THURSDAY, JULY 7. IMI THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT COMPARE CHEESE REPORTS FOR SIXTEEN YEARS PAGE SEVER $410. Wool; 2,995 pounds, valuation $480. Cranberries; 197 boxes, valuation $700. Total estimated valuation $1S9,- 487.50. To the above should be added sev eral shipments from the McIntosh wharf, of which no record could be obtained. The following clippings are taken out of Tillamook papers published in 1905 and the figures are furnish­ ed by Carl Haberlach. These will show the growth of tne dairy Indus­ try since 1904. The total v?.lue of 1920 product was 13 times greater than during 1904. The total value of the Tillamook Creamery’s ourput in 1920 was $238,897.56, against $15.613.19 in 1904 Tillamook, Oregon, February 11, 1905. Io the Director, Stockho’ic;s and Patrons of the Tillamook Creaomery. X. Gentlemen: I present berefith my report as secretary of the Tillamook IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Creamery for the fiscal year ei.ling UNITED STATES FOR THE December 31st, 1904. DISTRICT OF OREGON Total amount of milk received at the factory during 1904. 1.582,021 No. E-8500 lbs, cream, 833 lbs. Total amount of butter manufac­ F. D. Smail and D. C. L’rie, Partners, tured and sold, 30,892 lbs. name and style of Small & Urie Total amount of Cheese,manufac­ Plaintiffs, tured and sold 95,445 lbs. vs. Milk used in the manufacture cf cheese during the summer months Sam Bauer, otherwise known as Si­ as follows: April 43,770 lbs, May mon Bauer, Emma Bauer, bis 237,552 lbs, June 280,165 lbs, July wife, F. R. Beals and Thad Rob­ 218,436 lbs. August 173.280 lbs, ison, and the Mortgage Com­ and during the month of November pany, Holland America, a cor- 2,363 lbs, a total of 955,556 lbs Milk used in the manufacture of Notice is hereby given that pur­ ba’ter, 626,453 lbs. Cream usjd in suant to a Decree of Foreclosure and the manufacture of buttei 833 lbs. Sale made and entered by the Dis­ Returns as follows, for cheese $•*, 8-i' .41. For buttsr $6,675.78. To- trict Court of the United Stales fur the District of Oregon on the 14ib tai for the year $15,61319 Paid patrons for butter fat as fol day of December, 1920, in the above lows: for butter, January 30 cents, I entitled cause, I, Robert F. Maguire, February 28 cents, March 25 cents, April 19 cents, September 23 cents, Master tn Chancery in and for said October 23 two tenths cents, Novem­ Court and cause will sell at Public ber 21 1-2 cents, December 25 iwo Auction to the highest bidder, or » tenths cents bidders, for cash, at the front door For milk manufactured into of the Court House of Tillamook cheese butterfat was paid for as fol­ I lows: April 24 1-2 cents, May 23 County, Oregon, at the city of Till­ 2-10 cents, June 21 cents, July 20 amook at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. cents and for August 21 cents. on the 11th day of July, 1921; Owing to the unfavorable trans­ The Southwest quarter of th* portaion facilities and the bad Southwest quarter of section four weather this fall, the marketing of I butter has not been very successful. (4) and the Southeast quarter of the The Tillamook Creamery manu-. Southeast quarter of section five factured a small quantity of Swiss (5) , and the northeast quarter cf Block Cheese, and while the returns the northeast quarter of section for the same were quite good, the patrons of the creamery generally I eight (8) and the northwest quar- desire to receive their returns earl­ ter of the northwest quarter of Sec- ier than is possible by making the tion nine Ol, all in Township six swiss cheese. Owing to the excel­ (6) south of range ten 10) west of lent quality of cheese manufactured by the Tillamook creamery this sum the Willamette Meridian, containing mer, oUr cheese at all times brot 160 acres of land; also one hundred the highest market prices and we and sixty acres, more or less, in sec­ were enabled to make greater re-' tions fourteen (14) and flftocn (15) turns for butter fat to the patrons in township six (6) south of range during all the summer months than any other private or co-operative ten (10) west of the Willamette factory in the county paid during Meridian, as follows: N. W. 1 -4 of the same period of time. . This is so S. W. 1-4, S 1-2 of S. W. 1-4 seed >n far as I can learn. 14 and S. E. 1-4 of S. E. 1-4 of tec In spite of the dry season of 1904 ' tion fifteen (15), containing 150 ac­ the factory received for the year an ’ increase of 361,000 lbs of milk over : res and being his homestead, the year 1903, or nearly 30 per cent together with eleven (11) cows, two All indications point to a still great (2) steers and five (5) heifer*, be­ er proportionate gain for 1905, as ing all of the livestock situated on we are now receiving milk from scribed and descrirbed in that cer­ several patrons who are hauling their milk a distance of from four tain chattel mortgage dated May 8th ta over five miles. Among the sev­ 1919, in which said defendant Sam eral factors contributing toward Bauer, otherwise known as Simon, these results are the very excellent Bauer and Emma Bauer were mort­ service rendered the factory by its management and a disposition on gagers and the plaintiffs herein were the part of the farmers and patrons mortgagees. The said personal prop­ to patronize a factory managed by erty and reael property will be of­ themselves. That this can be done fered for sale and sold separately. successfully, our returns for the The plaintiffs by the term* of the de- past year will show, and the spirit of unrest so prevalent among the property at any sale under said 4a- dairymen of this county at this time cree. is practically absent among the pa- i The undersigned Master la Chan­ irons of our factory. cery is by said decree of foreclosure The factory received for making ' cheese for the year 1904, 1 1-2 cen'* and sale authorized to sell Mid prop per lb or 15 cents per cwt for milk erty, to make the amount du* under manufactured into cheese. For mak said decree from th« defendant* to ing butter the factory charged 11 , plaintiffs in the amount of fiv« thou 6-10 cents per cwt for milk manu- ' sand sixty-seven dollar* and **v*n- factured into butter. Total receipts i for the year were $2,175.93 for mak | tcen cents ($5067.17) with interest ing. Expense account for the year thereon at th« rat* of eight p*r was $2,168.25, leaving a small bal­ cent (8 per o«nt) p«r annum from ance. Permanent improvements the flrat day of September. 1920, were installed costing $119.89. and the further sum of six hundred The price charged for making cheese is quite adequate to pay ail dollars ($600.00) as and for attor­ expenses incident to running the neys fees, less the amount of eight factory and will leave a small mar­ hundred ten dollar* ($810.00) paid gin, but the price charged for mak­ thereon on the 20th day of Decem­ ing butter is entirely inadequate to ber, 1920, and the cost* and expen­ pay all cost of making and selling and other expenses, While it seems ses of this sale. to be almost necessary to charge as ( Upon the confirmation of the eaJe small an amount as any other afc-' and the payment in full of the pur­ tory, and the least increase in the I chase price the Master in Chancery price of making has a tendency to ill issue hl* certificate of «ate and drive milk, to other factories, this I question should be met. However, upon the expiration of the statut­ the indications for the comnig year ory period of redemption a* to »aid all pointing toward a higher price real property will issue hl* Master's for cheese than during 1904, this, deed to the purchaser of said prop­ together iwth the milk promised the factory for the ensuing year will erty, and as to said personal prop leave the factory in much better fi­ erty will upon the confirmatl '■ of nancial condition than for the past said Mie and the payment of the few years. purchase prie« 1«U* hie bill of eale In conclusion I wish to say rh-it all relations between the Directors therefor. For further particulars wt'h ref- and Secretary have been most pleas­ ant and we have worked together •reace to the property to he told harmoniously in all lines, and hav? •nd with reference to the terms *nd tried to do the best we could under condition* of sale reference Is msda the circumstances under which we said decree, a copy of which may labored. I to be found on inquiry at th« o. «e Respectfully submitted, Carl Haberlach, Secretary. of the Clerk ef the Uaitsd Sutee District Court fol the District of Shipments from Tillamook The following data, kindly furn­ Oregon at Portland, Oregon, or an ished by B. C. Lamb, local ag'n; for the Pacific Navigation Company application to the undersigned. Dated at Portland, Oreg'-a. this thews the amount and estimeted val- va; (n of all shiprr-ut. m».de from 3rd day of June, 1921. Iris wharf fr the y-a- ending De­ ROBERT F. MAGUIRS cember 31, 1904. Master in Chancery Cheese; 20,494 cases, weight 1.- 703 Title A Trust Building. Port­ 362,915 pounds, valuation $188,178 Butter; 2,719 cases, weight 163,- land Oregon. 140 pounds, valuation $32,628, Cascara bark; 242,928 pounds, Man, wife and three ehlldftfh MIn ▼aluatlon $12,11$. .mum $40, max’mum $89. Eggs, 425 cases, valuation $2,550 Hides; 32,800 pounds, valuation Man, wife rod four ekl".rH: Mln $2.42$. Potatoes; 456 sacks, valuation imum $40, max mum $97 Legal Notices Rock Bottom In Price The motor of our five passenger “Glenbrook” model has a whole­ some respect for the dollar bill. It extracts the last atom of energy from a gallon of gasoline and delivers only care-tree, untroubled mileage. • Its first cost is amazingly low—only $1635 since the reduction in June. And, with the “Glenbrook”, first cost is last cost because it is blessed with a constitution that defies the repair shop. It will pay you to adopt this stout-hearted light six. You can buy it with absolute confidence because it is at rock bottom in price and peak position in quality. I » 9 PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT, Michigan Manufacturer» of Paige Motor Car» and Motor Truck» Tillamook Auto Company NOTICE OF HEARING OF ADMIN­ ISTRATOR’S FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed his Final Ac­ count as administrator of the es­ tate of Irene Mabel Webb, deceased, in the County Court of the State cf Oregon for Tillamook County, and that said court has appointed Fri­ day, the 5th day of August, 1921, nt ten o’clock a. m. at the court room of said court in Tillamook City, Ore­ gon, as the time and place for the hearing of the said account and the closing of said estate, and any and all persons having any objections to the said account are hereby required to present the same, if any they have to said court at said time and place. Dated July 7, 1921. EDWIN J. WEBB Administrator of the Estate of Irene Mabel Webb, Deceased. Last issue August 4, 1921. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Sprinkling will be permitted free of charge under the following con­ ditions: From 5 p. m. until 3 p. m. each day, all east of Second Avenue E., sprinkling on Monday. Wednes­ day and Friday. All west of Second avenue E., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. All water to be turned off in case of Are. Sprinklers found running after 9 p. m. water will be turned off, and sprinkling rights will be cancelled for tfte rest cd the seaeson. B order of Tillamook Wa­ ter Commission. Dated June 1921, by E. D. Hoag, Supt. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS BUICK Kpredomi nance among business -L/ men means but one thing—Buick is absolutely dependable. It has proved its dependability for twenty years. You don’t need to try out a Buick for dependability. That is universally known. But you should try out a Buick to realize its comfort, its power, how easy it is to operate. There’s real pleasure in driving a Buick. Series and Prices Effect ire June 1st, 1921 Model Model Model Model Model Model Model 22-44 22-45 22-46 22-47 22-41 22-49 22-50 Three Pueenger Roadrter • Five Pa.eenger Touring - Three Paaaenger Coupe - Five Pauenger Sedan Four Panenger Coupe - Seven Paaaenger Touring Seven Paaaenger Sedan r. a *. »««. . $1495 ISM 213S 243S 232S 173S UhUrt« Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by the <’mn- ty Court of Tillamook county, State of Oregon, duly appointed adminis­ trator of the estate of Laura A. Ath­ erton, deceased. All persons having claims againrt said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verifier!, sad with the proper vouchers, to the un­ dersigned, at the Tillamook County Bank, In the City of Tillamo- k, Ore­ gon, within six months from th» date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published June 30th, 1921. E. B. MacNAUGHTON, 6-30t5 Administrator NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Meda Co-operative Creamery Co. will receive bids for a chese fac­ tory building. Plana of building may be seen at Cloverdale Hotel, Cloverdale, Oregon Bide to be in the hands of the Secretary by July 8 1921. The Board of Director« re­ serve* the right to reject any or all bida ____ meda co - operative CRKAM- Y CO, Cloverdale, Ore. ti INSET GARAGE WHBN BETIf Q A UTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUIL THEM