THl TILLAMOOK MEADLIGHT Tillamook-Portland Cadillac Stage Line will put its new schedule into effect at once with no stops for dinner in order to reach Portland and Tilla- tnook at an early hour. Ticket office: F. B. McKinley Real Estate Office, Bell phone 72W and Mutual phone. LEAVES Tillamook 7:30 A. M. 1:45 P. M. An. Portland 1 & 7:10 P. M. LEAVES Portland Hoyt Hotel 8:15 AM. 2 P. M. An. Tillamook 1:30 & 7:30 GOLDEN ROD DAIRY A Safe, Sane Investment Quality Dairy Products Our five passenger “Glenbrook” is a new 1921 car—not an old model re-painted and re-christened for the selling season. Keep that point in mind please. It amounts to a positive guarantee against sudden and unwarranted depreciation. Milk, Cream, Cottage Cheese Furthermore, the price has been reduced to $1635. You have only to look at the car to realize that no greater value was ever offered before, during or after the war. In fact, no such car was possible until 1921. Erwin Harrison Mutual These arc hard facts, and they are very important. Give them a little consideration and you will understand why the “Glenbrook” is so universally regarded as a safe, sane and profitable investment. CITY TRANSFER PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT, Michigan Manufacturers of 1’iugt Motor Cars and Motor Trucks Priors quoted f. a. b. Idetroit Service to All Experienced Furniture and Piano Movers STORAGE 4 Tillamook Auto Company A F. WALLACE, L 0. 0. F. BUILDING Office phone 65-J and Mutual Residence 78-R YOU'D BE SURPRISED 9 28 W LAMB-SCHRADER CO at the difference a good range makes in your hohae work. Let us show you AVERAGES COUNT The Great Majestic Range Life is nothing bat a lot cf averages. Nobody ever had iv- erything hi* ow i way. Instead of deplo'l-.^ lack of profit thl* last yeir take a th res or five year averigo. it will make you feel almost cheerful again. Up* and downs will c>>u>e, bti t a ‘nationallzad account here at the First N.. '..han 'downs' “The Range With a Reputation” 9 r---------------------------- ’ claims of heirship, ownership or in­ terest in said estate. j This citation is served upon you pursuant to an order duly made and #1 entered herein by the Honorable Homer Mason, Judge of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 entitled court, dated the 8th day of CITATION County Court of the State of Oregon, July, 1921. Witness, The Honorable Homer for Tillamook County, has appoint­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Mason, Judge of the County Court ed the undersigned administratrix of STATE OF OREGON FOR of the State of Oregon, for Tilla­ the estate of Ervin Carter, deceased, TILLAMOOK COUNTY mook County, with the seal of said and any and all persons having Court affixed, this 8th day of July, claims against said estate are hereby required to present such claims ptop 1921. In the matter of the estate erly verified together with the prop­ H. S. Brimhall Attest: of er vouchers to the undersigned at County Clerk. John Larson, deceased, This citation is served upon you her residence in Aurora, Oregon, cn Camilla Nielson Reichhardt by publication in the Tillamook or before six months from the date and Marie Vilhelmlne Neuman Petitioner* and plaintiff*, Headlight, a newspaper published i of this notice. Dated July 21, 1921. and of general circulation In Tilla­ ELMA DENTBL, VB mook County. Oregon, in pursuance Administratrix of the Estate of Er­ John A. Nelson, administra­ to an order of the Honorable Homer vin Carter, deceased. tor of the aatate at John Mason, Judge of the above entitled 7-21-21-t5 Larson, deceased, Bmma Court, duly made and entered on the Adams, Anna Christin« Sth day of July. 1921. BRAT. ESTATE TRANSFERS Neumann, and all person* John Olsen maamod or unknown having Attorney for Plaintiffs W. C. Miller et al to Beulah M. or claiming any Interaat In and Petitioners. Meeeinger >50. Lots 3 & 3 blk 9 Ne- and to the above entitled Poetoffice address tarts. eutate as heir* or dlstrlbut- 413 Chamber of Conn- Elisabeth F Marens A hue to O Bld.g, Portland, Oseg. Defendant* H Grabenhorst |10. Lot « blk 12. Date of first pub. July 14, 1931 Neskowin. Date of last pub. August 21, 1921 To Anna Christine Neumann, and J F Turnbull et al to John Matko- all persona unnamed or unknown vlch (10, 29.81 acre tract in See 13 having or claiming any Interest ADMINMTRATOl’B NOTIGI IB T 2 S R 10 W and Sec IS T 2 8 R tn and to the above entitled estate CREDITOR« 9 W a* heir* or distributee«, defend­ Mottos I* kvreby given tkat tba Otto Nicolay to Frank C Wlrf* 310 ant*: aadersigned ha* been. by tAa Geen- SB 1-4 of SW 1-4 and SW 1-4 of HE IN THE NAME OF THE STATS OF ty Court of Tillamook county. State 1-4 See 10 T 5 3 R 10 W 80 acre*. OREGON of Oregon, duly appelated admiato- , You and each of you are hereby trator of th* estate of Laura A. Ath­ Adelade E Graves A hus to Anna cited and required to appear in ’he Welch 310 lot 12 blk 5 Manhattan. erton. dseeaaed. County Court of the State of Oregon, All person* having claims agalaet Allen William* to Belle F. Ccn- for the County of Tillamook, at the ■aid estate are hereby notifted io Court Room thereof, at Tillamook in present the same, duly verified, and logue 310 part of lot* 4 and 5 blk said County and State, on Tuesday with the proper vouchera, to the un- , 22 Wheeler. the 11th day of October 1921, at the dersigned, at the Tillamook County R J Larson A wf to M L White A hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. of *«ld Bank, in the City of Tillamo-k, Ore­ wf 3300 lot* 3 4 5 6 blk 12 Original day, then and there to show cause, gon, within six month* from th« town of Nehalem. if any there be, why the fact* should date of th* first publication of thl* not be found and the rights of heir­ notice. Dated and first pobilshed DEMAND FOR REGISTERED ship to and distribution of said es­ JERSEY SIRES INCREASES I June 30th. 1931. I tate not decreed as set forth and E. B. MaeNAUGHTON, prayed for in the petition of the j-IOti Admlalutvutev | The Smith-Umpqua Cow Tenting plaintiff* on file herein in this association ia the Brit in the state Court. . to report 100 per «ent in the use of You and each of you ar* hereby NOTICE 07 ADMINISTRA TUI TO, registered dairy *iree at the head of further required to appear before the herd*. Bvry dairyman in the a* CREDITOR* thia Court on said time and place aneftrtton has a reglataAd Jersey Noti« la hereby gi van that ttaa -•M file yaw raayaettvu ataUa at Legal Notices ■X Home of 'Nationalised Accounts.” ALEX McNAIR & COMPANY DIRECTORS John Morgan W. J. Riechern. . A. W. Bunn B O. Lamb. Henry Rogers C. J. Edwarde. C. A. McGhee i sire In service. The association was organized n 1918 and the member* have made continuous progress in breeding and feeding their herd* since that time. The average production per cow during June was 874 pounds of milk and 41.35 pounds of butterfat. The honor cow was "Lady’’ a grade Jer­ sey, owned by Roberts and Sons, of Reedsport, which produced 1659 lbs of milk and 83.10 pounds of butter­ fat. The highest average yield in a herd was 1109 pounds of milk and 55.05 pounds of butterfat, made by the 19 Jerseys, also owned by Rob erts and Sons. * VTheìTrstNational Ban!^ TTZZX^/QOK Off£ÒQ/N/Z-, a —nr OREGON INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Bend—Pencil factory reopens. Portland—3509,000 electric tur­ bine engine added to P R L A T‘* plant. Klamath Falls haa 160 acres pep­ permint growing for oil. Oregon federal taxes are per capita. 335-50 Logging resumed by the Smith- Power* Co. in Coos county. f Roseburg—Operations being con­ tinued in Perdue mine*. Oregon hop crop all sold to Eng­ lish brewers, bringing about 33,000,- 000. North Bend—Buehned Lumber Co , to build large shingle mill at once. ■s Fresh Chinook Salmon North Portland to have 3250,000 I harbor improvement. f 8c Per Pound Dressed Portland—Japan ships charter* I to take wheat to Europe. Ve“M)lr ! ■cheduled for July sailing to sp>n4 3375,000 on repair*. 9c by Parcel Post to R. F. D Bank of Prineville dairy farmer*. will flnanee Pend I ton — Farmer* to rebuild burned warehouse at Myrick. il s R. B. HAYS, Tillamook, Oregon »