Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 23, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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he Tree is Known by the Fruit it Bears
Square Dealing—Dependable Merchandise
Courteous Service—Lowest Prices
From one small acorn planted in 1902 has grown this sturdy oak, the J. C. PENNEY COMPANY,
spreading its branches over three-hundred and twelve communities in twenty-six states..
Every Woman Will
Enjoy These Good
A Money-Saving
Event for
Out of the principle of sqare dealing, the
Golden Rule, applied to business, has grown
the demand for approximately $50,OOO, 000
worth of family outfitting from the J. C.
PENNEY COMPANY stores in the past
Here It a «hopping ll»t that Is also
a earings account, ¿very article Is
well made of the beet quality and In
the newest styles.
Summer Dresses
Voiles and Organdies
Highest grade materials are used in
these Men's Sults. The bee. work'
manship goes into their making;
the pockets are hand-turned and
stitched and every detail is irght.
Suits, Regulation
Here 1* a special purchase afXhUB
organdie and soft voile Jesses in
the most desirable summer color*.
Many of the models have the newest
embroidered effects; other* flare Into
a circular skirt with .well defined
waist line. Specially pretty are the
white collars and cuff*. Sashes of
contrasting colors and fancy vestoes.
and Young Men's Styles
Pure worsteds, fine serge-?, chevi­
ots and cassimeres are the materials
Here are the Suits you have been
waiting for and a big choice of col­
ors for your selection. Buying from
us you save money. Note our prices
>4.98 to $9.90
$19.75 to 24.75.
New Wool Skirts
Boy’s Clothing
A Special Value
Made to Give Service
Very smart are these new wool
skirts, plaldrd, striped and in all the
new plaited styles, box and cluster
effect*; in plain colors and combina­
tions of high colors. When worn
with over blouse, the prettiest of cos­
tumes is enjoyed.
This is the season when boys give
the hardest wear to their suits. Sults
with extra School Pants. Also Suits
for vacation and knockabout wear at
lowest prices.
§4.98 t3 $10.90
SoJO co 12.50.
White Fkauei Skirts
Wash Suits
in New Sport Models
An unusual advantageous purch­
ase of these newest Skirts makes it
possible for this store to
models at u low price. Both pin in
and blazer effects in plaited, regu­
lation and uovelty styles. Extra
for the Small Boys
A wonderful assortment of Wash
Suits that may be laundered with­
out fear of fading or shrinking. The
styles are the popular Oliver Twist,
Russian and Middy Biouse in a vari­
ety of mateirals, plain, striped and
color combinations. Just the little
Sults for school days and vacation
$6.90 to $i(k90
Jersey Coats
98c. to $1.49.
Popular in Colors
Now comes the time for the sport
suit and here are some Intel eetlng
Jersey Coats in both Tuxedo ¡mi reg­
ulation collar effects. A pret'y, pi IIC-
tlcal garment for summer, and carly
full to bo worn with separata skirt.
Red. green, blue and black.
From One Small
Store irr 1902 lo
312 Department
Georgette, Crepe de Chine
and Mignonette
Buy the Boy’s
Overalls Now
A big shipment has Just come in.
Overalls of the finest and most dur­
able quality; Indigo Dye and made
with bib, 89c. 3 to 11 years und al­
so at 98c In sizes from 12 to 17.
*1.95 to 9.90
Cotton Crepe Kimonos
XTOURISHEDby sound conservative economical methods, this
|\ largest chain department store .organization in the world will
continue to grow and bear good fruit. Expecting and asking
only reasonable profits, you benefit by the lowest possible plus the
savings effected through our tremendous cash buying power. These
savings you enjoy every time you make a purchase at a J. C.
P kxnky C ompany store.
New Dress Fabrics
A j Y ou Compare Our Prices With Those
Lowest Prices—
Special Designs
Now 1» the time to purchase there
pretty comfortable bouse garment*.
Fashioned of One quality Beipcntlne
and cotton crepes in a wide selection
of colors and styles.
Voiles, Organdies
Crepe Mohair
Lovely wash fabric* for summer
dresses at lowest prices, while qual­
ity and choice colors and designs are
i he finest.
Quoted Elsewhere, You Know Why the
J. C. PENNEY CO. Never Need to
Quote Comparative Prices
Me«’s Shirts
for Hard Wear
Men’s blue chambray shirts, made
of extra heav# quality material, lull
cut. Also Boys Bell blouses, best
quality 98c. Boy’s dress shirts and
blouses in plain and fancy rtripes
New Silk Fabrics
For Dresses,
Blouses, Skirts
The clever home dress-maker will
take advantage of savings on these
handsome silk fabrics; she will be
quick to see where she can save mon­
ey and be able to make'
where she has felt she could afford
but one.
Fancy Figured Voiles, 36 in wide
39 to 69 cetn*.
Dainty Tissue Gingham, 40 la. 49c
Pwcales, light irtid dark color« 16c
Organdies,-all Summer color»,
inch g»c.
Mercerized Sullings, 36 in 49c
Crepe Mohair, New Sport Fabric. 36
Inch $1.30
Pique Skirthigs 27 inch 49c
All New Colors and Design* m Fn*st
at Lowest Prices.
Special quality Hosiery black,
white and grey. Men’s collars, the
popular brands and style* l»c.
Men’s Leather Palm Canvas Gloves,
29c. Men’s Muslin Nightshirts, 98c.
Men s Overalls and Junipers, heavy
Over Blouses
Many handsome models tn
newest overblouses. Headed and em­
broidered tin rich design Navy,
white, tlesb and bisque. Aho line
Voile Blouse, tailored und fancy
styles and the new Pongee Blouse in
smart sport model wltlkPtfter Fun or
Two-in-One collar.
¡tiens Wearables
312 Stores
Fine quality Pongees 69c. 08c. $1.49
alxtra quality Poplins 49o
Heavy Crepe de Chine $1.89.
Georgette Crepe $1 69
Satins, white and flesh $1.98
Chiffon Taffeta 61.98
Fancy Stripe Silks $1.98