THURSDAY, JULY 7. 1921 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT TAGE SIX serve three years and Albert Wade Thtse players were in token last year was elected clerk for one year, to consequently the public knew what to expect, and were there and ready Jerome Dunn of Meda was in town succeed E. L. McCalse. witn a laugh Baker’s educated d .fis last Saturday. Milt Taylor arrived from Callfor- B?ts and Rowdy were attractive mu­ Joe Wilson was a Tilla-noik visit nia Saturday to spend the summer sicians. with his son Clay Taylor. or last Wednesday. Albert Newby and family, who E. K. Mitchell and Charlie Thom­ Lester Ray and family spent Sun­ as passed through here last Friday have been visiting at the home of day at Pacific City C. W. Hatfield left last Tuesday for on their way to Tillamook. Ennis Turner took in the celebra Dallas, where they will visit Mis Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hopkins of tlon at Pacific City. Newby’s brother Dolan Hatfield, be­ Oretown weij on our streets on Wed Mr. and Mrs. Will Penter spent fore going to California. nesday evening of last week. the Fourth at Pacific City. Cloverdale was almost depopulat­ Randall Buell and wife of Polk ed during the three day celebration Will Penter came home from Ab­ county are enjoying the breezes of i at Pacific City. Most of the Clover- erdeen, Wash., Saturday. southern Tillamook county. 1 daleites were celebrating at Pacif­ Mrs. Retha Melgard of California Mr. and Mrs. Torn Blackburn ic City, but a few who were tired ot is visiting relatives here. made a business trip to the county [ the scenes of that popular resort be- Mr. and Mrs. Job Foster were Pa­ seat on Wednesday of last week. I took themselves to other places. cific City visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bays and Miss Lillian Palmer became the D. L Werschkul and wife are en­ Miss Bernice Lantz came in from bride of Elmer Earl last Sunday joying a visit from relatives. McMinnville to spent the Fourth [ morning. The ceremony was per­ Mr. and Mrs. John Fleck and fam­ Hubert Livingston came in from formed at the parsonage by the ily celebrated at Pacific City. the valley Monday and is visiting at Presbyterian minister, Ferd C. Bech­ Charlie Ray was enjoying him'-elf the home of his uncle, J. J. Hudson. er. They are popular young people at Pacific City, the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Murphy and of Cloverdale and have a host of II. B Lockwood of Battle Ground Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bennett spent friends who wish them ’all the joys Wash., was in town last week. the Fourth at Mount Neah-kah-nie. of married life. Another June wedding was that Archie Gist find family took in Mr and Mrs. R. J. Williamson of the celebration at Pacific City. Rickreall .spent the week end with of Leslie Traxler and Miss Frances Mrs. Carl Shortridge is clerking her sister, Mrs. J. L. Gay and fam­ Gist at the home of the bride’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gist. Mr. ily in the camp store at Paclcfi City. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lawrence of Traxler is the mail carrier on the J. L. Burke made % trip to the new route just established between valley last Tuesday after cherries. Tillamook are visiting relatives and Willamina and Cloverdale, He and Prof, W. E. Buell and famly cele­ friends In the south end ot the coun his bride will make their future ty. brated the Fourth at Pacific City. 50-H. P. detachable-head motor; 119- home tn Willamina. Both couples Mr. and Mrs. Will Glick and Mr. are well known and a host of friends The Charles McKIllip family have inch wheelbase. All Studebaker cars relatives from the valley visit'ng and Mrs Emory Brandt left Sunday wish them all the joys of married are equipped with Cord Tires —another for Dallas to visit relatives and get life. them. cherries Studebaker precedent. Albert Haedinger was a Tilla­ About 2:30 o’clock Sunday after Earl Hansen came down from Wil noon, an automobile driven by D. W. mook visitor on Wednesday of last son river last week and spent a few Hewitt of Salem, went over the week. days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. grade near Clear creek, about 1 1-2 F. M. Nelson and family moved to Ed Hansen. miles south of town. The accident the Tom Wilson ranch at Meda last Mr and Mrs. J. J. Douglas and occurred when Mr. Hewitt attempt­ Friday. children of Estacada are visiting ed to pass another car which he Miss Violet Hatfield is staying Mrs. Douglas’ sister, Mrs. Ed Earl met in a narrow place. The bank •with her sister, Mrs. Merle Holman and family. gave way causing his car to topple at Meda. Curley Taylor, who recently un- and roll over three times. Other oc­ Mr and Mrs Arthur Arms of Day­ derwent an operation at the Gccd cupants of the car were: Mr. and ton Siindayed with her aunt Mrs. J. Samaritan hospital In Portland la in Mrs. Gus Lake and son Elwood and L. Guy. Mrs. Mills, all of Salem. Mrs. Mills this vicinity again. Mr. and Mrs Frank Owens spent Mrs. Elbert Worthington and was the only one Injured and she last Thursday evening at the Walter ' children of Mohler, spent s several was quite badly cut about the face. Todd home days last week with her parents, Mr Dr. Le Fevre dressed her wounds. Henson Sanders and his mother and Mrs. Ed Cochran. June weddings are in vogue until ■were among those who celebrated nt Barney Estabrook left on the Sa­ July 1st. As evidence, Paul Bays and Pacific City. lem Pacific City stage Saturday eve­ Miss Jessie Babcock were maAied Mr. and Mrs. W. A Gage came In ning for San Francisco to see his sen last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marc Bays in the from Sheridan last Friday to visit who is quite ill in that city. presence of the immediate family relatives Mrs. Eb Clark and Miss Ruby Mrs. Affolter and son of Neskowin Brown of McMinnville visited rela­ and a few close friends. The bride were seen in our burg on Tuesday tives and friends in this vicinity and was beautiful in a gown of ♦white of last week.. I celebrated the Fourth at Pacfiic silk messaline. A few of the friends and neighbors were invited in to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Affolter of City. spend the evening and some of the Netucowin were in .own on Twsday Postmaster J. T. Moore and wife ones who weren’s invited “acceptod of last week and sons Judson and Carey, left Sat the invitation” also and went in, T. J. Pettit came in from Portland urday morning for Arizona were somewhat later, taking along some Sunday to visit liis daughter Mrs. they will visit Mr. Moore’s son who “noise-making machines.” This Is quite ill. Clay Taylor. charivari crowd was invited in and Alvin Brown and family nt Dallas James Beggs took his dogs and a treated to cigars and candy. visited relatives and friends in this gun and went for a stroll Saturday vicinity last week. BEAVER NEWS I evening. The thing which prompt­ Thelma, Beatrice and Herman ed this stroll was a bear which he Blackburn spent the Fourth of July overtook and killed. Almost everyone at Beaver cele­ at Pleasant Valley. brated at Pacific City. Charlie Kunst, of the Cloverdale Noah Richards has the measles, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dawson of Ab- Mercantile Co., arrived home fr j.n erdeen, Wash., visited at the J. .1. California last Sunday His father but with good nursing is fast re­ covering. Hudson home recently A. H Kunst, has sufficiently recov- Miss Claygett of Salem has been A record vote was cast at the an- ered from his recent illness to r?- spending a few days with her aunt nual school meeting of Dist 22 turn with him. Mrs. Roy Savage. which was recently held In the le Mott and Baker gav? a musical Miss Laura Bays was married re­ ager of the Woolworth store at Sa­ Cloverdale school house. James L. and trained animal show at the Lib lem. Burke was re-elected as director to erty theatre Wednesday evening. cently in Los Angeles, Cal., and will make her home in that city. The state general fund is again Mrs. McLaughlin who has been exhausted and it is necessary for visiting her sister Mrs D. L. Jone3 State Treasurer Hoff to Indorse war- left for her home at Eugene last rents "not paid for want of funds.” week. This is not an cbnormal crrdl lon. Mr. and Mrs McGilchrist of Salem However it is claimed a law enacted visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. by the 1921 legislature, prohibiting Roy Savage. Mrs. McGilchrist is a the warrants Deing invested in funds sister of Mr. Savage ot the state accident commission, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sibley and Mr may afford some inconvenience to and Mrs. Allgood of Dallas, were the payees holding the warrants and fishing for the speckled beauties the that they may have to submit to dis­ first of the week. count at the banks. The warrants AVERAGES COUNT Mr. and Mrs. Savage returned draw six per cent. Life is nothing bat a lot cf averages. Nobody tv ¡r had ev­ from Portland the last of the week erything his cwa way. where they were called by the sud­ The Elks lodge of Lafayette, Ind Instead of depict* I1.,» lack of p roflt this last yetr take n three den death of Mrs. Savage’s neice. has withdrawn plans for a Fourth of or five year averigtf. It will nt ake you feel air Met cheerful Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs of Salem vis July celebration to av >ld conflict again. ited Mr. and Mrs. Savage | a few with a celebration of the American Ups and downs will count, bu t a ‘nationalizad account here days last week Mr. Jacobs is man- Legion. on! will pro duce more ‘ups’ than ‘downs’ at the First N Home of ’Nationalized Accounts.’’ CLOVERDALE BRIEFS S pecial -S ix C oupe There is a charm of good taste in every feature of the SPECIAL-SlX Coupe. Soft carpeting, subdued harmony of .color-* ing in the upholstery, inviting depth of cushions, completeness of appointments —all offer an irresistible appeal. “This is a Studebaker Year Williams & Williams I DIRECTORS John Morgan W. J. Riechers. A. W. Bunn B. C. Lamb. Henry Rogers C. J. Edwards. C. A. McGhee Jubilee Singers in Old-Time Concert Virginian» Close Chautauqua. 1 THE WORLD’S FOREMOST ENGINEER Were it not for the assistance the Department of the Interior has rendered, our wonderful irrigation systems, waterworks and similar project» could never have been developed. Progress •uch as this is vital to all of us. Thia phase of our government s endeavors to further prosperity is graph­ ically told in the fifth of the series of articles which we issue each month. G oal ■ To receive thia story and the ones previously pub­ lished send us your name and adores». There’» no genemt ■ lime cost to you obligation. nor are you placing yourself under any Tillamook County Bank LAMB-SCHRADER CO CITY TRANSFER Service to All Experienced Furniture and Piano .Movers STORAGE A. F. WALLACE, L 0. 0 Office phone 65-J and Mutual BUILDING Residence 78-R programs of old plantation songs, camp meeting shouts and “ne­ gro spirituals" will be given by the Virginians, well known Jubilee sing­ ers on the last day of the coming Chautauqua The Virginians are a company of highly trained, cultured and refined colored singers who have made friends all over the country with their publlee programs. It is not their alm to give high brow music, but rather to present the beau­ tiful old melodies of the Old South before the Civil War. the shouts of joy from the old fashioned camp meetings where the darkles “got re­ ligion“ and the spontaneous hilarity ■P that characterized their simple social gatherings. Such tunes as “Good News,” "Go down Moses,” “Bake Dat Chicken Pie” “Live a Humble.” “Swing Low Sweet Chariot." "Old Time Religibn” and "Inchin Along" will be included in their programs. There is no more fascinating music known than that of the American colored people nor is there anv other race with such natural aptitude for harmony and tone color and musical feeling Negro music is gaing eeich year in Its hold on the public and the Virginians are doing much to estab- lish it in high favor. Made in Black and White and 24 Colors. Try it on your next painting Job C.L.LEW1S