Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 14, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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ORDER DECLARING TILLAMOOK may become one of the items for
which expenditure may be made dur
ing the ensuing year. When such a
(Continued from Page 6)
said described area, the county court
shall declare such area a special
weed contro district and such weeds
noxious within said district, in ac­
cordance with the petition.
The court shall, upon declari-g a
weed control district, appoint a
weed inspector or Inspectors whose
duty it shall be to find out if any
noxious weeds or plants are being
permlttted to grow and to produce
bloom or seed within said district
or districts contrary to the provi -
sions of this act, to serve notices
and when necessary to destroy or
cut or to supervise the destruction
or cutting of the noxious weeds
growing or seeding within said
■weed control district.
Section 2. The county court shall
upon declaring a weed control dis­
trict or districts, cause to be pub­
lished an official notice, descrirbir.g
the weed control district dr districts
and namng weeds to be destroyed
and to be prevented from produeng
seed within said districts, same to
be published in a newspaper or
newspapers, not exceeding three in
number, serving the said districts.
In two consecutive issues if weekly
or two times at intervals of me
week if daily or semi-weekly, and,
immediately after the last publica­
tion of the official notice, the pro­
visions of the act shall be enforced
as hereinafter set forth
Section 3. The weed inspector
shall have access to the land with­
in said district and shall serve a
written notice to any such owner or
occupant of said land or, where un­
able to serve in person, shall post in
three conspicuous places on said
land, where law Is not being com­
plied with, copies of said notice bear
ing date of service and posting name
of weed or weeds and a statement
setting forth that said weeds must
be destroyed or prevented from pro­
ducing seed within ten days from
the date of notice.
Copy of said notice or notices
shall be filed with the county court.
The person or persons appointed
for services, reasonable wages as
determined by the county court, for
the time actually employed in the
performance of duty under the pro­
visions of this act.
Section 4. It shall be the duty of
any person, firm or corporation own­
ing or occupying land within said
district to destroy or to prevent the
seeding on said land or on the bait
of the highway adjoining said land
of any noxious weed within the
meaning of this act, in accordance
with the declaration of the county
court and by the use of the best
means at hand and within a time de­
clared reasonable and set by the
court, except that no weed declared
noxious shall be permitted to pro­
duce seed. Any person, firm or cor­ I
poration owning or occupying Jand
in said district and permitting noxi­
ous weeds, within the meaning of
this act, to grow or to be uncut af­
ter ten days from the serving of the
notice shall be subject to a fine of
not less than ten ($10) or more I
than fifty ($50) dollars for the first I
offense and not less than fifty dollars
($50) or more than two hundred
and fifty ($250) dollars for eaech
subsequent offense.
Section 5. If the owner or occu­
pant of said land shall fall or refuse
to Immediately destroy or cut said
noxious weeds, the county court
shall authorize the weed Inspector or
such assistants as he may employ to
go upon said land or premises or ad­
joining highway and destroy or cut
said noxious weeds. The most ef­
fective and most practical method,
in the judgment of the inspector and
with the least Injury to the land or
crops shall be used.
Upon the completion of said work
the person so appointed and author­
ized by the county court shall file
with the county clerk an Itemized
statement of the expenses necessar­
ily incurred in the destruction of
said weed or weeds, including his
own wages as hereinbefore provided
verified by his olth, and when said
statement is filed with the couni y
clerk shall cause the same to be en­
tered upon a lien docket prepared
for that purpose, and the amount of
said charges and expenses when so
docketed shall constitute a first lien
upon said lands or premises except
as to taxes. If said charges and ex­
penses are not paid and said lion dis­
charged by the owner or occupant of
said lands within ninety (90) days
from the date said lien is docketed,
it shall be the duty of the district
attorney of said county to bi’ng
suit or action In the name of the
county for the foreclosure of said
lien; and the lands affected thereby
shall be sold under execution for
the payment and satisfaction of said
lien and for the costs and disburse
ments incurred in connection with
the prosecution of said suit or action
Section 6. If within ten (10)
days from the date filing and dock­
eting said lien as provided, in the
preceeding section, no objections
have been filed thereto, the county
court shall pay to the person or per­
sons appointed by the court, as pro­
vided In section 1, out of the gencr-
-al funds of the county, the amoun’
of said charges and expenses, and
the said lien and the amount there­
of shall thereafter belong to and be
recovered by and for the use of the
county passing same.
Section 7. The county court 3f
the several counties of the state of
Oregon are hereby authorized to
levy a tax and create a fund for the
control of weeds on highways and
public lands within weed control
districts. The amount estimated by
the county court as being sufficient
for such purposes may be placed in
the county budget and after con­
sideration at the meeting held for
the purpose of passing upon the tax
levy by the voters of the
fund U created that portion ot be
used for weed control on highways
within weed control idstrlcts shall
be pro-rated am>ng land owners des­
troying weeds eu the highways as
provided in' section 4 in accordance
with the amount of work done,
whether done by the owner or by
the weed inspector as provided in
section 5 of this act.
When in the judgment of
county court the destruction
weeds is necessary on public lands
the work shall be done by or under
the supervision of the weed inspector
and paid for from the said fund and
in the manner usually employed by
the county.
Section 8. If in the judgment cf
the court enforcement of the provi­
sions of this act in any county which
has been declared a weed control
district seems impracticable or like­
ly to work an injury to the people of
the district It may after a hearing
declare that such weed control dis­
trict no longer exists. Any special
weed control district shall be da
dared terminated if a Majority of
the Land owners in said district by
petition or by public hearing state
that they desire such district term­
inated for any or all weeds declared
noxious in said district.
Any moneys remaining in any
fund for weed control shall
the termination of the district, be
credited to the general fund •it the
Section 9. Sections 4838, 4840,
4841, 4842, 4843, 4844, 4845, und
4846 of Oregon Laws are hereby rc-
Following is portion of old law
not amended:
4839. It shall be unlawful for
any person, firm or corporation own
ing land, or any occupant, lessee or
manager of any land ot permit dod­
der, (cuscuta) a parasite on alfal­
fa, to grow on said land. If dodder
be found on land of any person, '
firm or corporation, upon said com- !
plaint of any land owner filed with
the justice of the peace, said justice
of the peace of the district where
the land may be situated shall cause
a notice to be served upon the own­
er, occupant, lessee or manager, or I
any officer of the firm or corporation
owning said land, which said notice
shall demand that the said dodder
be eradicated and the said land be
cleared of said dodder within twen­
ty (20) days from the date of said
notice. If the terms of said notice
be not strictly complied with by the
said owner, occupant, lessee or man- '
ager of said land, or by an officer .if
the firm or corporation owning said
land, then the said owner, mnaagcr,
occupant, lessee of said land, or any
member of the corporation or firm
owning said land, shall be subject
to a fine of not less than $10 nor
more than $50. for the first offense
and not less than $50 nor more
than $250 for subsequent offenses, I
the said fine to be recovered in a
civil action brought in the name of
the county in any justice court and
when recovered to be put into the
common school fund of the district
In which such land may be situated. z —----- —
4847. If any person appointed by
the county court, as provided in sec­
tlon 4838, shall carelessly or will­
neglect any of ...
the duties Im­
posed by this act, or violate any of V.
the provisions thereof, he shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE
conviction thereof shall be fined not
less than $50 nor more than $150 I
for each offense.
4848. It shall be the duty of all
municipal corporations in this state In the matter of the estate
having a regularly organized gov­
ernment with legislative powers to John Larson, deceased,
provide for the extermination of Camilla Nielson Reichhardt
said noxious weeds described in this and Marie Vilhelmlne Neuman
Petitioners and plaintiffs,
act, within the limits of such corpor-
nton, and any said municipal cor. I
poration within this state neglecting John A. Nelson, administra­
or refusing to comply with the pro­ tor of the estate of^John
visions of this act shall be lable to Larson, deceased, Emma
a forfeiture to the county in which Adams. Anna Christine
said municipal corporation is situat­ Nenmann, and all persons
ed a sum not less than $50 nor more unamed or unknown having
than $500, to be recovered against or claiming any Interest in
said municipal corporation in a and to the above entitled
suit or action maintained by the estate as heirs or distribut­
county in which said municipal cor­ ees.
poration is situated.
4849. It shall be the duty of said
municipal corporation and county To Anna Christine Neumann, »nd
authorities in this state to provide
all persons unnamed or unknown
for the extermination of said nox­
having or claiming any interest
ious weeds named and descrirbed in
In and to the above entitled estate I
this act within the limits of such
as heirs or distributees, defend
corporation and within such county
and any municipal corporaton or
any county officer, whose duty it is IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF
to enforce the provisions of this act
You and each of you are hereby
neglecting or refusing to comply cited and required to appear in 'he
with the provisions of this act. shall County Court of the State of Oregon,
be liable to a penalty or forfeiture for the County of Tillamook, at <t)e
to the state of Oregon a sum not less Court Room thereof, at Tillamook In
than $50 nor more than $500 to be said County and State, on Tuesday
recovered by suit or action in the the 11th day of October 1921, at the
name of the state in any court ef hour of 10:00.o’clock A. M. erf »'id
competent jurisdiction.
day. then and there to show cause,
4850. It shall be the duty of the if any there be, why the facts should
several district attorneys of this not be found and the rights of heir­
state to prosecute all suits brought ship to and distribution of said es­
under the provisions of section 4849 tate not decreed as »et forth and
within their respective counties, and prayed for in the petition of the I
such attorneys shall be entitled to a plaintiffs on file herein In thia
fee of $25 for every judgment ren­
dered in favor of the state in such Court.
You and each of you are hereby
suits, and shall be entitled to a fee further required to appear before
of $10 for every suit brought under this Court on said time and place
the provisions of this act when judg and file your respective claim or
ment is rendered against the state. claims of heirship, ownership or in­
terest in said estate.
This citation is served upon you
Colonel George A. White adjutan’
general of Oregon, announces that pursuant to an order duly made and
Oregon towns that sent national entered herein by the Honorable
guard units to the world war will be Homer Mason, Judge of the above
given first claim on new units under entitled court, dated the Sth day of
the 1922 program of organization. July. 1921.
Witness, The Honorable Homer
The towns on this priority list ate
Cottage Grove, Hood River, La Mason. Judge of the County Court
Grande, Pendleton. Tillamook and of the State of Oregon, for Tilla­
Astoria, The Oregon national guard mook County, with the seal of Mid
has met maximum requirements for Court a« fixed, this 8th day of July.
I 1921.
H. 8. Brimhall
County Clerk.
The state board of control has se­
This citation is served upon yon
lected a site near Salem for the new
state training school for boys. I’ is by publication In the Tillamook
not far from the present site but has Headlight, a newspaper published
and of general circulation in Tilla­
a much larger area.
A Safe, Sane Investment
Our five passenger “Glenbrook” is a new 1921 car—not an old
model re-painted and re-christened for the selling season. Keep
that point in mind please. It amounts to a positive guarantee
against sudden and unwarranted depreciation.
Furthermore, the price has been reduced to $1635. You have
only to look at the car to realize that no greater value was ever
offered before, during or after the war. In fact, no such car was
possible until 19^1.
These are hard facts, and they are very important. Give them a
little consideration and you will understand why the “Glenbrook”
is so universally regarded as a safe, sane and profitable investment.
Legal Notices
Manufacturers of Paige Motor Cars and Motor Trucks
Prices quoted f. o. b. Detroit
Tillamook Auto Company
mook County, Oregon, in pursuance
to an order of the Honorable Homer
Mason, Judge of the above entitled
Court, duly made and entered on the
8th day of July, 1921.
John Olsen
Attorney for Plaintiffs
and Petitioners.
Postoffice address
413 Chamber of Comm-
Bld.g. Portland, Oreg.
Date of first pub. July 14, 1%21
Date of last pub. August 25, 1921
Life Is nothing but n lot cf ti v erages. Nobody tv ir h»<5 ev­
erything his ow:i way.
Instead of deplo'i'.g lack of profit this last yetr take ■ three
or five year avertgn. It will m ake you feel altmut cheerful
Ups and downs will com**, bu t a ‘nationalized account here
at the First N. '-' on! will produce more ‘ups’ than ’d iwns’
Home of ’Nationalized Accounts.”
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed his Final Ac­
count as administrator of the es­
tate of Irene Mabel Webb, deceased,
in the County Court of the State cf
Oregon for Tillamook County, and
that said court has appointed Fri­
day, the 5th day of August, 1921, at
ten o’clock a. m. at the court room
of said court in Tillamook City, Ore­
gon, as the time and place for the
hearing of the said account and the
closing of said estate, and any and
all persons having any objections to
the said account Mre hereby required
to present the same if any they
have to said court at said time and
place. Dated July 7, 1921.
Administrator of the Estate of Irene
Mabel Webb, Deceased.
Last Issue August 4, 1921.
John Morgan
W. J. Riechers.
A. W. Bunn
B. C. Lamb.
Henry Rogers
C. J. Edwards.
C. A. McGhee
Theflrst^ational Bank
Sprinkling will be permlttel free
of charge under the following con­
ditions: From 5 p. m. until 9 p. m.
each day, all east of Second Avenue
E., sprinkling on Monday, Wednes­
day and Friday. All west of Second
avenue E., Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday. All water to be turned
off in case of fire. Sprinklers found
running after 9 p. m. water will be
turned off, and sprinkling rights
will be cancelled for the rest of the
seaeson. B order of Tillamook Wa­
ter Commission. Dated June 14.
1921, by E. D. Hoag, Supt.
----------- •------------
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been, by the Coun-
ty Court of Tillamook county. State
of Oregon, duly appointed adminis­
trator of the estate of Laura A. Ath­
erton, deceased.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to
present the same, duly verified, and
with the proper vouchers, to the un­
dersigned, at the Tillamook County
Bank. In the City of TilUmo k. Ore;
gon, within »lx months from th-*
date of the first publication of thia
notice. Dated and first publHh<*d
June 30th, 1921.
Fresh Chinook Salmon
8c Per Pound Dressed
9c by Parcel Post to R. F. I)
Tillamook, Oregon