THE TILLAMOOK TAGE EIGHT Thousands will go Back East this summer because of the Low Round- Trip Fares offered by the big cross-continent railroad Union Pacific System Serving the taansportaaion needs of the Great Pacific Northwest and giving through service via the popular direct routes to Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Paul, Min­ neapolis, and Chicago On these two strictly first class trains. “Oregon-Washington*' and “Continental Limited” Tickets on Sale Daily Until and inluding August 15th. Return limit 90 days, but not later than October 31st Chicago $113.65 Cenver 84.25 Kansas City 94.46 Memphis $118.45 Pueblo S 84.25 Mihneapolls 94.45 St. Paul 94.45 Omaha 94.45 St. Louis 108.25 8 per cent War Tax to Be Added Proportionate reductions to many points East. Stopovers Pleasure. Side trips may be arranged for Yellow­ stone, Zion and Rocky Mountain National Parks. at For complete details as to routings, train schedules, side trips, sleeping car rates and reservations, and other travel informa­ tion desired, address J. H. O’Neill, Traveling Passenger Ogent or Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon f American Legion Notes \__________________ —----- J Russell C. Gross, of Philadelphia, who filled Slacker Bergdoll’s place | ln the army and who was killed ln I action in the Argonne after winning a citation for bravery, will be hon­ ored by the Overbrook, Penn., post of the American Legion, whose mem­ bers have decided to name their pro­ jected community house for the he­ ro. The Overbrook post will in the future be known as Russell C. Gross post. Members of the American Legion ln Lyon county Kansas, have agreed that if the state of Kansas or the federal government give a bonus to former service men, they will donate a part of the amount they receiv-o to been declared in Los Angeles county, Calif., by thirty-six posts of the Am­ erican Legion. ’’Goldbrickers” are defined as men who pose as ex-ser­ vice men and prey upon the public purse as beggers or solicitors for non existent "veteran publications” Members of the American Legion i at Anthony, Kansas, have contracted to shock 500 acrs of wheat. Cr?ws I of 18 to 25 legion men will go to i the wheat fields each evening and I work until dusk. They will receive I approximately four hundred dollars ' for their work and this will be used for equipping clubrooms. ' The unidentified body of a young man killed by a motorcycle at St. Paul, Minn., recently escaped bur- I ial in the Potter's field when among his possessions was discovered a small gold locket containing a like­ ness of the man himself in the uni­ form of a United States soldier. Members of the American Legion took charge of the body and the bur­ ial w-as with full military honors. Efforts are now being made by le­ gion men to establish identity of the victim. The Blue and Gray association of Oklahoma has announced that it will turn over its grounds and build Ings, formerly used by civil war vet­ erans, to the American Legion post at Bridgeport, Okla., September 1, 1921. It’s hard to think of Rockefeller riding in a flivver, but such is the truth, William G. Rockefeller, of the fashionable Greenwich, Conn., summer colony was awarded one re­ cently at a carnival given by the Greenwich post of the American Le­ gion. It cost him »15. John D. Rockefeller will supply the gasoline 'tie said. HEADLIGHT CONFIDENCE You buy J. C. P enny C ompany Clothing, because have confidence that the price you pay buys • you >* exactly what you want— Quality Style Service It is vour Confidence and the Confidence of thous ands of J. C. P enny C ompany customers that has made it possible for us to offer the better grades of Suits at lower prices. Our Suits, for instance just what you want— Comfortable over the shoulders, room enough under the arm-pits—details you rightly demand. The fabrics are all wool, and the tailoring is the best. A wide choice of colors, grays, browns, blues and you can suit your preference for Chevoit, Worst ed, Herringbone or Hairline Stripes, STATE ELECTION RESULTS ISSUED SALEM, June 28—The final vote on the five measures voted on by the . people at the special election of June I 7, as canvassed by the secretary uf i state, was as follows: Sixty-Jay legislative session, For 42,921; against, 72,596 Soldiers’ aid, f->r | 88,219, against 37,866. Emergen- , cy clause veto, for 62,621; against,.] 45,537. Hygienic marriage bill, for 56,858; against 65,793. Worn«, jur or bill, for 59,882; against 59,265. The soldiers’ aid and the emergency clause veto, both constitutional amendments, have been proclaimed by the governor and are now effect­ ive. The womn juror bill, not a con­ stitutional amendment, became ef­ fective with the official canvass of the vote. Your Confidence in J. C. PENNY COMPANY Clothing is Based on the Knowledge that Low Prices Stand for Quality Merchandise the payment of a debt on their new clubhouse to be erected at Emporia Kansas, at a cost of »15,000. To give unemployed veterans of the world war an opportunity to work, the welfare committee of the American Legion at St. Louis, Mo., is arranging to clear 1100 acres of timber land near Cahokia, Ill. The men will be paid from »2 to »5 a day according to their ability as woodsmen. Sgt. Alvin York, famed for his in­ Oregon probably will register dividual war record has enrolled as 117,000 motor vehicles this year. a member of David King Summers post of the American Legion at Chattanooga, Tenn. York was pres­ ent at the organization meeting of the legion in France.ln 1919, but did not join the organization until a few days ago. A war against ’’goldbrickers” has BUYING MOST WE t BUY FOR LESS SELLING MOST WE SELL FOR LESS TILL IMOOK, OREGON REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK at Tillamook in the State of Oregon at the close of business June 30, 1921 / RESOURCES »650,209.42 Loans and discounts, includiing rediscounts ------------------- ----- .... 2.781.98 Overdrafts secured and unsecured .—............ —.......... -........... - U S government securities owned..... . ........ ......... ............... ... 18,313.25 Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign gov­ 36,727.65 ernment, state, municipal, corporation, etc —......... -.... .. 2.032.25 Stocks, securities, claims liens, Judgments etc .........-............ — 6,075.00 Furniture and fixtures ... ....... -............ ............... ......... 3,307.15 Real estate owned other than banking house ........................ ..... Amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies not 2,400.63 designated as approved reserve banks ------ -- —................ 18,089.83 lawful reserve with federal reserve bank ........................... — Amounts due from banks bankers and trust companies, des­ 9,097.35 ignated and approved reserve agents of this bank ........ Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and 2,551.23 other cash items -- ----------- ----- ------------ ----- ---- ---- -------- Exchanges for clearing house and items on other banks in 6,098.00 the same city or town as reporting bank -------------- -------- - 13.231.40 Cash on hand in vault ................... »51,468 44 Total cash and due from banks 24,604.12 Interest, taxes and expenses paid Customer's liability account of "acceptances” executed by this bank and by other banks for the account of this LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid ln----------------------------------------------------------- Surplus fund ..... ___________________________________ ___ Undivided profits .... __ ___ ____ __ _____________ __ __________ _ Amounts due to banks, bankers and trust companies not ap­ proved or designated as reserve agents for this bank. __ Deposits due the State of Oregon and deposits due county or cities and other public funds _______________________ __ _ Individual deposits subject to check______ _______________ ___ _ Demand certificates of deposit outstanding __ ______________ Cashier’s checks on this bank outstanding payable on demand ... Certified checks outstandllng ... . ................ ..... ........... ............. .... ....... Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject to reserve. . ....................................................... »283,230 20 Time certificates of deposit outstanding ___________ ____ ____ _ Savings deposits, payable subject to notice ...................................._ Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand and subject to notice .............................................. »180.535.40 Notes, bills and acceptance rediscounted Including bonds or other securities sold under repurchase agreements with contingent liabilities ............................ ...... _ __ Bills payable with federal reserve bank or with other banks or trust companies .... _______________ Acceptances executed by this bank for customers based on ag ~ rlcultural or commercial transactions ........................ Liabilities, other than above stated____________ »833,545.40 ¡ 551.35 46,261.40 230.451.81 2.899.15 3,567.8J 49.70 ‘‘The Hayseed," Fox Sunshine Comedy TUESDAY, JULY 12 WILLIAM 38,000 00 80.71 Total.................. ............ ....... »833,545 40 State of Oregon. County of Tillamook, m . JA1, P*“1*’ 1T ‘ of th* •boT* named bank, do solemnly ewear that the above statement la true to the beat of my knowledge and belief B. U BEALS, JR., Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ith day of July. ltll. PubH«- My commission expires Feb. 1, 1114. orreet Attest: Wm. Maxwell, Job* Erickson. David Kuratll, directors ! IN “ Don’t Call Me Little Girl • High Class Comedy-Drama g One Reel Scenic. FARNUM Friday-Saturday, July 15-16 IN— His Greatest Sacrifice A powerful dramatic story. This will be Mr. Farnuin’s last screen appearance, as he has been ordered by his physician to take an immediate rest from his labors, Don’t miss this one. “Fox News.” Wesley Barry, “ Freckles M IN í I • t Í* WEDNESDAY, July 13 BUCK 52.800.00 MARY MILES MINTER I ND" 44.326.80 136.223.CO f 202,019.3* THURSDAY, July 14 bab “ danibls “ } in 64 Other assets .— --------------- —----------------------------------------------- Total SUNDAY-MONDAY, July 10-11 DINTY" A Marshall Neilau Production. The tale of a Fighting Newsboy. One Reel Comedy. Sunday-Monday, July 17-18 JONES GLADYS LESLIE AND -IN — “The One-Man Trail”! MATT , nm ° ore V Genuine Western Thriller hm ut his best. I w• iteci Comedy a Straight Is the Way” The heart stirring tale of a couple of crooks and a village that treated them square. A Ouija Romance The Haunted House,” Buster Keaton Comedy bein; road; Hl nishi Tilla Th to M place end c are b Att plank it is i broad stay < Watse to see week travel. Da: Sign driven crossin thickly there necesst Grav river a tween now op the ste City. Two ated at Present off beti Ice c structio from tt way for 30 feet most of All bt ed from a set ol will be court w Rockawa Bay ( Two \ allow th fng fron City con hauled fi Brave» is river whi outfit has can pUt ] ln the bu The ses Kilchis ri next weel