I .h H t Thursday, June 23rd Tuesday, June 21st Saturday, June 18th— Douglas McLean and Doris Blay and Vf A ’ taken from THE LIT OF THE Brf'~ HOU CENTURY COMEDY. Sunday-Monday, June 19th-20ih- Wednesday, June ‘The Lamplb 1 A sensational and thri-loiig’ ptcttir-- lakes, an opposed man i. <2.c, die the 1 liaby and Fendin'* it to sea to i>,- sequent discovery of (he great "mi- .di The story of a Jigger who put the Jay in JAZZ. . other tense scenes MAKE this oie of the SEE ! all the latest stepA and fads in dancing-■ — j pictures of the season. ~s . r then some ! with witching Behe Daniels and. \ “Wally Reid’s own Jazz Band. A SYNCC- , iLl ,LA A A (Îàk.iaJi PATE D ROMANCE OF J AZZ JUDS and JOY. 13” Buster Keaton Comedy ADULTS, 35c BRIDE OBSCURES THEGRÒM Automobile Sales Hold Sfeatdy Glad, Leah Graves, Wesley Tippin, Nadine Williams, Harold Erickson, Louisiana Court Has Solemnly Held The sale of autorio’-il'during That the Man Does Not Attract The. Tillamook Jersey Calf ciao Allin J. Krake, Marjorie liv.ike. Any Attention. took an active part in thr Jersey Ju­ I Walter Earl, Edith Miller, Oradell i the past few weeks has ' nt.rd bilee on Friday, June third, being i Miller, Catl Blaser, Joseph Blaser, steady notwithstanding the g-uidtnj It is ut last judicially (Ipferminetf • on the program that followed the ‘ Agnes Blaser, Laverna Ackley, and dinner at Fairview Grange hall. The Howard Hohlfeld. A meeting pre­ tightening of money it: Cnnncii 1 cir­ that the groom at a wedding is merely prize-winning essays were read at liminary to the Jersey Jubilee was cles, caused by the closlio of indus • n necessary Incl hut, accessory, or piece of furniture. The bride 4i the that time and prizes awarded by th held on Wednesday, June 1. ax. the tries and the lack of employ nient whole cast. In a divorce action in Jersey Cattle club as follows: First, Louisian«, in which de ndant denied $2 5 to Wesley M. Tippin; second, i honte of the local club leader, Mr 'J oughout the n .tion $15 to Tlielma Hoover; third, $10 i Joe Donaldson. Mr. Allen, Stat? --- i-.c reports ci rs he was the man who hail marrH The Sunset Garage to Lenh M. Graves. The program Livestock Club leader, was present, plaintiff, nnd his Identity with the was brought to a close when 24 1 to give suggestions and live stock selling as well as can be expected, bridegroom was in Issue, the cunrt calves were exhibited by th* follow­ considering the financial condition says: ing club members: Joseph Maxwell, ! judging instruction. A team tj •op- “The only evlt’t ice Introduced by Merrill Maxwell, Thelma Hoover, resent the club on June lltli al Gm at the present time, although ihuy the defendant in upport of his de Helen Hoover, Fred Donaldson, Mil­ Linn county picnic and contest w US believe that the sales will b gi • to nlnl that it wi\s lie who married plain-,1 dred Glad, Blanche Glad, Edwin I selected at Mr. Mills’ farm on •he pick up soon due to the latent drrp tiff in Indianapolis on October 9, 1011, was the testimony of the Pro­ morning of June 3rd. Weesl.y Tip­ In the prices of their lim of cars. bate judge who performed1 the cere- ’ pin, Harold Proctor, and Schuyler Williams & Williams report that inony and that of the proprietor of the ■ Fl tcher are on the judging team the sales are slow In coming in, but Imperial hotel. The Probate judge j and Edwin Glad was selected as in­ nnd the proprietor of the Irnjiertai ;; dividual contestant. These boys will they believe the fall in prices w 11 hotel both testified that they had 1dm- j ■ >n ns she hid g hold a practice meet on Thursday at offset this and that trade rjill bcg:n, i hb■•! the piaiiii i r the home of Edwin Glad and will to pick up soon as several inquiries spoken to them .- a n they Stepp»! g of iLe tr.iin in <’rl.*!iM; an-J I leave for Corvallis with the county have come in, also more interest is from that drenm ■■ mice, counsel f«r club leader on Friday morning, June being shown by the buying put lie, defendant argue licit the Probit» ' 10th. fudge nnd the pro-.- tor of the hottf When the Jersey Jubilee paused since word was received of ¿he prlfe would surely have con able to identi­ at Hi bo on Thursday afternoon, drop. fy the defendant if he were the in­ Merle Jensen, Vernon Jensen, and The Star Garage people d > not dividual to whom plaintiff was mar­ Lloyd McKillip of the Nestucca Jer­ ried by the judge in presence of the sey Calf club were present with look for any increase in the :r;..-r fu ’