Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 16, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1Û21.
At The Churches
Local News
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wirtz of Me
Minnville were Tillamook visitors
the first of the week.
* ‘
l.urisi^an Lcicucc sc< i.
eei vice's Injhe Woodmat.’; iia.'i.
Anderson left
for Portland for a fe
with friends and rela:
tional BumHng, every Sunday ,
A. M. Sunday eehoal at 10 a .
> i
Wedoet’da-x erring m<» h
and third’Wwlne*days of taoh mun h
Everybody welcome.
• » » •
'1 ■ ■
* •
F. D Small returned from
land Tuesday with Mr R.'.» i ->>7
Bay City after a few da,' s ’ms n<
Clarence Stanle of lire 7i.i.<
Mons Schnal .-e urned from I’t - i-
;> Ul' <1
Jai d tu. aiier part of the week, County bank has been 1:
is LOW
whore h w;.s buying stock f; r fall I
recovering after having his tiir
trade in his new buiidl ig.
lanced by Dr. Boals.
Ollie Miner, a
Mrn. Carri . Marlof was pah
bruised as a result of her mill ; we.-
gon turnin? into a stump and
throwing her to tlv- pav ment tear
the South Prairie creamery early
Tuesday morning. Dr. BmtU at-
#unqa<'. Seltao 11 A. M.
Moiniyg Worship. 11 A. M.
No ^evening tvorshl;; <
the uirion services, n»ti-
Jng at ‘tjte Christian Can. h
. A« are welcome.
i ALLAN A. McREA, MiniM.h
Lyle Smith, pilot st tile J iilarnook
Ain ruft company, i.< i.t? rt bnune ¡
trip to Portland Saturday, returning
Henton Brown of Sbendali ar-
rlrved in Tlllamook Tuesday, Mr
Brown < xpecta to start di ; iug a
. 1/ for a local flrm soon.
Mrs. W. L. Ci'mpbii
for a bus’ness visit
prior to tnpving to <h.
Sunday Üchooi at 1^0 A. M
Mqruing War iiip at
o’<4 jck.
Rev H..UeUbJer of Porti;.nd.
1 >n,
ti Cormei^pastor, will condo»
for II. .
\aempel, -.. Im
» ▼iilescijig in Portland.
There.will be no evening
it Litjij
« F. S. Allen of Forest Grov-, arriv-
ed in the city Tuesday and is ic .;-
istered at the THlamook.
™ ftT
--- ------------
Vast Throngs Wander From
iPlaca to Place Clad Only
In hags.
From 'tljo Near East. com<-
pSui ft: clCitMUg.
Five yeaia| of I
destituti'!. have reduced hundieds ofl
of people there io a n o
tya^y t«pu»ards of Armenians,
driven, froiu >hf.r ’■ n» ■ during the
1,10 I
war, ari .'¿11 in »xi'». There haa^j
to '
been uio ■
to uei .re clothing tn
replace, v •mt they wore when they
wero drb' n tortb.
’All industry is pa.ralyzeiT The pen-1
pi». '■•#. ,h 'gilling. cannot earn a live
Vast througs wander from
p»aoe to plpce, clad only in bl i.a of
Kg» apd »trip» of burlap bags.
The littl* children are perhaps tbu
'be.vereBt »offerers. A report from .
Near'East Relief worker, Miss Maria
P. j^cobaen, is* typical of »core» of
oihdr». She write»:
“Hundred» of little children in
•ur >r .lanage at Harpoot, dragged
IRemaelvea to US, »uttering acute
rheumatism and pneumonia as a
- —t Some
result of lack "
of clothes,
were affected by gangrene from
frozen feet.”
at least—thia
To relieve—In part,
Brest diatresB, Near East Relief, which,
under a Congresaional charter, oper­
ate* in thia Held, had undertaken to
«..I'.oct quautltles of cant-off or other
'4We <’ri-I-jg V. hat is needed is good
f'-ncUeabld Clothing.
Every man, woman and child in I
America 1» a»ked to help. Every gar,
meat count».
\ single coat may save a human
A n n o u n c e
■ ■ • i ly if. niel who went ■ > II1C
Faulty steering geer •was
dental college in Portland .ast -viti
cause of Hairy Nielsen’s Ford lum-
ter, arrived home Saturday to *p< nd
ing into the ditch Tuesday mo. iuo; the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Clay
The only damage reported w ii
Daniel, His parents.
broken wind hield and the irritation
Flora Jackson left Sunday for her
of a bad temper.
home in Lorrane.
Mr. Toffard and Gentry were in
The County has put its 1.0 H. F.
caterpillar tractor to hauling gravel Tillamook Tuesday.
A. W. Kilburg left Wedtr sdry foi
from the Kilchis river bunkers to
th< roads which are being re paired a short business visit to Portland.
He returned Suturdey.
in thit vicinity.
Rudolph Zwiefel id luakmg go.ri
E. L. Julien of Portland, is l<g-
progress on his new store in Mohler.
istered at the Tillamook this week.
Geo. Fletman b ft Thursday t ,r .
1.. C. Olds of Beaverton, »is t ous- visit in Michigan.
ines s visitor this week.
Achievement Day at the school
house Saturday was a g/cai 4icc<s<.
C.E. BoggesH of Portland is spend­
The exhibit and program was V' i y
ing a few days in the city.
interesting. About ?35 was made
J. L. Wright was a visitor fioin
on the lunch.
Portland this week. .
Elda Archibald having linished
j. L. Zeuor of Barview was a high school is home again.
THlamook visitor Monday.
“The Episllon” the Wheeler high
S. M. Elnui of Salem, was one of school annual arrived Friday it is
Tillamook’s many visitors tlit' week. the first annual gotten up by '.he
(’ml Baines of Eugene, was a but- high school and is said to be a suc­
lni'ss visitor Monday.
Mrs. Speed Thompson ha» l>. • t
J. A. Toyer of Portland, was In routined to her horn«' f<>. sone 'Irr.e
tills city on business the early part with a severe attack of la
of the week.
She is just beginning to get around.
Several flsh boats left for t-' i i
A. M. Standish and wife, of Port
land, aie registered at the Tillamook Tuesday.
Fi rd Loekb y, a journalist for > he"|
this week.
Roy Trout of Barview was a visitor Oregon Journal was here
Loekley spent last summw here
tilts v.e<’k.
and wrote a very interesting d'serip-
R. A. McDonald ol Por;land, was tion in the Journal about the N ha-
a basine
vielte' he flirt if tin lent valley.
Mre. J. A. Jensen will be I’n-.-t*
B. B. Perrow of Tacoma. Wash, at a Silver T’a at her hum ■ June 9.
was in Tillamo'Ut Tuesday, lookliiie It is for the benefit of the 1 a lies
over the buslnes't situation here.
Mr. and Mrs. Allayn Cady Mrs.
W. Dahlsberg of Grants
Graves and Mrss. Kelly motored to
a local visitor M'nday
Corvallis Friday and returnci’ Mou-
Tfc.© last word in Quality
Tjhe best
in Price
.v. •
da7 Mrí I C*3j and Hfi
Cady returned with them.
Mr. Hansen’s house waas iirn.d
when Mr. McKibbens and Ml Smith
felled a tree across it.
Harry Foster was killed Saturday
in North Bend when a log fell off
a train and struck him. He Is well
known in Wheeler as he v as once
employed here.
The baccalaureate address vill be
given in the M. E. church Sunday
June 12 by a minister from T.lla
lting her sister Mrs. D. L. Joness.
Mrs. Geo. Hotchkiss of Walla Wai
1 lr is visiting with .her mother Mrs
Laura Curl.
W. B. Watt and Mr. Spencer of
Brirghtdn motored to Portland Sat­
urday and returned on Sunday eve­
ning. Mrs. Watt returned vi h
Mrs. Andy Steam returned
Brighton Sunday iter a weeks »kit
with rela :v. and friends in Port­
alt. and Mrs. Earl Gee of Brigh­
Laura Bays left Tuesday mim’iig i
ton v.vi. very much surpris'd w hen
for Los Angeles.
Mis. Lena McIntyre of Portland, Mrs. Gee's brother drove In f i om
has been visiting her parents at Bea- Philomcth. He loft Tuesday.
r, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Bays
Thomas B. Watt left for a buti-
Mr and Mrs McPherson, who re- ness trip to Portland on Monday.
cemiy uougiit the K B. aUVx.>Ai*y I *Miss Agnes Coates of Tiilamooit.
place have moved onto the iMlli).
came to Brirgliton oa Sunday to
Mrs. Bailey of Salem, is visi'ing spend a, few days w ith Mr. and Mrs.
her daughter, Mrs. Franc« * Werde Paul Werner.
Mrs. Ed Kellow and daughter Mrs.
Mr. Downey, representing 'io Si­
Watd Sappington went to Por land monds Saw Co., was in Brighton
Tuesday. Mr. Downey sta^d •
Mr. Jory spent the last week at there were only a few mills i umtn -•
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S.iv on the Columbia river.
age .Mr. Jory Is a brother-in-law of
Robert Watt of Bay City, spent
Mrs. Savage.
, Tuesday in Brirhton.
Mr. and Mrss. Il A. Heilbler of
Mr. and Mrs. Lint But’s i.ntl
Dallas, spent Sunday with B» iv > John Strand of Brigli on mopr >J to
Tillamoik on Tuesday.
sixe "”’]
Anu-Skid JCifety T’tad
Vacation Trips
P!*n nov far
vHit back emit to your old home town
Low round Trip Tickets,
Sale al
Reduced Fare.
Fabric Tires
Otte Wav Fares
in effect
June 10 and Daily, thereafter.
Final return rmit round tri» tickets, three month, from Mile date.
not ewreillna.Uctober ¿list. Stop over, prrtnl'icrt and choice of route.
t'n votir bars ea»t trip see Crater La r Lake Tn! 'r. Yoaetnitc Sequoia Nat­
ional Pnrk.Carri wo Oorgt. a grand and highly c 'lorcd canyon wen from the
ear window*, or the Apnchr Trial and Kooaevelt t>am.
Week End Special Train
is now r>t<rating between
Portland and Tillamook
t.eaTc« Portland Saturday 13 45 i
Leaved Ti’latnvok Sunday 3.3.’ p.
Arrive’» Tllkurook h .IO p. m.
Arrive* Portland 10.33 p ni.
Eujov Hud outing in the mountains or
by the seasiiore
• Oregon Outdoor»’’
A new summer booklet, erap icallly describes the different re-
Mirt« in western Oregon and includes hotel and camp inform»,
tion Copy free on rsquest.
»Y>r particulars aa to pa ser er fare», route», train «hetlul«
or »leeplng car reeervatai ms. inquire of any ticket agent of
Pot Roast
Boiling Beef
Pork Steak
Leg Pork ...
Loin Pork ....
Pork Sausage
Hamburg Steak
Leg Veal ..........
Veal Steak
Veal Chops
Veal Stew .
Large Pall
Small Pail
Small Pail ................. .
Large Pail
Where Quality Js Paramount
this summer because of the
offered by the big cross continent railroad
Union Pacific System
Serving tiie transportation needs of the
OrtRt Pacific Northwest
arid giving through service via the popuhir direct
routes t° Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, Kansa«
. 1 ■' ’ . • ‘:ml. Minneapolis and Chicago on these
two strictly first class trains.
Orefon-V/ashington Limited” and “Continental Limited"
Tickets on Sale Daily
l Util and including
~ August
m—.. ■ 15th, Return limit 90
‘my», but not later than October 31st.
S113.66 Memphis $118.45 Pueblo
__ _ Minneapolis
St Paul
Kansas City $94.45 Omaha
$94.45 St. Louis $10*-*s
Propotdonate reduction, to rutny points East. Stop-oven •*
Peasute. Side trip, may be ar ranged for Yellowstone, O'*
and Rocky Mountain NVfcnal parks.
^or romplete details aa t,. rout lngB traiB schedules, side