety Razor Imitation Leather Covered Metal Case— Three Blades $8.83 Men’s Athletic Underwear Full Cut Light Weight AU Sizes 89c MEN'S YUALITY SURRENDERS POLICE BACK LEATHER ENDS OCp Dress Style, cross back, twill web ¿Uv * The People Know What they Want Today, you with millions of other peo­ ple are “Cutting your coat according to your Cloth.” We are here to help you. The great values in our extra ordinary Money Saving program will bring from every home in this community, people who know that when J. C. PEN ­ NEY COMPANY announces an offer­ ing of merchandise at these low prices, Absolute Values will be given. The low prices on this merchandise seem almost unbelievable. They would be if offered by the average retail store, for there are few if any who are able to command the buying markets to the same extent we are and we are passing on these tremendous savings to our pa­ trons. In our nation-wide effort people everywhere are responding to our pol­ icy because—it’s honest; it’s sensible; it’s genuine; it’s fair and this makes for Prosperity that is constructive, consist­ ent and permanent. Turkish Bath Towels, 15x30 In. 10c do 1 x34 In. 39c Sheetings, 8-4, 4-4, 10-4,yd 43c to 53c Better grades—Woven to Wear__ and bleached Timely Offerings in Fine Piece Goods Organdies, white and Colors Tissue Ginghams Percales Muslins 49c 49c 12 1-2C 10c Ginghams 17c Flanelette 23c Fine Pongee, extra value $1.49 Wash Satin, 36 inches wide $1.98 Geargette, fine quality. $1.69 MEN’S WEAR The New Marathons are Here k Men’s Fine Summer Weight Caps, from 98c to $2.49 All New Models Flesh and White Popular Corset 312 Stores 26 Note SUtes th- Low Prices 90c tc $2.98 C orset Covers Prettily Trimmed and Embroidery 17c BLOOMERS Regular and Extra Sizes 59c and 19c TOILET ARTICLES Pompeian Bloom, 39c; Pompeian Powder, 39c; Pompeian Rouge, 89c; Pyrene Safety Cleaner, 19c; Palm­ olive Cold Cream, 39c; Palmolive Shampoo, 83c 54.98 TOILET SOAPS Palmolive, 89c: 8 oz. jar Peroxide, 10c; Laundry Soap, 6 bars for 25c; Lux, lOci Dental Cream, 9c; Neroxide Cream. 16c New Fancy Crushers and Bobbette in . all leading shades, $1.69 Latest Hat wear for Sporting and Outing Beautiful bead chains, 69c. These are exceptional values, as they are sold in most places from $1 to $3 Neckties SOCKS Assorted Colors Good Quality t 49c Cotton. $1.49 Silk 2 pair 25c