THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1921 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Local News "X J Elwell Erskine was a Seaside vis­ itor over the Fourth of July. • • • A Mr. Tibbett and wife ot McM’.nn ville arrived Monday for a few days i visit in Tillamook and vicinty. Mr. Tibbett Is a motorman for the S. P. * • * Miss Mabel Anderson of Rocka- way was a Tillamook visitor Tues­ day. • • * Ford Shaw of Salem, formerly of this city, is in the city, for a short visit with friends and relatives here • • • Darby’s Orchestra from Chrl3ten- sen’s hall of Portland arrived in Tillamook county Friday where they intend to play for dances at Rocka­ way Pavilion the present season. • * • Dr. A. C. Crank and family have moved to Portland where «Dr Crank will take up the practice of medi­ — *s cine and surgery. The Cranks leave many friends who wish them well in DR. O. L. HOHLFELD their new home. • • • VETERINARIAN Paul Skeel who has been with the Star Grocery the past few months Bell Phone 8F2. Mutual Phone has opened a cash grocery in the Tillamook, Oregon bundling occupied until a week age Transfer company y by the Tillamook X. • • • Montgomery Smith, a mechanic in DR. J. G. TURNER a Portland garage was a Tillamook visitor Tuesday. Eye Specialist 9 A. L. Dark and family of Knap- Permanently located in Tillamook ton, Washington, . were visitors at Private office in Jenkin’s jewelry the C. L. Dark bom" the past week store. Latest up-to-date instru­ er.d after which they left for an ex­ ments and equipment. Evenings tended toir of Wasbingt n. • • • and Sunday by appointment. Lew W“non of Newbe-* spent the Fourth in Tillamook visiting with his familv. * • * Mr. and Mr». Car; Uetmerinlne y and Mr ant Mrs. Jess, '.V»i"e nil of Dayton, sp.r last «eek end ■ tte Ttilamonic beaches. » » » Complete Lens Grinding Factory on the Premises. Any lens dupli­ cated. X. Lodge Directory Eugene Jenkins and family left Wednesday for a few days trip Io Silver Wave Chapter No. 18 Willamette valley points. • « • 0. E. S. Ramon Dimick went to Woodburn Stated communications first and third Thursdays of each month in Friday where he ran several con­ cisions during the celebration at Masonic Hall. Visitors welcome. that place. LELIA D. DOTY, Sec. TARIFF IS OPPOSED WASHINGTON, July <—Drclar- igt that he is opposed to any tariff on lumber, Charles Lat’.r >p of th.1 American forni.y a«» > ci«*'on. 'i. a letter sent to President Harding jtf. before the v •I’d-«.: departed L,r n