nUSSDAT. JULY tl. 1»»1 S= ✓ TH B TILLAMOOK HBAPLÌÒHT GEM THEATRE Sunday and Monday, July 24-25 Thomas Meighan in “THE EASY ROAD” What is the easy road to happiness? Thoa. Mei­ ghan will show you, in his greatest picture “The Easy Road’’ in “A MESSAGE FROM MARS” July 26 July 27 Friday-Saturday ‘ July 29-30 Marshall Neilan Presents Randall Parish’s DOUGLAS McLEAN Wednesday BERTLYTEL The title suggests the real theme of the story as Horace Parker’s dream character calmly states he is a messenger from Mars sentenced to call upon the most selfish man on earth. A lot of wonderful doudle exposure in this one. “Wanted Elevator” WHO’S WHO, Fox Sunshine Comedy Tuesday July 28 Thursday SHIRLEY MASON in “THE MOTHER HEART” God never made a well of tenderness and devotion so deep as the mother heart. The story of a love that was big enough to include even, those who sinned against it. Don’t miss “Mother Heart” BOB HAMPTON OF PLACER Red men on the war path; signal fires burning on the mountains; a wagon train pulling across bad Indian country; a shout; a shot; a circle of flying riders; then—? It’s just the beginning of this wonperful feature enacted in the scenic grandeur of Glacier National Park. “TEA FOR TWO,” Comedy “SHUFFLE THE QUEENS,” Christie Comedy AT THE REX THEATRE SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 23rd ETHEL CLAYTON in “THE SINS OF ROSANNE” A smashing taleof the diamond fields of Africa. Unique in it’s picturesque scenes. mystery. JACK HOLT is the supporting male star. k Vibrant with eerie “SI UH ED LIONS” CENT URi.COMED^ - --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- —---------------------------------------- ? PERSONAL ITEMS Rudolph Zweifel of Mohler was a business visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Moore of Ne- haletn were in town the first of the Roy E. Maklnster who has tor week. some time been associated with J. M. Wilson in conducting the Indepen E. W. Benfield was a business vis dent Meat market has purchased Mr. Wilson’s interest in the establish itor from Blain^ Saturday meat and will now run the business by himself. Ike Quick formerly otf this city, but now of Roseburg, is camping at W. S. Cone was down from his Netarts. ranch on the Kilchis Tuesday. Chas. Blake and daughter of For­ Mrs. Fred Merrick of the Shearer est Grove are spending a few days and Merrick hospital, made a busi­ in Tillamook. ness trip to Portland Wednesday, re­ turning Friday. A. M. Standish of Portland, purch­ ased the Josi Parrazo place at Ne­ graduate Miss Eva L. Johnson, a tarts and has taken possession. nurse from Portland, has been en- gaged at the Shearer and Merrlck Í Roy Savage and wife were in hospital. I from Beaver Saturday evening. The Paul Horras house south of E. T. Haltom made a business town burned to the ground about trip to Portland Saturday. noon Friday. It is understod that no insurance was carried on the James W. Anderson, son of Mr. place. and Mrs. E. G. Anderson, is here R. L. Wade and family are in the! on a month’s leave of absence from the navy. city from Portland. Floyd H. Wilkens of Rockaway, Mr. and M tb . O. H. Schultz have was in town Friday and informs us moved out to their new home which that plans are on foot for a three has just been completed at Juneau, day festival about the middle of Au­ near the Tillamook Lumber com­ gust at that place. pany’s Atwmill. J. W. Gilmore of Hemlock was a J. F. Mora of Pittsburg, Califor­ business caller Saturday. nia, and J. F. Stranahan of Seattle, Washington, who are with the J. F. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hiatt of For­ & S. M. Tire company, are guests at est Grove, are visiting at the home the Stranahan home at 707 East of E. G. Anderson. Third street, this city. Geo. Armentrout is visiting tis Charles Pye, brother of F. J. Pye son F. S. Armentrout of this city. of this city and a former resident H. L. Demorest spent Sunday at here, is visiting old time scenes in Pacific City. Tillamook Mr. Pye is employed by the P. R. L. & P. at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Fordney of Beaverton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lindsey of Linnbrook was E. G Anderson this week in the city Saturday. H. C. Boone and family went to Mrs. A. A. Hall left Tuesday for a Pacific City Sunday. visit with relatives in Salihi Miss Jessie Hoffman returned to her home at Garibaldi Sunday, aftei Pilot Smith left in the Air Craft spending a week with her brother company plane Tuesday evening for A. M. Hoffman and wife. Eugene with W. A. Woodard of Cot­ tage Grove as passenger. The flying F. S. York and wife enjoyed an time between here and Eugene outing at Pacific City Sunday. two hours. Grant Mills spent Sunday at Kock R W Craven of Dallas, forwieily away with the J. C. Penney stBd Bdrt Haney, «x- U. B. IMWrtrt. Attorney, and wtf* and *oa. •*•«- aamrtfiT BBaday at • Tillamook Bakery The Tinnir of h < h »i lee chest, kitchen tabl*. Priced 1 rant where they are displaying a low, value no eoneldMatlon, A.-[ handeoma line of grata suit I a vs. to Top Shop, side door opposite Suita are made to order from $3* ap and by their method of photograph Post Of flee »f lag the whole figure la «town an that all defect* may ba taken into aeaoant. thua tneurlng n perfect hi TO EXCHANGE and accurate raeneuremasta. if yen KXCHANGB—NBW VICTHOLA want a tony tailor made malt e*m tor Ford Read*«** tn flrr •<*•■ puted by a ibutwcbly non patent waAlttoa N*m< O»» workman,