Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 14, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    T hursday , JULY
14, 1M1
lean Legion at Kansas City, will
meet the American Legion delega
American Legion Notes
tlon in France this summer. If P-jS-
Men’s woik and dress
Remnants of Silk, wool
A Weekly Paper Published Every
sible he will receive the Legion­
button and lace
goods, gingham, per­
Thursday by the
naires in the old house in whch he
style, worth to $8.50
Two hundred and fifty members of was born. The house is in the Pyren
cale, lace, drapery
Headlight Publishing Company, Inc. the American Legion ehaded by F. nee and the Legion men will mark it
all sizes.
D’Oliver, former national command­ with a memorial tablet.
Tillamook. Oregon
er, and representing every state and
every branch of service, will sail for
One of the many impressive cere-
Leslie Harrison
France August 3 on a pilgrimage to ' monies in which the American Le­
the former battle zone of the world gion delegation will participate on
i their trp to France ths summer will
Both Telephones
The pilgrimage is at the instance be the layng of a corner stone of the
of President Millerand, who on Be­ new bridge to span the Marne at
Entered as second-class matter in half of the French Government, in- j Chateau-Thierry. The new struc­
vited the American Legion to sent, a ture will be known as “Pont Roose-
the postoffice at TillamooM, Oregon.
Commencing Saturday, July 16th, and continuing for two weeks, our entire stock of high grade
representative delegation of former | j velt’’ in honor of the late Theodore
service men to attend the unveiling Roosevelt and his son Quenton, The
Subscription Rates
merchandise, slashed in price. Everything in the store at sale prices that will make it greatly
of the Flirey monument and to par­ latter fell in combat near Chateau-
,2.00 ticipate in a series of events planned Thierry.
One year .................................
1.00 especially tor the Americans.
Six months ............................
worth your while to come in. Men’s women’s and children’s apparel and shoes, dry goods
Three months ........................
Life size replicas of the old “tin
The Flirey monument at Flirey,
Payable in advance
France, Is a tribute of the citizens hat” of A E F days will bear the
and notions of the PENNINGTON quality offered at unusual reductions.
of that town and Lorraine to the names and service records of Illinois
valor of the American troops who de soldiers on trees of memorial high­
livered their soil from German occti ■ ways of the state, according to a re­
“That you shall be hanged by the I pation. Flirey is in the old 'foul cent decision of the Illinois depart­
neck until dead.” Probably at no sector and once was the regimental ment of the American Legion.
other time during the trial of .1 headquarters of several American di
The F. W. Galbraith Jr. P ost , of
murderer does he so realize the enor- visions.
A replaca of the Flirey monument the American Legion of New York
ipity of his crime or the terrible
penalty than when these words of was presented recently to President City is the first post named for the
judgment are pronounced upon him, Harding by Ambassador Jusserand, late national commander of the Le­
and probably at no time does 'ho who at the same time transmitted gion, to receive its charter. It is
reckless automobile driver realise President Millerand's invtation to composed chiefly of Leglonalres at- ;
how much danger he is to the com­ the American Legion through its na­ tached to the American Legion head - ;
munity until he sees the broken rnd tional commander, John G. Emery. quarters. Two other Legion posts
crushed victim of his carelessness ly­ Because of stress of Legion matters organized in honor of the late com- |
in this country Mr. Emery will noi mander, one at Cincinnati, O., and
ing before his eyes.
One municipal judge who had had go to France with the PilgTlmage, the other at Rock Island, Ill.
The first railroad to announce re- '
much trouble curbing the speed having selected Mr. D’Olier for the !
Today’s express brought in a manufacturer’s surplus that we will sell at a fraction of
I duced rates for delegates to the an- !
maniacs finally sentenced each one leadership.
brought before htm
its real worth.
the morgue to view the remains of
A trial trip of the “American Le gion at Kansas City this fall is the
those who had been killed in auto- gion,” the new 21,000 ton twin Frisco. A one-cent a mile rate will
Dresses of Voile, Organdie, Tricotine, Serge, Crepe, etc., in women’s and misses sizes.
mobile accidents.
screw passenger cargo liner of the be extended to all American Legion
Every day the papers print a list Munson lines, was the occasion for I men, their wives and other who are
New styles and favored colors.
of accidents that In nearly every a gathering of American Legion of­ members of the Women’s Auxiliary. I
case were preventable, still the ficials from Eastern states. The
Smart Plaid Skirts and Skirts of serge and silk in pleated and plain effects.
slaughter goes on.
trip lasted two days. It started from
A Word of Appreciation
Camden, N. J. and ended In New
New Blouses and Tie Backs in smart novelty effects, Ali the smartest color combinations
We are taking this way to express J
York. The ship was built for the
United States Shipping board by the our thanks to our kind friends and
In years past Tillamook boasted New York Ship Building corporation especially the Aid society of the
of a very efficient band organization It was allocated to the Munson line Christian church of Tillamook for
12 ONLY Pettecoats of all silk jersey with fancy taffeta flounces.
but nowadays we hear very little for service between New York and the beaeutiful reception given us un
from them. Surely, there is no South America.
$5.00 values.
While they last,
O ■
the evening of the 2nd day of July
dearth of musicians. What, then.
the 50th anniversary of our wedding
can the trouble be?
We wish to express our thanks in
The 250 members of the American
Let’s get together and encourage
particular for the bounteous wed­
the complete reorganization of a
mer as guests of the French govern­ i ding supper and the Joving hand,
band for Tillamook.
ment will visit the battle-scarred that so beautifully decorated the ta­
town of St. Die, well known to Amer ble and Sister Bertie for the delic­
Spokane, Wn., July 11, 1921. leans who served on the old Lune­ ious wedding cake and the dear girls
To the Editor:
ville front. Not many of the de who waited on the table so nicely,
fenders of St. Die knew at the time any every one who contributed ’in I
The writer in company
way to make this one of ihe i
family, left Tillamook on Thursday
happiest occasion» in our lives.
In which Amrlca got its name, in
We also thank you for the vain-
July 7th, for Portland and after, ar­ St. Die lived the Alsation monk.
rival visited over Friday forenoon Waldsee-Muller, whose suggestion It .able golden present.
Dear friends we thank you one
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. It L was that the Western continent take and all such kind deeds help to
Wade, leaving in the afternoon of
strengthen our faith in Christian
Friday over the Columbia River Vespucci.
love and fellowship and we surely ap
predate it. May God bless you al!
highway for Pendleton The drive
Marshal Foch, who is coming to
over the highway was without any the United States this fall to attend and may eacch of you be “Bidden Io
the marriage supper of the Lamb.”
particular thrill as we had been the national convention of the Amer
over this wonderful scenic drive a
number of times enpeclally from
Portland to The Dalles, which is
now paved for the whole distance I
and is the grandest road so far we
huve ever traveled over,. At The
Dalles we met D L Schrode and fam­
ily of Salem, who are on their way
to the Yellowstone Park. On Fri­
day night camp was made at the
“Fleck Orchards” 119.2 miles from 1
Portland. On Saturday the trip was
extended, on to Pendleton where wo
arrived into the camp grounds early
in the afternoon after having cover­
ed 120.5 miles. On Sunday, July 10 1
we got an early start and drove
from Pendietton to Spokane—216.6
miles where we arrived late In 'lie
evening and after having driven
around this wonderfully interesting
city, we located the City Natltorium
park where we all went in swimni- ,
ing for about an hour and left some
of the Oregon and Washington dirt 1
that we had accumulated from Thi
Dalles to this metropolis off the In-
land Empire.
Good fortune I h with iis so fnr wc
have had no trouble of any kind,
the Olds 8 hums along, the tires
have Tillamook air from the Sunset
garage In their tubes, the road has
no terrors for us ahead as we cas­
ually observe the collection of ant­
iquities on four wheels assemble in
this park before me.
I am writing this, with my little '
Corona, sitting at the camp table, af
ter the supper dishes have been [
cleared away, the densely blue dome
of haven overhead, in a grove of ■
pines on the banks of the Spokane
river. There are at this time over
100 camps In here and I should say
probably 4 00 people assembled tor
all parts of the IT. S. A., there are
cars here at this time and parties
registered from Maine to Florida,
Texas, California and many from I
Oregon and Washington and most
every state In the Union is repre­
sented here tonight.
The city of Spokane has 3 tourist
camp grounds at this time and I urn
Informed that the city is planning
for more. Shis camp is very inter­
esting. especially the equipments
and conveniences, Fresh water is |
piped throughout, electric lights
community gas kitchen, ______
shower '
Loganberry Industry at Salem re
baths, lavatories, toilets, wash tubs
organized under large bank combin­
for laundry, drinking fountains, con I
Crete fire places and ovens. All of
Oregon Short Line may resume
thia la under the supervision of ac
construction from Vale to Bend.
com mod n ting camp attendants
the service of the camp Is free
Baker business men war on carni­
without cost. Yea. I forgot the
val shows as unprofitable industries
ephone service. It la good, nnd
Astoria port terminal reports 50
camp is also well provided with
per cent increase in shipping
erything on the market bv vendors
We are on our way In the morning
Portland—Four steamers for
for Missoula, Mont. Next will be I
Orient will load lumber here
the Yellowstone Park via northern
entrance at Gardner.
Lane county cuts all road emplay-
My observation Is that the Inland
es fifty cents a day.
Empire will have the largest grain
Merrill—Drilling for oil celebrat­
crop In its history. From Pendleton
ed here by 1000 at barbecue.
to Spokane is mile upon mile of the
Homeopathic hospital
finest wheat I have ever seen. It la
to have new ,200.000 wing.
Just wonderful
I will write morel
State highway building ou in
from Yellowstone and hope you get
thirty counties.
this O. K. for this week's paper.
Pendleton—Harvesting operations
in Umatilla county start
tEillatnoofc fteahlifffjt
G igantic S tock R educing S ale
Hundreds of other Bargains throughout the store,
specially marked and displayed for this sale.
by dealers
give tire mileage
at the lowest cost
in history
30 X 31
Reduction in all styles and sizes
A New Low Price on a
Known and Honest Product
that of all the business failures in 1920
84 per cent were firms that did not ad­
vertise. What does this indicate to you,
Mr. Merchant?
Most of those who failed doubtless
thought that they were saving money
by not advertising, but they failed to
realize that what they had saved from
this source was used up by overhead,
which can only be taken care by a vol-
umn of business brought on by intelli­
gent advertising. Competition is too
keen at this season to lose the slightest
advantage in turnovers
The HEADLIGHT offers the best
field in Tillamook county for an adver­
tising campaign, it being official county
and city newspaper with a circulation
larger than all other newspapers in the
county put together
1102 E 2nd St.
Phone 37W
Tillamook Transfer Co-
Liberty Temple-
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