tEillamoefc >eahligfjt CLEAN UP DAT Notice is hereby given that Wed A Weekly Paper Published Every nesday June 39, 1921 has been des Thursday by the ignated as eleear up day by order of the Common Council. Garbage and Headlight Publiihinp Company, Inc. I Tillamook, Oreson Leslie Harrison refuse will be hauled at rate of 35c Per sack furl. 50c per barrel or box. Leave orders with City Transfer Co. Oregon Transfer Co. and Tillamook Transfer C<. Headlight Classified Ads Little Cost—Big Results. Edt'or All 'nUamook County Reads Ttcm. ooooooo o ooo o oooooooooQioooooooT)00oooo o ee c a«oanoooocoo*»»-??? ■_'»« FOR SALE Entered as seeoi.d-<] the postoffice at Tillamook, Oregon. TIMMS, CRESS & COMPANY FOR SALE—DRY FIR WOOD AND c dar posts. Phonc 2F21 6 2i4p WHY NOT MACADAM? It is quite noticeable that the macadam parts of the main oad cut of the county south are generally in better shape than the sections that have been paved, and the initial ex pense of making such thoroughfare] is much less than that of pavement at the present time. Why not put down good gravel roads untill such a time when the pavement can be laid more oconomi- callq built? The results would be as satisfactory, if not more so The Sourgrass road is well known for its riding and wearing qualities; no pavement we now have In the county is in better shape after sev eral years of use. Again Tillamookers have been nicked by the gentle grafter, It is an old established fact that Sift soap and blarney usually gets the Tesults where honest purpose and endeavor fails. It may be said authoritativly that Tillamook has more weather than any other place In Oregon. FOR SALE—CHOICE HOME SITES Have just had placed In mj hands part of the academy grounds on 4th and Sth St. These lots «111 be sold very cheap considering the location Close to the business section. See A. C. Everson for price and terms. 4-28tf Made in Black and White and 24 Colors. Try it on your next painting Job Subscription Kates One year ............................... Six months ........................... Three months ...................... Payable in advance It has been called to our attention that again a very low form of van dalism has appeared in the city. One local business house, wishing to improve the appearance of its pro perty, has gone to considerable ex pense and trouble to grow flowering plants in a plot especially provided for that purpose. Not long ago some Hunnish creature with per verted ideas pulled up and crushed the growing plants In this plot for no other purpose, apparently, (han that of destruction. This person, who is thought to be an adul*, did not care to get the plants for him self but simply wished to dmcroy them. The local Chamber of Com merce experienced this same thing after setting out shade tree* in tbe tourists camp ground; the young trees were cut and damaged for none but vicious reasons. If physical qualifications equaled the mental, an animal that would commit such acts as these could walk upright under a crawling earthworm and have plenty of rjnm for the performance. One Cení a WuX 1er Issue CABBAGE AND KALE PLANTS for sale. Léo Sanders. 6-23-21tf FOR SAInu— BAtl GRAND CHEV rolet, $400. Good condition Sce C. h Burg; . Tarview. 6 2112 FOR SALE—BRAND NEW AUTO bumper »5.00. 15 gal. steel rll tank, »2.50. Live stock clipping machine, »5.00. Auto Top Shop. I 6-2tf FOR SALE—A GOOD CHICKERING square piano for »50.00. .f you want this, come quick. Tillamook Music Co. 5 9tf „ KEEP BUSIN NESS GOING tr everybody stopped buy’n g everything because condi tions didn’t happen to suit, bu siness would be as donnnnt as a doornail. Your purchase a f necessities and prompt pay ment of accounts’ keep busines s going. You’ll And the First Natlo? ul Bank continuing to hit the ball. We believe optimism is better than the crepe sign on the door.. FOR SALE—188 ACRE DAIRY ranch. About 80 acres river bot- tom; the balance is timber and good berry land. House, two barns; implements and 14 cows go with place. Must be seen to be Home of ‘Nationalized Acccu nts.” DIRECTORS John Morgan W. J. Riechers. A. W. Bunn B. C. Lamb. Henry Rogers C. J. Edwards. C. A. McGhee i The first NationalBank ■wet 1 Transfer Wood Gravel TRANSFER Notice to the public. Do not buy any notes signed by Henry Wood and Ida Wood in favor of Marlon Bailey. A. C. Everson. Henry Wood 5 26t4 Tillamook Bakery I The home of Rood bread and all kinds of tine pastry Phone 37W Everything Strictly Sanitary Tillamook Transfer Co CHAS. VOGLER, Prop Liberty Temple. nnnooc C3 nnoo-io Address R ?5 care FOR SALE DAIRY FARM, ABOUT 4-21tf 30 acres New buildings, ten head cows, team, some young stock. Place will support 15 FOR SALE cows. Inquire John Theiler, By John Leland Henderson Pleasant Valley. l-6tf Bonded Real Estate Agent. FOR SALE—2000 GENUINE LOG- 206 Third St., Tillamook anberry end tips. From proven 1- 165 acre Kilchfs river ranch. 30 plants that have been adapted to acres first diver bottom. 15 acre? in this climate for several years. P. cultivation. Springs and creeks 13-5 W. Jacob, Tillamook, Ore. 3-3>f acres timber and logged off bench 1. nd. Live stock, team, etc. 510.000 FOR SALE—GOOD STEEL RANGE, Terms. • also organ. CtRl Walter Nelson, 2— Fine residence property qy third Mutual phone. ll-25tf street, paved. Easy terms. Price »4200.00. WANTED 3— 60 a. good creek bottom land. some hill. Good loganberry land. 15 WANTED A GIRL. GENERAL acre lots, »60.00 per acre. Term«. housework, small family. Eight treatment, right wages. Ask for Whole tract cash $50.00 per acre. X. Y at this office. 4— Cottage and 3 lots, subject to street assessments, $1150.00. Terms. 5— Cottage and 2 lots. Miller Ave. WANTED TO KENT and 3rd* street assesmenta, $2,500 WANTED TO RENT— MARRIED installment plan. man wants to rent ranch on halt. Phone Bay City, 30F4. FOR SALE—13 MONTHS OLD grade bull. W. E. McKinster, WANTED FIVE DOZEN MOLE Wilson River. skins stretched flat 15c each. A. J. Wilks. 6-9-21-tSp FOR SALE — USED COLLARS, bridles, cruppers, halters, tugs, FOR RENT— FURNISHED HOUSE- yoke strap«, side curtains, .Ford keeping rooms fully mode rn »11. top, hame straps, oak commode, per month. Corner 6th Ave. and ice chest, kitchen table. Priced Sth St. E. 4-28tf low, value no consideration. Au to Top Shop, side door opposite FOR RENT—10 ROOM HOUSE Post Office. tf with large garden. Apply to F.R. Beals. 4-28tf BRED TO LAY WHITE LEGHORNS Hatichlng Eggs for sale. W. S. Coates, Tillamook. 3-10tf FOR RENT — SEVERAL UNFUR- nlshed apartments. Inquire of Plasker Brothers plumbing shop. LOGANBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE in large or small quantities. TO EXCHANGE Prime plants properly handled. W. Mahon, Hillsboro, Oregon. EXCHANGE -NEW V1CTROLA for Ford Roadster in first claB» FOR SALE - HOUSE AND LOTS condition. Singer Agency, Opp. for »1000. Easy terms. Inquire at Post Office. 4-28tf Headlight office. 12-2 tf SELL OR TRADE 348 ACR< STOCK FOR SALE—GOOD ORGAN, »10.00. ranch, 30 meadow lots of pasture See Walter Nelson. 2-10tf and outrange running water, fair buildings, 2 miles from Beaver. Price »4500. Federal loan »2000. FOR SALE—HOUSE AND TWO J. Leigh, Beaver, Tillamook, Co. lots on easy terms. Price $1,000. Oregon. 5-23-21 t3p. Enquire at Headlight offiee.ll-25tf appreciated. Headlight. BUSINESS NOTICES FOR SALE, YOUNG TOGGENBURG j milk goats with kids, or exchange | for butter or cheese. Rosemont Goat Dairy Farm, 7 E 64th St. N., Portland, Ore. 6-23-11 I HAY AND GRAIN HAUUNG A speciality. Oregon Transfer. Both phones. Opposite P. O. 12-9 tf FOR GOOD WOOD CALL THE ORB- Transfer, both phones. 12-9 tf N ew L ight -S ix L andau ■ R oadster The Ideal 2-Passenger Convertible Car OR professional and business men, or anyone wanting a two-passenger car, this is the ideal all-year-round car. In cold or inclement weather you get complete protection. On pleasant days, simply by dropping the windows, this LIGHT-SIX becomes practically an open roadster. The NEW LIGHT-SIX Motor, of exclusive Studebaker design and built complete in Studebaker factories, is remarkable for its power, economy, flexibility and smoothness. You can have the advantage of this motor’s wonderful gasoline economy and the satisfaction of its smoothness of opeiation only by owning a Studebaker LIGHT-SIX. Come in, see this remarkable car and judge for yourself. F Touring Car $1485 Landau-Roadster . 1650 Sedan . . . . 2150 Cord Tire Equipped F. O. B. South Bond Williams & Williams AT LAST—A VICTOR DEALER IN Tillamook County. Victor Vlo- trolas, $25.00 and up. Victor Re- coids, 85 cents and up. Tilla mook Music Cq., Opposite P. O. 11-lStf THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD —Victrolas and Victor Records. Tillamook Music Co., Opposite P. U. 11-1 kt f WE HAUL ANTTHNG ANYWHERE at any time. Oregon Transfer, office opposite P. O. Both phones. 12-9 tf THE WURLD MOVES; SO DO WE. Oregtflr Transfer, opposite P. O. Both phones. 12-9 if MONEY TO LOAN- ENQUIRE OF John Leland Henderson, 206-8r< St., Tillamook, Oregon. tf SINGER .AGENCY — OPPOSIT® 4 Postoffice. O. M. Cook. THE GREATEST ARTISTS OF TUB World have entrusted their repu tations to the Victor Recortbv Hear then at their best in own horn». Tillamook Mtislr Co., Dealers, opposite P. O. 11-lKti DOUGLAS COUNTY TAXIDER.M1 and Tanning Company, Taxi dermist of all kinds of animali and heads. Tans all C laSHCrt 31 furs; makes furs off classes Of furs. Manufacturers of all fur wear. We also buy mountain lion bobcat and raccoon hides, We pay best prices. Douglas County Taxidermy and Tanning Clmpnny, Roseburg, Oregon. 12-2Jtf PROFESSIONAL DR. WISE WILL BE AT HIS BAY City office each Monday mornbiî at 9 A. M. 2-24 'f DR. HAM’EY. OSTEOPATH Rom i 110 I. O. O. F. Bldg . Tillamoo’r. Mutual phone. Bell phone 146-M DR.’S ALLEN A SHARP DENTISTS Rational Ji.ilidlng. I DR. WISE WILL BE AT HIS TILLA- mook office every Monday aftei noon and Turrday until further notice. 2-24 tf DR. J. B. GRIDER. DENTIST, I. ( O. F. Bldg., Tillamook. Oregon.