TAGE TOTO Tillamook ÿeaWigfjt Published Thursday by the A Weekly Paper Every Headlight Publishing Company, Ino. Tillamook. Oregon I Leslie Harrison sci ” H n • a A X N 1OOM A «I J ' ** •< M ’ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Editor Both Telephones Entered as second-class matter in the postofllce at Tillamook, Oregon. Subscription Rates inonee. The object of the convention will be to bring together for inspiration and counsel concerning the perma­ nent activities of the organization as many active workers as possible. Among the features of the program already developed are muss sessiont in the great Exposition Coliseum and sectional conferences on the var ious phases of Red Cross service Supplementing these will be an his- torical pageant portraying the past, 1 present and future, of the American Red Cross in which there will be 1,- ' 500 participants. There will also be a Junior Red Cross spectacle and re­ unions of the home base and over­ seas Red Cross personnel that sei v -. ed in the World War. . *. 1 .• THURSDAY, JULT 81, 1M1 — '■*' —■ f 's M. J. E. SHEARER SURGERY STATISTICS SHOW National Building Tillamook. Oregon that of all the business failures in 1920 84 per cent were firms that did not ad­ vertise. What does this indicate to you, Mr. Merchant? (----------------------------- R. T. BOALS M. D Surgeon and Physician I. O. O. F. Building TILAMOOK, OREGON V. / $2.00 f 1.00 .50 Rangers Asked to Give Up Smoking BARRICK & HALL I'Oii i LA.siJ, July 18, — Realizin', the danger of forest fires from burn­ ATTORNEYS AT LAW ing tobacco even when used in ilie woods by iorest officers. District l■« of the organisation. It will be held equity caaea. hearing of the said account and th* at Columbus. Ohio from October 3 to closing of said estate, sad say 8 next, on the Ohio Stats ExpomTion Photo by Pettys Ovo Studio all persons having «ay objecttoM ’ Grounds, President Harding has ar* We are informed that the Sheri- the said account are hereby require« ... Seeae , at Cloverdale, Oregon *fUr ,h* Mr* which consumed ths hotel cspted sn invitation to address çhe 4an-Willamiaa road will pass an to preMat the sama, if *«P offle., telephone exebang». motto a picture theater and several othe 4ele«alee. eontingsat upon publie other year without anything being have to said court at said time an r busta««* hoUMa. amounting to buaiai permitting him te go to Ce- done to It. Th to tn what we fait a boat $30.000 damage aad threat eaiag the reel of the to place. Dated J«ly T, 1**1- Tke toeallou of the hotel sut »M. luasbus at that tin«. and the eeaalon •uru would happen whan the baud ■DWIN J. W«» by the bathtub la tbe foreground. win he addrwsd by Mhoe speaker« One year ................................. Six months ............................ Three months ....................... Payable in advance Most of those who failed doubtless thought that they were saving money by not advertising, but they failed to realize that what they had saved from this source was used up by overhead, which can only be taken care by a vol- umn of business brought on by intelli­ gent advertising. Competition is too keen at this season to lose the slightest advantage in turnovers- The HEADLIGHT offers the best field in Tillamook county for an adver­ tising campaign, it being official county and city newspaper with a circulation larger than all other newspapers in the county put together. 7 Lodge Directory CLAUDE I. MYERS, PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING 1102 E 2nd St. TILLAMOOK - OREGON. 8 aonoN « » of national acd tafematloos! pn>m- lemie did Mt carry. Pocetbly era can carry It ent car.- Wlftamfaa Times T“w Administrator of the ■***• Mabel Wdbb. Deeoased. Last taede AtfgUM 4. 19A-