Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 23, 1921, Image 3

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Peter Newberg, cir ct
j i C. Hanenkratt. fair grdg—
D. A. Simmons, cir ct
Oscar Hanenkratt. fair gds
Ira C. Smith, cir ct
E. F. Cornett, fair grds __
3 20
A. L. Thomas, cir ct
Smithy's Variety store, ct hs
33 00
H. J. Tnhl, cir ct. —
4 81 I J D. Wilson, cir ct. .
City Transfer Co. drayage ....
O. J. Wismer, cir ct
Epplett, circuit court 30.(TO Motorcycle & Supply Co. inc.
V. Stillwell, circuit court
sheriff’s office________
8 81 Ed Leach, cir ct__
Emil Heuser, cir et.
C. Magarrell fair grounds91:l;i.4" W. S. Coates, salary
Mary Burmester. mo.'s pen. 10.00 W. E. Anderson, salary ------ 21 75 L. L. McDaniels, cir
F. A. Beitz, cir ct
Johanna York, mo.'s epn— 17.50 A. H. Gulstrom, salary -----
20.63 C.
E. Boquist, cir ct
lvt.1 V. Gillam, mo.’s pen... - 17.50 W. H. Stark, salary ____ -...
3 13 Frank Berns, cir ct.
Augusta E Williams, mothers
Tillamook Merc. Co; co. poor 17.60
10.00 H. L. Gilham. salary ---------- 214.64 Otis Frisbie, cir ct.__
pensions_____ ____—
Erick Glad, cir ct__
Marie Getchell, mo.'s pen ... 40.00 Tillamook Headlight Pub. Co.
2 20
W. H. Hoskins, cir ct
Lena C. Hall, mo's pen____ IV oO
Printing--- -----------------
E. G. Krebbs, cir ct
Myrtle F. Dougherty, mothers,
P. B. C. Lucas, cir ct
pensions-------------------- J 0.00 M. O. Wilkins, sheriff of......
N. M. Nielson, cir ct
Mary L. Dye. mo's pen........ 32.50 Mrs. A B Y Spaulding, cir ct
L E. Partridge, cir ct
40.00 Chas. H. Burgraf. cir ct------
Elwe Hellebuyck mo.s pen
J. H. Proctor, cir ct —
Grace Childers, mo pen---- 40.00 W. S. Fleming, cir ct. —...
George Peterson, cir ct
5.45 1 H. West, cir ct.________
E. E. Koch supplies ----------
C. H. Jones, cir ct —
Grand Leader, co. poor____ 10.00 S D Gaunt, cir ct -------------
M. R. Terry, cir ct.
P W. Barrett, supplies...,»... 24.75 S. D. Gaunt, cir court _____
B R. Raney, cir ct ..
49.85 Mrs. Sam Howard, cir ct—
T. E. Epplett, jail ______ _
Lucy E. Doughtey, cir ct __
Henry Rogers, cir ct
Tillamook Co. Mutual Tel
Sam Moulton, cir ct
10.30 Theo. Jacoby, cir ct----------
ephone Co.__________
O. M. Cook, cir ct ....
G. B. Lamb, supplies... ..... 71 75 Gertrude H. Ashley, cir ct....
John Plasker, cir ct
Homer Mason, co. court...... 156.67 Wm. L. Provoost. cir ct.__
Chas. Pankow, cir ct
85.00 C. E. Hald, cir ct.________
Lura Leach, salary _______
Fred Small, cir ct -
R. N. Henkle, coroner ____ 41.00 Chas. Girard, cir ct. ----------
T. E. Epplett, ct. house ___ 90.00 Henry Nelson, cir ct ----------
Forrest Ayer, cir ct ----------
(Continued on Page 3)
Glass & Prudhomme Co elec­
_________ ».—a 4Z.TI John Carroll, ct. ct.----------
ü. S. Edwards, cir ct----------
Glass & Prudhomme Co
7.91 11-rt Hcyt, cir ct. —
Justice Court_______ -
Classified ads got n.suits..
15 30 Wallace Smith. Cil C. ------
Crystal Laundry, co. poor._
H. M. Farther, co. poor.—»... 133.34
Trask Drainage Dist........... 19S5 Webster Holmes, cir Ct ------
Headlight Classified ads bring
Kathleen Mills, salary ....— .. 125.00 James F. Haun, cir cl—.......
Mellie Haun, cir et -----------
Dr. Harvey E. Rinehart, co. .
quick results.
7.50 Mike Melcholr. Mr ct ---------
poor ____ __ _________
7 41 A. L. Thompson, c>r ct ——-
J. F. Jones, dist. sealer------
F. F. Sneider, cir et...............
Tillamook General Hospital, co.
137 oo Frank Allender. cir ct ------
.50 A. C. Anderson, cir ct---------
Henry Plasker, supplies __
H. V. Alley, co. court ____ 183.00 D. A. Bailey, cir ct-------------
8.45 Maurice J. Bays, cir ct------
Ciove.datc Hotel, cir. ct.__
59 00 F. C. Baker, cir ct-------------
- 11. V —- 1.1*-, w. puO..... —.....
8.25 J. L. Booth, cir ct ________
Sudtny’s Variety Store, sup
H. S. Brimhall, silar.... y_. 150 00 Albert Boon, cir ct -------- -
Bernice E. Ripley, salary__ 100.00 E. M. Condit, cir ct-------------
95.00 W. S. Cone, cir ct -------------
Edna L. Milla, salary
95.00 Grant Dawson, cir ct -------- -
Lelia D. Doty, salary
90.00 H. E. Follett, cir ct ----------
Margaret R- Shearer salary
E. L. Glaisyer, dairy hd ins. 50.00 L. P. Gray, cir ct —-- --------
E L. Glaisyer, dairy hd Ins. 230 00 D. P. Hoiisius, cir ct. ----------
C. F. DeFord, co. poor ____ 30.00 Fred F Humpke. cir ct ------
Mrs Arthur Tippin, supt. of. 25.00 J. W. Jennings, cir ct—..........
G. B. Lamb, salary _______ 150.00 C. C. Jensen, cir ct...... .....-
Marion Hare, salary ______ 85.00 I. G. Lance, cir ct ... ...........—
.75 Jerry Lewallien, cir ct ------
Mrs. Flora Hyde, supt. of__
C. A. Johnson, salary _______ .150.00
Myrtle Wallin, salary______ 100.00
John Aschim, salary ______ 176.67
Conover & Conover, co poor 40 00
Frank Carver, indemnity —, . 17.50
D. M. Penter, indemnity — 35.00
C. W Hatfield, indemnity __ IT 50
A. Vetsch, indemnity
John R Patterson indemnity
Cloverdale hotel, co. poor.— 30.00
T. H. Goyne, diet. atty.------ 48.25
10 00
A. B. Cole, surv of________
John A. Benson, co. pqod —- 20.47
E. W. Perkins, salary..
L. L. Seits, salary ----
1 25 00
L. B. Lucas, salary —
, 125.00
Helen 7binger, salary—
. 100.00
E. W. Holden, salary _
Etypn Norberg, salary
Tillamook Herald, printing.. 15.62
Frederick Post Co., Bur. of— 12.18
John A. Benson, co. poor.— 24.60
John Bodie, cir ct.------------- 13.20
Albert Plank, cir. ct.----------
9 60
Ralph Himes, cir. ct. —-......
Joe Vermilyea, cir. ct.------ 12 00
Ernest Worthington, cir ct— 10.80
F. L. Sappington, cir ct------ 17.40
Hoad Builders Equipment Co.
Assessor’s office ----------
H. S. Brimhall, clerk
Oregon Transfer, ct. house.'— 28.00
1 95
W. 8. Coatee, surveyor------
Bushong & Co supplies------ 383.60
Floyd Inghram, co. poor ...... 10.00
Hebo Garage, sheriff office.— 16.63
Oregon Transfer Co. fair gds
W. R Gould, fair grounds.... 159.00
W. H. Hardt, fair grda
i n
Cadillac Stage Line
will ¡»nt its new schcilit’e into effect
at once with no stops for dinner in
order to reach Portland and Tilla­
mook at an early hour. Ticket office:
F. B. McKinley* Real Estate Office,
Bell phone 72W and Mutual phone.
Portland Hoyt Hotel
8:15 A M.
2 P. M.
7:30 A. M.
1:45 P. M.
An. Tillamook 1:30 & 7:30
An. Portland 1 & 7:10 P. M.
O uï Tillamook Strawberries
Are Like Tillamook Cheese
The Finest in the World.
People from all over the country are
marvelling at the size and quality of our
Serve them every meal, preserve and
can all you can, thereby helping the
growers of Tillamook County and having
something find for your own use
Is headquarter for these fine strawberries.
E. G. Anderson
Why worry?
we make it ourselves
The Louvre
We Make Paints, Varnishes
For Women’s Use at Home
to see the transformation yoa
yourself can make in home
with keen home pride want
things—furniture, floors, walls,
to do their own painting and
varnishing at home, and thou- woodwork, bric-a-brac, etc
sands do—with materials we
“Just a can of paint or var>
nish and a little work that’s
We make those materials es­ fun" works wonders.
pecially for home use. You
Our knowledge of paints and
ask for "Fuller’s Home Service" painting practice has been gained
through 72 years’ experience.
Paint Products.
And we maintain a special We are one of the country’s
“Home Service Department” largest manufacturers of paint
furnishing fret information and products and make the very fin­
detailed direction) which will est kind of goods.
enable anyone to do his or her
Don’t think because you’ve
never done it that you can’t do
own work.
• You simply describe the arti­ work like this yourself. Try it
with our help.
Just follow
cle, how finished now, and the
Fuller’s Specifications and you’ll
effect you want to get. We tell
you how, the kind of paint, the get the desired effects.
housands of women
kind of brush—the things you
need to know to do good work.
You’ll be surprised, delighted
Remember—don’t allow sur­
faces to rot. It costs leu to
paint them.
“The AH-Ptsrpese Vanish
Adapted for aay surface either
inside or outside. The u se dur­
able varnish obtain­
able. Withstands in­
terior wear and
weather exposure.
Does not scratch,
peel, rub off or turn
Driea over­
FuLLrawKA* is Ful-
ler’a Specification for
all-purpose varnish­
ing at home—for furniture, table«,
chair», linoleum, etc Boiling water
cannot harm it, nor rolling furni­
ture. Dries dust-free in four hours.
Walk on it overnight
W. P. Fuller & Co
Dept. 11, San Francisco
Pioneer Paint Manufacturers for
71 Years
Established 1849
Branches in 18 cities In the West
Dealers Everywhere
Also makers of Rubber-Cement Floor
Paint All-purpose Varnishes. Silken-
white Enamel. Fifteen-for-Floors Var­
nish. Washable Wall Finish. Auto
Enamel. Barn and Roof Paint, Porch
and Step Paint
Home Service’Piaints
Vamlghgg - Enamels
M’fd by W. P. Fuller A Co.
cation "H-nn* Sablee"
Products which tall»
to buy for th« work you h*»« in
Cowralt oar AiMsory D«W»_
ment relative to the S-.lUU»
you mar hsee m mœ«-
Tiitemook CouLty Bank
E. N. Anderson. Nehalem.
Velara A Co. Bay City.
(Not published last week)
The Cloverdale high school ttud-
ents had a picnic at Pacific City
on Wednesday of last week.
Miss ’Gray Light is hom» troni
McMinnville where .-he has been ut*
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Craven of 51 » da
were in town on Tuesday of l..et
Clarence Roy is working lor Will
A pagent of Nations wa.t given
by the Juniors Tuesday evening of
last week at the Presbyterian
J. R. Bidgood, former principal of
the C. H. S.. has been doing some
paper hanging for Clay Taylor.
W. S. Grant of Dalles was through
here the middle of last week
L. D. Heatou is on the sick list.
Miss Joy Hornschuch spent Mon­
day night of last week with Miss
Viva Owens.
Prof. W. E. Buell recently
his Chevrolet to M. L. Gulden
purchased a Dodge.
Nick Sheets and Chester Wot’h-
ngtou were Tillamook visitors on
Tuesday of last week.
Schuyler Edwards of Sandlake
was in this vicinity last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Werschkul
went to Portland last week to atteud
the Rose Festival.
Mrs. A. A. Imlah and .Mrs. Gladys
Baker were Tillamook visitors Sat­
The Misses Nona and Dorothy
Brooten, who have been visit in.? in
Tillamook the past two weeks, re­
turned to their home last Wednes­
The Cloverdale high school jun­
iors gave a party last Thursday ev­
ening in honor of the seniors. The
freshmen and sophomores were also
present and everyone sA>m> d to be
having a nice time.
Mrs. Mary Jenck le on the nick
Miss Gladys pari was a Tillamook
v'sitor last week.
The Middle Oregon Baptist Ascu-
elation met with the Clovctdul? per*
pie last week.
J. R. Bidgood and family visited
at the Clay Taylor home last Thurs­
. Albert Haedlnger made n busine-a
trip to the county seat last Tuesday.
Zu rah Cm there passed away last
Thursday morning at the home of
bls parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
He had been suffering
for a long time with spinal trouble
and had recently undergone two r.p-
erations but to no avail,
his parents, a sister, Rosa, and two
brothers. Nelson and Fred, survive.
The funeral services were heM at
the Presbyterian church Friday and
interrment was In the Gist cemete-y.
Mrs. H. H. Brooten and son Harry
were inTlHamook last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bennett were
in Hebo Saturday evening.
Mrs. Lena Hall was a Tillamook
visitor Saturday.
Henry Parks left for Portland
Sunday morning and expects to
bring back a mule team and wagon
which he recently purchased there.
The Children's Day exeicises at
the Presbyterian church Sunday
morning were well attended
little folks did well with their parts
and «gteryone present enjoyed the
A. 8. Simmons of Madras was in
town last week.
The high school graduation exer­
cises for the class of 1921 were held
In the auditorium last Friday even­
The following graduates rec­
eived their diplomas: Miss Iva John­
(»XKOXM'X'MOJ son, Floyd Light and Miss Gludyce
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Gulden were
Tillamook visitor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cook, parents
of Mrs. Clyde Lane, were seriuusiy
Injured last Tuesday when c lining
at irom the valley in thetr car.
When near the home of Henry Horn-
scuch, Mr. Cook, who was driving,
lost control ut ahe car and it went
over the grade.
Doctors Ruse'll
and LeFever both hastened to the
acene of the accident where they
found both occupants of the car had
fecelved serious injuries.
Mr. Cook
was cut about tbs head and M.s.
Cook had Internal injuries from
which she died Friday evening.
Mr. Cook is reported as recovering
Mr and Mrs Carl Shortridge w
a Tillamook visitor Saturday
Mrs. R. H. Laffoon visited at V
Ed Earl home Sunday.
Mrs. Albert l’a<dlnx>ir
Hemlock Monday.
Charlie Cruthers and family w
Pacific City visitors Sunday.
Miss Lois Cochran visited at the
Were it not for the aaaietancc the Department
A. A. Imlah home Sunday.
Mrs. Lest sir Ray went to rillaiu
of the Interior has rendered, our wonderful
ook Saturday.
irrigation systems, waterworks and similar
C. R. Chase of Grangeville, Idaho
projects could never here been developed. Program
spent several days In Cloverdale la-t
euch m thia ia vital to ail of ua. Thia phase of our
Albert Haedlnger was a TilTamo It
government's endeavors to further prosperity is graph­
business visitor Monday.
ically told in the fifth of the aeries of articles which
A number of Cloverdale Rebekah:'
issue each month.
went to Heaver .Monday night to t <
present at c. meeting of the Clover­
To receive this story and the ones previously pub­
dale and Beaver Rebekahs.
lished send us your name and ad areas. There’s no
Mrs. Will Prater was a Tflamo »
coot to you—nor are yoo placing yourself under any
visitor Saturday.
H. L. Gilham, deputy assess' r
has been assessing property in tlor
vicinity recently,
John Redwine was a Tlllam< a
visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens Wire
Hebo visitors Monday.
Mrs. James Imlah of Hebo vit *
ed at the A. A. Imlah home the fu
of the week.
Let some one else
do that
We are prepared to
take care of your
ice cream needs at
any time—
Headlight Advertisers Get Quick
and Sure Results